In the main, it remains older cars that are targeted because advances in efficiency and technology mean the latest generations of Toyota catalytic converters contain vastly lower amounts of precious metals,

while still doing their job just as well or even better – this means their value for recycling is very low and they are not attractive to thieves.

It’s a serious problem then and while manufacturers are doing something about it, it will take these changes some time to filter down to the cars you’re buying.

There’s still plenty you can do to prevent yourself becoming a victim though so keep reading for our top ten tips to stop your catalytic convertor getting stolen.

How to stop your catalytic converters being stolen

In order to steal the parts, thieves need to slide under the vehicle and use cutting tools to detach the box from the pipes around it.

This means how you park you car matters. Parking close to walls or fences can help, but remember not to block pedestrian access, especially for wheelchair users.

Catalytic converters

Some garages will etch a unique serial number onto your catalytic converter so it can be easily identified if it is stolen.

You’ll also be provided with a sticker to be displayed in your window that indicates your catalytic converter is marked – which prevents offenders from targeting your vehicle.

If your catalytic converters is bolted on, you can ask for your local garage to weld the bolts to make it more difficult to remove.

You can purchase devices that lock in around the  to make it more difficult to remove. has its own device, called a Catloc. The Catloc has over 45 bespoke fitments, so the device should fit quite a few models in the range.

The Catloc costs between £200 and £250 (depending on model), which includes VAT and fitting by a Toyota retailer. While this isn’t a cheap solution, replacing a catalytic converters can cost well over £1000, including fitting. Hybrid models , which contain a higher percentage of precious metals, are also particularly at risk. The Catloc can’t guarantee theft prevention but it does make cutting the cat converters out more difficult.

Installing security cameras (CCTV, Ring Doorbell etc) seems like an obvious answer, and it is. Unfortunately, if you don’t park on your driveway then this can be significantly more difficult to implement.

Catalytic converters

There are alternative options to keep an eye on your car when you park it up, like wildlife trail cameras – but realistically it’s best to park in areas where there’s possible CCTV filming anyway – like well-lit, well-traversed streets if you can’t park off-street.

With the cost of CCTV systems falling an becoming an easy job to intall (not requiring specialist services), it’s never been simpler to keep an eye on your car. It’s worth considering for peace of mind generally, not just for catalytic converters theft.

This is another one that’s more to do with common sense and lowering the chances of a crime being committed generally – it’s not specific to catalytic converters theft.

Thieves are often opportunistic and the equipment required to cut out a cat converters is pretty heavy-duty, but once a vehicle is targeted – thieves tend to wait for an opportunity to strike as the theft itself takes a matter of minutes.

If you park in an area that’s well lit, which people regularly walk past, you’re less likely to come back to find your catalytic converter has been pinched.

If your vehicle doesn’t have an alarm and you live in an area where cat converter thefts are on the rise (big cities like London), it’s definitely time to invest in one. The noise of the alarm should be enough to scare off any thieves.

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