Category Archives: catalytic converter

Catalytic Converter Basics

Catalytic Converter Basics

It’s important to have a basic understanding of how catalytic converters operate when servicing them. An internal combustion engine creates heat energy by igniting a mixture of gasoline and atmospheric oxygen with a high-voltage spark. Unfortunately, a residual quantity of hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), and nitrogen oxides (NOX) are left over after combustion. Consequently, a catalytic converter uses precious metals like platinum as a catalyst to convert harmful pollutants like HC, CO and NOX into harmless gases like oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). Since a catalyst will accelerate a chemical reaction without being consumed by the process itself, ther catalytic converter will theoretically last forever. In reality, catalytic converters eventually succumb to contaminants from coolant and engine oil additives and heat stress.


Converter types
“Direct-fit” catalytic converters are of three basic types: two-way, three-way and three-way plus oxidation converters. Two-way “oxidation” converters are used up to 1980 and are designed to eliminate hydrocarbons (HC) and carbon monoxide (CO). Three-way converters are designed to eliminate nitrogen oxides (NOX) as well. A Three-way plus or “dual-bed” converter allows atmospheric air to be injected between the three-way catalyst and an extra oxidation bed to further clean the engine exhaust. The precious metals used as catalysts are distributed in molecular form over a rough-surfaced ceramic wash coat covering the metallic honeycomb substrate. The effectiveness of the converter is basically determined by the amount of precious metals present on the honeycomb substrate. Consequently, it’s very important for supplier and technician alike to meet EPA requirements by selecting the correct catalytic converter for the application.


The Catalyst Monitor
Only after the engine is started and driven, does the catalyst monitor run. Basically, the engine control module (ECM) uses a mathematical algorithm to compare the electrical activity of the upstream oxygen sensor (before the converter) with that of the downstream oxygen sensor. When the electrical activity of the upstream and downstream oxygen sensors doesn’t meet programmed parameters, a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) P0420 and/or P0430 is stored in the ECM’s diagnostic memory and the orange “Check Engine” warning light is illuminated.

Because the catalyst monitor is mathematically-based, attempting to diagnose a converter by comparing inlet and outlet temperatures or by using an exhaust gas analyzer will not yield valid test results. When a P420/430 diagnostic trouble code (DTC) is present, the professional technician should check for related ECM calibration update bulletins before replacing a catalytic converter. In many cases, reprogramming the PCM might solve a stubborn P420/430 DTC issue.

Causes of Catalyst Failure
An ignition system misfire is the most common cause of catastrophic converter failure. The catalytic converter overheats because combustion takes place in the converter rather than the engine when a misfire occurs. When the converter exceeds an operating temperature of about 1,300 degrees F, the converter substrate begins to melt and cause exhaust restriction. Common failures also include a catalyst suffering from an external impact or being contaminated by coolant from leaking cylinder head gaskets.

When to Sell Catalytic Converters
The auto manufacturer’s original equipment (OE) catalytic converters are initially covered by an EPA-mandated 8-year, 80,000-mile warranty. Only if the original is missing, fails a state or local emissions inspection program, or is plugged, leaking, or has sustained physical damage can a new aftermarket catalytic converter can be installed. Most vehicles require catalytic converter replacements when an illuminated “Check Engine” warning light indicates a converter failure or if the engine itself has failed an exhaust emissions test. To pass an exhaust emissions test, the converter must meet the exact configuration and capacity as specified by the original equipment (OE) manufacturer. Due to adopting more stringent emissions standards, many other states are now requiring catalytic converters that meet California specifications. When selling any catalytic converter, remember to fill out the paperwork as required by state and local agencies.

Catalytic converter thefts on the rise on the Central Coast

Catalytic converter thefts on the rise on the Central Coast


Catalytic converter thefts have been on the rise on the Central Coast. Thieves steal them to sell the precious metal inside, but the supply chain shortage is now leaving victims with no way to fix the damage.

In a matter of minutes your catalytic converter could be gone.

“They go underneath with just a little saw and within five minutes they’re gone,” said Victim of Catalytic Converter Theft, Ed Rains.

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ctly what happened to Ed and Susan Rains. They received a call from the storage facility where they keep their motor home, notifying them of the recent catalytic converter theft.

“They said we have some bad news for you. Your catalytic converter was stolen from your motor home along with 10 others,” said Victim of Catalytic Converter Theft, Susan Rains.

“We have really had no help. We can’t find a catalytic converter to replace the one that we lost. We’ve had no help from our insurance company. We’ve had no help from the California Air Resource Board,” said Susan.

Automotive repair shops tell me they have seen a shortage of car parts in general because of the supply chain issues, but the demand to replace stolen catalytic converters has left some automotive shops without replacements.

“There is not one in the United States available for our motor home. Not one,” said Ed.

John Reeves of Reeves Automotive says they’ve replaced 15 to 20 catalytic converters recently.

“They’re just not coming in. So it’s becoming more challenging to find parts, certainly,” said Reeves Automotive Owner, John Reeves.

It is illegal to sell used catalytic converters in California, meaning the sale of these stolen parts takes place on the street.

Reeves says if your catalytic converter is high off the ground and easy to get to it’s a target for thieves.

“We’ve been installing catalytic converter shields. It’s an aluminum plate that we rivet to the bottom of the car, but that’s only available on Prius right now,” said Reeves.

Reeves says another way to protect your car is to park it in a garage if you can so that thieves don’t have access to it.

replacement catalytic converter

replacement catalytic converter.

Road / Structural Damage
The catalyst honeycomb inside of a catalytic converter is made up of a lightweight, thin-walled, fragile ceramic material. It is wrapped in a dense, insulation mat. This mat holds the catalyst in place and provides some protection against damage. However, broken exhaust hangers, off-road driving , potholes, speed bumps or any impacts underneath your vehicle can strike the catalytic converter causing a catalyst fracture. Once the ceramic honeycomb is fractured, the broken pieces rattle around breaking up into smaller pieces. As a result, exhaust flow is interrupted and backpressure in the exhaust system increases leading to heat buildup and loss of power. Corrosion, thermal shock, metal fatigue, stress fractures and stripped oxygen sensor threads are some other issues that may require you to need a replacement catalytic converter.

Oxygen Sensor Not Functioning Properly.
If your oxygen sensor is no functioning properly it can send incorrect readings of exhaust gasses to the vehicle’s computer. The faulty sensor readings can result in a improper (too rich or too lean) fuel mixture condition. Too rich and the catalyst can melt down from fuel burning inside the converter. Too lean and the converter will not be able to serve its purpose changing hydrocarbons into safe elements. This may cause your vehicle to fail the emissions test during the annual State Vehicle Inspection.

Short Trips
If you gennerally only take short trips around town in your vehicle and dont regularly drive long distances, your catalytic converter may not be getting hot enough to completely burn away the hydrocarbons. To prevent clogging the catalytic converter, take your vehicle for the occasional highway drive for 15 minutes or more. This will allow the exhaust to sufficiently heat up and burn off all of the deposits builtup in the catalytic converter.

What Causes a Catalytic Converter to Fail?

What Causes a Catalytic Converter to Fail?

Since there are no moving parts on a catalytic converter, you would expect that they would be fairly durable and long lasting and they are but, in spite of all of the advancements in catalytic converter technology, they still fail.  Weatherford, Texas, we install replacement catalytic converter  almost every day. Many times, catalytic converter failure is a symptom of an issue somewhere else in the vehicle.

It is imperative that you fix the problem that caused your OEM catalytic converter to fail because if you don’t, that same problem will likely destroy the replacement converter as well. The warranty that comes with a new replacement catalytic converter will not cover the type of damage listed below.

If your factory installed catalytic converter needs to be replaced, one of the problems below most likely contributed to its failure.

Engine Tune-Up Required
Engines in need of service and older engines that burn oil due to worn cylinder walls, stuck rings, and worn valve guides will produce by-products that can foul the converter. When an engine is operating outside of the proper specifications, wear and damage may be caused to the catalytic converter as well as the engine itself. Incorrect air/fuel mixture, incorrect timing, or misfiring spark plugs could lead to a catalytic converter failure or worse.

Bad Spark Plugs or Spark Plug Wires
Spark plugs that don’t fire or misfire forces unburned fuel into the exhaust system. Because the catalytic converter gets very hot, this unburned fuel can ignite inside the converter and could result in a partial or complete melt down of the ceramic catalyst.

Oil or Antifreeze Entering the Exhaust System.
When oil or antifreeze makes its way into your exhaust system creates a thick carbon and soot which coats and eventually clogs the air passages in the converter’s ceramic honeycomb catalyst. This causes two separate problems. First, these carbon deposits stop the catalytic converter from doing its job of removing harmful emission in the exhaust flow. Second, When the pores become clogged in the ceramic catalyst, exhaust flow is restricted which increases backpressure. This results in heat and exhaust backing up inside the engine. The excess back pressure created can actually cause internal engine damage. Your engine can actually pull burnt exhaust gasses back into the combustion chambers and reduce the efficiency of the next burn cycle and creating a loss of power and overheating of engine components. Worn out piston rings, failing gaskets, faulty valve seals or even warped engine components are all possible causes of this problem.

Unburned Fuel Entering the Exhaust System.
Ideally, the fuel that powers your vehicle is burnt up in the combustion chamber. Any fuel that gets through the combustion chamber unburned enters the exhaust system and can ignite once it reaches the catalytic converter. This can over-heat the converter far beyond its normal operating limit. and cause a Melt Down. Possible causes are an improper fuel mixture, incorrect timing, bad spark plugs, a malfunctioning oxygen sensor, sticking float, defective fuel injector or a faulty check valve.


It’s a great big mess: Catalytic converter thefts

‘It’s a great big mess: Catalytic converter thefts

In October, rushing out the door to get to an interview, I started my car, a 2003 Honda Accord, and heard a terrifying noise. It sounded like someone had replaced my engine with jet blasters.

I knew the sound immediately. Just a few weeks earlier, my former roommate’s catalytic converter was stolen a few blocks from our San Francisco apartment, and I had heard the same rumbling sound. A quick look under the Honda proved what I already knew to be true: My catalytic converter was a goner.

A Honda dealer quoted me $5,000 to replace the catalytic converter, a necessary vehicular component that controls the engine’s release of exhaust gases. In simpler terms, you need a catalytic converter to pass your annual smog check.

Catalytic converter theft claims were up 175% among State Farm customers in California from July 1, 2020, to June 30, 2021, compared with the same period in the previous year, More than 6,400 catalytic converters were stolen in the state just from State Farm customers — and a claim filed with the insurance company — in 12 months.

What makes a catalytic converter valuable? The metals it’s made of, including platinum, palladium and rhodium. State Farm said the part can be worth several hundreds to several thousands of dollars. Some thieves sell the part for scrap metal. And a catalytic converter takes a matter of minutes — and sometimes less than that — to steal.

To avoid thefts, experts recommend parking your car inside a garage or at least in a well-lit area. You can also install an alarm system, point a security camera at your vehicle or engrave your VIN on your car’s catalytic converter. Companies also make cages and plates that cost about $150 to $500 that can be installed over the part.

But these cages and plates often don’t work, they just add a few minutes to the removal process, said Kevin Sawyers of San Francisco Auto Works.

“There was a way to add some uncuttable metal, but [the perpetrators] have found a way around it unfortunately,” Sawyers said. “It’s a never-ending game with these folks.”

Sawyers also noted that the plates that some car dealerships install over the catalytic converters can total a car if removed with a crowbar or other rudimentary device.

“It’s a great big mess,” he said. “Every time we come up with something, they find a way around it and we’re right back to square one.”

Sawyers said catalytic converter thefts have been an issue “for years.” He recounted one incident from a friend who worked at a Pepsi plant in the Central Valley. He said thieves hit the enclosed employee parking lot and ran away with more than 30 catalytic converters.

“It bothers me on behalf of my customers,” he said. “It just drives me bonkers.”

Byron White, a spokesperson for the Berkeley Police Department, knows the problem firsthand. White said his mother’s catalytic converter was recently stolen from her vehicle. While his insurance covered the theft, he said it took weeks to get the part installed as it was backordered.

“It was the first time something like that happened to me and my family,” he said, noting that the crime can have wide-ranging impacts on people.

“In the grand scheme, people say it’s a minor crime, but there’s long-lasting effects to it,” he said. “It increases the general lack of feeling of safety.”

Berkeley police reported 594 catalytic converter thefts in 2020, compared with 188 in 2019.

White isn’t sure why the crime has spiked recently, but he speculated that it might be related to the pandemic.

“It might be that during the pandemic, when we had to shelter-in-place, there was a number of people working from home and leaving their vehicles at home,” he said.

The theft is also relatively easy to accomplish, according to San Francisco Police Department spokesperson Adam Lobsinger.

“It’s a quick crime with a quick money turnaround,” Lobsinger said.

Catalytic converter thefts often occur in the cover of night, when neighborhood dwellers have gone to sleep. But in some cases, the thefts have turned violent.

Catalytic converter thefts rampant in the Bay Area

Catalytic converter thefts rampant in the Bay Area

In September, alleged thieves were caught attempting to steal catalytic converters by the owner of the vehicle in one case, and a neighbor in the other. In both cases, the alleged thieves reportedly fired multiple rounds at the person who caught them. The unnamed victims were uninjured.

Lobsinger noted that while the San Francisco Police Department tracks auto thefts, it doesn’t explicitly track catalytic converter thefts. He could not immediately provide data or an estimate for the number of such crimes that have occurred in San Francisco over the past years.

He noted that catalytic converter thefts are “handled by investigators from the SFPD burglary detail” and that the department “constantly evaluates crime trends and the need for resources throughout the city.’

“When a catalytic converter theft has occurred, we know the crime doesn’t stop there,” he said.

It’s not entirely clear where the thieves sell the parts they’ve stolen. Lobsinger said the crime is sometimes “part of an organized nature, but that’s not always the case.”

“There’s no centralized black market where they go, but we can say, usually, they’re bought by people who are involved in the auto industry, wrecking yards, mechanics, that sort of thing,” he said. “It can be a larger criminal enterprise, but that’s not always the case.”

Sawyers, the owner of San Francisco Auto Works, has his own theories. He said most thieves aren’t selling the parts themselves, but boiling down the precious metals contained within and selling the raw material.

“They’re going after the solid raw materials,” he said. “They cook it down to the point where no one’s going to put the effort in to find where it came from.”

“I’m pretty sure most of it goes out of the country so no one asks any questions,” he said.

Sawyers thinks the materials aren’t being sold to auto shops, necessarily, but pawn shops, who’ll buy the solid metals and ask few questions.

He also suggested that there are organized groups running catalytic converter schemes, a theory he came to by identifying the methods by which the parts were removed. He said one presumed group uses a specific tool that “makes a very clean, straight cut. It’s very identifiable.”

Another presumed group appears to use a different sort of tool that “can go through a chunk of exhaust pipe in 10 seconds.”

“If they spend five minutes doing this,” he said, “they’re lazy. It’s so stupid easy to do. I think that’s part of why it became such an issue, the catalytic converters are just hanging there. It’s literally two bolts and one cut.”

David Schlocker, the wholesale parts manager at a San Francisco Toyota dealership, estimated that there was a period when the dealer was selling “a couple hundred catalytic converters a month.”

He said the most common vehicles that thieves hit are 2004 to 2009 Toyota Priuses, which he thinks are easier to steal from. The Prius catalytic converters are also known to contain a higher volume of precious metals.

“It’s sad,” he said. “I’ve seen customers pick their car up after getting the part replaced, and literally within the same day, it’s stolen again.”

When asked about the rash of Prius catalytic converter thefts, and whether they’re planning to design vehicles that are more difficult to steal from, Toyota headquarters offered the following statement: “Catalytic converter theft is an industry-wide challenge. We want to remind drivers to follow the basics to protect their vehicles against theft – such as parking as close to entrances as possible in well-lit areas. While not the solution to the problem as a whole, taking preventative measures like smart parking and adding the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) to the catalytic converter can help protect drivers from theft.”

Everyone interviewed for this story agreed the best way to protect your vehicle from theft is to park in a well-lit garage — an expensive commodity often hard to come by in San Francisco and neighboring cities.

The police spokespeople also stressed the importance of providing investigators with photos and video footage, if possible.

“Video cameras, pictures, anything that you can do that you think might help, submit what you have, file a report,” Lobsinger said. “A report does two things: It gives us more to look into. And it shows us where there’s been a rash of thefts. The more we’re aware of these incidents, the better we can deploy our resources and tailor our investigations.”

Sawyers had other suggestions. He said the cages and plates sometimes work to deter theft, but only if “somebody with less of a hassle is parked next to you and they go after that one instead.

“It only works if there is lower-hanging fruit nearby,” he said.

I ended up selling my well-worn Honda to an auto shop. I got $200 for it. I bought a used Prius, perhaps despite my best judgment, upgraded my car insurance to cover catalytic converter thefts and, in the meantime, am hoping for the best.

Catalytic converter theft quadruples in one year

Catalytic converter theft quadruples in one year

These criminals better not let the tree-huggers catch them.

Sawzall-wielding thieves hacking away at parked cars sent thefts of a key pollution-cleaning part through the roof in the past year.

Through Oct. 10, 2,170 catalytic converters were reported stolen in the five boroughs, more than four times the 501 ripped off through the same date in 2020, the NYPD said.

“The whole process takes under two minutes,” Detective Thomas Kelly of the Auto Crimes Unit told The Post.

Catalytic converters, part of a car’s exhaust system, break down some of the smog that would otherwise come out the tailpipe.

They’re a thief magnet because they include rare metals like rhodium, palladium and platinum, which trade for four and five figures per ounce. Converters typically include 3 to 7 grams of these precious metals, Ryan Lockwood, a executive, told the Post.

Thieves will take the parts to smelters or scrapyards or sell them on the black market. They can cost thousands to replace.

These are hacked-off catalytic converters.
Catalytic converters contain rare metals like rhodium, palladium and platinum.

Toyota Priuses are particular targets because they have up to three “cats,” depending on the model year, and because low-emission vehicle parts are often in better condition. Honda’s CRV crossover is another common target, according to State Farm.

Auto Crimes Detective Thomas Burke said it’s a tough crime to solve, because it’s impossible to trace a cat once it’s removed. He collared one habitual thief who targeted Ford Econoline vans in Long Island City by luck.

The crook would ride around the neighborhood on a bike with a reciprocating saw, hit a van, throw the part in his backpack and ride off. Cops caught him on surveillance video, and were able to identify him. “Should he have been stopped two blocks away, not a lot could have been done,” Kelly said.

Burke is starting a program funded by the city’s Police Foundation to label catalytic converters with serial numbers so they can be traced.

One youngish Brooklynite, who asked not to be identified, said his girlfriend’s “old” Prius fell victim over the summer. “We went to move for alternate side parking, started it up, and it sounded like a monster truck,” he said.


  • Garage your car.
  • Avoid leaving your car parked street-parked for extended periods, especially in dim areas without cameras.
  • Consider investing in a “cat shield.”
  • Inscribe your VIN on the converter.
  • Consider theft coverage.

how is catalytic converter can friend green

how is can friend green

Los Angeles Smog 1970 S Downtown Jpg

In fact, up to 90 percent of a car’s most problematic exhaust emissions can be neutralised by a catalytic converter, with unburned fuel, carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide being catalytic converter into less harmful nitrogen, carbon dioxide and water vapour.

It’s not totally clean of course, and with carbon dioxide being a major greenhouse gas a ‘cat’ can’t make a car completely green, but it certainly makes city air a lot more breathable for humans and animals. Besides, with all new petrol-powered cars and a significant chunk of diesel cars now equipped with catalytic converters, the net reduction in pollution has resulted in most major cities in the developed world no longer permanently enveloped by a blanket of smog.

can’t make a car completely green do they work? There are no moving parts in a catalytic converter, with all of the cleaning action being accomplished by clever chemistry instead. Inside the converter is a thick substrate, often with a grid-like cross section (below), upon which a thin coating of precious metals like platinum, palladium and rhodium are deposited.

Catalytic Converter Crosssection Jpg

These metals are the actual catalysts, the part of the device that initiates the chemical transformation of the exhaust gas. Nitric oxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and unburned hydrocarbons – be they petrol, diesel or engine oil – all react with the metals inside a catalytic converter, and are quickly turned into other gases: principally nitrogen and carbon dioxide, but also water.

Some particulate emissions can be captured by a catalytic converter as well, though that’s not their primary function. Anyhow, separate diesel and petrol particulate filters have recently become commonplace and clean up fine particles that aren’t dealt with by the catalyst.

Catalytic Converter Cutaway 2 Jpg

Downsides? They’re an expensive component, thanks to all of those precious metals used in their construction being, well, precious. They can be damaged by engines that are malfunctioning and perhaps burning more fuel or oil than they should, and there’s no method for their repair.

Also, the core is often made from fragile materials, which have a high temperature tolerance but are susceptible to impact damage from rocks or other objects passing under the vehicle. A damaged catalytic converter must be swapped, and replacements aren’t cheap.

The catalytic reaction requires a significant amount of heat to work. Most need an exhaust gas temperature of more than 400 degrees before the chemical reaction is working efficiently, which means that if you’re only using your car for very short trips – like ducking up to the shops for a few minutes – then a lot of your car’s harmful emissions are just going straight out the tailpipe as your exhaust hasn’t had time to heat up.

Traffic Exhaust Jpg

Also, with some of the gasses being converted into water, there’s a risk that excess moisture can accumulate within your exhaust and rust it out over time. Again, this is largely a by-product of very short trips. If your drives are at least ten minutes long from start-up to shut-down, then any moisture generated by the catalyst will just be evaporated off with exhaust heat.

Oh, one more thing: if you see a symbol like the one below appear on your instrument panel, it doesn’t mean that your jaffles are done – it relates to a catalytic converter fault, so go get it checked out.

Catalytic Converter Symbol Jpg

If you avoid making lots of short trips and ensure the engine is kept in good mechanical health, there’s no reason your catalytic converter shouldn’t last the life of the vehicle. Mechanically simple yet chemically brilliant, the humble catalytic converter is the main reason why clear air still exists around major population centres.

What is a catalytic converter?

What is a catalytic converter?

You’ve probably heard of a catalytic converter and know that they make cars a little friendlier to the environment, but what exactly are they?

f you’ve ever been told by your mechanic that your catalytic converter needs replacing,

Catalytic converters, or ‘cats’ for short, are not cheap, but why are they so pricey when they’re just a relatively small component of your exhaust system, and one with no moving parts either? Why are they so important anyway? Allow us to explain the mysteries of the catalyst…

Catalytic converters started to become standard-issue in road cars around the mid-1970s, with being of the first to adopt them, but they didn’t become commonplace until leaded petrol began to be phased out in the 1980s. The reason for that is simple: the gas that results from burning leaded petrol essentially destroy the catalyst’s ability to clean up exhaust emissions.

The main factor driving their adoption was the world’s slow realisation that vehicle emissions were literally choking the population and doing terrible things to air quality and the environment.

Los Angeles Smog 1970 S Jpg



The picture above is of the Los Angeles skyline in the mid-1970s, and it’s hard to miss the thick brown haze enveloping the city and suburbs. That’s smog, back then it was mostly caused by vehicle exhaust. Acid rain was another unwelcome byproduct of emissions too, as smog interacted with the atmosphere and changed the chemical make-up of rain water.

Enter the catalytic converter. By passing the engine’s exhaust gas over a surface coated with certain ‘noble’ metals that react to harmful emissions (and subsequently catalyse, or change, them into less-harmful gasses), a catalytic converter is able to scrub a significant amount of a car’s harmful emissions.

Advanced Catalytic Converter in Gasoline Engine

Advanced Catalytic Converter in Gasoline Enginer
Exhaust emission from automobile source has become a major contributor to the air pollution and environmental problem.
is found to be one of the most effective tools to reduce the overwhelming exhaust pollutants in our environment. The development of sustainable catalytic converter still remains a critical issue due to the stringent exhaust emission regulations.
Another issue such as price and availability of the precious metal were also forced the automotive industry to investigate the alternatives for producing a better replacement for the material used in catalytic converter.
This paper aims at reviewing the present development and improvement on the catalytic converter used on the reduction of exhaust emission in order to meet the regulations and market demand.
The use of new Advanced Catalytic Converter such as to replace the noble metal material of Platinum (Pt), Palladium (Pd) and Rhodium (Rh) has been reviewed. Material such as zeolite, nickel oxide and metal oxide has been found to effectively reduce the emission than the commercial converter.
The preparation method of the catalyst has also evolved through the years as it is to ensure a good characteristic of a good monolith catalyst. Ultrasonic treatment with combination of electroplating technique, citrate method and Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO) has been found as the latest novel preparation method on producing an effective catalyst in reducing the exhaust emission.
.Parameters affecting the catalyst performance [15]
Exhaust emission from automobile source has become a major contributor to the air pollution and environmental problem.
Catalytic converter is found to be one of the most effective tools to reduce the overwhelming exhaust pollutants in our environment. The development of sustainable catalytic converter still remains a critical issue due to the Advanced Catalytic Converter…

Catalytic Converter Standards

Catalytic Converter Standards

1, 2018, after the warranty of the original equipment on a vehicle has expired, replacement catalytic converters must either be original equipment parts or a new aftermarket catalytic converter (AMCC) certified by the California Air Resources Board (CARB). This requirement applies to:

  • Model year 2001 and newer vehicles gasoline vehicles under 14,000 pounds GVW certified by CARB and US EPA 50 state certification.

This regulation does not apply to:

  • vehicles certified by U.S. EPA, but not 50 state certified,
  • pre-2001 model year vehicles which may still use federal AMCCs, or
  • diesel vehicles.

CARB certified catalytic converters provide greater emission reductions and have a longer warranty than other catalytic converters.

regarding Aftermarket Catalytic Converter Requirements & Used Catalytic Converter Prohibition.

New Aftermarket Catalytic Converter Standards

A new AMCC is defined as being constructed of all new materials and is not an original equipment catalytic converter. New AMCCs will be required to:

  • Display a certification stamp or label on the catalytic converter shell. The label or stamp must display the certification stampa.) CARB Executive Order approval number, b.) the part number, c.) date of manufacture, and d.) proper installation direction
  • Comply with a vehicle’s original emissions certification limits.
  • Be compatible with the onboard diagnostic systems (OBD II) on 1996 and newer vehicles.
  • Be covered by a warranty for a period of 5 years or 50,000 miles of use. The warranty will cover failures related to construction defects, performance defects, and OBD II compatibility issues.

