Technically, yes. A missing catalytic converter will not interfere with your driving. Newer models may activate the engine light to signify something is wrong when the system doesn’t detect it.

In most developed countries, driving without a catalytic converter is an offense due to the harmful emissions that a vehicle produces without it. Here in Kenya, NEMA regulations stipulate that ‘No person shall cause or allow the emission of visible air pollutants from a stationary or mobile vehicle in excess of the limits set out under the prescribed Standard.’

Similarly, through KEBS, Kenya has adopted the Euro 4 Emission directives, which seek to limit the emission of harmful gases like carbon monoxide by vehicles.

Going forward, the catalytic converter will become even more critical, particularly for the environment.

Which cars are at the most risk for catalytic converter theft?

There are no statistics in Kenya showing which vehicles are at most risk for catalytic converter theft. Going by international trends, hybrid cars  are at the most risk. This is because hybrid cars run less on fuel, so their catalytic converters are less eroded and contain more precious metals.

It is important to note that most thefts are acts of opportunity. To steal a catalytic converter, a thief has to crawl under your car. Unless someone has targeted your car because it is a hybrid, for the most part, a thief will strike when they see a chance.

This makes it easier to steal from SUVs, trucks, and pickups as they are generally higher than small sedans. Theft can also be influenced by where you park your car. If you leave it for long periods in a poorly lit area or in a basement, chances for theft are higher.

How can I protect my catalytic converter from being stolen?

You can do some things to protect your catalytic converter from being stolen, or if not, make it as difficult as possible.

Remember, thieves can remove a catalytic converter in under five minutes and less if they are experienced.

  • Have your mechanic weld it to the car’s frame. This won’t make it impossible to steal, but it will definitely make it harder.
  • Where possible, park your car in a well-lit area, near entrances, and in the vicinity of CCTV cameras.
  • Have your car serviced in a garage that you trust
  • Consider installing an alarm that can detect vibration in the car

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