In the main, it remains older cars that are targeted because advances in efficiency and technology mean the latest generations of Toyota catalytic converters contain vastly lower amounts of precious metals, while still doing their job just as well or even better – this means their value for recycling is very low and they are not attractive to thieves.

It’s a serious problem then and while manufacturers are doing something about it, it will take these changes some time to filter down to the cars you’re buying. There’s still plenty you can do to prevent yourself becoming a victim though so keep reading for our top ten tips to stop your catalytic convertor getting stolen.

How to stop your catalytic converter being stolen

In order to steal the parts, thieves need to slide under the vehicle and use cutting tools to detach the box from the pipes around it. This means how you park you car matters. Parking close to walls or fences can help, but remember not to block pedestrian access, especially for wheelchair users.

Catalytic converters with a serial number

Some garages will etch a unique serial number onto your catalytic converter so it can be easily identified if it is stolen. You’ll also be provided with a sticker to be displayed in your window that indicates your catalytic converter is marked – which prevents offenders from targeting your vehicle.

Ask a garage to weld the bolts shutIf your catalytic converter is bolted on, you can ask for your local garage to weld the bolts to make it more difficult to remove.

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