Prohibition of Used Catalytic Converter Sales

Effective June 1, 2018, it is unlawful for any person to sell, offer for sale, advertise, or install any used, recycled, or salvaged catalytic converter on any vehicle in Maine. This prohibition applies to all vehicle types. A used catalytic converter is not a new aftermarket catalytic converter, or a replacement part.


Effective June 1, 2018, only CARB certified AMCCs or original equipment can be advertised, sold, or installed on CARB vehicles model year 2001 and newer in Maine.

Each person engaged in business of retail sale or installation of an AMCC shall maintain records of such activity which indicate date of sale, purchaser name and address, vehicle model and work performed if applicable. Such records shall be available for inspection by the DEP and shall be maintained for four years from the date of sale or installation.

Installers of AMCCs are required to complete a warranty card in triplicate with the original going to the customer, one copy to the installer, and one copy to the manufacturer of the converter.

he DEP periodically conducts audits at facilities to ensure compliance with the requirements. Failure to comply with any of these above requirements may lead to civil penalties.

As a vehicle owner, what are my options if my vehicle’s catalytic converter needs to be replaced after June 1, 2018?

  • Verify the emission certification of the vehicle from the label under the hood.
  • Verify the vehicle manufacturer’s warranty for the original equipment catalytic converter has expired. Warranties will range from 8 years/80,000 miles up to 15 years/150,000 miles for hybrid, plug-in hybrid and partial zero emission vehicles (PZEV).
  • For those CARB vehicles which the warranty has expired, all catalytic converter replacements should be either a CARB AMCC or an original equipment (OE) converter replacement part.
  • The new CARB AMCC is warrantied for 5 years/50,000 miles. The OE part is warrantied for one year.
  • Used, salvaged, or recycled catalytic converters cannot be installed after June 1, 2018 on any vehicle.

Compliance Alternative Allowance

If no original equipment manufacturer (OEM) or CARB certified aftermarket catalytic converter (AMCC) is available for a vehicle, a vehicle owner or repair technician can contact the Department for assistance.  In some cases, the Department may determine that it is necessary to retrofit the vehicle with an alternative non-CARB AMCC with emissions control abilities that are similar to the appropriate CARB AMCC.  To begin this process a vehicle owner or repair technician must fill out the Department’s  and submit the form to the Bureau of Air Quality’s Mobile Sources Section staff.

In circumstances where no CARB certified AMCC is available for a vehicle and the cost of an OEM catalytic converter is high compared to the value of the vehicle, a vehicle owner or repair technician can contact the Department to determine the next step.  If the OEM catalytic converter value is greater than 75% of the vehicle’s value, the Department may determine that it is allowable to retrofit with an alternative non-CARB AMCC with emissions control abilities that are similar to the appropriate CARB AMCC.  To begin this process a vehicle owner or repair technician must fill out the Department’s and submit the form to the Bureau of Air Quality’s Mobile Sources Section staff.  Vehicle values must be established through a reputable vehicle valuation company (for example Kelley Blue Book or NADA).

A vehicle owner or repair technician must receive Department approval prior to installing a non-CARB certified AMCC on a 2001 or newer California certified vehicle and the alternative AMCC must be of adequate construction to give the Department confidence that emissions will be controlled to as close to the vehicle’s established emission standards as possible.

Catalytic converter theft is up by more than 100%, new Which? research reveals

Catalytic converter theft is up by more than 100%, new Which? research reveals

Exclusive data obtained by Which? shows that, between 2019 and 2020 alone, incidents of catalytic converter theft in England, Northern Ireland and Wales (Police Scotland refused our request) rose a staggering 104% on average. This rise is despite the various national lockdowns in 2020, when the vast majority of people and their cars were at home.

With a ban on petrol and diesel cars on the horizon, you’d be forgiven for thinking your car’s catalytic converter would soon be resigned to the dustbin of history.

For thousands of motorists up and down the country though, this decades-old emissions-control device has been the cause of significant repair bills and even complete write-offs, as a new crimewave has swept the UK.

A combination of factors including surging global demand for vehicles, as well as a slump in mining during the pandemic, has meant that the price of the precious metals contained within catalytic converters has risen exponentially.

At the time of our investigation, an ounce of rhodium cost more than a brand-new Honda Jazz. This hasn’t escaped the attention of criminals. With a single scrap catalytic converter currently worth around £400, organised gangs are targeting dozens of cars each day. Our research reveals that older Toyota and Honda models are particularly at risk.

It doesn’t help that we found ads offering cash for scrap converters on Facebook Marketplace. Posting such ads was made an offence under the 2013 Scrap Metal Dealers Act. Read on to find out about thefts in your area, what authorities and car manufacturers are doing to tackle the problem and what Facebook told us. Plus learn how to minimise the chance of your car being targeted.
A removed catalytic converter will render your car unroadworthy, so as well as producing higher levels of emissions, it will be illegal to drive. A loud and rough engine noise is a key sign it has been cut out.

In the time it takes a thief to steal a catalytic converter, find out how these devices work and why they’re so attractive to thieves. Catalytic converter thefts in your area Conurbations such as London and the West Midlands predictably show the largest numbers (with the 13,716 recorded incidents in 2020 making the capital the global epicentre of catalytic converter theft, according to police), but the problem has spread across the country, with areas such as Dorset seeing a 187% increase in 2020. Behind each statistic is a motorist left stranded – often in the worst of circumstances.

We’ve heard from drivers who’ve been thrust into desperate personal situations, and others who have caught the brazen and often violent thieves in the act. ‘The first time mine was stolen I was attending a funeral. The second time, in 2020 outside my house, my neighbour took photos of the getaway car – the police couldn’t arrest them as they were wearing masks and couldn’t be identified.’ – Sue See our table, below, to find out how badly your police force area has been hit.

Police Force Thefts from motor vehicle 2019  Thefts from motor vehicle 2020 Percentage Increase Avon & Somerset 105 147 40% Bedfordshire 133 319 140% Cambridgshire 245 378 54% Cheshire 66 111 68% City of London 0 0 0% Cleveland 23 41 78% Cumbria 41 17 -59% Derbyshire 97 154 59% Devon & Cornwall 31 42 35% Dorset 86 247 187% Humberside 31 14 -55% Lancashire 238 292 23% Hertfordshire 364 896 146% Leicestershire 462 585 27% Merseyside 20 79 295% Norfolk 22 77 250% Suffolk 54 201 272% Northamptonshire 215 287 33% Surrey 56 96 71% Warwickshire 100 180 80% West Midlands 524 1626 210% Dyfed Powys 7 18 157% North Wales 9 46 411% PSNI 5 4 -20% (Data supplied after Freedom of Information requests from 25 of the UK’s 45 police forces across England,

Northern Ireland and Wales; Police Scotland refused our request. Supported by FOI information already published in the public domain.) Has your car been targeted? If you’ve had your catalytic converter stolen, tell us your story on our community site, Which? Conversation. We found catalytic converters being sold on Facebook Online marketplaces also cause headaches for police. Transactions are usually offered in closed groups,

but when we looked on Facebook Marketplace we found a number of advertisements offering cash for scrap catalytic converters, which was made an offence under the 2013 Scrap Metal Dealers Act. Scrap metal dealers and collectors must now also be licensed, although frequently there aren’t obvious credentials displayed by Marketplace users

. What is Facebook doing? We contacted Facebook. It said: ‘We have removed the listings brought to our attention for violating our commerce policies and have restricted users’ access to Facebook Marketplace.’ Facebook also added that the sale of stolen goods is strictly prohibited, that its team of 35,000 experts work alongside technology to keep its platforms safe, and that people should report any suspicious accounts or posts.

Electric cars don’t have catalytic converters. Find out which models make our expert pick of the best electric cars. What cars are targeted for catalytic converter theft? Catalytic converter theft is a crime as old as the technology itself, but for years recorded thefts barely reached double-digit figures across many police force areas, and no car make or model was particularly preyed upon.

That’s now all changed. Over the past three years, Toyota and Honda owners have been disproportionately affected for the simple reason that they’re the brands with the greatest proportion of hybrid cars on the road. The hybrid Toyota Prius has been on sale in the UK for well over 20 years, which along with other hybrid models, such as the Toyota Auris and Honda Jazz hatchback, are particularly sought after due to their higher concentration of precious metals.

This is often in a better condition due to hybrid cars typically producing fewer emissions overall. ‘Mine was stolen while I was in Tesco for only 15 minutes. So many Auris Hybrids had been targeted that it took nine weeks to get my car back as the garage couldn’t get the parts, plus my car insurance increased by 28%.’ – Mrs B Other high-risk vehicles include ever popular crossovers and SUVs,

as well as commercial vehicles, all of which tend to sit higher off the road, making for easier access underneath. Newer hybrid vehicles (including later Prius and Jazz cars) are less desirable to thieves, as their catalytic converter’s metal content has been reduced, accounting for far fewer models being affected. Find out which of the latest hybrid models aced our road and lab tests- go to the best hybrid cars for 2021.

Ben Weinberger, Toyota Prius owner ‘I’d parked on a busy London high street for about an hour, so I had no particular concerns about my car being interfered with. ‘Unfortunately, this was plenty of time for my car to be attacked. With no witnesses or CCTV, the police didn’t investigate the matter further – which has also been the case with a number of my neighbours who’ve also fallen victim. ‘Thankfully my Prius was repairable, so I guess I’m one of the lucky ones – although it did cost £650. The experience has made me a bit paranoid about where I park, but it hasn’t dented my love of hybrids.’ Is catalytic converter theft covered by insurance? Older models being targeted creates a further headache, as you risk having your car written off by your insurer if the cost of repair outweighs the value of your car. Victims have reported repair quotes of upwards of £1,200, so it’s little wonder our survey* found that 27% didn’t notify their insurer and settled their repair bill privately. ‘Several cars of the same model of Honda Jazz were targeted in one night in my town.

One of them was mine. I was quoted £1,000 to repair it and the insurance company wrote the car off’ – Bez Of those who did report it: Over a quarter saw premiums rise 1% found it difficult to find further cover. *(Crime and insurance reporting data: online survey, March 2021, 13,378 Which? Connect members.) Martin McGurrin, former Honda Jazz owner ‘My Honda was badly damaged after being targeted overnight outside my home. Despite thieves having to saw into my exhaust, neither I nor my neighbours noticed until the following morning, when I was greeted by a terrible noise from my engine.

‘The cost of repair far outweighed the value of my Jazz. More annoyingly, the police offered no support other than giving me a crime reference number. I’ve now changed to a Peugeot 208 diesel.’ What are manufacturers doing about catalytic converter theft? Responses by manufacturers have varied. We approached both Honda and Toyota, which have had markedly different strategies. Honda and catalytic converter theft Honda said it revised its exhaust design in 2008 to position the catalytic converter in the engine bay to make it less accessible. But when we asked it why Jazz models built after this date remained a prominent target for thieves, Honda didn’t supply an answer. It also wouldn’t tell us the potential number of cars that could be affected.

Honda has also issued the following statement: ‘Honda UK recommends owners of these cars follow the advice given by police. This advice includes parking inside a locked garage, near walls or other vehicles to make it harder to get underneath the car. ‘All Honda vehicles currently on sale are fitted with Thatcham-approved alarms as standard.

’ Toyota and catalytic converter theft Toyota, which would typically replace around 300 to 400 broken or faulty catalytic converters in the UK each year, was initially overwhelmed by the volume of customers who had been affected. This was compounded by the fact that the targeted models were no longer on sale and spare parts were no longer in production. With a demand for many thousands of replacement catalytic converters in 2020, Toyota chose to retool and resume production of legacy catalytic converters in both France and Japan – a move estimated to have cost tens of millions of pounds.

Since then, Toyota has invested significantly in Smart Water forensic identification kits, which it is rolling out across its dealer network. It aims to make Toyota and Lexus models ‘untouchable’ by making the catalytic converters of 130,000 vulnerable cars entirely traceable. Tens of thousands of kits are also being donated to police forces and the AA for use on cars of any make or model deemed at risk. Toyota said: ‘Catalytic converter theft is a serious problem in the UK and its effect on victims are emotional as well as financial. We continue to do all we can both as a manufacturer and working with police and others to help put an end to this crime. ‘But ultimately as a car company our scope of action is always going to be limited.’

What are the police doing? For much of the past decade, scrap metal crime hasn’t featured highly on the national police agenda. There’s been a number of reasons for this, not least the success of the Scrap Metal Dealers Act. Enacted in 2013 in the face of rising levels of copper theft, it coincided with a general slump in commodities prices, resulting in associated crime falling dramatically.

With police prioritising violent crime, they were caught on the back foot by this latest wave of scrap metal theft. Former police chief inspector Robin Edwards explains: ‘When crime levels rose in 2018, a lot of the previous expertise had been lost from front-line policing, and it was a similar story across a number of government departments.’ It seems they’re catching up fast. Recent high-profile raids such as the Met’s Operation Basswood, which resulted in the arrest of 12 members of a large organised crime group,

as well as similar raids in the West Midlands, have successfully disrupted criminal elements responsible for a large proportion of thefts. For individual victims, however, there’s still limited recourse for justice, due to a lack of traceability. Unless a stolen catalytic converter can be traced back to a targeted vehicle (near impossible unless it’s specifically marked), it’s very difficult to charge the person in possession of it.

Plus, many thefts occur without any CCTV evidence, and often by criminals in stolen or cloned vehicles, further hampering detection rates. Want some peace of mind? See our round-up of the top cheap wireless security cameras. How to prevent catalytic converter theft There are a couple of options for beefing up the security of your catalytic converter. Smart Water or similar forensic-marking tools make stolen catalytic converters traceable and are a strong tool in police investigations. But you’re going to need to advertise this on your car in order for it to act as an immediate deterrent to thieves. Alternatively, fitting a ‘Catloc’ or similar device (costing around £200) will make removal more difficult.

But based on what car manufacturers and victims of theft have told us, these devices are of limited use and are only likely to delay a well-equipped thief by a matter of minutes. ‘Had my catalytic converter stolen twice, the second time after fitting a Catlock, which was no deterrent.’ – Ming If you don’t have secure parking, further options are minimal, aside from reducing accessibility by parking on level ground and close to walls.

If your parking spot is covered by CCTV, you increase the chance of police action being taken. Make sure you report it Importantly though – and the police cannot stress this enough – it’s crucial you report any crime you’re a victim of. If there is to be any hope in measuring the full scale of catalyatic converter theft and how to tackle it, it’s vital each theft is counted, regardless of the potential for prosecution. More on this We’ll take the hard work out of choosing your next car – see our expert pick of the best cars Best car scratch removers How to use electric car charging points Categories: Cars Tagged as:

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Catalytic converter theft crackdown

Catalytic converter theft crackdown: Colorado lawmakers aim to slow surge, provide relief to victims

A few years ago, you might not have known where the catalytic converter on your car was located, let alone what it did. But now, with increasing thefts of these emission-control devices , people have become more aware of them — and their value.

In 2019, Aurora police recorded eight cases of catalytic converter thefts. In 2020, the agency had 68 thefts. And in 2021, that number skyrocketed to 646, according to Aurora Police Department data.

Denver has seen a with 14 thefts reported in 2019 to 268 in 2020. In 2021, that number rose again to 2,671, according to Denver Police Department data.

It’s an issue that has prompted auto body shops to offer products that are intended to protect catalytic converters. AAA Colorado announced last summer that it would offer a program to etch serial numbers onto the devices that would be logged into a law enforcement database, and the cars would have warning stickers on them about it. And now, Colorado lawmakers are trying to do something about the problem through the newly-introduced

Sen. Dennis Hisey, a Fountain Republican and one of the bill’s sponsors, said the high rate of theft is happening not only in larger cities but smaller rural communities like those in his district, with larger SUVs and trucks often being the targets because they’re elevated and make the devices easier to remove.

“Everybody knows somebody that’s had this happen even if they’re not aware of it just yet,” he said.

Hisey hopes the bill, if passed, will not only make it easier for consumers to replace catalytic converters when stolen — with the new certification process for aftermarket catalytic converters — but also make it more difficult to recycle stolen catalytic converters and metals.

The reason there needs to be a new certification process is because Colorado adopted California-style emission vehicle standards in 2018 to help reduce greenhouse gas output and that included regulations for catalytic converters. requires that vehicles have catalytic converters from the manufacturer or a new aftermarket device that meets those emissions standards. Hisey said the bill wouldn’t require the emission standards to change but to find a way to make it easier to get the aftermarket catalytic converters so consumers aren’t faced with bills for thousands of dollars.

Sponsor Sen. Joann Ginal, a Fort Collins Democrat, said in a statement that the increase in these thefts across the nation and in Colorado leads to cars becoming inoperable and Coloradans having to deal with high costs and lack of availability for replacement.

“This bill seeks to alleviate this problem while reducing crime rates in our communities,” she said.

Last May, Carrie Packard, development director for the nonprofit Stout Street Foundation, saw just how easy it was for someone to steal a catalytic converter. Six devices, and a partial seventh, were stolen from trucks in her work’s parking lot during daylight in just three minutes. The two people responsible parked a van in front of the building’s security camera and managed to remove the catalytic converters quickly before driving off.

Packard called it a “crime of opportunity,” adding that “the irony wasn’t lost on us that they were probably doing it to feed an addiction, so they stole from a recovery community.” Since then, the nonprofit has upped its security measures, but Packard estimates that the loss from the catalytic converters totaled about $20,000.

They relied on those trucks to transport residents and collect donations. When staff members went to replace them, they found catalytic converters were on back order, but some Colorado businesses stepped in and donated services.

Packard wonders how it would be possible to reduce these types of thefts that she’s also hearing happening at other nonprofits because “there’s always going to be a black market for that precious heavy metal somewhere.” But she said, “Hopefully it does make it a little more difficult and reduces the number of steps off the street, but I don’t know how you make it better,” Packard said of the bill.

Types of Catalytic Converters

Types of Catalytic Converters

As mentioned before, there are two primary catalytic converters  – reduction and oxidation – that can be used within an exhaust system to handle specific gases.

Depending on the year of the vehicle and the type of catalytic converters it has, there might not be a reduction catalytic converters

primary kinds of catalytic converters:

  • Two-way: The two-way catalytic converter was present on vehicles in the United States until 1981. They only have oxidation catalysts, which help change carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide. Hydrocarbons (which is unburned and partially burned fuel) are changed to carbon dioxide and water.
  • Three-way: Since 1981, the three-way catalytic converter has been used. This performs the same as the two-way converter with the addition of a reduction catalyst. As stated earlier, this is used to change nitrogen oxides to nitrogen and oxygen gases.

Diesel engines employ the use of two-way catalytic converter , and the converters are also specifically designed to work with diesel exhausts. The converters for these types of engines try and target particulates known as soluble organic fractions. These are made from hydrocarbons bound to soot.

How to Prevent Catalytic Converters Theft

Catalytic converters are often the target of thieves because the part contains valuable precious metals. Catalytic converter thefts often happen on vehicles with more ground clearance, since it’s easier to access the part.

Regardless of the type of vehicle you have, there are some steps you can take to help prevent theft:

  • Park in well-lighted areas close to building entrances if a secure garage is unavailable.
  • Weld the catalytic converter to the vehicle frame, which can make it harder to remove.
  • Consider buying an aftermarket part similar to a metal cage that can be installed to cover the converter.
  • Install a car alarm with a vibration alert sensor.
  • Engrave your vehicle identification number (VIN) to the converter, which can help make selling the part harder and help alert you if your converter is stolen.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do people steal catalytic converters?

The number of catalytic converters reported as stolen has increased in 2021, partly due to the rising prices of different precious metals. The converter typically contains platinum, palladium and rhodium that can be sold to metal dealers.

How much platinum is in a catalytic converters? What about palladium or rhodium?

Typically, there are 3 to 7 grams of platinum in a standard catalytic converter. A standard converter also contains 2 to 7 grams of palladium and 1 to 2 grams of rhodium.

How much is a catalytic converter worth?

A recycler will pay between $50 and $250 for a catalytic converter, with some going for $800 to $1,500 if they come from hybrid vehicles.

Keep in mind that if your catalytic converter gets stolen, it could cost around $2,000 to replace it — all the more reason to take steps to prevent it from being stolen!

Signs of Catalytic Converters Issues

So what happens when a catalytic converter goes bad? Considering the role the part plays in a vehicle’s exhaust system, a range of symptoms can arise when it starts to experience wear and tear.

Some examples to watch out for include:

  • Declining fuel efficiency: If a catalytic converter becomes clogged, it can reduce the amount of airflow through your engine. To compensate, your engine might start to burn more fuel than usual, resulting in a noticeable drop in fuel efficiency.
  • Check warning light: A check engine light can indicate a range of things. However, there is a diagnostic system on cars manufactured after 1996 that will test the catalytic converter. If your converter is malfunctioning, the air-to-fuel ratio sensors might trigger the warning light to come on.
  • Smelling rotten eggs: The catalytic converter might experience internal damage that causes it to have a hard time converting exhaust gases. The result can be a sulfuric “rotten egg” smell.
  • Issues starting the engine: The exhaust gases in your vehicle have to escape. A clogged catalytic converter can prevent this from happening as effectively. This can result in increased exhaust pressure and cause your car to sputter or stall when you’re trying to get it going.
  • Poor acceleration: Again, the exhaust gases have to escape somehow. Trapped exhaust and increased pressure from a clogged converter might cause you to have trouble accelerating your car. You might notice jerking or stalling when you try to do so.
  • Failed emissions test: Many states require regular emissions testing on vehicles, and if you don’t pass yours the culprit very well could be your catalytic converter. Failing this test might be coupled with the other symptoms mentioned above.



Cars generate a great deal of fumes and gases, also known as emissions, when they’re catalytic converter running. Emissions contribute to air pollution, which is catalytic converter why the clean air was passed in the United States in 1963 to help reduce the amount of pollution produced by a range of industries.

The National Emissions Standards Act, an amendment made in 1965 to the Clean Air Act, set the first federal vehicle emissions standards. Each state has regulations that adhere to federal standards, with many states requiring that all registered cars be tested to evaluate the output of emissions.

The modern exhaust system on vehicles features a range of parts that helps control emissions and make them more environmentally friendly. Among these parts is a catalytic converter, which helped many car manufacturers meet the standards set by the National Emissions Standards Act.

A catalytic converter is an important part of the exhaust system. Keep reading to find out more about the role it plays in your car.

Who Invented the Catalytic Converter?

The history of the catalytic converter dates to the end of the 19th century, when some prototypes were developed in France. In the mid-1950s , a French mechanical engineer, received a patent for his research to develop catalytic converters for gasoline engines.

Houdry’s development of the catalytic converter came from his concerns about the toll smokestack and automobile exhaust was having on air pollution. He had seen results of studies in Los Angeles and started working on converters for smokestacks.

Catalytic converters were further developed after the emissions control regulations that began in the early 1960s. The first production catalytic converter was created in 1973 at Engelhard Corporation, and widespread use of the part began around 1975.

What Does a Catalytic Converter Do?

A catalytic converter uses a chamber called a catalyst to change the harmful compounds from an engine’s emissions into safe gases, like steam. It works to split up the unsafe molecules in the gases that a car produces before they get released into the air.

The catalytic converter is located on the underside of a vehicle and looks like a large metal box. There are two pipes coming out of it. The convertor utilizes these two pipes and the catalyst during the process of making the gases safe to be expelled.

Gases are brought in from the “input” pipe connected to the engine of a vehicle. These are blown over the catalyst, which causes a chemical reaction that breaks apart the pollutants. The less-harmful gases now travel through the second pipe, or the “output,” that is connected to a car’s tailpipe.

Catalytic converter graphic

What Is Inside a Catalytic Converter?

So what is a catalytic converter made of? The catalyst inside a catalytic converter is made typically from platinum or a similar metal, such as rhodium or palladium. Gases flow through a ceramic honeycomb structure located within the cat housing. This is lined with metals that have specific jobs that play a role in reducing emissions. There are two main types of catalysts that might be featured in a car:

  • Reduction catalysts: Help reduce nitrogen oxide pollution by removing oxygen. Nitrogen oxides are broken up into nitrogen and oxygen gases, which on their own are harmless.
  • Oxidation catalysts: Used to change carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide through an opposite process of adding oxygen.

Also located near the catalytic converter is an oxygen (O2) sensor, which works to tell a car’s electronic control unit (ECU) how much oxygen is found in the exhaust gases. This helps a vehicle run on a more efficient air/fuel ratio, allowing the engine to supply the converter with enough oxygen to complete the oxidation process.

what is catalytic converter a sports cat?

So what is a sports cat?

A sports cat manages to do everything a standard cat can do but in a much more sleek, efficient package. The honeycomb construction within a standard cat is designed to maximise the surface area of the  catalytic converter while keeping their overall volumes low due to the sheer expense of the precious metals used.


the honeycomb can be seen as an obstruction for the exhaust gasses which need to exit to the surroundings as quickly and as efficiently as possible.

A catalytic converter therefore slows the exhaust gasses down, making the engine work harder as it struggles to breathe out the exhaust gasses at the end of each engine cycle. The honeycomb structure within a catalytic converter is also capable of falling apart from overheating, thus creating a further blockage for the exhaust gases to build up against.

The honeycomb structure within has disintegrated due to extremely high temperatures created by unburnt fuel
The honeycomb structure within has disintegrated due to extremely high temperatures created by unburnt fuel

catalytic converter

The main aim for an exhaust system is to get the exhaust gasses away from the engine in a smooth and swift fashion, with restrictions and expansions like a large catalytic converter only causing turbulence and therefore disturbed, slower airflow. Sport cats do their best to solve this issue by decreasing the chamber size and creating a much smoother surface within the chamber to allow for the gasses to flow quicker and easier through it.

To keep emissions down, the ceramic matrix within the honeycomb construction is much finer than in a normal cat, thus making sure that the catalysts can effectively convert the relevant nasties to where they need to be to meet emission rules. Small increases in power can be achieved by switching to a sports cat, with the engine cycle being freed-up to maximise its efficiency.

Is catalytic converter a decat a viable option?

Here you can see a catalytic converter has been completely replaced by a straight ‘decat pipe’

The straight answer in most cases is no.

Many petrolheads out there decide that the catalytic converter is producing a severe blockage within the exhaust system that needs to be eradicated and therefore delete the cat from the system altogether, replacing it with a straight pipe. Although this will ramp up the volume of your powertrain and potentially eke out a few more horses from your engine, in most countries, driving a car without a catalytic converter is deemed illegal.

