Car converter unlimited is designed to neutralize harmful car exhausts and is part of exhaust system.

A converter unlimited is an element of an engine exhaust system designed to clean exhaust gases before they are released into the atmosphere. The need to develop this automobile motor assembly arose in 60s of the last century, when the world community was concerned about the state of ecology on our planet. At that time, the level of emissions from automobile exhaust pipes was not established at legislative level.

The first standards for content of toxic products in car emissions were introduced in 1970s. Auto producers were required to equip cars with devices that reduce volume of carbon monoxide and products of combustion of hydrocarbons. Since 1975, catalyst has become an indispensable part of all cars coming off the assembly line.

Manufacturers install three types of converter unlimited on cars:

  1. Ceramic item use a mechanical method of cleaning exhaust gases. It consist of ceramic plates coated with precious metals.
  2. Maximum resource of this type of work is 100 thousand kilometers. However, with poor fuel quality, its replacement is required after 70–80 thousand kilometers.
  3. Metal converter unlimited has another construction. Its filling consists of metal honeycombs with increased elasticity. The design of such parts is reliable and more durable than ceramic converter unlimited.
  4. Sports converter unlimited is considered to be the most reliable model. But at the same time it has a high cost. Made of metal it has greater bandwidth than the two previous options.

What does catalyst consist of and how it works?

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converter unlimited device has ceramic honeycombs in its basis

Structurally, converter unlimited  is a ceramic substrate made in the form of honeycombs, inserted into a metal housing and protected by heat-insulating materials. Small cells of a catalyst have a special coating or working composition.

The honeycomb composition is an alloy of platinum, rhodium and palladium, precious metals, the cost of which exceeds gold at least twice. The honeycomb structure of converter unlimited increases the contact area of ​​toxic gases with neutralizing surface. Remains of harmful substances instantly burn out and do not enter in atmosphere.



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The converter unlimited consists of the following parts:

  • Housing with inlet and outlet nozzles;
  • Ceramic block with porous structure;
  • Catalytic layer, spraying on cells of a ceramic block;
  • Sensor (lambda sensor) is a device that shows the pollution of gases after cleaning;
  • Metal casing performs the function of thermal insulation and protects housing from mechanical damage.

converter unlimited circuit is installed after the exhaust pipe of an engine or in exhaust manifold. This arrangement is necessary for effective operation of a converter unlimited, since neutralization of toxic substances is possible only at high temperatures. The operation of a node is as follows:

Exhaust gases are sent through the inlet to the inside and enter ceramic block, filling the cells.

converter unlimitedmetals oxidize unburned hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide. Reducing metal, rhodium, neutralizes nitric oxide and turns it into a harmless substance. Pure gas is discharged into atmosphere through the outlet pipe.

It is important! The decisive role in the process of neutralizing toxic substances is played by the temperature. Conversion is possible at temperatures from 300 degrees, but basically the working temperature of a  converter unlimited is in a range from 400 to 800 degrees.

At the time of engine warm-up, converter unlimited is inactive, and this is a significant drawback of models developed to date.

Difficulty in organizing correct operation of the unit is danger of its overheating. If you place converter unlimited closer to an engine, service life will decrease dramatically due to systematic overheating. Most car manufacturers place the part in an area of a right front wheel, where it is possible to maintain the temperature at optimum level.

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