First of all, the converters unlimited is an essential part of a whole car, as well as ignition. Among many reasons for a malfunction of ignition, that can cause a misfire, the main ones are:

  1. Failure of converters unlimited elements of the ignition system. Armored wire, spark plugs, coil, or breaker-distributor. Also, at low temperatures in candle wells, condensation may form, which can cause “breakthrough” into aconverters unlimited.
  2. Malfunctions in the fuel-air system can be associated with clogged dirt and deposits in injection nozzles, air and fuel filters. These ailments are manifested in the “triplet” of an engine at idle, which disappears after warming up.
  3. Low compression in all cylinders or its non-uniform distribution indicates wear of elements of a cylinder-piston group or malfunctions in the operation of gas distribution mechanism.
  4. The incorrectly adjuste valve can lead to a violation during the compression stroke of the tightness of the entire converters unlimited chamber. The lack of an optimal fit of a valve disc to the seat, as well as burnout of a valve, will become reasons for misfiring.
  5. Poor fuel quality, leaks, or low delivery pressure due to improper catalyst operation of the fuel pump can also cause a misfire.
  6. Failure in converters unlimited operation of the electronic control unit entails the transmission of an incorrect signal from sensors to turn off injectors. Therefore, the engine begins to “triple”, there is a misfire.
  7. The motor shakes and does not run. A problem that is easy to describe in words, but difficult to find. The stricter name for this problem is a misfire.

Articles about catalytic converter in Egypt — Photo № 1 | AutoCatalyst Market

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