Cat stripping is also another form of decatting, which is the process of removing the honeycomb innards of the cat to simply reduce the amount of restriction inflicted on the exhaust gases.

catalytic converter 

ecatting will inevitably increase the volume of your exhaust system but will yield very little power increase. Video via YouTube channel robsri18

Most people who go down the route of a full cat delete decide to chance it and simply have a cat waiting to put back in place for when MOT time comes around. But get caught by a keen police officer with a flashlight and it could be game over. And considering the horsepower gain could potentially be counted on one hand depending on the size of the engine, a sports cat seems like the much more viable option if you really feel like the stock cat on your car is holding your powertrain back.

The aftermath of a 'DIY' cat stripping
The aftermath of a ‘DIY’ cat stripping

catalytic converter

The impact of decatting will be amplified in a turbocharged car however, as the removal of a precatalytic converter would allow an increase in flow of exhaust gasses into the turbocharger. Catalytic converter work best when at high temperature, so a precat is a smaller version found higher up the exhaust system to help break down emissions at start-up when the engine is running very rich.

In a turbo exhaust system, the precat generally sits just upstream from the turbocharger, therefore a removal would derestrict that area of the exhaust. But yet again, that would be deemed as tampering with a standard exhaust system’s emission controls and would be considered illegal in most countries.

An exhaust system from a Subaru WRX showing the precat just upstream from the turbocharger placement

Have you changed to a sports cat or walk the tightrope of a complete decat pipe? Comment below with your thoughts on this common yet risky modification!

What Is A Catalytic Converter And Why Do You Need One?

What Is A Catalytic Converter And Why Do You Need One?

Some petrolheads see them as a nuisance, but cats catalytic converter are a vital component for your vehicle’s emissions control

A war on emissions has been raging for the best part of 40 years, with governments coming down hard on the automotive industry. In the 1970s, the US government enforced a law that stated every car manufactured from that year onward had to be fitted with a device called a catalytic converter.

This device soon spread throughout the world of cars and has now become a staple of emissions control and is integrated into virtually every modern exhaust system.

What Is A Catalytic Converter And Why Do You Need One? - Blog

What is a catalytic converter and what does it do?

What Is A Catalytic Converter And Why Do You Need One? - Blog

The cat sits around a third of the way down the exhaust system and resembles a small metal chamber that receives exhaust gasses and changes the chemical nature of them to reduce the volume of nasty emissions fresh from the exhaust manifold. Within the cat housing is a ceramic-based honeycomb structure that is lined with extremely precious metals, with each metal having a specific job in emission-reduction.

There are three main emissions produced by car engines: nitrogen gas (N2), carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapour (H2O). The catalytic converter however is mostly used to tackle the smaller, more-harmful products that are produced due to the naturally-imperfect combustion process of the IC engine. These are carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides. Most cats these days are therefore called three-way catalytic converter due to the three main types of emission that they manage to tackle.

A ‘catalyst’ is a substance that accelerates a chemical reaction, and within a catalytic converter, there are two types of catalytic converter

The first is a reduction catalyst which uses platinum and rhodium within the honeycomb to reduce NOx emissions. NOx is produced by nitrogen oxide and nitrogen dioxide within the exhaust gasses. The nitrogen gasses come into contact with the catalyst metals which rip the nitrogen atoms out of the molecules which in-turn releases cleaner oxygen to continue down the exhaust system.

The second catalyst type is an oxidisation catalytic converter which uses Platinum and Palladium to complete the job. These catalysts oxidise or burn the carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons lingering within the incoming gas, helping reduce the amount of smog produced by evaporated, unburnt fuel.

The final stage of emission control comes in the shape of an O2 sensor found just upstream from the cat. The sensor relays back to the ECU how much oxygen is found within the exhaust gasses, with the on-board computer then able to adjust the air/fuel ratio to allow the engine to run as close to the Stoichiometric point as possible.

This is the point at which – theoretically – all of the fuel entering the combustion chamber will use all of the oxygen provided to complete the combustion process. Not only does this last stage help the engine’s overall efficiency, it also allows the engine to provide the cat with enough oxygen to effectively complete the oxidisation process with the second catalytic converter

What chemical reactions happen in a catalytic converter?

What chemical reactions happen in a catalytic converter?

On a car, the catalytic converter is attached to the exhaust pipe. A metal casing contains a ceramic honeycomb.

The honeycomb is coated with a mix of platinum (Pt), palladium (Pd) and rhodium (Rh). These noble metals are good at resisting oxidation, corrosion and acid.

That means they can stand up to bad weather and all the chemicals released by a car engine.

The noble metals in catalytic converter act as catalysts.

  catalytic converter are compounds that can trigger a chemical reaction without being affected themselves. The honeycomb structure inside a catalytic converter maximizes the surface area where reactions can take place.

Platinum, palladium and rhodium catalystsCatalytic converter use elements like Platinum (Pt), Palladium (Pd), and Rhodium (Rh) as catalysts (Let’s Talk Science using photographs by Periodictableru [CC BY], Hi-Res Images of Chemical Elements [CC BY and Alchemist-hp (talk) derivative work: Purpy Pupple [CC BY-SA 3.0] Wikimedia Commons (“>Pt,“>Pd,“>Rh)).

What chemical reactions happen in a catalytic converter?

Catalytic converters use reduction and oxidation ( reactions to reduce harmful emissions.

They use a reduction catalyst composed of platinum and rhodium. It helps reduce nitrogen oxides (NOx) by removing nitrogen atoms from nitrogen oxide molecules (NO and NO2). This lets the free oxygen form oxygen gas (O2). Then, the nitrogen atoms attached to the catalyst react with each other. This reaction creates nitrogen gas (N2).

Reduction reactions for nitric acid and nitrogen dioxide
Reduction reactions for nitric acid and nitrogen dioxide (© 2019 Let’s Talk Science).

Catalytic converter also use an oxidative catalyst composed of platinum or palladium. It helps reduce hydrocarbons (HC) and carbon monoxide (CO). To start with, carbon monoxide and oxygen combine to form carbon dioxide (CO2). Then, unburnt hydrocarbons and oxygen combine to form carbon dioxide and water.

Oxidation reactions for carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons Oxidation reactions for carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons (© 2019 Let’s Talk Science).Modern catalytic converters also use oxygen sensors. They’re sometimes called . They control how much extra oxygen gets pumped into the exhaust stream.
Maintaining the correct amount of oxygen makes the reduction and oxidation reactions more efficient.Researchers are looking at whether gold could be used in catalytic converter. That might sound expensive.
But gold is actually cheaper than many other noble metals. And there’s more of it! In fact, we could run out of metals like platinum in the next couple of decades. In some places, people even steal catalytic converters just to get at the precious noble metals inside!

How do catalytic converter work?

How do catalytic converters work?

What comes out of a car’s exhaust pipe?

Car exhaust is also called vehicle emissions. It contains many substances. Some are catalytic converter more harmful than others.

Your car’s engine probably uses gasoline as fuel. Gasoline is a hydrocarbon. Your car mixes this fuel with air before burning it.

This process is called combustion, and it produces many chemical by-products.

Some of these by-products are perfectly safe. For example, air consists of 78% nitrogen gas (N2). Some of this nitrogen reacts with oxygen during combustion

. However, most of it gets released as N2 in the engine’s exhaust. Engine exhaust also includes water (H2O). You’ll often see water dripping from exhaust pipes during the winter.

Car engines also emit a lot of harmful substances. Some of these can cause acidprecipitation. This is the case with carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sulphur oxides.

Other vehicle emissions can cause health problems like cardiovascular disease cancer  and cancer  This is the case with unburnt hydrocarbons, particulates (carbon particles), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Car engines also release. This poisonous gas can replace oxygen in your bloodstream. If you breathe enough of it, it can even suffocate you!

That all sounds very dangerous, doesn’t it? Fortunately, catalytic converters help make engine emissions less harmful. Here’s how.

What is a catalytic converter?

The catalytic converter was invented around 1950 by engene houdry. He was a French mechanical engineer. He dWidespread use of catalytic converters began around 1975. At that time, governments started trying to reduce air pollution from cars. But back then, a lot of vehicles used leaded gasoline. Lead (Pb) can keep a catalytic converter from functioning properly. That’s because lead can coat the surface that normally reacts with the exhaust gases.  esigned the catalytic converter to clean up automobile exhaust.

Source for secondary precious metals catalytic converter

Source for secondary precious metals

Over the past years, fuel cells have gained importance as energy catalytic converter both in stationary and mobile applications. The electrode plates in the fuel cells are mostly made of metal or carbon and are coated with platinum, palladium or ruthenium to generate the catalytic effect.


the recovery of used fuel cells in the recycling loop is still fairly low, but constantly increasing. If you are interested in recycling fuel cells, please contact us: We will be pleased to provide you with a customized offer.

Whether biogas plants, natural gas plants or coffee roasting facilities – many industrial applications rely on exhaust gas aftertreatment systems in which catalytic converters or diesel particulate filters are used to reduce harmful emissions and ensure compliance with the statutory emissions standards.

Precious metals, predominantly platinum, but sometimes palladium and rhodium as well, enable the environmentally friendly removal of pollutants to ensure the sustainable protection of our planet. At the end of their useful life, the precious metals are recovered from industrial catalytic converter. We then return the secondary raw materials to the production cycle.

Depending on the quantity and material, we offer a wide range of services including toll refining or purchasing for these types of catalytic converters.

differences between accandsic ataglance

Weight catalytic converter

  • A regular monolith or a DPF based on aluminium titanate weighs approx. 1 kg
  • A DPF made of SiC ceramic usually weighs 2 – 3 kg


Visual inspection:

  • SiC – usually grey surface and black ceramic, bonded cuboids with light edges

difference between an automotive catalytic converters

what's the difference between an automotive

The carrier material of a diesel particulate filter differs significantly from normal automotive catalytic converters for exhaust emissions (ACCs). Conventional automotive catalytic converters which have been instituted since the early 1990s consist of approx.

1kg of cordierite. This ceramic, made from aluminium, magnesium and silicon oxide, is easy to melt in electrical high-temperature furnaces. In this smelting process, the precious metals are separated from the ceramic and bound in what is called “collector metal”. The smelting process is carried out under reducing conditions (release of oxygen), enabling a high yield in the recovery of precious metals.

catalytic converters

In diesel particulate filters, the carrier material generally consists of approx. 3kg of silicon carbide (SiC). This material reacts very differently to the smelting process than cordierite.

In this case, we use an oxidizing smelting process (addition of oxygen) to convert the carbon (carbide) into carbon dioxide and the silicon into silicon oxide. Only then it`s possible to efficiently recover the precious metal.

If both material types, i.e. ACC and DPF, are mixed together, this makes the recovery of the precious metals extremely difficult or nearly impossible from a certain concentration onwards.

challenges for analysis smelting

Capacities for the processing of this high-carbon material are currently limited and pose a problem for many smelting companies. Apart from the limited capacities, it is also much more expensive (energy input, toll refining, longer processing cycles). First market participants have already started to reject mixed material products for recycling.

A separate analysis and recycling is unproblematic as economic processes exist for both material types. Furthermore, the Hensel Recycling Group has been working together with partners for some time to develop a special processing procedure, which will provide for additional capacities in the future.

catalytic converters

To ensure sustainable and economic processing of the material, it is important to separate the materials at an early stage in the recycling loop. After dismantling the catalytic converters or filters, separating the materials is practically impossible.

In addition to visual inspection and weighing, carbon type analysis ultimately provides a clear picture of the material composition and which smelting process must be used. Hensel Recycling has the technical means and the expertise to determine the total carbon content in accordance with DIN EN ISO 21068-2:2008 and is therefore able to deliver a reliable basis.


A catalytic converter is an essential part of your car’s exhaust system. It has the unique task of taking dangerous pollutants, such as carbon monoxide, and chemically changing them to something less dangerous like carbon dioxide. Many people want to know how catalytic converters work. They have catalysts that react with these compounds before they are released into the environment, and they are required for passing inspection.

What Are Catalytic Converters?
Exactly what are catalytic converters? These are part of the car’s exhaust system, and they are responsible for converting harmful compounds into less harmful ones. A few of these compounds include carbon monoxide, nitrogen gas, nitrogen oxides, and hydrocarbons. The catalytic converter will make them less harmful while also reducing overall emissions.

The first catalytic converters were produced in 1975 when the government demanded regulations on exhaust. This was considered the best way to meet regulations without reducing the performance or power of the vehicle. You may notice that these parts are more expensive than most, and there’s a good reason for that. They often use gold, platinum, and palladium.

The interior uses a honeycomb pattern to slow down the exhaust. This ensures that the catalysts have time to completely convert exhaust before it’s released.

How Catalytic Converters Work
Here’s some additional information about. They are responsible for breaking down harmful compounds into less harmful ones, such as nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water. This is done through a chemical process that rapidly breaks down the compounds before they leave your vehicle.

Catalytic converters have catalysts that are capable of breaking down the compounds. The harmful compounds would naturally break down on their own, but the natural process takes far too long. Catalysts make the process much faster and break down the compounds in seconds. The majority of modern cars have a three-stage converter.

Stage one and two involve both reduction and oxidation catalysts. The reduction catalyst usually comes from radium and platinum while the oxidation one is from palladium and platinum. As you can see, platinum is used in many areas with catalytic converters. These break down the harmful compounds as they pass through.

The final stage includes the engine. The engine has an oxygen sensor, and it senses how much oxygen is in the exhaust system. Fuel injection depends on this process as the engine might either increase or decrease how much fuel is injected into the gas chambers. For example, if the oxygen is currently low and the catalytic converter needs more time, then less fuel will be injected until the oxygen levels are higher. This balances the overall pollutants emitted from the exhaust system.

There is also a two-stage catalytic converter that works a little differently. The first stage specifically reduces nitrogen oxide while the second stage reduces carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons.

How to Know If Your Catalytic Converter Needs a Replacement
So how do you know when it is time for a ? In most cars and trucks, the Check Engine Light should appear with a code to notify you if your catalytic converter’s efficiency is measuring below standard. Even so, it is always wise to be closely attuned to the performance of your vehicle so that you notice indications of a problem early on. Common signs of issues might include a sudden drop in fuel efficiency, difficulty starting the engine, black smoke coming from the exhaust pipe or a sluggish feeling when driving. At AutoZone, we offer a variety of catalytic converter replacements that are easily accessible in-store or with free one day delivery. Driving with a bad catalytic converter for too long may eventually lead to an engine shutdown, so never delay in replacing it.

Things to Consider When Buying Catalytic Converters
There are several things to consider when buying catalytic converters. Since these parts are essential for meeting government regulations, they have high standards and warranties to uphold. A converter must have a warranty of at least 80,000 miles or eight years of use. Not only that, but the government prohibits the sale of catalytic converters that haven’t been tested and proven to adequately reduce emissions.

Like most other parts, catalytic converters come in different grades. For example, there are both standard and performance models. While choosing a performance model might sometimes be beneficial, it’s best in this case to match your car’s specific needs. If you have a high-performance vehicle, then get a matching converter. If you have a standard vehicle, then get a standard converter.

You should look for a catalytic converter with a direct-fit piece. This makes it much easier to install the converter yourself. You’ll also want to ensure that the piece meets state laws for emissions.

Autozone Catalytic Converters
It is important to be aware that catalytic converter troubles could be symptomatic of other complications within the vehicle. Converters are susceptible to overheating if engine misfiring causes unburned fuel to enter the exhaust system. Coolant or oil entering the engine’s combustion chamber can also clog or degrade the catalytic converter. Hence, you may want to investigate whether the failure is due to age or something more. Whether you are a DIY car guru and want to tackle catalytic converter replacement on your own or would simply prefer to have a mechanic install the part, AutoZone’s gets your replacement to you in no time and offers some of the lowest prices on catalytic converters that you can find anywhere. No matter where your car repair journey takes you, AutoZone has got you covered when it comes to providing affordable parts.



On the scrap heap today – Precious metal tomorrow

Our core competency is the recovery of precious metals from spent automotive catalytic converters and diesel particulate filters. We offer different approaches for these materials, including purchasing, toll refining and fast settlement.


We are your competent partner in the recycling of precious metals and have been in the business for more than 20 years. Whatever the scrap – whether it’s from catalytic converters, e-scrap or other materials containing precious metals, we have the best solution for you.


Different types of catalytic converters contain different cores, either a ceramic monolith or a metal foil with platinum, palladium and rhodium. For both types, Hensel Recycling offers sustainable recycling solutions and professional sampling systems


Diesel particulate filters (DPFs) are made of various types of materials, requiring different recycling processes. But how can you tell the different types apart? We’ll show you – the quick and easy way.

Catalytic converters theft prevention

Catalytic converter theft prevention

In the main, it remains older cars that are targeted because advances in efficiency and technology mean the latest generations of Toyota catalytic converters contain vastly lower amounts of precious metals,

while still doing their job just as well or even better – this means their value for recycling is very low and they are not attractive to thieves.

It’s a serious problem then and while manufacturers are doing something about it, it will take these changes some time to filter down to the cars you’re buying.

There’s still plenty you can do to prevent yourself becoming a victim though so keep reading for our top ten tips to stop your catalytic convertor getting stolen.

How to stop your catalytic converters being stolen

In order to steal the parts, thieves need to slide under the vehicle and use cutting tools to detach the box from the pipes around it.

This means how you park you car matters. Parking close to walls or fences can help, but remember not to block pedestrian access, especially for wheelchair users.

Catalytic converters

Some garages will etch a unique serial number onto your catalytic converter so it can be easily identified if it is stolen.

You’ll also be provided with a sticker to be displayed in your window that indicates your catalytic converter is marked – which prevents offenders from targeting your vehicle.

If your catalytic converters is bolted on, you can ask for your local garage to weld the bolts to make it more difficult to remove.

You can purchase devices that lock in around the  to make it more difficult to remove. has its own device, called a Catloc. The Catloc has over 45 bespoke fitments, so the device should fit quite a few models in the range.

The Catloc costs between £200 and £250 (depending on model), which includes VAT and fitting by a Toyota retailer. While this isn’t a cheap solution, replacing a catalytic converters can cost well over £1000, including fitting. Hybrid models , which contain a higher percentage of precious metals, are also particularly at risk. The Catloc can’t guarantee theft prevention but it does make cutting the cat converters out more difficult.

Installing security cameras (CCTV, Ring Doorbell etc) seems like an obvious answer, and it is. Unfortunately, if you don’t park on your driveway then this can be significantly more difficult to implement.

Catalytic converters

There are alternative options to keep an eye on your car when you park it up, like wildlife trail cameras – but realistically it’s best to park in areas where there’s possible CCTV filming anyway – like well-lit, well-traversed streets if you can’t park off-street.

With the cost of CCTV systems falling an becoming an easy job to intall (not requiring specialist services), it’s never been simpler to keep an eye on your car. It’s worth considering for peace of mind generally, not just for catalytic converters theft.

This is another one that’s more to do with common sense and lowering the chances of a crime being committed generally – it’s not specific to catalytic converters theft.

Thieves are often opportunistic and the equipment required to cut out a cat converters is pretty heavy-duty, but once a vehicle is targeted – thieves tend to wait for an opportunity to strike as the theft itself takes a matter of minutes.

If you park in an area that’s well lit, which people regularly walk past, you’re less likely to come back to find your catalytic converter has been pinched.

If your vehicle doesn’t have an alarm and you live in an area where cat converter thefts are on the rise (big cities like London), it’s definitely time to invest in one. The noise of the alarm should be enough to scare off any thieves.

Catalytic converter theft: how to prevent it

Catalytic converter theft: how to prevent it

Catalytic converter theft is on the rise and as we’ve seen in the press of late, the thieves are getting ever more brazen, stealing catalytic converters in broad daylight from cars parked on their owner’s drives.

Most cars on UK roads have a catalytic converter fitted. Catalytic converters have been fitted to the majority of petrol cars since 1992 and diesel cars since 2001.

What is a catalytic converter?

Your catalytic converter turns pollutants emitted from your car’s exhaust into less harmful gases, but it’s also a tempting target for thieves.

Why do people steal catalytic converters?

There are two simple reasons for this. Number one, nicking a catalytic converter is a relatively simple job – all you need is a flagrant disregard for the law and other people’s property, a jack, an angle grinder and a few seconds of your time to get the job done.

Most catalytic converters on modern cars are located under the vehicle towards the exhaust which makes it easily accessible to thieves. Lifting the back of a car and cutting out the whole unit can be done in no time at all.

SUVs are more vulnerable due to their raised ground clearance. This means the catalytic converter is easier to get to and because they tend to have larger engines, these cat converters contain more precious metals.

What is a catalytic converter worth?

Reason number two is that some of the precious metals hidden inside your catalyst are worth more than gold. Inside a catalytic converter there is a ceramic element coated in various precious metals like platinum, rhodium

and palladium.

This is what attracts thieves – you can easily make £500 selling a catalytic converter on the black market.

While few manufacturers have acknowledged there is a problem with catalytic converter theft, Toyota has stuck its head above the parapet. In a recent statement, the company said:

“We’re doing all we can. We’ve shared police guidance with customers and we have developed and reduced the price of a ‘Catloc’ device which can deter theft and make it more difficult. Toyota teams in the UK and other countries are urgently exploring new technical possibilities to deter criminals as well.”

Toyota is working with the police, as well as talking to government about changes in the law around scrap metal sales that would make it harder for criminals to sell stolen catalysts for cash.

However, these are criminal operations and Toyota’s scope is therefore limited. A number of police forces are taking action and some forces, such as Nottinghamshire, are also starting awareness campaigns. It is vitally important for anyone who is a victim of this crime to report it to their local police force as quickly as possible.

WHAT BLACK, BLUE, OR WHITE SMOKE FROM A catalytic converters


White, black, or blueish colored smoke streaming from the back of a car is something that catalytic converters bothers the catalytic converters  driver and everyone else on the road. While smoke is always cause for concern, the smoke’s color can provide you with useful information that can help you figure out what is wrong with your vehicle. Read on to learn what black, white, and blue smoke coming from your exhaust means.


Several problems with your engine can cause excessive or abnormal smoke production.

The fuel that burns in each of your car’s engine cylinders produces exhaust gases. The catalytic converters gases leave your engine through valves before flowing through the exhaust manifold, the catalytic converter, and out the muffler / tailpipe.

When all parts of the exhaust system work as they should, the gases that leave your tailpipe will have no color. But a problem with the process will result in a visible cloud of smoke behind your car.

Exhaust smoke from vehicles that use gasoline as a fuel source can appear in multiple colors. The most common colors for this smoke are black, white, or a grey/blue color. Diesel, because it has a higher oil base, can generally be black and sooty, especially when accelerating under high-load.



White smoke is water vapor or another chemical vapor. Because all exhaust systems produce some amount of water vapor, this will be more evident on a cold day, where you see cars all streaming a small amount of water vapor in the exhaust behind them.

All exhaust has some level of water vapor, and this is especially true when you first start your car for the day. If the white smoke coming from your exhaust system becomes excessive and persists in all temperatures, coolant may be leaking into the engine’s combustion chambers.

In these cases, a head gasket failure or cracked block is normally the cause. There are other times that gaskets on a part like an intake manifold can cause a leak of coolant into the combustion chamber, but this is less likely.

The function of a head gasket is to seal combustion chambers, but also act as a seal between the water passages of the block, and the head. Any problem with a head gasket will and can allow coolant into the combustion chamber or an oil passage.

Once this happens, a sweet-smelling, white smoke is likely to exit your tailpipe in the form of coolant being burned. At the same time, your coolant level will fall with no visible leaks anywhere, which is a dead giveaway of a head gasket issue. To fix a head gasket is a major repair, and is outlined further in our .

A cracked cylinder head is another possible cause of the white smoke coming through your tailpipe, which is similar to a head gasket in that a crack in a coolant passage will and can also leak coolant into the combustion chamber. In turbocharged vehicles, some turbos anyway, lack of coolant in the system can also cause overheating, which causes further damage and issues.

For DIY diagnosis, the next step would be to pressure-test the coolant system and determine where the coolant is going or coming from. This will determine if further engine tear-down is needed, and where.

BLACK SMOKE catalytic converters

Black smoke from the exhaust appears when the air/fuel ratio entering the engine is too rich with fuel. This can be caused by too much fuel entering the combustion chamber, or not enough air. Usually, the issue revolves around fuel.

This can be anything from a faulty fuel pressure regulator letting too high of fuel pressure pass through the system, to a leaking fuel injector. This could also be a faulty engine sensor, such as an O2 sensor. In most of these cases, a check engine light will follow, telling you that the system is running rich, and will tell you if a sensor isn’t functioning properly.

In older, carburete vehicles, this same rich condition is caused from a carburetor not being properly adjusted, or defective parts within the carburetor.

In Diesel engines, fast acceleration and engine load is often met by the engine’s system over-fueling, which can lead to black smoke appearing on acceleration. In diesel engines, this is very normal, even to the point where high-performance turbo diesel engines can produce a ton of black smoke on acceleration, which led to the industry moniker of “rolling coal”.

In a gas engine though, a rich condition inside the combustion chamber will eventually foul out spark plugs, ruin the catalytic converter, and leave massive carbon deposits in the combustion chamber. Ultimately, engine performance will suffer, and eventually, more serious damage can and will follow.

The good news with most modern engines is that chasing down the problem will be done with partial clues in the form of . Everything going on in the engine, the various engine sensors will know, and will report. At that point, it is a matter of pinpointing the problem and fixing it.


In addition to the black and white smoke from exhaust systems that can signal problems with your car, a mix of other smoke colors can exit through your tailpipe. Bluish gray or grayish-white smoke is an indicator that your engine is burning oil.

This produces a foul burnt oil smell to all the cars behind you, and if you’re one of those cars following someone who’s burning oil, you’re quickly reaching for the A/C recirculation button in your car to stave off the horrible smell.

Burning oil can be caused by a few different problems. All engines consume a small amount of oil no matter what, but excessive consumption of oil is usually seen in the exhaust as bluish-tinted smoke.

Bad valve seals are one of the biggest culprits, but worn-out piston rings, valve guides, a plugged PVC valve or crankcase ventilation system, and even over-filling the crankcase with oil can all lead to oil consumption. The easiest thing to check, of course, is the oil level.

Over-filling your oil can be just as bad as under-filling, so be sure your oil is at the correct level. With all the other variants of oil consumption, you will need to take a deeper dive into the engine to determine what’s causing the problem.

For DIY diagnosis, the next step would be a compression and leakdown test to determine whether the piston rings, or valve guides are causing an issue. Inspection of the crankcase ventilation system, and the PCV valve must be done to determine that the system is properly ventilating between the crankcase and the intake. Valve seals can be visually inspected for wear, and if necessary, replaced even if the head/s remain on the engine.


With engine diagnosis, sometimes a professional hand is needed. If you need help,  that can help determine what’s causing the smoke.

