The failure of converters unlimited does not occur suddenly

With proper operation of all other systems, it serves faithfully for many years until the moment the vehicle is disposed. If your old  converters unlimited has to be recycled, you almost certainly have to diagnose and repair the ignition or power system.

As a rule, the converters unlimited  is destroyed due to incorrect operation of these two systems. With a faulty ignition system, fuel in one or more cylinders does not burn out completely, but enters the exhaust system.

Heated converters unlimited  is forced to burn out increased volumes of hydrocarbons that heat the cells to ultra-high temperatures, which leads to their sintering. Causes of major trouble can be spark plugs, coils, or high voltage wires. Similar failures are also caused by malfunction of nozzles.

Another common cause for converters unlimited  problems is severe mechanical damage, leading to deformation of housing. It is important to remember that thin-walled cells easily crumble even with minor exertion.

When leaving for off-road, it will be useful to take care of installing additional protection for the underbody of a car.

Untimely repair of  converters unlimited is dangerous because small particles of ceramics can get through exhaust path directly into engine cylinders. Once there, they instantly scratch the walls of cylinders and completely disable motor.

The turbine suffers from ceramic debris. Additional heating of exhaust tract leads to deformations of cylinder head and greatly reduces resource of a power unit.

Articles about catalytic converter in Egypt — Photo № 3 | AutoCatalyst Market

Key reasons for  converters unlimited failure to avoid:

  1. Poor fuel quality. Most often it is with a low octane rating. System switches to late ignition. This causes mixture to burn out at the outlet and increase temperature of the exhaust gases.
  2. Incorrect operation of ignition system (misfire). The fuel that is not burnt in one cylinder is immediately ignited and burned in converters unlimited.
  3. Mechanical damage to converters unlimited . Increased vibration of a power unit and impacts on converters unlimited lead to crumbling of ceramic block.
  4. Thermal shock. Instant cooling of a hot converters unlimited while overcoming a puddle, for example, can cause cracks in ceramic element.
  5. Incorrect air-fuel mixture caused, for example, by a malfunction of oxygen sensor. The same effect will cause leaky, pouring nozzles.
  6. Adding additives to gas. Cocktails from unverified manufacturers or impaired concentration can increase combustion temperature.

Latest designs with minimal toxicity are programmed to quickly warm up the catalytic converter. In case the situation has gone bad, do not wait long to minimize expenses to repair. Get rid of your old converters unlimited and get paid for It!

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