A  converters unlimited  is one of the main elements of the exhaust system, performing the function of reducing the emission of harmful substances and exhaust gases into the atmosphere.

It is usually installed on both gasoline and diesel power plants in close proximity to the exhaust manifold or muffler.

The converters unlimited is subject to mandatory disposal, which is a complicated process that requires special equipment. The purchase of a converters unlimited has been carried out almost everywhere.

Articles about catalytic converter in Egypt — Photo № 1 | AutoCatalyst Market

The cost of every used car converters unlimited depends on:

  • Type of device (metal or ceramic);
  • Countries of origin (Germany, France, USA, Japan or China, RF);
  • Car model, engine size, year of manufacture, country of assembly or where it was exported;
  • From size: cut from the body, whole or broken, shredded;
  • On the purity, degree of contamination of the delivered mass: with asbestos, cotton wool or without;
  • From exchange quotations of prices for metals Pt, Pd, Rh and from exchange rates;
  • Weights, there are converters unlimited which weight is only 100 grams;
  • Duration of operation and its intensity, up to 150 tons of 1/3 of the original;
  • On the quality and type of fuel. For example, on gas for 2 years and as a result it is almost empty.
  • The price of the first converters unlimited is higher than all subsequent ones, even if they are in the same housing, with the exception of Subaru, on the contrary, the latter is more expensive.

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