Advice, how-to guides, and car care information featured on  and AutoZone Advice & How-To’s are presented as helpful resources for general maintenance and automotive repairs from a general perspective only and should be used at your own risk. Information is accurate and true to the best of AutoZone’s knowledge, however, there may be omissions, errors or mistakes.Be sure to consult your owner’s manual, , or a licensed, professional mechanic for vehicle-specific repair information. Refer to the service manual for specific diagnostic, repair and tool information for your particular vehicle. Always chock your wheels prior to lifting a vehicle.

Always disconnect the negative battery cable before servicing an electrical application on the vehicle to protect its electrical circuits in the event that a wire is accidentally pierced or grounded. Use caution when working with. Sulfuric acid is caustic and can burn clothing and skin or cause blindness.

Always wear gloves and safety glasses and other personal protection equipment, and work in a well-ventilated area. Should electrolyte get on your body or clothing, neutralize it immediately with a solution of baking soda and water. Do not wear ties or loose clothing when working on your vehicle.





The critical reason that people hear more and more about stolen catalytic converters is that these parts are moneymakers. They consist of platinum, rhodium, and palladium, all of which are precious metals. Because of this, acatalytic converters ’s scrap value can yield well over $200 per piece, and some larger, rare converters can even fetch over $1000, based on the metal’s current scrap rate.

Since 1975,r—however, some catalytic converters interest crooks more than others. For instance, trucks and SUVs are effortless to get under, which makes them an excellent target. The higher up your vehicle sits, the easier it is to steal the catalytic converter. And, usually a larger engine will have a larger converter with more metal content inside.

From 2019-2020, Los Angeles County reported a  In the state of California, there was over an 85% increase in converter replacement service.

WHY WOULD SOMEONE STEAL A CAT catalytic converters ?

Crooks love catalytic converters because they contain precious metals they can sell. Scrap yards offer around $200 for catalytic converters and more for bigger, heavier ones. How, then, does a thief remove a catalytic converter?

Criminals usually use a portable reciprocating saw to remove it, aiming to take the converter off in less than a few minutes.

You might not be able to know that your catalytic converter was taken by looking at your vehicle, but once you start it, the sound of gargling open exhaust (think massive muffler leak) will immediately make it apparent. It will be loud – very loud, and louder when you accelerate and get on the road.


Depending on the precious metal, thieves could sell a converter to a metal recycler for around $200. The recycler then removes the metal and resells it for over $5,000 per ounce. While there is no official record of catalytic converter thefts nationwide, crime is rising dramatically, increasing metal costs.

The unlucky auto owner will need to shell out $1,000 or more for a converter installation. If the thief breaks any additional exhaust components, such as cutting the oxygen sensors or destroying other exhaust work, expect the to go up.


Preventing converter theft can be difficult. One thing to keep in mind is that the process of sawing a converter off is not quiet. Most thieves choose to do these in open parking lots at night, away from close detection. Fleet vehicles or trucks parked in open lots are often prime targets. Some thieves have become bolden though and have begun attacking neighborhoods. Use these tips to help prevent converter theft:

  • Park close to entrances and in well-lit areas. If you need to park your car in an open lot, choose an area close to the main road where passers-by might see thieves trying to steal it. If you notice cameras in the lot, park near them
  • Park your vehicle inside your garage, making sure to shut and lock the garage doors. If this cannot be done, avoid parking your truck or SUV especially farther away from the house – keep it close
  • Install an aftermarket alarm that can sense vibration
  • Install one of many available outdoor and night-vision security cameras and aim the camera at your parking area. While this may not prevent a thief from trying (no different than package thieves) it will give authorities video evidence that could help them find the perpetrator
  • Use your landscaping and other lower-riding vehicles to your advantage. Remember, a thief has to be able to easy get under more-desireable vehicles like SUV’s and Trucks. These thieves do not have time to jack a car up. For instance, if you have Truck and a lower car, and one side of your driveway has a retaining way, or hedge bushes, park your truck as close to that side as possible, and the car as close to the truck at the side. While they may not prevent theft, generally thieves are going to choose easy targets. You have to out-strategize the thief!

For more tips on protecting your converter from thieves or need replacement parts in the event of a converter theft, visit your local AutoZone store. If you need help with a converter theft replacement, you can view our that can help with a converter replacement.

Advice, how-to guides, and car care information featured on  and AutoZone Advice & How-To’s are presented as helpful resources for general maintenance and automotive repairs from a general perspective only and should be used at your own risk. Information is accurate and true to the best of AutoZone’s knowledge, however, there may be omissions, errors or mistakes. 

Be sure to consult your owner’s manual, a, an , or a licensed, professional mechanic for vehicle-specific repair information. Refer to the service manual for specific diagnostic, repair and tool information for your particular vehicle. Always chock your wheels prior to lifting a vehicle. Always disconnect the negative battery cable before servicing an electrical application on the vehicle to protect its electrical circuits in the event that a wire is accidentally pierced or grounded. Use caution when working with  Sulfuric acid is caustic and can burn clothing and skin or cause blindness. Always wear gloves and safety glasses and other personal protection equipment, and work in a well-ventilated area. Should electrolyte get on your body or clothing, neutralize it immediately with a solution of baking soda and water. Do not wear ties or loose clothing when working on your vehicle.





In your history of car-ownership, chances are you’ve run into a problem or concern on your catalytic converter. Whether it’s a converter that’s rust through, making a rattling noise, or plugged up, damage to your catalytic converter can set you back with a big-cost repair bill. Often, you’re left wondering exactly what in the world it does in the first place. For all of that, we’ll explain.


In simplest terms, a catalytic converter shares a similar size and shape to a small muffler in your exhaust and lives in the exhaust system just like a muffler. In some ways, it also helps to mute exhaust sounds, but that’s not its purpose. Catalytic converters were first introduced in the mid-1970’s as a way to contain and help fully combust and convert items within the exhaust that prior to those times, were simply exiting into the atmosphere.

A converter is composed of a metal can, much like a muffler. Inside that can is a metallic honeycomb element that works to convert these hot exhaust gases into items that are less harmful to the environment as they move through the exhaust and out into the air. In cars built after 1995, a downstream oxygen sensor helps to monitor and make sure the converter is performing properly.

Over time, a catalytic converter can lead a rough life to failure. In Northern climates, salt spray and rust can lead to a complete corrosion of the body of the converter, and because of that, many now are made from stainless steel. This failure causes a massive exhaust leak, where many times one of the connecting flanges fails, giving you a complete exhaust leak and waking up every neighbor in your neighborhood when you start your car in the morning! On the inside, the honeycomb material can break down and fracture, causing a knocking or rattling sound from within the exhaust. This material can also become clogged and contaminated with soot, burned oil or antifreeze, and eventually cause a massive exhaust restriction or complete blockage. In all of these cases, a new catalytic converter will be needed, and often times, a Check Engine Light will accompany this.


There are a few fitment options when it comes to catalytic converters:

  • These are built for your specific year, make, and model of vehicle for easy installation.
  •  These are not built for a specific vehicle, so they’re a little more work to install.

There are also a few options as far as performance goes:

  • Federal: These devices function according to the specifications laid out by the Federal Government and meet emissions standards in most states.
  • California or CARB: These devices are built to meet the more stringent emissions standards laid out by the California Air Resources Board (CARB). These are needed in California and a few other states including New York, Colorado, and Maine.

Make sure to get a catalytic converter that meets your state’s emissions guidelines, otherwise you won’t pass emissions.


Part of the scare and frustration of catalytic converters is the fact that prices for replacement vary wildly. The main difference in lies within direct-fit vs a universal fit unit. For many vehicles, a muffler shop can easily weld in a universal replacement converter for $2-300.00. This is accomplish by cutting out the old converter from the exhaust section and welding or clamping in a new one. On many newer vehicles, the converter is often incorporated into either an elaborate down-pipe section from the engine, or incorporated into the exhaust manifold itself, and in these cases, a direct-fit converter is the only option.

Direct-fit converters are generally bolt-on items, that are replace by unbolting the flanges that attach it and bolting in a new unit. Because they are more complex, they are often very costly compare to their universal counterparts. For direct-fit options, a replacement can cost anywhere from $300.00 to $2,500.00, depending on the model, for just the cost of the part. You should also think about labor costs, which could cost between $70 and $130 an hour to install the converter. The time it takes to finish the job will vary depending on the specific vehicle involved.

If you do this job yourself, you will save the labor costs, but many times, the actual cost of the catalytic converter is the expensive portion. While the job can take some time, it’s often not too difficult, especially if you buy a direct replacement catalytic converter.


Like any part, component, or accessory on a car, the catalytic converter won’t last forever. It’s important to recognize the warning signs that this part is dying and no longer doing its job effectively. If you need a new one, you can start researching the catalytic converter replacement cost, and explore different manufacturer’s options.

Some signs it is time for replacement include:

  • Exhaust leak directly under the cabin of the vehicle or near the firewall.
  • You hear a rattling sound directly under the cabin when your car is idling.
  • You smell a foul rotten egg odor coming from the exhaust. You may notice this as you drive, while you’re in idle or when you’re standing outside of your vehicle while it’s running.
  • Loss of power or acceleration in the vehicle.
  • A mechanic diagnosing these issues may notice that the catalytic converter is hot or even glowing red.


Anytime you realize the catalytic converter may be suspect, you need to take your vehicle to a mechanic right away. Don’t let the catalytic converter repair cost scare you. This is not an issue you can put off for a long period of time. Other signs may come in other forms. For example, you may notice a big drop in your vehicle’s fuel economy.

Continued problems can lead to a sluggish engine, engine damage, and engine failure. Many times, engine codes like  but issues with engine performance could be causing this. Addressing the concerns right away could save you a lot of stress and money. Even if you’re lucky enough to avoid major engine problems, you can’t legally drive a vehicle with a bad catalytic converter in many states. In order to register your car, most states require an emissions or smog test. Your car will fail this test if the catalytic converter is not in good shape.

To help with any catalytic converter problems, you can search here for that can help diagnose and repair. If you want to tackle the repair yourself, AutoZone carries a selection of universal and direct-fit converters for replacement.

Rough Driving and Acceleration catalytic converter

Rough Driving and Acceleration

As your exhaust goes unregulated, your vehicle will drive more roughly. Your engine usually forces your exhaust through your catalytic converter. Without this component in place, this forceful exhaust push will lead to jarring, uneven acceleration.

Annual Vehicle Inspection Failure

Without your catalytic converter, you will fail both your NC safety inspection and your NC emissions inspection. While the emissions inspection failure may seem obvious, you might be wondering why a missing catalytic converter would cause you to fail your safety inspection.

Your annual safety inspection includes an exhaust system check, which checks specifically for removed and tampered components. This includes your catalytic converter, as well as your muffler, exhaust pipe, PCP valve, and EGR valve, among others.

As such, you will be unable to renew your vehicle registration without a catalytic converter. You can find more information on exhaust system checks here on our list of everything checked during your annual safety inspection.

Harmful Car Emissions

Your catalytic converter is named as such because it converts toxins into less harmful byproducts, such as water vapor and carbon dioxide. Without this component, your vehicle will no longer be filtering and reducing harmful emissions, including hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, and carbon monoxide. Not only is this bad for the environment, but it can also lead to harmfully poor air quality. When you park in your garage, for example, these toxic pollutants can find their way into your home.

Avoiding a $250 Fine

Not everyone who drives without a catalytic converter is the victim of theft. Some individuals choose to remove their catalytic converters to boost their horsepower. If authorities find that you removed your catalytic converter on purpose, it can lead to a hefty fine of $250.

This does not apply to stolen catalytic converters. The fine is delivered “for instructing or allowing a person to tamper with an emission control device of the vehicle so as to make the device inoperative or fail to work properly.” However, if your catalytic converter was, in fact, stolen but you try to avoid replacement with workarounds, your efforts might resemble the efforts of a driver trying to tamper with their emissions system. This is also why it is important to report a stolen catalytic converter right away.

How Can You Prevent Catalytic Converter Theft?

Thankfully, there are a few preventative measures you can take to deter the theft of your catalytic converter.

Install a Protective Device

Catalytic converter theft has become so prominent that companies have started to sell protective devices. These installations make it impossible for anyone to cut off your catalytic converter. Unfortunately, high-quality devices and their installation will likely run you a few hundred bucks. However, it could save you thousands of dollars on catalytic converter replacement.

You can learn a little more about Cat Security—one of these protective devices—in this video from our experts, and see the final installation here.

Vibration-Triggered Alarms

Some newer vehicles have a security setting that triggers the alarm when it senses vibrations. The sawing of your catalytic converter will be enough to set off these alarms.

Mindful Parking

When you are at home, you can park in the garage to help avoid catalytic converter theft. What about when you are on the go? When your garage is not an option, here are some parking tips to keep in mind:

  • Brightly-lit areas: Parking under street lights or in brightly-lit locations can help deter theft.
  • Highly populated locations: If the lot or parking garage you are in is seeing a lot of foot traffic, it will be hard for someone to steal your catalytic converter without being caught.
  • Security camera: Keep an eye out for security cameras in your parking area and try to find a spot visible to the cameras.

At best, these practices can deter the theft of your catalytic converter. Otherwise, it may help the authorities catch the individual who stole your vehicle parts.

Chapel Hill Tire Catalytic Converter Services

Chapel Hill Tire has the catalytic converter protective devices you need to maintain your peace of mind and keep your vehicle protected. We sell and install these devices to help our drivers prevent catalytic converter theft.


How a Three-Way Catalytic Converter Works

How a Three-Way Catalytic Converter Works

3-way catalytic converter is a sophisticated device used in the exhaust system of many modern petrol engine vehicles. It converts harmful gases in the engine exhaust to relatively harmless gases.

Why should we use three-way catalytic converters?

The exhaust gases from an engine contain harmful substances such as oxides of nitrogen (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO) and Hydrocarbons (HC). These substances produce extreme environment hazards. 3-way catalytic converters convert these harmful substances to less harmful nitrogen (N2), carbon-di-oxide (CO2) and water (H2O).


A three-way catalytic converter makes use of two catalysts to convert harmful gases to harmless gases. They are:

  1. Reduction Catalyst and
  2. Oxidation Catalyst

The reduction catalyst is made of platinum and rhodium while the oxidation catalyst is made of platinum and palladium. Both the catalysts have a ceramic honeycomb structure.

Stage 1 – Reduction Catalyst:

The exhaust gases are first sent over the reduction catalyst (which is made of platinum and rhodium). It converts oxides of nitrogen (NOx) to nitrogen (N2) and oxygen (O2). The following reactions take place when the exhaust gases pass over the reduction catalyst.

2NO → N2 + O2

2NO2 → N2 + 2O2

The reduction catalyst simply rips off nitrogen and oxygen from the oxides of nitrogen. As you might know, nitrogen and oxygen are harmless gases while oxides of nitrogen are really harmful to the environment.

Stage 2 – Oxidation Catalyst:

Exhaust gases that are free of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) are then sent over the oxidation catalyst (made of  platinum and palladium). The oxidation catalyst coverts carbon-monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbons (HC) in the gases into carbon-di-oxide (CO2) and water (H2O).

The following reactions takes place when the exhaust gases pass over the oxidation catalyst:

2CO + O2→ 2CO2

HC + O2 → CO2 + H2O

Note: The second reaction (above) is a generalized reaction. In it, HC stands for hydrocarbon. HC might be methane, ethane or other hydrocarbon.

The gases that finally come out of the catalyst chamber are N2, CO2, and H2O. 3-way catalytic converters are so named because they are capable of eliminating three pollutants – NOx, CO and HC.

What IS Catalytic Converter In Cars & How Does It Work?

What IS Catalytic Converter In Cars & How Does It Work

What is a Catalytic Converter? The catalytic converter or ‘Cat-Con’ is a mechanical device. It reduces the harmful emissions created in the exhaust system of an engine. It is an important device as it works …

The catalytic converter or ‘Cat-Con’ is a mechanical device. It reduces the harmful emissions created in the exhaust system of an engine. It is an important device as it works with the harmful gases, which the engine creates during combustion of fuel. The main purpose of a catalytic converter is to reduce exhaust emissions.

Engine Exhaust System
Engine Exhaust System

The Cat-Con reduces the harmful exhaust gases through chemical reactions. It reacts with the harmful pollutants in the exhaust gases and turns them into lesser harmful gases. The catalytic converter consists of a special catalyst. It is made of platinum and palladium which carries out the chemical reactions.

Construction of Catalytic Converter:

The catalytic converter housing consists of a honeycomb core from inside. It is coated with precious metals such as platinum and rhodium. These metals react with the engine’s exhaust gases. They reduce the toxic contents of the gases and turn them into carbon dioxide and water.

Construction of catalytic converter
Construction of catalytic converter

At first, it reacts with the carbon monoxide generated by the combustion of gasoline. It also reacts with the hydrocarbons formed by unburned fuel and other nitrogen oxide emissions. Thus, the cat-con converts these gases into less harmful by-products which are the carbon-di-oxide, water vapor, and nitrous emissions.

Types of Catalytic Converters:

There are three different Types of Cat-Cons. The first type is the oxidation catalyst. It reduces harmful pollutants such as the carbon monoxide (CO) and fuel hydrocarbons (HC) in the exhaust. Simultaneously, it often uses a secondary air injection. However, the oxidation catalyst only reduces a portion of the pollutants.


The second type is the dual-bed catalytic-converter which offers more perfection. It works in two stages. There are two elements which are situated one behind the other. The first stage helps in reducing the amount of nitrogen oxide emissions. The second stage reacts with the hydrocarbons created by unburned fuel and carbon mono oxide. The manufacturers also provide the secondary air injection in the two-stage type cat-con.

Three-Way Catalytic Converter:

The last type is the Three Way Catalytic Converter. The Three-way catalyst helps in converting the harmful gases exhausted from the engine into harmless gases. The engine exhaust gases contain hazardous substances that cause damage to the environment. These include the oxides of nitrogen, hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide. The three-way catalyst converts them into less harmful carbon-di-oxide, water, and nitrogen.

Catalytic-Converter Honeycomb structure
Catalytic-Converter Honeycomb structure (Image courtesy: Eastern Catalytic)

The three-way cat-con is the only device which reduces all the three pollutants in one go. It functions most economically. Thus, most manufacturers employ a three-way type in their vehicles which need to meet stringent emission standards.

Working of the Three-Way Catalytic converter:

Furthermore, the three-way catalytic converter uses two catalysts; namely reduction catalyst and an oxidation catalyst. The oxidation catalyst is made of palladium and platinum whereas reduction catalyst is of rhodium and platinum. However, both of them come with a ceramic honeycomb structure. Besides, it is placed in a muffler like a compact unit which fits onto the exhaust pipe. Mainly, the automotive industry uses the Three-way Cat-con. This is because the vehicles have to pass many regulations for emission control.

Three-way Catalytic Converter
Three-way Catalytic Converter

Thus, the catalytic converter plays anCatalytic Converter cat-cons please click here:

How Catalytic Converters Work

How Catalytic Converters Work

James L. Amos/National Geographic/Getty Images

A large pile of platinum lined catalytic converters. See more green living pictures.

There are millions of cars on the road in the United States, and each one is a source of air pollution. Especially in large cities, the amount of pollution that all the cars produce together can create big problems.

To solve those problems, cities, states and the federal government create clean-air laws that restrict the amount of pollution that cars can produce. Over the years, automakers have made many refinements to car engines and fuel systems to keep up with these laws. One of these changes came about in 1975 with an interesting device called a catalytic converter. The job of the catalytic converter is to convert harmful pollutants into less harmful emissions before they ever leave the car’s­ exhaust system.

Catalytic converters are amazingly simple devices, so it is incredible to see how big an impact they have. In this article, you will learn which pollutants are produced by an engine and how a catalytic converter deals with each of these pollutants to help reduce

[edit] Types

[edit] Two-way

A two-way catalytic converter has two simultaneous tasks:

Oxidation of carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide: 2CO + O2 → 2CO2

Oxidation of unburnt hydrocarbons (unburnt and partially-burnt fuel) to carbon dioxide and water: CxH2x+2 + [(3x+1)/2] O2 → xCO2 + (x+1) H2O (a combustion reaction)

This type of catalytic converter is widely used on diesel engines to reduce hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide emissions. They were also used on gasoline engines in USA market automobiles until 1981. Due to their inability to control nitrous oxide NOHYPERLINK “”x, they were superseded by three-way converters.

[edit] Three-way

Since 1981, three-way catalytic converters have been used in vehicle emission control systems in North America and many other countries on roadgoing vehicles. A three-way catalytic converter has three simultaneous tasks:

Reduction of nitrogen oxides to nitrogen and oxygen: 2NOx → xO2 + N2

Oxidation of carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide: 2CO + O2 → 2CO2

Oxidation of unburnt hydrocarbons (HC) to carbon dioxide and water: CxH2x+2 + [(3x+1)/2]O2 → xCO2 + (x+1)H2O

These three reactions occur most efficiently when the catalytic converter receives exhaust from an engine running slightly above the stoichiometric point. This point is between 14.6 and 14.8 parts air to 1 part fuel, by weight, for gasoline. The ratio for LPG, natural gas and ethanol fuels is slightly different, requiring modified fuel system settings when using those fuels. Generally, engines fitted with 3-way catalytic converters are equipped with a computerized closed-loop feedback fuel injection system using one or more oxygen sensors, though early in the deployment of 3-way converters, carburetors equipped for feedback mixture control were used. While a 3-way catalyst can be used in an open-loop system, NOx reduction efficiency is low. Within a narrow fuel/air ratio band surrounding stoichiometry, conversion of all three pollutants is nearly complete. However, outside that band, conversion efficiency falls very rapidly. When there is more oxygen than required, the system is said to be running lean, and the system is in oxidizing condition. In that case, the converter’s two oxidizing reactions (oxidation of CO and hydrocarbons) are favoured, at the expense of the reduction of NOx. When there is excessive fuel, the engine is running rich; the reduction of NOx is favoured, at the expense of CO and HC oxidation.

[edit] Oxygen storage

Three-way catalytic converters can store oxygen from the exhaust gas stream, usually when the air fuel ratio goes lean.[5] When insufficient oxygen is available from the exhaust stream, the stored oxygen is released and consumed (see cerium(IV) oxide). This lean-ness occurs either when oxygen derived from NOx reduction is unavailable or certain maneuvers such as hard acceleration enrich the mixture beyond the ability of the converter to supply oxygen.

[edit] Unwanted reactions

Unwanted reactions can occur in the three-way catalyst, such as the formation of odiferous hydrogen sulfide and ammonia. Formation of each can be limited by modifications to the washcoat and precious metals used. It is difficult to eliminate these byproducts entirely. Sulfur-free or low-sulfur fuels eliminate or reduce hydrogen sulfide.

For example, when control of hydrogen sulfide emissions is desired, nickel or manganese is added to the washcoat. Both substances act to block the adsorption of sulfur by the washcoat. Hydrogen sulfide is formed when the washcoat has adsorbed sulfur during a low temperature part of the operating cycle, which is then released during the high temperature part of the cycle and the sulfur combines with HC.

[edit] For diesel engines

For compression-ignition (i.e., diesel) engines, the most commonly used catalytic converter is the diesel oxidation catalyst. This catalyst uses O2 (oxygen) in the exhaust gas stream to convert CO (carbon monoxide) to CO2 (carbon dioxide) and HC (hydrocarbons) to H2O (water) and CO2. These converters often operate at 90% efficiency, virtually eliminating diesel odor and helping to reduce visible particulates (soot). But they cannot reduce NOx because chemical reactions always occur in the simplest possible way, and the existing O2 in the exhaust gas stream would react first.

To reduce NOx on a compression ignition engine, the chemical composition of the exhaust must first be changed. Two main techniques are used: exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and selective catalytic reduction (SCR). NOx trapping (with NOx absorbers) is a third method, but as of yet (2010), is not widely used.

Diesel engine exhaust contains relatively high levels of particulate matter (soot), consisting in large part of elemental carbon. Catalytic converters cannot clean up elemental carbon, though they do remove up to 90% of the soluble organic fraction[citation needed], so particulates are cleaned up by a soot trap or diesel particulate filter (DPF). In the United States, all on-road heavy-duty vehicles powered by diesel and built after 1 January 2007 must be equipped with a catalytic converter and a diesel particulate filter.[6]

Instead of catalysis, a reagent such as ammonia pyrolyzed in situ from urea, is sometimes used to reduce the NOx into nitrogen. One trademark product to do this is AdBlue.

[edit] For lean-burn engines

For lean burn spark ignition engines, an oxidation catalyst is used in the same manner as in a diesel engine.

[edit] Installation

Many vehicles have a pre-catalyst located close to the engine’s exhaust manifold. This unit heats up quickly due to its proximity to the engine, and reduces cold-engine emissions by burning off hydrocarbons from the extra-rich mixture used in a cold engine.

Many three-way catalytic converters utilize an air injection tube between the first (NOx reduction) and second (HC and CO oxidation) stages of the converter. This tube is fed by a secondary air injection system. The injected air provides oxygen for the catalyst’s oxidizing reaction. These systems also sometimes include an upstream air injector to admit oxygen to the exhaust system before it reaches the catalytic converter. This precleans the extra-rich exhaust from a cold engine, and helps bring the catalytic converter quickly up to operating temperature.

Some newer systems do not employ air injection. Instead, they provide a constantly varying mixture that quickly and continually cycles between lean and rich to keep the first catalyst (NOx reduction) from becoming oxygen loaded, and to keep the second catalyst (CO oxidization) sufficiently oxygen-saturated. They also utilize several oxygen sensors to monitor the exhaust, at least one before the catalytic converter for each bank of cylinders, and one after the converter. Some systems contain the reduction and oxidation functions separately rather than in a common housing.

[edit] Damage

[edit] Poisoning

Catalyst poisoning occurs when the catalytic converter is exposed to exhaust containing substances that coat the working surfaces, encapsulating the catalyst so that it cannot contact and treat the exhaust. The most notable contaminant is lead, so vehicles equipped with catalytic converters can only be run on unleaded gasoline. Other common catalyst poisons include manganese primarily from the gasoline additive MMT, and silicone which can enter the exhaust stream if the engine has a leak allowing coolant into the combustion chamber. Phosphorus is another catalyst contaminant. Although phosphorus is no longer used in gasoline, it (and zinc, another low-level catalyst contaminant) was until recently widely used in engine oil antiwear additives such as ZDDP. Beginning in 2006, a rapid phaseout of ZDDP in engine oils began.[citation needed]

Depending on the contaminant, catalyst poisoning can sometimes be reversed by running the engine under a very heavy load for an extended period of time. The increased exhaust temperature can sometimes liquefy or sublimate the contaminant, removing it from the catalytic surface. However, removal of lead deposits in this manner is usually not possible due to lead’s high boiling point.

