Incidences of catalytic converter thefts from cars showed a dramatic increase in 2019 with the year’s total around 10 times higher than in 2018.

Reports suggest that the growth could be attributed to supply chain issues which have made it harder for dealers to secure replacement catalytic converters through official channels, creating a black market. Historically, however, the greatest driver of thefts has been the overseas markets for the precious metals inside the units. Catalytic converters stolen in the UK are often illegally transported abroad and the metals recycled.

Audi A6 Avant long termer - final report exhaust

The cost associated with replacing a stolen catalytic converter can be as high as £2,000 – £3,000, a figure that’s inflated by the damage thieves usually do to the car when removing the unit. While thefts of catalytic converters are still rare, there are some simple steps you can take to protect your vehicle…

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