[edit] Meltdown

Any condition that causes abnormally high levels of unburned hydrocarbons – raw or partially-burnt fuel – to reach the converter will tend to significantly elevate its temperature, bringing the risk of a meltdown of the substrate and resultant catalytic deactivation and severe exhaust restriction. Vehicles equipped with OBD-II diagnostic systems are designed to alert the driver of a misfire condition, along with other malfunctions, by means of the “Check Engine” light on the dashboard.

[edit] Regulations

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Please help improve this articleby adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challengedand removed. (March 2009)

Emissions regulations vary considerably from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. In North America, most spark ignition engines of over 25 brake horsepower (19 kW) output built after January 1, 2004 are equipped with three-way catalytic converters. In Japan, a similar set of regulations came into effect January 1, 2007, while the European Union has not yet enacted analogous regulations. Most automobile spark ignition engines in North America have been fitted with catalytic converters since the mid-1970s, and the technology used in non-automotive applications is generally based on automotive technology.

Regulations for diesel engines are similarly varied, with some jurisdictions focusing on NOx (nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide) emissions and others focusing on particulate (soot) emissions. The regulatory diversity is challenging for manufacturers of the engine as it may not be economical to design an engine to meet two sets of regulations.

Regulations of fuel quality vary across jurisdictions. In North America, Europe, Japan, and Hong Kong, gasoline and diesel fuel are highly regulated, and CNG and LPG are being reviewed for regulation. In most of Asia and Africa, the regulations are often lax – in some places sulfur content of the fuel can reach 20,000 parts per million (2%). Any sulfur in the fuel can be oxidized to SO2 (sulfur dioxide) or even SO3 (sulfur trioxide) in the combustion chamber. If sulfur passes over a catalyst, it may be further oxidized in the catalyst, i.e. (SO2 may be further oxidized to SO3). Sulfur oxides are precursors to sulfuric acid, a major component of acid rain. While it is possible to add substances like vanadium to the catalyst wash coat to combat sulfur oxide formation, such addition will reduce the effectiveness of the catalyst. The most effective solution is to further refine fuel at the refinery to produce ultra-low sulfur diesel. Regulations in Japan, Europe, and North America tightly restrict the amount of sulfur permitted in motor fuels. However, the expense of producing such clean fuel make it impractical for use in many developing countries. As a result, cities in these countries with high levels of vehicular traffic suffer from acid rain, which damages stone and woodwork of buildings and damages local ecosystems.

[edit] Negative aspects

Some early converter designs greatly restricted the flow of exhaust, which negatively affected vehicle performance, driveability, and fuel economy.[7] Because they were used with carburetors incapable of precise fuel/air mixture control, they could overheat and set fire to flammable materials under the car.[8] Removing a modern catalytic converter in new condition will only slightly increase vehicle performance without retuning,[9] but their removal or “gutting” continues.[7]HYPERLINK “″[10] The exhaust section where the converter was may be replaced with a welded-in section of straight pipe, or a flanged section of “test pipe” legal for off-road use that can then be replaced with a similarly fitted converter-choked section for legal on-road use, or emissions testing.[9] In the US and many other jurisdictions, it is illegal to remove or disable a catalytic converter for any reason other than its immediate replacement[citation needed]; vehicles without functioning catalytic converters generally fail emission inspections. The aftermarket supplies high-flow converters for vehicles with upgraded engines, or whose owners prefer an exhaust system with larger-than-stock capacity.[11]

[edit] Warm-up period

Most of the pollution put out by a car occurs during the first five minutes before the catalytic converter has warmed up sufficiently.[12]

[edit] Environmental impact

Catalytic converters have proven to be reliable and effective in reducing noxious tailpipe emissions. However, they may have some adverse environmental impacts in use:

The requirement for a rich burn engine to run at the stoichiometric point means it uses more fuel than a “lean burn” engine running at a mixture of 20:1 or less. This increases the amount of fossil fuel consumed and the carbon dioxide emissions of the vehicle. However, NOx control on lean burn engines is problematic.

Although catalytic converters are effective at removing hydrocarbons and other harmful emissions, they do not solve the fundamental problem created by burning a fossil fuel. In addition to water, the main combustion product in exhaust gas leaving the engine – through a catalytic converter or not – is carbon dioxide (CO2).[13] Carbon dioxide produced from fossil fuels is one of the greenhouse gases indicated by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to be a “most likely” cause of global warming.[14] Additionally, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has stated catalytic converters are a significant and growing cause of global warming, due to their release of nitrous oxide (N2O), a greenhouse gas over 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide.[15]

Catalytic converter production requires palladium or platinum; part of the world supply of these precious metals is produced near the Russian city of Norilsk, where the industry (among others) has caused Norilsk to be added to Time Magazine’s list of most polluted places.[16]

[edit] Theft

Due to the external location and the use of valuable precious metals including platinum, palladium, and rhodium, converters are a target for thieves. The problem is especially common among late-model Toyota trucks and SUVs, due to their high ground clearance and easily-removed bolt-on catalytic converters. Welded-in converters are also at risk of theft from SUVs and trucks, as they can be easily removed.[17]HYPERLINK “″[18] Theft removal of the converter can often inadvertently damage the car’s wiring or fuel line resulting in dangerous consequences. Rises in metal costs in the United States during recent years have led to a large increase in theft incidents of the converter,[19] which can then cost as much as $1000 to replace.[20]

[edit] Diagnostics

Various jurisdictions now legislate on-board diagnostics to monitor the function and condition of the emissions control system, including the catalytic converter. On-board diagnostic systems take several forms.

[edit] Temperature sensors

Temperature sensors are used for two purposes. The first is as a warning system, typically on 2-Way catalytic converters such as are still sometimes used on LPG forklifts. The function of the sensor is to warn of catalytic converter temperature above the safe limit of 750 °C (1,380 °F). More recent catalytic converter designs are not as susceptible to temperature damage and can withstand sustained temperatures of 900 °C (1,650 °F).[citation needed] Temperature sensors are also used to monitor catalyst functioning – usually two sensors will be fitted, with one before the catalyst and one after to monitor the temperature rise over the catalytic converter core. For every 1% of CO in the exhaust gas stream the exhaust gas temperature will rise by 100°C.[citation needed]

[edit] Oxygen sensors

The Oxygen sensor is the basis of the closed loop control system on a spark ignited rich burn engine, however it is also used for diagnostics. In vehicles with OBD II, a second oxygen sensor is fitted after the catalytic converter to monitor the O2 levels. The on-board computer makes comparisons between the readings of the two sensors. If both sensors give the same output, the computer recognizes the catalytic converter is not functioning or removed, and will operate a ‘check engine’ light and retard engine performance. Simple “oxygen sensor simulators” have been developed to circumvent this problem by simulating the change across the catalytic converter with plans and pre-assembled devices available on the internet, though these are not legal for on-road use.[21] Similar devices apply an offset to the sensor signals, allowing the engine to run a more fuel economical lean burn that may however damage the engine or the catalytic converter.[22]

[edit] NOx sensors

NOx sensors are extremely expensive and are generally only used when a compression ignition engine is fitted with a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) converter, or a NOx absorber catalyst in a feedback system. When fitted to an SCR system, there may be one or two sensors. When one sensor is fitted it will be pre-catalyst, when two are fitted the second one will be post catalyst. They are utilized for the same reasons and in the same manner as an oxygen sensor – the only difference is the substance being monitored.


History and overview: Catalytic converter

Catalytic converter

A catalytic converter (colloquially, “cat” or “catcon”) is a device used to decrease the toxicity of emissions from an internal combustion engine. A catalytic converter works by using a catalyst to stimulate a chemical reaction in which toxic by-products of combustion are converted to less-toxic substances.First widely introduced on series-production automobiles in the U.S. market for the 1975 model year to comply with tightening EPA regulations on auto exhaust, catalytic converters are still most commonly used in motor vehicle exhaust systems. Catalytic converters are also used on generator sets, forklifts, mining equipment, trucks, buses, trains, airplanes and other engine-equipped machines.

The catalytic converter was invented by Eugene Houdry, a French mechanical engineer and expert in catalytic oil refining[1] who lived in the United States. Around 1950, when the results of early studies of smog in Los Angeles were published, Houdry became concerned about the role of automobile exhaust in air pollution and founded a special company, Oxy-Catalyst, to develop catalytic converters for gasoline engines – an idea ahead of its time for which he was awarded a patent (US2742437). Widespread adoption had to wait until the extremely effective anti-knock agent tetraHYPERLINK “”-HYPERLINK “”ethylHYPERLINK “” HYPERLINK “”lead was eliminated from most gasoline over environmental concerns, as the agent would “foul” the converter by forming a coating on the catalyst’s surface, effectively disabling it.[2]

The catalytic converter was further developed by JohnHYPERLINK “” J. HYPERLINK “”Mooney and CarlHYPERLINK “” D. HYPERLINK “”Keith at the EngelhardHYPERLINK “” HYPERLINK “”Corporation,[3] creating the first production catalytic converter .

Metal-core converter

Ceramic-core converter

The catalytic converter consists of several components:

The core, or substrate. The core is often a ceramic honeycomb in modern catalytic converters, but stainlessHYPERLINK “” HYPERLINK “”steel foil honeycombs are also used. The honey-comb surface increases the amount of surface area available to support the catalyst, and therefore is often called a “catalystHYPERLINK “” HYPERLINK “”support”. The ceramic substrate was invented by RodneyHYPERLINK “” HYPERLINK “”Bagley, IrwinHYPERLINK “” HYPERLINK “”Lachman and RonaldHYPERLINK “” HYPERLINK “″Lewis at CorningHYPERLINK “” HYPERLINK “”Glass, for which they were inducted into the NationalHYPERLINK “” HYPERLINK “”InventorsHYPERLINK “” HYPERLINK “”HallHYPERLINK “” of HYPERLINK “”Fame in 2002.

The washcoat. A washcoat is used to make converters more efficient, often as a mixture of silica and alumina. The washcoat, when added to the core, forms a rough, irregular surface, which has a far greater surface area than the flat core surfaces do, which then gives the converter core a larger surface area, and therefore more places for active precious metal sites. The catalyst is added to the washcoat (in suspension) before being applied to the core.

The catalyst itself is most often a precious metal. Platinum is the most active catalyst and is widely used. It is not suitable for all applications, however, because of unwanted additional reactions and/or cost. Palladium and rhodium are two other precious metals used. Platinum and rhodium are used as a reduction catalyst, while platinum and palladium are used as an oxidization catalyst. Cerium, iron, manganese and nickel are also used, although each has its own limitations. Nickel is not legal for use in the European Union (due to reaction with carbon monoxide). Copper can be used everywhere except North America, where its use is illegal due to the formation of dioxin.

Catalytic converter thefts are on the rise. Here’s what to do if you become a victim

Catalytic converter thefts are on the rise. Here's what to do if you become a victim

The Waco Police Department issued a warning about the increase in catalytic converter thefts statewide.

Waco detectives were working on more than 100 active cases of catalytic converter thefts, according to their Facebook post.

Here’s some information on catalytic converters and what to do if you become a victim.

Why would thieves target catalytic converters?
Catalytic converters contain platinum, rhodium and palladium. The metals are expensive, and thieves sell the converters to scrap yards for $150 to $200 per piece depending on the size of the converter and the current rate on the metals inside it, according to The Spruce.

The rate of catalytic converter theft varies depending on the current prices of the metals inside it.

The price increase of the metals typically result in an increase in thefts.

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Thieves often target taller vehicles like pickup trucks or SUVs because they can easily fit under the vehicle to access the catalytic converter, according to The Spruce.

How do you know if your catalytic converter was stolen?
It’s hard to tell if your catalytic converter was stolen just by looking at your vehicle. However, you’ll know when you start the engine.

Your vehicle may make a loud rumbling sound when you turn on the engine that gets louder when you hit the gas if your catalytic converter is missing, according to The Spruce.

“The exhaust is not working properly, so the vehicle also drives rougher than usual, often with a sense of sputtering as you change speed,” The Spruce said.

If you suspect your catalytic converter is stolen, go to the back of your vehicle and look underneath.

“The catalytic converter is a round canister that connects two pieces of piping in the exhaust. You will see a gaping space in the middle of your exhaust if the converter is missing, and you will likely see signs of the piping being cut away.”

Toxic fumes will likely be easy to smell without it, too, according to the Balance.

How can you prevent catalytic converter theft?
Try to make it a habit to park in well-lit areas.

Keep your car in a garage with the door closed when the vehicle is not in use if possible.

Parking close to a building entrance when parking in a public lot may also help prevent thefts as there is more pedestrian traffic in that area.

Remember that the location of your car may also be a factor.

If you are regularly parking in one area for a long period of time, such as a shopping mall or mass commuter parking lot, thieves have more time to access your vehicle and steal the catalytic converter, according to the Balance.

You can consider engraving your vehicle identification number (VIN) on the catalytic converter which may help alert a scrap dealer that it was stolen and make it easier to identify the owner, according to The Spruce.

Another tip is to try calibrating your car’s alarm to set off when it detects vibration.

What do you do if your catalytic converter has been stolen?
If you are a victim of this type of theft, immediately notify the police department so the case can be documented.

If you have your VIN number engraved on the device, give them that number as well.

The Spruce recommends calling local scrap yards to inform them of the theft, especially if there is an engraved number on the converter that they can verify.

You can also give them your phone number so you are notified in case your converter shows up at a scrap shop.

the symptoms of a damaged catalytic converter

Since there are no moving parts on a catalytic converter, you would expect that they would be fairly durable and long-lasting. They are but, in spite of all the advancements in catalytic converter technology, they still fail. Many times, catalytic converter failure is a symptom of an issue somewhere else in the vehicle.

It is important that you fix the problem that caused damage to catalytic converter, because if you don’t, that same problem will likely destroy the replacement converter as well.

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  • Power reduction and acceleration. If there is a problem with the exhaust system, this will begin to affect engine performance. You will not be able to accelerate as fast as with a healthy system. Simply put, the motor loses power, often it will also require replacing catalysts.
  • Rattling sound coming from beneath. A rattling sound coming from your car is never a good sign. When a catalytic converter becomes damaged, it can cause honeycomb break or collapse. When you turn on your vehicle, these pieces will vibrate and make a rattling sound.
  • Long way to start. Catalytic converter problems cause gas within your engine to heat up to the point that it actually ignites. This ignition is what causes the misfiring sensation. That can destroy engine components. Anytime your vehicle misfires, you should have it checked out for catalytic converter damage.
  • Reduced fuel efficiency. When your power and acceleration decrease, often fuel efficiency also decreases. With a faulty system, fuel consumption may be less profitable than before.
  • Smell of burning from the engine compartment. If a malfunction occurs, a gas leak may be observed. Due to high temperatures, surrounding parts may melt. When drivers smell fused plastic or burning they should immediately stop the car, remove all passengers from the passenger compartment, and then carefully check what is happening under the hood.
  • Gas smell. If you smell gas inside, this may be a sign of problems with catalytic converter. This usually happens when one of the exhaust pipes or pipes is damaged and begins to flow. Gasoline vapors exit through the crack. Sometimes this leak may be located inside.

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These are just a few common signs to understand if the catalytic converter is damaged. If you notice at least one of them or it seems that something is wrong with the catalyst, try to find out the reason with the help of several tests. The driver can diagnose the catalyst malfunction independently, if he has the proper knowledge and necessary equipment. There are 3 main ways to test the catalyst:

1. VISUAL INSPECTION. Presence of problems in the catalyst can be determined “by eye”. If it is deformed, there is a good chance that honeycombs of the catalytic converter are damaged. At the same time, it will not be possible to inspect the device from the outside for clogging with dirt and combustion products. That is why, it will be necessary to remove the catalyst. After removing the catalytic converter, it is necessary to inspect it for the presence of gaps. Clogged catalyst can be cleaned or replaced with a new one.

2. COUNTER PRESSURE CHECK. The most common method for checking a catalyst that does not require dismantling. Essence of a back pressure test is that the exhaust pressure is measured, which is then compared with ideal indicators. To diagnose it, you will need a manometer and adapter to connect it. It is better to lift the car or drive it into a pit. Next, you need to remove the first oxygen sensor, and connect a pressure gauge in its place.

3. DIAGNOSTICS BY MOTOR TESTER The motor tester is a set of equipment that allows you to determine the state of many parameters. With this method of verification, a diagnostic device is installed instead of the spark plug, after which the engine starts and waveforms are taken. On their basis, experts make conclusions about the state of a catalyst. By eliminating problems with the catalyst in time, you can avoid costly engine repairs and significantly reduce fuel consumption.

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In case it is heavily damaged and has to be replaced, contact specialized companies to get a payback for your old catalytic converter. Common catalyst evaluation is as follows:

  • Fixing the cost of the catalytic converter is determined by the marking on the housing.
  • Establishing value of precious materials.
  • Acceptance of all kinds and types of catalytic converters. The cost also depends on the condition and integrity.

Damaged catalyst with ceramic part of the monolith should not be washed with any chemical solutions. It has to be clean without natural moisture, asbestos. Ceramics in metal housings of a catalytic converter has to be also clean and in full size.

The high cost of catalysts is due to the use of platinum, rhodium or palladium salts. Specialized companies purchase broken, defective, renewed and destroyed catalytic converters of all types, and also accept them for useful components with an aim to subsequent manufacture of new catalysts.

How to Troubleshoot Catalytic Converters

How to Troubleshoot Catalytic Converters

Here are five signs that something may be wrong with your catalytic converter:

  • Your vehicle’s fuel efficiency suddenly drops.

  • Your vehicle doesn’t accelerate when you step on the gas pedal.

  • Your vehicle may refuse to start.

  • Your vehicle fails an emissions test.

  • The MIL or Check Engine light comes on.

The most common cause of failure in a catalytic converter in an older car is that it becomes so clogged that the exhaust gases can’t get through it to the muffler and out of the car. (If air can’t get out the rear of the vehicle, it can’t come in the front end, so the engine dies because no air is coming in to form the fuel/air mixture.)

Every car sold in the United States since 1996 has had an OBD (On-Board Diagnostic) II system that tests the catalytic converter (among many other things). If the unit allows too much pollution to escape from the tailpipe, it illuminates the MIL and produces a trouble code that can be read by a technician with what’s called a “scan tool.”

The catalytic converter is sensitive to changes in the contents and temperature of the exhaust gases, so another possible cause for failure is if the cylinder head gasket is damaged, allowing oil or coolant to get into the combustion chamber and be burned in the cylinders. Also, if your ignition system isn’t operating properly, unburned fuel in the exhaust gases can cause the catalytic converter to wear out or break down. This is another good reason for going for tune-ups at specified intervals!

Catalytic converter thefts are rising

‘The noise and the exhaust smell …I knew it was bad’: Catalytic converter thefts are rising, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic

Nothing will make your heart sink faster than turning on your car and hearing the ungodly rumbling noise that comes when your catalytic converter has been stolen.

For many, that sound will be their first introduction to what has been among the fastest rising categories of auto theft during the pandemic. The surge has been fueled in part by skyrocketing prices for the precious metals contained within the part, which is a key part of a car’s emission’s system.

“The noise and the exhaust smell — I had no idea what it was, but I knew it was bad,” said actor Cameran Hebb, who had the catalytic converter stolen from her Toyota TM, -1.28% Prius last summer.

Catalytic converter theft has shot up tenfold since 2018 and the problem is rampant nationwide, according to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, a trade group that tracks theft and fraud.

‘As the value of the precious metals contained within the catalytic converters continues to increase, so do the number of thefts of these devices.‘

— David Glawe, President of the National Insurance Crime Bureau

“We have seen a significant increase during the pandemic. It’s an opportunistic crime. As the value of the precious metals contained within the catalytic converters continues to increase, so do the number of thefts of these devices,” said David Glawe, the group’s president and CEO.

Thieves sometimes can collect up to $1,000 for one catalytic converter depending on its condition and the car it was taken from, experts say.

What should you do if your catalytic converter is stolen?

So you’ve discovered your catalytic converter has been stolen. What’s the first thing to do?

“Don’t drive it,” says David Bennett, manager of repair systems for the Automobile Association of America. “Get it towed.”

Mechanics say a car can operate without its catalytic converter, but it will be extremely noisy and spew fumes both inside and outside the vehicle. Thieves typically cut the part off from beneath the vehicle with a power saw or blowtorch, and if they do a hatchet job, they can damage other systems as well, possibly affecting the vehicle’s driveability.

Once the car is safely at the repair shop, the next call should be to the insurance company.

Does auto insurance cover catalytic converter theft?

The key thing here is whether your policy includes comprehensive coverage. Otherwise, you may be on the hook for a large bill.

Drivers with older model cars often only carry liability insurance as required by law, and forsake comprehensive coverage. This can be a problem, as catalytic converters from some older model vehicles are high in demand because they can contain more of the precious metal than newer cars.

The most popular models for thieves include the Toyota Prius and Tundra and the Honda HMC, 0.98% Element and Accord, according to the NICB and many mechanics. Higher clearance vehicles are often preferred because thieves don’t need to jack them up to slide underneath.

“Honda is aware of an increasing number of catalytic converter thefts involving a variety of vehicle brands and models, including our own, ” a company spokesman told MarketWatch. “With our industry trade association, Honda is exploring a variety of approaches to address this issue, and is open to working with other concerned stakeholders to develop practical solutions.”

A Toyota spokesman similarly noted that: “catalytic converter theft is an industry wide challenge.”

“In our view, the most effective approach requires close collaboration between the broader automotive industry and local and state authorities to devise legislative solutions aimed at eliminating the market for these stolen parts,” he added.

For now, thieves often look for situations where they can move quickly and gather multiple catalytic converters in one go, experts say.

“Thieves will sweep through a neighborhood or an apartment complex or fleet parking lot and just walk away with a dozen of these,” said Alex Revulta, the automotive shop manager at Elite Auto Group in Houston.

The supply-chain issues the United States has faced over the past year have only made matters worse, as getting a new part can now take more time.

In the end, the cost of the replacement part alone can be as high as $3,000 and if additional damage was done to the vehicle during the theft, a repair can run up to $5,000, Revulta said.

What can I do to protect my vehicle from catalytic converter theft?

While it may be hard to stop a professional thief, there are some steps one can take to convince a less determined one to move on to the next car.

Several manufacturers make shields that surround the catalytic converter in a kind of metal cage that will add time to cutting the part off. That added effort will deter many thieves.

Another option is having your car’s vehicle identification number (VIN) stamped on the catalytic converter. That may make it harder to sell the stolen part.

“The thought that it can get stolen again gave me a lot of anxiety,” said Hebb, whose Prius was vandalized in Seattle.  “I ended up getting the shield. While it cost me around $400, it gave me some additional peace of mind.”

What does a car catalyst do?

What does a car catalyst do?

Catalytic converters began to be installed in order to reduce the harmful effects on environment of exhaust gases that are generated during the operation. However, not all drivers approve installation of catalysts, because the cost of this unit is quite high. In addition, due to low quality of gas, it is necessary to repair catalytic converters regularly. Specialized companies purchase used catalysts offering good money bonus.

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What does the catalyst do in a car?

Catalytic converter is one of components of exhaust system. Why is there a catalyst in a car? Catalytic converter helps to reduce the percentage of harmful substances in exhaust fumes. These include carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons.

Today, vehicles are equipped with catalysts, which are made of noble metals. When the engine is running, exhaust gas heat up the catalytic converter. Temperature of catalyst becomes quite high. As a result, noble metals burn out harmful substances, percentage of which decreases.

What does a catalytic converter consist of?

From the case with a base in form of ceramic or metal honeycombs. It is coated with a platinum-iridium alloy coating. Due to honeycomb structure, contact area of ​​exhaust gas and surface of catalytic converter layer increases. An oxidizing reaction of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon proceeds in a catalyst. As a result, relatively harmless substances nitrogen and carbon dioxide come out of exhaust pipe.

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Vehicle can run without a catalytic converter, but experts recommend mounting it when:

  • Car age up to 5 years;
  • Auto inspection is coming;
  • Planning a trip abroad;
  • Make exhaust less harmful to environment.

Types of catalytic converters.

All exhaust system catalysts are divided into the following types:


Carbon monoxide is oxidized to carbon dioxide, as well as fuel that has not burned or burned out, to water and carbon dioxide due to the combustion reaction. Typically, these two-way catalytic converters are installed on cars with diesel engines.



Three way catalytic converter

Such a catalyst was developed back in 1981. Its main goal is to reduce the amount of harmful substances that enter the environment. The trilateral type catalytic converter solves several problems. For example, it oxidizes carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide, as well as hydrocarbons that are not burnt, into water and carbon dioxide. It is also able to convert nitric oxide to oxygen and nitrogen.

Catalysts are divided into types depending on material of the cartridge. These types are distinguished:

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A design resembling a honeycomb is installed. Neutralizing element made of ceramic is protected by a platinum-iridium alloy. What are disadvantages of a ceramic unit? Many car owners believe that such a device is too fragile. For example, honeycomb will deteriorate if a catalytic converter hits during riding. In addition, if you drive through a puddle in a warmed-up car, water droplets will fall onto a red-hot catalytic converter, and it will become worthless. Ceramic dust accumulates inside the device. It penetrates not only the combustion chamber, but sometimes into the cylinders of the engine. The main advantage of a catalysts made of ceramic is its cost.


The design of such catalytic converters is quite strong and reliable. Metal catalyst is not afraid of mechanical stress. Made from metal, the shape of a spiral resembling a honeycomb is more elastic. But even such a reliable metal unit has its drawbacks:

  1. Dot use low quality or leaded fuel.
  2. Oils and antifreeze can enter the combustion chamber.
  3. Technical fluids may only be used to flush systems from a reliable manufacturer.
  4. Re-enriched fuel mixture may cause damage.
  5. Continuous idling of engine can also lead to malfunction.

Sports catalytic converters

These are metal products with increased throughput compared to conventional metal or ceramic catalysts. Sports catalysts make a car 7–20% more powerful, of course, if a direct-flow exhaust system is mounted on vehicle. Sports catalysts comply with the environmental requirements of Euro 4 and 5. Such models have increased reliability. However, if you intend to purchase such a catalytic converter for a car, the price will be quite high.

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What happens to a catalysts with time?

Companies claim that they can be used for 100,000-150,000 kilometers. However, in reality, this unit can fail much earlier, especially if you live in a metropolis and constantly stay in traffic jams.

Why may catalytic converter become unusable? The fact is that the vehicle’s catalyst device is a filter. And the filter needs to be changed regularly.

The life of term of a catalytic converter will become shorter if ignition system is malfunctioning. If ignition is set incorrectly, misfires will occur. As a result, the fuel mixture burns only partially. A huge amount of soot is formed, which accumulates in a catalytic converter. The best solution is to clean it. But this will not help if honeycombs are melted. You can always sell old catalytic converter obtaining substantial price.

Among common causes of catalyst malfunction is damage. If catalytic converter has to deal with low quality fuel, It will not completely burn out. Afterburning process will occur in collector and directly in catalytic converter. The microparticles clog the filter and air cannot pass through it.

Pay attention to the quality of driving and keep contacts of reliable catalyst recycling companies in your phone contacts.

What are the symptoms of a damaged catalytic converter?

Since there are no moving parts on a catalytic converter, you would expect that they would be fairly durable and long-lasting. They are but, in spite of all the advancements in catalytic converter technology, they still fail. Many times, catalytic converter failure is a symptom of an issue somewhere else in the vehicle. It is important that you fix the problem that caused damage to catalytic converter, because if you don't, that same problem will likely destroy the replacement converter as well. Articles about catalytic converter in Egypt — Photo № 1 | AutoCatalyst Market Power reduction and acceleration. If there is a problem with the exhaust system, this will begin to affect engine performance. You will not be able to accelerate as fast as with a healthy system. Simply put, the motor loses power, often it will also require replacing catalysts. Rattling sound coming from beneath. A rattling sound coming from your car is never a good sign. When a catalytic converter becomes damaged, it can cause honeycomb break or collapse. When you turn on your vehicle, these pieces will vibrate and make a rattling sound. Long way to start. Catalytic converter problems cause gas within your engine to heat up to the point that it actually ignites. This ignition is what causes the misfiring sensation. That can destroy engine components. Anytime your vehicle misfires, you should have it checked out for catalytic converter damage. Reduced fuel efficiency. When your power and acceleration decrease, often fuel efficiency also decreases. With a faulty system, fuel consumption may be less profitable than before. Smell of burning from the engine compartment. If a malfunction occurs, a gas leak may be observed. Due to high temperatures, surrounding parts may melt. When drivers smell fused plastic or burning they should immediately stop the car, remove all passengers from the passenger compartment, and then carefully check what is happening under the hood. Gas smell. If you smell gas inside, this may be a sign of problems with catalytic converter. This usually happens when one of the exhaust pipes or pipes is damaged and begins to flow. Gasoline vapors exit through the crack. Sometimes this leak may be located inside. Articles about catalytic converter in Egypt — Photo № 2 | AutoCatalyst Market These are just a few common signs to understand if the catalytic converter is damaged. If you notice at least one of them or it seems that something is wrong with the catalyst, try to find out the reason with the help of several tests. The driver can diagnose the catalyst malfunction independently, if he has the proper knowledge and necessary equipment. There are 3 main ways to test the catalyst: 1. VISUAL INSPECTION. Presence of problems in the catalyst can be determined “by eye”. If it is deformed, there is a good chance that honeycombs of the catalytic converter are damaged. At the same time, it will not be possible to inspect the device from the outside for clogging with dirt and combustion products. That is why, it will be necessary to remove the catalyst. After removing the catalytic converter, it is necessary to inspect it for the presence of gaps. Clogged catalyst can be cleaned or replaced with a new one. 2. COUNTER PRESSURE CHECK. The most common method for checking a catalyst that does not require dismantling. Essence of a back pressure test is that the exhaust pressure is measured, which is then compared with ideal indicators. To diagnose it, you will need a manometer and adapter to connect it. It is better to lift the car or drive it into a pit. Next, you need to remove the first oxygen sensor, and connect a pressure gauge in its place. 3. DIAGNOSTICS BY MOTOR TESTER The motor tester is a set of equipment that allows you to determine the state of many parameters. With this method of verification, a diagnostic device is installed instead of the spark plug, after which the engine starts and waveforms are taken. On their basis, experts make conclusions about the state of a catalyst. By eliminating problems with the catalyst in time, you can avoid costly engine repairs and significantly reduce fuel consumption. Articles about catalytic converter in Egypt — Photo № 3 | AutoCatalyst Market In case it is heavily damaged and has to be replaced, contact specialized companies to get a payback for your old catalytic converter. Common catalyst evaluation is as follows: Fixing the cost of the catalytic converter is determined by the marking on the housing. Establishing value of precious materials. Acceptance of all kinds and types of catalytic converters. The cost also depends on the condition and integrity. Damaged catalyst with ceramic part of the monolith should not be washed with any chemical solutions. It has to be clean without natural moisture, asbestos. Ceramics in metal housings of a catalytic converter has to be also clean and in full size. The high cost of catalysts is due to the use of platinum, rhodium or palladium salts. Specialized companies purchase broken, defective, renewed and destroyed catalytic converters of all types, and also accept them for useful components with an aim to subsequent manufacture of new catalysts.

Since there are no moving parts on a catalytic converter, you would expect that they would be fairly durable and long-lasting. They are but, in spite of all the advancements in catalytic converter technology, they still fail. Many times, catalytic converter failure is a symptom of an issue somewhere else in the vehicle.

It is important that you fix the problem that caused damage to catalytic converter, because if you don’t, that same problem will likely destroy the replacement converter as well.

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  • Power reduction and acceleration. If there is a problem with the exhaust system, this will begin to affect engine performance. You will not be able to accelerate as fast as with a healthy system. Simply put, the motor loses power, often it will also require replacing catalysts.
  • Rattling sound coming from beneath. A rattling sound coming from your car is never a good sign. When a catalytic converter becomes damaged, it can cause honeycomb break or collapse. When you turn on your vehicle, these pieces will vibrate and make a rattling sound.
  • Long way to start. Catalytic converter problems cause gas within your engine to heat up to the point that it actually ignites. This ignition is what causes the misfiring sensation. That can destroy engine components. Anytime your vehicle misfires, you should have it checked out for catalytic converter damage.
  • Reduced fuel efficiency. When your power and acceleration decrease, often fuel efficiency also decreases. With a faulty system, fuel consumption may be less profitable than before.
  • Smell of burning from the engine compartment. If a malfunction occurs, a gas leak may be observed. Due to high temperatures, surrounding parts may melt. When drivers smell fused plastic or burning they should immediately stop the car, remove all passengers from the passenger compartment, and then carefully check what is happening under the hood.
  • Gas smell. If you smell gas inside, this may be a sign of problems with catalytic converter. This usually happens when one of the exhaust pipes or pipes is damaged and begins to flow. Gasoline vapors exit through the crack. Sometimes this leak may be located inside.

Articles about catalytic converter in Egypt — Photo № 2 | AutoCatalyst Market

These are just a few common signs to understand if the catalytic converter is damaged. If you notice at least one of them or it seems that something is wrong with the catalyst, try to find out the reason with the help of several tests. The driver can diagnose the catalyst malfunction independently, if he has the proper knowledge and necessary equipment. There are 3 main ways to test the catalyst:

1. VISUAL INSPECTION. Presence of problems in the catalyst can be determined “by eye”. If it is deformed, there is a good chance that honeycombs of the catalytic converter are damaged. At the same time, it will not be possible to inspect the device from the outside for clogging with dirt and combustion products. That is why, it will be necessary to remove the catalyst. After removing the catalytic converter, it is necessary to inspect it for the presence of gaps. Clogged catalyst can be cleaned or replaced with a new one.

2. COUNTER PRESSURE CHECK. The most common method for checking a catalyst that does not require dismantling. Essence of a back pressure test is that the exhaust pressure is measured, which is then compared with ideal indicators. To diagnose it, you will need a manometer and adapter to connect it. It is better to lift the car or drive it into a pit. Next, you need to remove the first oxygen sensor, and connect a pressure gauge in its place.

3. DIAGNOSTICS BY MOTOR TESTER The motor tester is a set of equipment that allows you to determine the state of many parameters. With this method of verification, a diagnostic device is installed instead of the spark plug, after which the engine starts and waveforms are taken. On their basis, experts make conclusions about the state of a catalyst. By eliminating problems with the catalyst in time, you can avoid costly engine repairs and significantly reduce fuel consumption.

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In case it is heavily damaged and has to be replaced, contact specialized companies to get a payback for your old catalytic converter. Common catalyst evaluation is as follows:

  • Fixing the cost of the catalytic converter is determined by the marking on the housing.
  • Establishing value of precious materials.
  • Acceptance of all kinds and types of catalytic converters. The cost also depends on the condition and integrity.

Damaged catalyst with ceramic part of the monolith should not be washed with any chemical solutions. It has to be clean without natural moisture, asbestos. Ceramics in metal housings of a catalytic converter has to be also clean and in full size.

The high cost of catalysts is due to the use of platinum, rhodium or palladium salts. Specialized companies purchase broken, defective, renewed and destroyed catalytic converters of all types, and also accept them for useful components with an aim to subsequent manufacture of new catalysts.

How important is the catalyst in a car?

How important is the catalyst in a car

Importance of a catalyst is essential, but if you have doubts, then read the article below.

In Europe, obligation to equip all cars with a catalytic converter appeared back in mid-1990s. The USA started using catalysts much earlier, having realized in a timely manner that something needs to be done with harmful substances in the exhaust gases of vehicles. Other countries had no obligation to install exhaust catalysts, until the end of the 1990s. And only with the advent of unified customs regulations everything began to change. As a result, today almost all new transport is equipped with catalytic converters.

Most car owners remember or learn about the existence of a catalytic converter in the exhaust system only when they hear a phrase like “your catalyst is dead” from a mechanic. In this case, catalytic converter should be professionally recycled. Catalytic converter is a detail of the exhaust system, which is responsible for eliminating in gases and substances harmful to humans and environment in general as hydrocarbons not burned in cylinders, soot, carbon monoxide CO and nitric oxide NO. All these substances are forced burned out, turning into much less chemically aggressive substances: water, CO2 and nitrogen. This is due to chemical reactions occurring in catalysts with the help of radium, palladium and platinum.

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Catalytic converter is a simple device where a complex chemical process proceeds. Usually it is a stainless steel case, inside filler, metal or ceramic, with a honeycomb structure. Due to this, a huge area of active surface is covered with a thin layer of an alloy of platinum, rhodium and palladium. Catalytic reaction begins when the temperature reaches 270 degrees Celsius, as a result of interaction of exhaust gases with the surface of the catalyst. Carbon monoxide turns into dioxide, hydrocarbons turn into water and again carbon dioxide, and nitrogen oxides turn into water and nitrogen. As a result, it is possible to achieve a high degree of purification of exhaust gases and neutralize harmful substances.

The process goes while the exhaust gases move through the fine-meshed ceramic or metal cells inside the “barrel” of a catalytic converter, coated with an alloy of these rare-earth metals. Catalyst is an expensive and relatively short-lived part. Even in the best case, few neutralizers will “live” more than 120,000 km. run. Usually they fail for several reasons. Ceramic catalysts can be destroyed at an accelerated pace when the vehicle often drives through serious bumps. Due to shaking and bumps, thin walls of honeycombs corny crack and chip.

Another reason to change the catalyst:

  • engine problems in lubrication system,
  • cylinder-piston group,
  • ignition,
  • unburned fuel and oil.

Approximately the same effect is obtained by excessive pressing of a gas pedal.

A catalytic converter that has collapsed or clogged with deposits will not only cease to fulfill its function, but will also greatly complicate the exhaust gas exit from the engine. It leads to a noticeable loss of engine power.

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What you can do with a failed “catalyst”?

The first thing that comes to mind is to replace it with the same, but only a new one. This is the most expensive option. Prices for new branded catalytic converters differ and require urgent solutions to earn extra money for such a move.

Get acquainted with a professional team which is ready to purchase your old catalyst helping you to cover replacing costs. Main advantage of such a company is accurate analysis using the best computing equipment, as well as instant payments.

Catalytic converter price is determined by:

  • type of material: ceramic or metal;
  • brand of the transport,
  • year of its manufacture;
  • type and engine size.

Ceramics have a different price category, so if you want to hand over several items, you must keep each separately from the other.

Important conditions for possible purchase of a catalytic converter are:

  • natural humidity of ceramics, presence of soot;
  • lack of asbestos;
  • integrity by which it is easier to recognize the type of catalyst.

The catalyst cost highly depends on the brand. Approximate purchase rating cost will be as follows:

  1. German cars.
  2. Japanese transport.
  3. French production. Such catalysts contain slightly fewer precious metals, which affects the catalytic converter price.
  4. American vehicles.
  5. Korean production.
  6. Transport produced in Eastern Europe (Russia, Ukraine).

Relying on the purchase price rating, one should not forget that catalytic converters price varies depending on the year of manufacture. The mechanism of the same vehicle, released in 1997 and 2005, cannot be sold at the same price.

Ceramic items has a fairly high amount of materials. Such catalytic converter is very easy to sell, despite its damaged look and form.

Remember that handing over catalyst for recycling, you make the most correct decision. Proper disposal of old, damaged and broken parts is of great importance. Ability to get paid for it is a great bonus.

What happens when the catalytic converter goes bad?

What happens when the catalytic converter goes bad?

In case you have not ever heard about such a part as a catalyst, then get impressed, because catalytic converter not only catches and neutralizes harmful compounds, but also directly affects operation of engine. Signals from the sensors located at the input and output of the catalyst are constantly read by the “brains” of the car and help to optimize the working mixture in the best way.

Usually life term of an expensive catalyst is usually approximately equal to the life term of a car itself, but often catalytic all convertor breaks much faster than it should and can drag motor along with it. It is important to remember that catalytic converter does not fail for no reason. Its breakdown is a sign of improper operation of ignition system, incomplete combustion of a mixture in the cylinders, severe motor fail or prolonged use of low-quality fuel.

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Recycling of old catalytic converters is easy when there are reliable companies. They evaluate your catalyst and offer good compensation. To understand that your catalyst has to be removed and changed, you can take a look at several characteristic symptoms:

– reduced motor performance

Most common sign of catalyst failure is a severe decrease in power. Vehicle starts losing momentum and accelerates poorly. It overheats, when the catalyst capacity is greatly reduced: cells are destroyed, melted and sintered, clogging the hole and interfering with the free passage of exhaust gases. At initial stage of the malfunction, the car will accelerate to a relatively low speed, and when the case is started, motor starts hard, then “suffocate” and stall. Fuel efficiency is also noticeably deteriorating. There is also a sharp unpleasant odor.

A loud rumble under the bottom of the car indicates that active element of catalytic converter has begun to collapse and fall apart. Ceramic fragments under influence of exhaust gases randomly beat against walls of casing and create an unpleasant rumble. As a rule, this is most clearly manifested at increased speeds and during startup.

– low pressure of exhaust gases

If you bring your hand to exhaust pipe, you can feel the pulsation. Exhaust valves of cylinders work in turn. If exhaust flow is smooth and constant, this is a sure sign of a clogged catalyst. If you increase the speed, and then turn off the engine, exhaust gases will continue to create a pressure for a short time. Gases accumulated in the clogged pipe are released.

– activation of Check Engine icon

The most universal sign of catalytic converter failure is a system error that activates “engine trouble” icon. If this symptom occurs, you should immediately read the error code with the diagnostic scanner and fix the problem. If “brains” of the car detect incorrect indicators on oxygen sensors, they immediately notify driver about this, and at the same time transfer the motor control system to emergency mode. This is often accompanied by worsening dynamics and increased fuel consumption. Computer diagnostics in this case often detect errors P0420 (low catalyst throughput) or P0430

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Why catalytic converter fails and what can happen afterwards?

The failure of catalyst does not occur suddenly. With proper operation of all other systems, it serves faithfully for many years until the moment the vehicle is disposed. If your old catalytic converter has to be recycled, you almost certainly have to diagnose and repair the ignition or power system.

As a rule, the catalyst is destroyed due to incorrect operation of these two systems. With a faulty ignition system, fuel in one or more cylinders does not burn out completely, but enters the exhaust system. Heated catalyst is forced to burn out increased volumes of hydrocarbons that heat the cells to ultra-high temperatures, which leads to their sintering. Causes of major trouble can be spark plugs, coils, or high voltage wires. Similar failures are also caused by malfunction of nozzles.

Another common cause for catalyst problems is severe mechanical damage, leading to deformation of housing. It is important to remember that thin-walled cells easily crumble even with minor exertion. When leaving for off-road, it will be useful to take care of installing additional protection for the underbody of a car.

Untimely repair of catalytic converter is dangerous because small particles of ceramics can get through exhaust path directly into engine cylinders. Once there, they instantly scratch the walls of cylinders and completely disable motor. The turbine suffers from ceramic debris. Additional heating of exhaust tract leads to deformations of cylinder head and greatly reduces resource of a power unit.

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Key reasons for catalytic converter failure to avoid:

  1. Poor fuel quality. Most often it is with a low octane rating. System switches to late ignition. This causes mixture to burn out at the outlet and increase temperature of the exhaust gases.
  2. Incorrect operation of ignition system (misfire). The fuel that is not burnt in one cylinder is immediately ignited and burned in catalytic converter.
  3. Mechanical damage to catalytic converter. Increased vibration of a power unit and impacts on catalyst lead to crumbling of ceramic block.
  4. Thermal shock. Instant cooling of a hot catalyst while overcoming a puddle, for example, can cause cracks in ceramic element.
  5. Incorrect air-fuel mixture caused, for example, by a malfunction of oxygen sensor. The same effect will cause leaky, pouring nozzles.
  6. Adding additives to gas. Cocktails from unverified manufacturers or impaired concentration can increase combustion temperature.

Latest designs with minimal toxicity are programmed to quickly warm up the catalytic converter. In case the situation has gone bad, do not wait long to minimize expenses to repair. Get rid of your old catalyst and get paid for It!

catalyst cost

What is the average cost to replace a catalytic converter?

First of all let us tell a few raw prices of catalytic converters to answer the key question on the catalyst cost. After that we will have a detailed talk on pros and cons.

If the vehicle was produced before 80s then the catalytic converter will cost up to eight hundred dollars. The cost of a catalyst is about six hundred, but a labor cost will be added. So keep it in mind that the older is the car the bigger sum you have to spend to race old catalyst. Newer cars request even more money to replace catalytic converter, which will go even further to 2500 dollars. If there is a chance to remove catalyst at home with proper tools, than there will be a way to save money, but sometimes there is no way to purchase a catalytic converter if you are not authorized for it.

In a meanwhile, one might think that to remove catalyst means to harm the environment. On the other hand, this slightly increases power of motor, reduces fuel consumption, gets rid of regular alerts about problems. The fused or clogged catalytic converter leads to the fact that exhaust gases cannot go outside and return to combustion chamber. Combustible mixture that enters there becomes less efficient, and this negatively affects operation of motor.

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Pros and Cons of catalytic converter removal with its following replacement

Why is it necessary to remove the catalyst? Together with above mentioned dynamic characteristics of a car, as a bonus, the engine will become less sensitive to fuel quality, and you also eliminate the risk of ceramic dust getting inside the power plant. Old catalyst can be sold to recycling companies.

There are some negative consequences of catalyst removal:

  • environmental factor;
  • problems during car inspection;
  • foul odor;
  • extraneous sounds in exhaust system (if not removed correctly);
  • errors on the display.

Consider important role of oxygen sensors cooperating with catalytic converters.

Their second name is lambda sensors. Usually they are installed in two places: one before and one after the catalytic converter. When the second sensor determines that the amount of harmful exhaust gases has increased to a critical level, it gives a signal that catalytic converter has not worked or is functioning inefficient. Some modern car models in this situation may not start.

The second lambda sensor carefully monitors harmful emissions, and their allowable amount is regulated by the EU. These are standards known as “EURO” (Euro-2, Euro-3, Euro-4, Euro-5). The EURO-5 standard is currently in operation, its emission standards are up to 0.05 g / km, CO – up to 0.8 g / km and NO – up to 0.06 g / km.

When the exhaust system is without a catalyst, oxygen sensors will detect more harmful emissions. Accordingly, you need to make sure that you do not feel the absence of this important detail.

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There are various ways to repair of catalytic converters: in some cases, the repair of catalyst is carried out, according to regulations, to a new catalyst. We tried to briefly outline the main pros and cons of various types of repair of catalytic converters.

Diagnostics of catalytic converter. In many cases, correct diagnosis of a catalyst allows you to understand the real cause of breakdown and not just change the catalyst. Usually catalytic converter error can catch fire literally from scratch. For example, a catalyst error can catch fire from damage or other part of exhaust system. It could just “shut down” the wiring or computer. Types of diagnostics that are offered: computer diagnostics (reading all errors and their analysis), endoscopy of catalytic converter (examination of the state of a catalyst), physical examination of exhaust system, measurement of purity of exhaust gases for compliance with EURO4, EURO5, EURO6 standards.

  1. Replacing catalytic converter with a new one. If you need a replacement of a catalyst, then it is a due time to sell the old one. You can choose a catalyst that suits you with its cost and its properties. This repair path is undeniably most correct, but the most unreliable in the long term, because after two thousand kilometers catalytic converter will again need to be replaced. The main advantage is that exhaust gases will be clean.
  1. Replacing the catalytic converter with a flame arrester. This procedure has two popular names, one of them is “replacing catalyst with a flame arrester,” and the other is “removing the catalyst”. In this case, you get rid of catalyst and everything that is connected with it. But having removed it you will gain following consequences: exhaust sound will become loud, exhaust system will easily burn out.
  1. Rinsing, cleaning catalytic converter. In case of catalyst error has arisen due to the fact that the catalyst is clogged with combustion products, and this is the only reason why catalyst does not work. It is necessary to clean it and thereby remove any deposits. But if functional catalyst deposition layer has lost its properties, then this does not make sense, and replacement of catalyst by one of methods is required. Only diagnostics and inspection of the car can tell which is the best option for a catalytic converter.

Service stations, will carry out exhaust system diagnostics in order to 100% determine whether it is worth cutting out the catalyst or, possibly to clean it. It is difficult to determine the cause of failure yourself.

One way is to dismantle part of exhaust system, including the catalytic converter and remove contents of catalyst. Usually several holes with a diameter of 20 mm are made using a punch. This method has disadvantages: holes quickly become clogged again. But there are also positive aspects, since you do not have to cut metal and do welding.

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Why one should remove and replace the catalytic converter?

If you need to cut out the catalyst, the price will depend on what you want to get on as a result. For those who are confused with a choice, experts can advise the best repair option.

Take a look at general figures and prices of a catalytic converter repair and replacement cost for some common vehicle models. Find a way to save money, selling your old catalyst to a specialized recycling organization and gain a good money bonus for future investments.

Can I drive a car with a bad catalytic converter?

Can I drive a car with a bad catalytic converter?

Car tuning can be very different. Most often, vehicle acquires an individuality, technical characteristics improve, etc. But there is another tuning, when “modernization” can become dangerous for a car and its owner. For example, removal of a catalytic converter from an exhaust system.

At first glance, getting rid of catalyst does not affect the engine, on the contrary, it seems that the improve had become faster and more powerful. Therefore, catalytic converter is cut out by a grinder, knocked out with special devices. What negative consequences can cause such a tuning?

Catalytic converter is installed by autoproducer in or behind the exhaust manifold. Some motorists are sure that this is done only in order to be able to equip the car with additional oxygen sensors and reduce the power of motor. Naturally, this is not true.

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If you live in post soviet countries of Eastern Europe, then you can use car without a catalyst. In Europe and the USA, one would have to pay heavy fines for violation environmental standards. In driving without a catalytic converter, there are certain disadvantages. These include increased emissions of harmful gases, non-compliance with environmental standards, smell of gases inside the car, increased noise, probability of burnout exhaust system. Nevertheless, there are many drivers who drive without a catalytic converter, especially this is common among owners of BMW, Volkswagen, Opel, Porsche, Mercedes, Lexus, Nissan, Honda, etc.

What can happen if you drive without a catalyst? And without a flame arrester?

It is more caustic smoke, noise, environmental damage. Many argue that driving without a catalyst will not lead to anything. This is a mistaken opinion, because there are already dozens of cars with burned exhaust systems due to the lack of a catalytic converter.

– Burned exhaust system

The first and most frequent thing that happens when driving without a catalyst is a burnout of exhaust system. It doesn’t matter how expensive your car is, all regular exhaust systems are made of the same steel. One can drive without a catalyst if you have an engine with power up to 50 hp. in this case, the exhaust system may not burn out, but are there still such cars. If you drive without a catalytic converter, then you will have to change exhaust in a year and a half, and this is completely different money, even in comparison with installing original catalytic converter.

– Traffic fumes

Without a catalyst, the exhaust gas will be very corrosive. It can be easily perceived if you stand in a traffic jam and open a window with a fair wind. Catalytic converter saves the situation by lowering the temperature of gases. It deactivates the most dangerous components and chemical compounds in gases, so you can drive safely, and catalytic converter will not allow the return wave of gases to get into your car’s engine. It’s getting there is extremely undesirable, as they interfere with creating a normal mixture and interfere with engine operation.

– Sound exhaust system

Without a catalyst, the sound of exhaust system will change. It will become more severe and loud. The presence of a catalytic converter can soften the sound and lower high temperatures. Unfortunately the only way to get rid of the car noise is to install additional silencers if you are going to drive without a catalyst. And if you like the noise of a car, and you want to highlight it, you can put a resonator and the sound will become much brighter!

The removal of catalytic converter is impossible to miss. Many car owners describe it in different ways. Some say that it felt like there was a trailer or an anchor that they got rid of, others say that the car had a second wind, but they all have one thing in common. A significant improvement in dynamic performance, as well as reduced fuel consumption. Removal of catalyst is an extreme measure, which is very undesirable if the engine works as it should. In addition, if financial expenses allow to perform a full replacement of catalytic converter with a new one, then it is better to do just that. You will not have to interfere with exhaust system, as well as brains of a car. It will not require any tricks and other ways, which can not be avoided when removing the catalytic converters. Specialized companies have a possibility to purchase old catalyst to lighten repair expense.

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In the case of dismantling of catalytic converters, the second sensor identifies malfunction and begins to automatically reduce the temperature inside combustion chamber. For this, the system adds more fuel. As a result, the mixture is enriched, and motor power decreases and consumption increases. In other words, control unit goes into emergency operation and prepares an averaged mixture for motor to continue working. At the same time, there is no question of setting the optimal fuel supply mode. To prevent increased fuel consumption by removing the engine from an emergency state, it is necessary to change catalytic converter or reprogram electronic control unit to Euro-2 standard. Also, some craftsmen install a special tools on second lambda sensor.

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Can I drive without a catalytic converter?

Yes, you can drive without a catalyst, but you need to approach to all possible problems with your brain. If you do not want your car to be repaired so that it does not suddenly smell or hoot, then first you need to make sure that the replacement of catalyst is best for you. Make sure to contact reliable companies to evaluate and sell your old catalyst. Get a money bonus!

What are the symptoms of a bad catalytic converter?

What are the symptoms of a bad catalytic converter?

Catalytic converters are important parts of the exhaust system. Catalysts have two functions: to purify exhaust gases before being emitted into the atmosphere and to reduce additional resistance. The catalytic converter is located on the underbody of a vehicle between the muffler and exhaust manifold. Catalyst is installed on both gasoline and diesel engines. That means a catalytic converter is used for each type of transport with internal combustion. Drivers must control the work of the catalytic converter since motor power depends on it. Bad catalyst leads to increased fuel consumption and lower vehicle dynamics. The damaged and old catalytic converter has to be professionally recycled by specialized companies

What are the symptoms of a bad catalytic converter? At first symptoms, accurate catalyst check can be done independently or in the care service. Drivers, even with little experience, will be able to easily determine if there is a malfunction in the exhaust system, which is most often associated with the catalytic converter.

  1. If exhaust gas began to pass poorly into the tube, this will affect the “behavior” of the auto. It will hardly gain speed due to problems with the catalytic converter. In this case, the problem is felt up to a certain point, which depends on the degree of contamination of the catalyst.
  2. When accelerating along a suburban highway, transport will slowly increase speed in low gears, and when shifting to higher, it will start working as usual. A good reason to check catalytic converter.
  3. There may be a feeling that there is a heavy load in the back of a car (catalyst location), which is why acceleration is slow. This is the catalyst that tries to show drivers important signs.
  4. Check Engine light is on. If a catalytic converter is bad, some electronic control units light a lamp with a request to check so that the driver understands that there is a malfunction.
  5. An error message P0420 may light upon the onboard computer(typical catalytic converter sign) when the catalyst goes bad. A problem with the efficiency of the motor.
  6. Increased fuel consumption, caused by the catalyst. A bad catalytic converter may increase fuel consumption. Please note that an increase in consumption indicates a malfunction in the exhaust system only if there is a problem with slow speed gain. If the catalyst is badly damaged or clogged, the car may not start. Or the motor will start, but stall after a few seconds of operation.

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Why do catalytic converters get bad?

If there are problems with a catalyst, it is covered with dirt or deformed. Most often, the following reasons lead to failure of the catalytic converter and urgent need to get rid of the old catalyst.

Remember about things that cause problems with the catalyst:

  • Low-quality fuel. If the fuel-air mixture does not have time to completely burn out in the combustion chamber, it burns out in the manifold or catalyst. This leads to the fusion of elements of the exhaust system. As result combustion products get stuck in the catalytic converter, thereby preventing air from passing at the required speed;
  • Bad catalytic converter. If a non-original catalyst is used, then there is a great risk of acquiring a model where cells have a small diameter, because they quickly clog by combustion products. Such a problem can be observed with catalysts in cars designed for the American market, where fuel quality is higher and fewer combustion products are left from it. Catalytic converters with small “cells” are installed in such vehicles.
  • Problems in motor. It leads to an increase in products of combustion in the exhaust. In this case, only professional diagnostics of the catalytic converter is needed. Because a clogged catalytic converter is often a symptom of a malfunction.
  • Driving bad roads. With regular driving on bad roads, catalytic converters can get mechanical damage. The impact will lead to the destruction of catalysts’ honeycombs or their deformation. Also, such a problem can be observed after an unsuccessful attempt to overcome an obstacle.
  • Engine overheating. Many drivers, especially in summer, allow driving overheated. During motor overheating, exhaust gases reach extreme temperatures, as a result very high-temperature flow through the catalyst. Melting and destruction of honeycombs of a catalytic converter is guaranteed.
  • Increased oil consumption. Drivers who allow increased oil consumption destroy the catalyst. Due to increased oil consumption, catalyst cells are coated with a thick layer of soot. Under the influence of high temperatures, soot starts burning and the honeycomb of a catalytic converter melts.
  • Faulty lambda sensor causes malfunction of the control unit.

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Problems with catalytic converters can lead to the failure of expensive components. It is recommended to eliminate the problem as soon as possible after having a previously diagnosed catalytic converter. Choose a way to evaluate old catalyst and sell It to obtain a good money bonus.

Absence of bad catalyst symptoms will provide:

  1. Increased service life of gasoline and diesel vehicles, thanks to healthy catalyst.
  2. Extension of resource and normal operation of motors.
  3. Exclusion of dry start motors with the help of a good catalytic converter.
  4. Reduction of CO, CH, smoke, vibration, inner noise.
  5. Increased power and efficiency with clean catalyst.
  6. Magnitude of octane number of gasoline by 3-5 units.
  7. Cleaning of soot from candles in presence of defects.
  8. Improved launch in winter, owing to hardworking catalytic converter.

Prescious metals in a catalyst

Prescious metals in a catalyst

Prescious metals in a catalyst

In the modern cars there are a lot of interesting things. It turns out that there are even noble metals in it and the car owner himself can make good money with its help.

Not everyone knows that the so-called exhaust system catalyst or rather, an exhaust gas catalyst contains precious metals of the platinum group. First of all, it is actually platinum, as well as noble metals palladium and rhodium.

A porous ceramic or metal filling is hidden in catalyst housing, where another noble metal is sprayed.

Therefore, after the automotive catalyst fails and this usually happens after 150-200 thousand kilometers, you can take it to special processing companies, which are able to extract precious metal for recycling.

The main nuance of this procedure is that platinum metals are in a form of a very thin layer sprayed onto porous ceramic cells. In fact, the device is conceived as such, so that the contact surface of exhaust gases with metal catalyst is as wide as possible. Therefore, collecting sprayed platinum from 20 thousand square meters of the inner surface of the honeycomb is not so simple. To do this, it is necessary to “rinse” catalyst ceramics with acids, heat, galvanize, crush… But this, in fact, is a problem not of a motorist, but of other people.

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How to determine the profit which a catalyst can bring to a driver owing to this? To determine the number of platinoids, an RF spectrometer is used, it is also an X-ray fluorescence analyzer. But first of all, you need to see the catalyst case, pull out the ceramic filler and grind it. Then, correlating the data of spectrometer and mass of ground filling, the receiver determines the price.

The average price of a catalyst that has worked out is from 20 to 150 USD, and you can get them just passing an unnecessary catalyst at the pick-up point. It is interesting that evaluators take into account the current quotations on world exchanges when evaluating. And this figure relative to platinum can experience significant fluctuations, for example: depending on the situation, one ounce in different periods can cost several hundred dollars and one and a half thousand dollars.

The content of precious metals in a catalyst is determined using a spectrometer. Incidentally, it is able to distinguish platinum substitute.

To understand: the content of pure platinum or other platinoids is tenths and hundredths of a percent of the total mass of catalyst filling.

Taking into account how much a new catalyst costs, which will have to be bought to replace a failed one, handing over the old for recycling will be the most rational step. And even if you don’t want to buy a new catalyst and intend to replace it with a substitute, you should still think about recycling. The price is worth the time spent on the delivery of precious recycled materials.

The platinum content in Japanese and Chinese cars is 15% less than in Europe, in catalysts of Russian cars 40% less than rhodium in Europe. In American catalysts, precious metals are half as much as in European ones.

To solve the problems of processing catalysts, hydrometallurgical and pyrometallurgical methods are used. The source for processing contains a large amount of ceramic carrier and an insignificant concentration of precious metals. When processing waste electronics, the source is scrap parts that contain, as a rule, plastic particles in their composition.

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The task of recycling automotive parts waste is to obtain semi-finished products suitable for recycling. The hydrometallurgical method for extraction of precious metals for catalysts consists of the following main steps:

  1. Primary leaching of waste with mixtures of acids, the composition of which depends on qualitative and quantitative content of precious metals in source, at temperatures above 100 ° C;
  2. Repeated washing of an acid-insoluble carrier with water;
  3. Drying semi-finished product at 200 ° C and calcining at temperatures of the order of 600 ° C.

When using the pyrometallurgical method for catalysts, waste processing occurs in the following several stages:

  1. Crushing and sorting its particles by size.
  2. Preparation of the initial charge.
  3. Melting of crushed product at a temperature of 3000 ° C in a plasma-arc furnace with the formation of melts of precious metals, ceramics, and metal carriers.
  4. Periodic discharge of slag melts, stratified due to the difference in densities of metals and ceramics: the ceramic melt remains at a top, precious metal melt in collector (copper, iron) is drained from the furnace.
  5. Granulation of a liquid melt.
  6. The heal granulation product, enriched with precious metals by 3-15%, is a suitable raw material for refining plants, which further produce precious metals with the highest degree of purity.

Sale of used catalysts

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Old catalysts can be sold to a number of companies associated with refineries with contracts for the recycling of their enriched raw materials. The scope of activity of such companies includes the purchase of spent catalysts from private and legal entities.

Before concluding a contract of sale, the company analyzes the catalyst which valuable element it contains, and in what quantity.

Based on the analysis, the transaction value is determined. On average, for foreign cars prices are per 1 kg of catalyst vary from 50 to 150 USD, depending on the car brand.

Catalysts from Hummer, Land Rover, Infiniti, Jeep GrandCherokee, Lexus, Mercedes-Benz reach the highest costs.


Catalyst vs. Flame arrester

Catalyst vs. Flame arrester

Catalyst vs. Flame arrester

The struggle of automotive engineers for environment has led to appearance of units that are not used for movement, but reduction of air pollution. Catalyst is one of them. A metal can with a ceramic honeycomb system “burns” exhaust gases inside and reduces the harmfulness of car exhaust. According to experts, you need to get rid of a catalyst after 150-200 thousand kilometers. It is for such a run that this node is designed. It’s better to do it as soon as fuel consumption starts to increase and the car starts to accelerate worse.

Removing catalyst and installing a flame arrester will cost much less than replacing catalyst itself. But removing of catalyst will increase toxicity of emissions, so this option is not suitable for people concerned about environmental safety of our planet.

But catalytic converter is not eternal, sooner or later the catalyst is clogged, its cells are destroyed, and it not only ceases to fulfill its functions, but also prevents the engine from working. So which are the options for a car owner regarding replacement?

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It is possible to replace a faulty catalyst with a new one, however such a replacement will cost a good sum of money. Such catalysts are very expensive. The cost goes up to a quarter of market value of a used car. But there are models where several catalysts are installed, and each should be changed in case of breakdown. Naturally, the majority of car owners prefer a more economic resolution, like installation of a flame arrester instead of a catalyst.

The advantages of this approach are the following:

  1. Lower price. Replacing the catalyst with a flame arrester can cost 5-10 times cheaper than buying a new cat. There are no comments here.
  2. A slight increase in engine power and lower fuel consumption. The flame arrester creates less resistance to exhaust gases than the catalyst, engine “breathes” better, which means it adds to the power. The increase, as well as fuel economy, is not very large, about 5-10%. Most drivers will not feel it. It is not worth it to specially remove the catalyst for the sake of increasing power, but for those who still decide on this procedure, improving engine performance is a small bonus.
  3. Reduced fuel quality requirements. Catalysts react most sharply to bad quality gasoline and often it is because of that quality, catalyst fails. The flame arrester does not cope with such work. This does not mean that after replacing a catalyst, refueling at cheap gas stations will be a good idea, but you don’t have to worry about an expensive and fragile part when using unfamiliar gas stations.

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Catalyst Cons are the following:

  1. First of all, ecology. If you are proud that your car doesn’t pollute environment, then after replacing the catalyst with a substitute, you need to stop doing this, because your car will no longer have Euro-4 or Euro-5 standard.
  2. No need to program car computer. Vehicle electronic control system is designed to use a catalyst and without it will start to go crazy. Using a substitute, you need to invent tricks on oxygen sensors, and in the best case, reprogram the engine.
  3. Reducing the resource of the exhaust system. Even a good catalyst substitute with the task of lowering the temperature of exhaust copes worse than the catalytic converter, so the risk that the muffler burns out increases. On the other hand, you can change more than one silencer for money that will save a flash suppressor.

If the benefits of replacing catalyst with a flame arrester are obvious for you, then a detailed instruction of step-by-step process will be useful. Usually, car owners have to deal with universal flame arresters, which must be adjusted locally or even make such a unit on their own. People without experience with a grinder and welding should not take up the replacement.

Step 1. Removal of the catalyst

The catalyst and collector are located directly in the exhaust manifold. Catalyst is easier to remove, especially if the design permits using a screwdriver. If there is no such a possibility, because they are tightly attached, a grinder is used. The second one requires dismantling the exhaust manifold, which increases the complexity of the process.

Step 2. Choosing a flame arrester

The supply of such car parts is sufficient, you can consider the details, cost, and other elements. In general, the main thing is that it is two-layer, the brand is not so important. However, this is such a simple unit that you can do it yourself. Cut the casing from the catalyst, knock out the entire filling from it, and instead insert a piece of perforated pipe, cover the casing from the inside with heat-resistant, sound-absorbing material, brew, and the arrester is ready. As for cost, such an assembly will turn out to be very cheap, but only those who know how to use a welding machine should undertake independent manufacture of a flame arrester. As practice shows, the most popular damage to a flame arrester is a burst weld.

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Step 3. Installing a flame arrester instead of a catalyst

If we are not talking about products that are precisely designed for regular places, then to install a catalyst substitute you have to use a combination of welding and ingenuity. It&rsquo’s not that it’s very difficult, but you have to measure and adjust the dimensions, think over the location, especially when it comes to collector arresters. In addition, no manufacturer describes such a procedure in official reference materials, so you need to look for information in additional sources.

Step 4. Correction of electronics

For the car to work correctly without catalyst, you need to consider reprogramming for the second lambda probe or completely reflash the motor. The deception is like a catalyst in miniature, it “filters” a piece of exhaust that enters the sensor, showing that everything is fine, the emulator simply transfers the values ​​that it expects to the engine, without real measurements. Deceptions and emulators may not work, but a good alternative firmware almost always solves problems after installing such a device.

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What is the general cost to replace the catalyst with a flame arrester? Units themselves are relatively inexpensive from 15 to 20 USD, depending on the brand and design. Prices for catalyst replacement services depend on region and brand of car. The average price would be 75-100 USD for such a service (although the price range is very large). Separately, you will need to pay extra for installing a lambda sensor and reprogramming.

Talking about catalyst its starting cost will get even up to 1200 USD, which is not a limit, due to various car models. That is why in case of a problem with catalysts it is very reasonable to pay attention to other options (which can be 10 times cheaper!). Savings are obvious, and replacement can be done by yourself or in most car service stations, the main thing is not to forget to adjust engine and electronic system.

How to earn money with old catalyst?

How to earn money with old catalyst?

How to earn money with old catalyst?

Each owner of a used car sooner or later faced the problem of a clogged catalyst, which must be changed to a new one. But not everyone knows that a node that has ended its time is worth much money. And car service owners are actively using it.

Listen well to tour car. The car engine stopped giving the previous result, began to “choke”, and on the dashboard sad check engine icon lit up. The service station issued a verdict: the catalyst is clogged, immediate replacement is required. Operation is not cheap, because this car part costs much money, and someone Is still allowed to close eye to environmental problems.

To old catalyst can be thrown away. Indeed, why is this dirty, odorous, unsightly piece of iron needed? The master will take and carefully bring the catalytic converters to a special place. Because One can be paid for it up to 100 USD per kg!

The fact is that the casing of catalyst inside is coated with precious metals: rhodium, palladium and platinum, which with a certain skill and availability of equipment can be removed. It is this spraying that helps to reduce the amount of harmful exhaust gases sent to atmosphere of their car exhaust pipe. The cost of each element is much higher than, for example, the cost of gold.

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But do not rush to use this profitable idea. Obtaining precious metals is not an easy task, associated with a large number of procedures. Platinum and rhodium are “mined” using oxidizing agents, and palladium is produced by fluorination. This is technically difficult, requires presence of certain chemical compounds and special equipment.

In addition, the amount of precious metal is not so large: for example, palladium in a device is only 0.08% of the total weight. Rhodium is even less of about 0.006%. Mercedes contain platinum: 0.12% of the total weight. Given its total weight of 1.2 kg, after all procedures we get only 1.44 grams of precious metal.

Long, complicated, costly. But why not recycle the catalyst yourself? So, for example, an ordinary catalyst from a foreign car of Japanese origin weighing 1300 grams, some can pay up to 160 USD. The part from the SUV, the same Mitsubishi Pajero, weighs significantly more and will already bring 240 USD. You don’t have to go anywhere, because technician will arrive with the scales in a place convenient for you and immediately pay compensation. A good reason to think about it and still put your old used catalyst in the trunk. You can even prepare a soft rag or pillow in advance to put under this “treasure”.

Buyout catalyst requirements

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If you are going to hand over a used part, then clean it in advance from oil, dirt, and bring the item in order.

Additionally, there are a number of requirements:

  • if a ceramic item is being sold, check that it has a minimum number of chips after removal from the tank;
  • broken into small parts, with a large number of chips, ceramic catalysts are not accepted by most recycling points (you can find out if spectral analysis is carried out, then such a detail can be returned);
  • metal catalysts are not analyzed, they are handed over strictly in the tank, otherwise a greater amount of spraying (precious metals) will be erased;
  • ceramic parts are delivered strictly in dry form;
  • elements soaked in oil or previously treated with a chemical solution are not accepted for recycling.

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The cost of catalyst is influenced by a number of factors, which should be considered:

1. The price depends on which market a particular car was originally assembled. Better items are being delivered to European markets.

2. The higher the class of a car, the better the catalyst.

3. The longer the service life of a car, the less precious metals remain.

4. Sports riding contributes to a more rapid “emptying” of a catalytic converter.

5. Fuel. Some additives in fuel flush metals.

6. Catalytic converters come with different composition of precious metals:

6.1. Pt, Pd + Rh is the “classic” and the oldest type of catalyst. The average content per ton of ceramics (ppm): Pt – 1470, Pd – 900, Rh – 270. The average price for this category is 50-60 euro/kg.

6.2. Pt + Rh is as a rule, these are catalysts from diesel or premium cars. Palladium is absent in such catalysts, but platinum is of 2500-3500 ppm. The cost of this category of catalysts is 65-75 eur / kg.

6.3 Pd + Rh. There is no platinum, but palladium is about 3000-3500 ppm. Such catalysts make about 70% of the total number of modern catalysts. The average price is 45-55 euros / kg.

It is impossible to determine the cost of a catalyst without analysis! Buying and selling catalysts “by eye” is a risk for both the buyer and seller.

The main misconceptions about catalysts and issues to remember are:

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1: Diesel catalysts are always more expensive.

This rule almost doesn’t work anymore.

In modern diesels, paired with a catalyst, a fapfilter is used, therefore, diesel engines and gasoline engines are increasingly placing catalysts with a similar content of precious metals.

It’s more correct to look at the class and year of a car. The higher the standard for CO2 requirements, the richer the catalyst.

2: The older the catalyst, the more expensive it is.

On the contrary, the newer it is, the more precious metals it contains.

3: European cars catalytic converters are more expensive than others.

Not always! For example, Subaru converters are significantly more expensive than many European competitors.

4: BMW catalysts are the most expensive.

BMW catalysts until 2000 were of high quality. Today, BMW is producing more catalytic converters with palladium than with platinum.

This trend is relevant not only for BMW, but also for all other automakers.

Сlogged catalyst. How to complete a fast check up?

Сlogged catalyst. How to complete a fast check up?

A clogged catalyst is a common malfunction in high mileage vehicles. Over time, a system breaks down that serves to reduce exhaust emissions. Usually the first signs of this condition are observed after 150 or 200 thousand km. But sometimes it can occur earlier if the engine is not properly operated or a manufacturing defect takes place. Today we’ll talk about the symptoms of a clogged catalyst. How to understand that catalyst is clogged and fix the problem?

Signs of a clogged catalyst

Classic symptoms of a malfunction are a decrease in dynamics of a car and a noticeable cut in engine power. As a result, the level of maximum speed decreases; the car accelerates sluggishly during overtaking or when starting at a traffic light. Additional signs which shows that catalyst is clogged or not:


  1. Motor starts hard on both hot and cold temperature, a strange sound appears.

  2. Power unit may fail completely if the assembly is too clogged.

  3. Exhaust fumes start to smell unusually, this smell resembles a rotten egg (in fact, it is hydrogen sulfide).


One way to identify a clogged catalyst is by checking the CheckEngine indicator light on the car dashboard. Often in such a situation, it lights up. Same symptoms are observed on a diesel engine.


In case of damage to wires that transmit the signal from sensors, or unexpected destruction of active substance, warning lamp lights up. Sensors are mounted after the outlet and before the inlet pipe, they serve to control the oxygen concentration. When catalyst clogging occurs gradually, the bulb does not let you know that a system problem has occurred.


The reason for this may be poor ventilation of cylinders. When it weakens, the power unit cannot capture enough air the increased back pressure of catalyst interferes. The exhaust partially remains inside cylinders and does not allow the air-fuel mixture to properly fill the combustion chamber. For this reason, dynamics worsens, power decreases. The main thing to know is if the catalyst is clogged, how the machine behaves and why it is dangerous.


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How to identify a clogged catalyst?

For the following reasons, catalyst is usually clogged:


  1. There are certain defects in engine or exhaust system. For example, the increased oil content in exhaust and its increased consumption.

  2. Low-quality fuel that does not completely burn out in cylinders and burns out already in exhaust manifold. Catalyst may melt or simply overheat.

  3. Too small throughput cells of a catalyst. They quickly clog, and even small droplets stick because of heat.

  4. Poor quality pavement affects catalyst clogging. From constant mechanical shocks about bumps, speed bumps, mounds suffer from its internal components. And if at least one cell is damaged, then its particles can clog remaining cells.


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Implications for an engine

Do not neglect tips to check the catalyst for clogging, since consequences of driving with such a node can be most severe for a car. A defective element provokes following problems:


  • Increased operating costs of gasoline due to increased resistance of the exhaust tract.

  • Exhaust fumes contain a lot more harmful substances.

  • Engine power drops significantly, and, consequently, comfort of a trip in a car.

  • The main thing that threatens a long ride with a clogged catalyst is a complete breakdown of gasoline engine. At one point, it will stall right in the process of movement, or it won’t start at all.

It is especially dangerous for motor if the internal filling of a catalyst is destroyed. In this case, solid particles are formed that penetrate the cylinder and become clogged between the piston and the inner surface. Because of them, damage is formed on the mirror, and they can be removed only by grinding.



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How to check the catalyst for clogging without removing it?

Three most common methods to find out that a catalyst is clogged:


  1. Complete dismantling of working unit and its external inspection for signs of clogging. Removing the catalyst is sometimes problematic because it tightly sticks. In this case, the specialist uses a grinder. Also, some cars have such complicated designs of exhaust systems that it is generally impossible to remove catalyst or it takes several days.

  2. Measurement of pressure in exhaust system. To measure it, it is necessary to install the pressure gauge in place of the 1st oxygen sensor, and then take readings at different engine operating modes. The pressure is considered correct at level of 0.3 kgf / cm², at 2.5 thousand rpm. It is often difficult to remove sensors.

  3. Back pressure measurement with a special tester. A pressure sensor is mounted in a place of the spark plug in the engine cylinder, after which an oscillogram is analyzed at increased speeds.

The replacement or repair of the catalyst is definitely required in a situation where the pressure in exhaust system is more than 200 kPa (almost 2 kgf / cm²).


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What is included in a repair of a catalyst?

Try to clean the contents of catalyst from particulate matter and carbon deposits. This method is effective only in early stages of pollution, when the car does not show any malfunctions.

Remove the filler from the housing, then install emulators and flame arresters to replace oxygen sensors. Having done this, you can forget about problems with the catalyst, but this is a serious intervention in design of the exhaust system. Fines are possible if representatives of law reveal increased atmospheric pollution using a special gas analyzer. In addition, catalyst removal interferes with error detection by sensors. As a result, they will always give the same readings.

Consider full replacement of the old catalyst with a new one. The right way is expensive enough, because purchase and installation of a new catalyst will cost from 100 to 1200 USD, based on the brand of car.

Car catalyst functions and significance

Car catalyst functions and significance

Car catalyst is designed to neutralize harmful car exhausts and is part of exhaust system.

A catalyst is an element of an engine exhaust system designed to clean exhaust gases before they are released into the atmosphere. The need to develop this automobile motor assembly arose in 60s of the last century, when the world community was concerned about the state of ecology on our planet. At that time, the level of emissions from automobile exhaust pipes was not established at legislative level. The first standards for content of toxic products in car emissions were introduced in 1970s. Auto producers were required to equip cars with devices that reduce volume of carbon monoxide and products of combustion of hydrocarbons. Since 1975, catalyst has become an indispensable part of all cars coming off the assembly line.

Manufacturers install three types of catalysts on cars:

  1. Ceramic item use a mechanical method of cleaning exhaust gases. It consist of ceramic plates coated with precious metals. Maximum resource of this type of work is 100 thousand kilometers. However, with poor fuel quality, its replacement is required after 70–80 thousand kilometers.
  2. Metal catalyst has another construction. Its filling consists of metal honeycombs with increased elasticity. The design of such parts is reliable and more durable than ceramic catalysts.
  3. Sports catalyst is considered to be the most reliable model. But at the same time it has a high cost. Made of metal it has greater bandwidth than the two previous options.

What does catalyst consist of and how it works?

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Catalyst device has ceramic honeycombs in its basis. Structurally, catalytic converter is a ceramic substrate made in the form of honeycombs, inserted into a metal housing and protected by heat-insulating materials. Small cells of a catalyst have a special coating or working composition. The honeycomb composition is an alloy of platinum, rhodium and palladium, precious metals, the cost of which exceeds gold at least twice. The honeycomb structure of catalyst increases the contact area of ​​toxic gases with neutralizing surface. Remains of harmful substances instantly burn out and do not enter in atmosphere.



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The catalyst consists of the following parts:

  • Housing with inlet and outlet nozzles;
  • Ceramic block with porous structure;
  • Catalytic layer, spraying on cells of a ceramic block;
  • Sensor (lambda sensor) is a device that shows the pollution of gases after cleaning;
  • Metal casing performs the function of thermal insulation and protects housing from mechanical damage.

Catalyst circuit is installed after the exhaust pipe of an engine or in exhaust manifold. This arrangement is necessary for effective operation of a catalyst, since neutralization of toxic substances is possible only at high temperatures. The operation of a node is as follows:

Exhaust gases are sent through the inlet to the inside and enter ceramic block, filling the cells. Catalyst metals oxidize unburned hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide. Reducing metal, rhodium, neutralizes nitric oxide and turns it into a harmless substance. Pure gas is discharged into atmosphere through the outlet pipe.

It is important! The decisive role in the process of neutralizing toxic substances is played by the temperature. Conversion is possible at temperatures from 300 degrees, but basically the working temperature of a catalyst is in a range from 400 to 800 degrees.

At the time of engine warm-up, catalyst is inactive, and this is a significant drawback of models developed to date. Difficulty in organizing correct operation of the unit is danger of its overheating. If you place catalyst closer to an engine, service life will decrease dramatically due to systematic overheating. Most car manufacturers place the part in an area of a right front wheel, where it is possible to maintain the temperature at optimum level.

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Why buy?

Catalyst is one of the parts that continues to raise interest of consumers even at the end of a service life. There are more and more announcements about the purchase of automotive catalysts by numerous businessmen. The reason for this is the content of precious metals. Quantity of precious metals depends on a model and mass of the catalyst. Average indicators are as follows:

Silver – from 5.5 to 15 g;

Palladium – from 0.05 to 4.95 g;

Platinum – from 0.1 to 1 g.

Extraction of precious metals from old catalyst is a technologically complicated and disadvantageous process at home. This can only be done in large volumes using special equipment and reagents. In order to decide if the catalytic converter has to be removed and changed, pay attention to causes and symptoms of its failure.

  1. Working life

Catalyst is good for approximately 150 thousand kilometers. During operation time, the part gradually burns out, and the worse the fuel, the faster it happens. The fact is that artificial additives in bad gasoline contribute to increased heating of fuel, and catalyst cells melt and clog.

It is important! The failure is also facilitated by microdamage that occurs when driving on bumps, malfunctions of piston group and ignition. Accelerating the honeycomb contamination process is an aggressive riding style.

  1. Clogged honeycombs

A malfunction of a catalyst is detected by lambda sensor, and the error “CHECK ENGINE” pops up on a dashboard. At low efficiency of the catalyst due to clogging on the panel, error “P0420” may be displayed.

In addition, symptoms of component failure are:

  • rattle and vibration under the bottom of a car. If a clang is heard during acceleration or relocation, it means that parts inside the catalyst body have crumbled.
  • decreased engine dynamics. The car slowly accelerates. As if it was being held in the back. This suggests that the cells are partially clogged.
  • temporary lack of traction at high speeds.
  • difficulties with starting the engine. With a complete breakdown of a catalyst, the car stalls immediately after starting.
  • gray shade of exhaust with a pungent, suffocating odor is a sign, which indicates a significant destruction or melting of honeycombs.
  • increased fuel consumption. This symptom is ambiguous and may indicate other problems. For example, gas mileage increases if fuel injectors are clogged.

All these signs indicate that the catalyst is still working, but cells are partially melted and their throughput is reduced. If you continue to operate the car in this situation, the engine may stop starting.

It is important! Ceramic particles of destroyed catalyst can get into cylinders, damage their walls and completely disable the engine.

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How to check node status?

Each car owner can check the catalyst performance independently or by contacting a service center. There are 3 methods for verifying catalyst health:

  1. Visual inspection of the housing. Deformation of housing always indicates a partial or complete malfunction of a catalyst. In this case, it must be removed. On some models, inspection without opening the case cannot be carried out.
  2. Back pressure. The check can be carried out using a manometer and an adapter tube connected to it. The pressure gauge is put in place of lambda sensor and start the engine at 2.5-3 thousand turns for 15 seconds. On average, normal pressure values ​​are 0.3 kg / cm2 and 0.35 kg / cm2 for modified engines. Indicators of 0.5 kg / cm2 and above indicate problems with the catalyst.
  3. Diagnostics by a motor tester. This diagnostic option is possible with special equipment. The device is connected instead of spark plugs and takes data during engine start.
  4. Car diagnostics. If you have special equipment, you can carry out diagnostics yourself.

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Why should you remove a catalyst?

The ideal solution for a catalyst failure is to replace it with a new one. However, not everyone can afford the purchase of a new, original part, the cost of which is about 500 USD. An alternative version of Chinese production will cost 100 USD. But such expenses are unacceptable for some car owners, so they decide to remove the catalyst completely and weld an empty flame arrester.

It is important! Experts recommend changing the catalyst to the original only once, on new cars. Subsequent investment in an expensive original catalyst is impractical, because the motor works worse and cells become clogged twice as fast. Some universal models are several times cheaper than branded items and at the same time work with the same efficiency.

Keep the catalyst. Don’t cut it off!

Keep the catalyst. Don't cut it off!

Nowadays in the vastness of network, you can find many tips where motorists offer their less experienced colleagues to cut off the catalyst on a car. It’s time to figure out why this element of design was so annoying for some drivers, and why in fact it should be left in its place.

The first and most important thing why unfortunate catalyst is so annoying for many motorists is its cost. And everything because the catalyst uses expensive platinum. That is why few people want to spend huge amounts on replacing catalyst.

As a result, many drivers simply decide to remove the part, and install a flame extinguisher on its place in the muffler. On the one hand, this move is cunning and even somewhat reasonable (a slight increase in power). If only because if nothing is done with problematic element immediately, then it will be worse. On the other hand, it’s better not to do this at all.

Firstly, it is necessary to clarify a simple truth that a car without catalyst becomes much “dirtier”. Of course, some kind of ecology doesn’t concern most people. If so, then it is worth considering that without a catalyst the car will start to smell worse.

Secondly, installation of a substitute on lambda sensor violates correction of composition of air-fuel mixture. Incorrect operation of engine leads to increase in fuel consumption, a large amount of soot is formed in combustion chamber. This, in turn, is fraught with numerous negative consequences not only for the unit itself, but also for other nodes.

Thirdly, the removal of catalyst from exhaust system and installation of a substitute on some models lead to increased consumption of engine oil. And this, after all, is an additional expense in the long run. Thus, it is quite obvious that it is better to spend money on a new catalyst once than to deal with numerous problems after a while.

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One common consequence of catalyst removal is increased oil consumption. This phenomenon does not occur on all engines, but on the web you can find many stories of car owners who faced a similar problem. There are many speculations about reasons. The most realistic is reduction of back pressure in exhaust system. Catalyst creates a back pressure, due to which the oil scraper rings correctly do their job. But without a design on some cars, situation is changing.

Let us look the list of models on which there is an increased oil consumption after removal of a catalyst:

  • Entire line of Gamma engines from Kia / Hyundai. After removing the catalyst, oil consumption on a serviceable engine can reach 1.5 liters per 10,000 km. On the other hand, it is also dangerous to leave the catalyst, because until 2016 there was a problem with its destruction and ceramic dust getting inside the power unit. Someone is at risk, and someone prefers to add oil.
  • Volvo cars with the B6324S engine (3.2 liters). After removal of catalysts, car owners are faced with a consumption of engine oil of 1 liter per 1,000 km. At the same time, the piston group is in a normal state for its mileage.
  • Japanese engine 3MZFE suffers from a similar problem, which can be found on Toyota and Lexus mid-zero years. The consumption of engine oil after removal of catalyst also reaches 1 liter per 1,000 kilometers.

Catalyst removal procedure should be carefully monitored. Existence of dust in an exhaust system before its installation is inadmissible, otherwise solid particles can get into cylinders. It is recommended to install a flame arrester that is suitable for a specific engine. It will create a sufficient level of back pressure, which will ensure minimum consumption of engine oil after removal of the catalyst.

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Catalyst Removal: What Does It Give?

If catalyst is defective, then when it is removed, the car engine regains its original, factory parameters, it begins to “breathe” more easily, resulting in reduced fuel consumption and increased power. In cases where the catalyst is removed in order to modernize the exhaust system, this procedure is usually supplemented by installation of a new exhaust pipe type silencer, which creates significantly less obstacles to exhaust gases than the catalyst. In combination with reflashing of a power unit (which is also performed), this leads to an increase in power of a power unit. It should be noted that this method of tuning is often called “amateur”, because when tuning the exhaust system performed by professionals (used, for example, to “refine” sports cars), a lot of calculations are made and a large number of parameters are involved. Professional tuning is done only by highly qualified specialists and costs considerable amounts.



The removal of catalyst is most often a necessary measure, but sometimes the catalyst is removed in order to finalize the exhaust system. A faulty catalyst creates a lot of unpleasant problems in the form of errors that light up on a panel, as well as a significant deterioration in dynamic readings of a car. The state of catalyst and correctness of its operation are monitored by the so-called lambda or oxygen sensor. The sensor monitors the consistency of exhaust, if the catalyst is not working, composition of exhaust changes, to which lambda immediately reacts and reports a corresponding error.

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Repair of catalytic converter is not possible, in case of failure, it is necessary to completely remove defective catalyst, and install a new one in its place. The catalyst is removed for a reason that the cost of a new one is quite high, so most often in the event of a malfunction, a flame arrester is installed in its place.

Removal of catalyst cannot but be invisible; many describe it in different ways. Some say that it felt like there was a trailer or an anchor from which they got rid. Others say that the car had a second wind, but they all have one thing in common : significant improvement in dynamic performance. The removal of catalyst is an extreme measure, which is undesirable if the engine works as it should. In addition, if financial ability allows you to perform a full replacement of catalyst with a new one, then it is better to do just that, in which case you will not have to interfere with exhaust system, as well as brains of your car. It will not require any tricks and other “lotions”, which can not be avoided when removing the catalyst.

Best Catalytic Converter Parts

catalytic converter


A catalytic converter is an essential part of your car’s exhaust system. It has the unique task of taking dangerous pollutants, such as carbon monoxide, and chemically changing them to something less dangerous like carbon dioxide. Many people want to know how catalytic converters work. They have catalysts that react with these compounds before they are released into the environment, and they are required for passing inspection.

What Are Catalytic Converters?
Exactly what are catalytic converters? These are part of the car’s exhaust system, and they are responsible for converting harmful compounds into less harmful ones. A few of these compounds include carbon monoxide, nitrogen gas, nitrogen oxides, and hydrocarbons. The catalytic converter will make them less harmful while also reducing overall emissions.

The first catalytic converters were produced in 1975 when the government demanded regulations on exhaust. This was considered the best way to meet regulations without reducing the performance or power of the vehicle. You may notice that these parts are more expensive than most, and there’s a good reason for that. They often use gold, platinum, and palladium.

The interior uses a honeycomb pattern to slow down the exhaust. This ensures that the catalysts have time to completely convert exhaust before it’s released.

How Catalytic Converters Work
Here’s some additional information about how catalytic converters work. They are responsible for breaking down harmful compounds into less harmful ones, such as nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water. This is done through a chemical process that rapidly breaks down the compounds before they leave your vehicle.

Catalytic converters have catalysts that are capable of breaking down the compounds. The harmful compounds would naturally break down on their own, but the natural process takes far too long. Catalysts make the process much faster and break down the compounds in seconds. The majority of modern cars have a three-stage converter.

Stage one and two involve both reduction and oxidation catalysts. The reduction catalyst usually comes from radium and platinum while the oxidation one is from palladium and platinum. As you can see, platinum is used in many areas with catalytic converters. These break down the harmful compounds as they pass through.

The final stage includes the engine. The engine has an oxygen sensor, and it senses how much oxygen is in the exhaust system. Fuel injection depends on this process as the engine might either increase or decrease how much fuel is injected into the gas chambers. For example, if the oxygen is currently low and the catalytic converter needs more time, then less fuel will be injected until the oxygen levels are higher. This balances the overall pollutants emitted from the exhaust system.

There is also a two-stage catalytic converter that works a little differently. The first stage specifically reduces nitrogen oxide while the second stage reduces carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons.

How to Know If Your Catalytic Converter Needs a Replacement
So how do you know when it is time for a catalytic converter replacement? In most cars and trucks, the Check Engine Light should appear with a code to notify you if your catalytic converter’s efficiency is measuring below standard. Even so, it is always wise to be closely attuned to the performance of your vehicle so that you notice indications of a problem early on. Common signs of issues might include a sudden drop in fuel efficiency, difficulty starting the engine, black smoke coming from the exhaust pipe or a sluggish feeling when driving. At AutoZone, we offer a variety of catalytic converter replacements that are easily accessible in-store or with free one day delivery. Driving with a bad catalytic converter for too long may eventually lead to an engine shutdown, so never delay in replacing it.

Things to Consider When Buying Catalytic Converters
There are several things to consider when buying catalytic converters. Since these parts are essential for meeting government regulations, they have high standards and warranties to uphold. A converter must have a warranty of at least 80,000 miles or eight years of use. Not only that, but the government prohibits the sale of catalytic converters that haven’t been tested and proven to adequately reduce emissions.

Like most other parts, catalytic converters come in different grades. For example, there are both standard and performance models. While choosing a performance model might sometimes be beneficial, it’s best in this case to match your car’s specific needs. If you have a high-performance vehicle, then get a matching converter. If you have a standard vehicle, then get a standard converter.

You should look for a catalytic converter with a direct-fit piece. This makes it much easier to install the converter yourself. You’ll also want to ensure that the piece meets state laws for emissions.

Autozone Catalytic Converters
It is important to be aware that catalytic converter troubles could be symptomatic of other complications within the vehicle. Converters are susceptible to overheating if engine misfiring causes unburned fuel to enter the exhaust system. Coolant or oil entering the engine’s combustion chamber can also clog or degrade the catalytic converter. Hence, you may want to investigate whether the failure is due to age or something more. Whether you are a DIY car guru and want to tackle catalytic converter replacement on your own or would simply prefer to have a mechanic install the part, AutoZone’s gets your replacement to you in no time and offers some of the lowest prices on catalytic converters that you can find anywhere. No matter where your car repair journey takes you, AutoZone has got you covered when it comes to providing affordable parts.

Catalytic converter core

catalytic converter

Modern motorists have an excellent opportunity to get rid of a faulty catalytic converter when and where they want to do it. Usually there are plenty of car service stations which are ready to give some information on purchasing old catalysts. Specialized companies always buy used catalytic converters in any quantity and offer good deals, both to individuals and large suppliers.

Now you can sell catalytic converters, the price for the device will be high, and the operating conditions are usually transparent. The purchase of catalytic converters is equal for both from foreign and domestic manufacturers in any condition. You can calculate the cost of a scrap catalytic converter using a special calculator or simply by calling consultants. It is not only a profitable but also a satisfying process, due to your will to recycle the old item.

Catalytic converter core buyers

In which cases should the catalytic converter be sold

Is it really necessary to consider mileage and driving conditions? Should everyone follow a producer’s manual? Which signs can help to understand the vehicle problem? These questions and many others are usually concentrated in heads of modern drivers, thinking of their car maintenance cost.

A catalytic converter malfunction is indicated by the power unit decreasing in its work. It is easy to perceive because of some distinctive features. This occurs when the honeycomb structure melts or becomes clogged with soot and exhaust gases are difficult to escape. An additional booming or rattling sound indicates the destruction of the car’s ceramic of a catalytic converter. Excessive smoke with an unpleasant smell comes out of the exhaust pipe in case of a failure.

Processing is a basic need for individuals who need to discard or improve the working of their exhaust systems. The best spot for this is to find scrap vendors. They are the best companies to sell or reuse your catalytic converter. It is always better to collect more information on prices and possibilities to recycle a catalytic converter.

recycle a catalytic converter


How to independently determine the price of a catalytic converter

Talking about the causes which affect the price of a catalytic converter, it is better to mention general ones. Sales market is one of the biggest influencers. Better catalytic converters are provided for the European car market, and if you need to sell a car catalyst, originally intended for third world countries, then they will not give a high price for it.

The quality of the catalytic converter will also depend on the class of vehicle it is installed on. High mileage and long-term operation negatively affect catalysts, and therefore are not very optimistic about its value. As you know, the catalytic converter has the property of “emptying”, and therefore a sporty driving style will make it cheaper. If certain additives are present in gasoline or other fuels, then over time the precious metals will be washed out.price of a catalytic converter

Usually the composition of a car catalytic converter initially contained Pt, Pd and Rh. With time and modernization, the contents can change, but the idea and process of purification remains the same. One ton of ceramic catalytic converters contains about one thousand and five hundred ppm of Pt, almost one thousand ppm of Pd, and about three hundred ppm of Rh.

Diesel catalytic converters or premium cars

Diesel catalytic converters or premium cars contain Pt and Rh. Although their metal contents are about 2.5-3.5 thousand ppm. In general, the acceptance of catalytic converters with similar content is about seventy percent. The cost of such parts of the exhaust system on average varies between sixty to seventy five USD per 1 kg. This type of a catalyst can be attributed to an endangered species, and according to some sources, the average price for it is up to eighty USD per 1 kg. Considering these simple figures one can understand the price of the scrap item. Calculate it by yourself and discover benefits from selling. Profit from a great deal with one of your local recycling stations.local recycling stations


Myths about scrap catalytic converter prices

Let us look at several myths about scrap catalytic converter prices and how to decide what is right and what is wrong. The first one is that diesel is always more expensive than gasoline catalytic converters. When evaluating a catalytic converter, do not rely on the type of engine.

In modern diesel cars, a particulate filter is used and catalysts are installed on all power units, both gasoline or diesel. It is better to pay attention to the year of manufacture and the class of the car. Second myth is that old catalytic converters are more expensive than new ones. It is new items that contain more precious metals.

And the last, but not the least is that European catalytic converters are more expensive than others. This is also a wrong judgment, because the highest price for buying catalysts will be not only for a high-quality European catalytic converter, but also for their Japanese counterparts.

Protect your car and drive safely

It is common that all catalytic converters have sequential numbers, and this is something that can be utilized to decide the purchasing cost. Experienced organizations will request the sequential number of your item before providing the cost estimate tag.

Protect your car and drive safely to earn on scrap catalytic converters! The sum you get will be of great help when it comes to repairing the catalyst. More and more companies offer recycling of old catalytic converters and looking around attentively, you can find your best partner.

Catalytic converter catalog of Convert unlimited


Modern motorists have an excellent opportunity to get rid of a faulty catalytic converter when and where they want to do it. Usually there are plenty of car service stations which are ready to give some information on purchasing old catalysts. Specialized companies always buy used catalytic converters in any quantity and offer good deals, both to individuals and large suppliers.

Now you can sell catalytic converters, the price for the device will be high, and the operating conditions are usually transparent. The purchase of catalytic converters is equal for both from foreign and domestic manufacturers in any condition. You can calculate the cost of a scrap catalytic converter using a special calculator or simply by calling consultants. It is not only a profitable but also a satisfying process, due to your will to recycle the old item.

Catalytic converter core buyers

In which cases should the catalytic converter be sold

Is it really necessary to consider mileage and driving conditions? Should everyone follow a producer’s manual? Which signs can help to understand the vehicle problem? These questions and many others are usually concentrated in heads of modern drivers, thinking of their car maintenance cost.

A catalytic converter malfunction is indicated by the power unit decreasing in its work. It is easy to perceive because of some distinctive features. This occurs when the honeycomb structure melts or becomes clogged with soot and exhaust gases are difficult to escape. An additional booming or rattling sound indicates the destruction of the car’s ceramic of a catalytic converter. Excessive smoke with an unpleasant smell comes out of the exhaust pipe in case of a failure.

Processing is a basic need for individuals who need to discard or improve the working of their exhaust systems. The best spot for this is to find scrap vendors. They are the best companies to sell or reuse your catalytic converter. It is always better to collect more information on prices and possibilities to recycle a catalytic converter.

recycle a catalytic converter


How to independently determine the price of a catalytic converter

Talking about the causes which affect the price of a catalytic converter, it is better to mention general ones. Sales market is one of the biggest influencers. Better catalytic converters are provided for the European car market, and if you need to sell a car catalyst, originally intended for third world countries, then they will not give a high price for it.

The quality of the catalytic converter will also depend on the class of vehicle it is installed on. High mileage and long-term operation negatively affect catalysts, and therefore are not very optimistic about its value. As you know, the catalytic converter has the property of “emptying”, and therefore a sporty driving style will make it cheaper. If certain additives are present in gasoline or other fuels, then over time the precious metals will be washed out.price of a catalytic converter

Usually the composition of a car catalytic converter initially contained Pt, Pd and Rh. With time and modernization, the contents can change, but the idea and process of purification remains the same. One ton of ceramic catalytic converters contains about one thousand and five hundred ppm of Pt, almost one thousand ppm of Pd, and about three hundred ppm of Rh.

Diesel catalytic converters or premium cars

Diesel catalytic converters or premium cars contain Pt and Rh. Although their metal contents are about 2.5-3.5 thousand ppm. In general, the acceptance of catalytic converters with similar content is about seventy percent. The cost of such parts of the exhaust system on average varies between sixty to seventy five USD per 1 kg. This type of a catalyst can be attributed to an endangered species, and according to some sources, the average price for it is up to eighty USD per 1 kg. Considering these simple figures one can understand the price of the scrap item. Calculate it by yourself and discover benefits from selling. Profit from a great deal with one of your local recycling stations.local recycling stations


Myths about scrap catalytic converter prices

Let us look at several myths about scrap catalytic converter prices and how to decide what is right and what is wrong. The first one is that diesel is always more expensive than gasoline catalytic converters. When evaluating a catalytic converter, do not rely on the type of engine.

In modern diesel cars, a particulate filter is used and catalysts are installed on all power units, both gasoline or diesel. It is better to pay attention to the year of manufacture and the class of the car. Second myth is that old catalytic converters are more expensive than new ones. It is new items that contain more precious metals.

And the last, but not the least is that European catalytic converters are more expensive than others. This is also a wrong judgment, because the highest price for buying catalysts will be not only for a high-quality European catalytic converter, but also for their Japanese counterparts.

Protect your car and drive safely

It is common that all catalytic converters have sequential numbers, and this is something that can be utilized to decide the purchasing cost. Experienced organizations will request the sequential number of your item before providing the cost estimate tag.

Protect your car and drive safely to earn on scrap catalytic converters! The sum you get will be of great help when it comes to repairing the catalyst. More and more companies offer recycling of old catalytic converters and looking around attentively, you can find your best partner.

Catalytic converter core buyers near me

Catalytic converter core buyers near me

Modern motorists have an excellent opportunity to get rid of a faulty catalytic converter when and where they want to do it. Usually there are plenty of car service stations which are ready to give some information on purchasing old catalysts. Specialized companies always buy used catalytic converters in any quantity and offer good deals, both to individuals and large suppliers.

Now you can sell catalytic converters, the price for the device will be high, and the operating conditions are usually transparent. The purchase of catalytic converters is equal for both from foreign and domestic manufacturers in any condition. You can calculate the cost of a scrap catalytic converter using a special calculator or simply by calling consultants. It is not only a profitable but also a satisfying process, due to your will to recycle the old item.

Catalytic converter core buyers

In which cases should the catalytic converter be sold

Is it really necessary to consider mileage and driving conditions? Should everyone follow a producer’s manual? Which signs can help to understand the vehicle problem? These questions and many others are usually concentrated in heads of modern drivers, thinking of their car maintenance cost.

A catalytic converter malfunction is indicated by the power unit decreasing in its work. It is easy to perceive because of some distinctive features. This occurs when the honeycomb structure melts or becomes clogged with soot and exhaust gases are difficult to escape. An additional booming or rattling sound indicates the destruction of the car’s ceramic of a catalytic converter. Excessive smoke with an unpleasant smell comes out of the exhaust pipe in case of a failure.

Processing is a basic need for individuals who need to discard or improve the working of their exhaust systems. The best spot for this is to find scrap vendors. They are the best companies to sell or reuse your catalytic converter. It is always better to collect more information on prices and possibilities to recycle a catalytic converter.

recycle a catalytic converter


How to independently determine the price of a catalytic converter

Talking about the causes which affect the price of a catalytic converter, it is better to mention general ones. Sales market is one of the biggest influencers. Better catalytic converters are provided for the European car market, and if you need to sell a car catalyst, originally intended for third world countries, then they will not give a high price for it.

The quality of the catalytic converter will also depend on the class of vehicle it is installed on. High mileage and long-term operation negatively affect catalysts, and therefore are not very optimistic about its value. As you know, the catalytic converter has the property of “emptying”, and therefore a sporty driving style will make it cheaper. If certain additives are present in gasoline or other fuels, then over time the precious metals will be washed out.price of a catalytic converter

Usually the composition of a car catalytic converter initially contained Pt, Pd and Rh. With time and modernization, the contents can change, but the idea and process of purification remains the same. One ton of ceramic catalytic converters contains about one thousand and five hundred ppm of Pt, almost one thousand ppm of Pd, and about three hundred ppm of Rh.

Diesel catalytic converters or premium cars

Diesel catalytic converters or premium cars contain Pt and Rh. Although their metal contents are about 2.5-3.5 thousand ppm. In general, the acceptance of catalytic converters with similar content is about seventy percent. The cost of such parts of the exhaust system on average varies between sixty to seventy five USD per 1 kg. This type of a catalyst can be attributed to an endangered species, and according to some sources, the average price for it is up to eighty USD per 1 kg. Considering these simple figures one can understand the price of the scrap item. Calculate it by yourself and discover benefits from selling. Profit from a great deal with one of your local recycling stations.local recycling stations


Myths about scrap catalytic converter prices

Let us look at several myths about scrap catalytic converter prices and how to decide what is right and what is wrong. The first one is that diesel is always more expensive than gasoline catalytic converters. When evaluating a catalytic converter, do not rely on the type of engine.

In modern diesel cars, a particulate filter is used and catalysts are installed on all power units, both gasoline or diesel. It is better to pay attention to the year of manufacture and the class of the car. Second myth is that old catalytic converters are more expensive than new ones. It is new items that contain more precious metals.

And the last, but not the least is that European catalytic converters are more expensive than others. This is also a wrong judgment, because the highest price for buying catalysts will be not only for a high-quality European catalytic converter, but also for their Japanese counterparts.

Protect your car and drive safely

It is common that all catalytic converters have sequential numbers, and this is something that can be utilized to decide the purchasing cost. Experienced organizations will request the sequential number of your item before providing the cost estimate tag.

Protect your car and drive safely to earn on scrap catalytic converters! The sum you get will be of great help when it comes to repairing the catalyst. More and more companies offer recycling of old catalytic converters and looking around attentively, you can find your best partner.

Catalytic converter stolen. Can I drive?

Catalytic converter is stolen. Can I drive?

The skyrocketing price of palladium, fueled by increased market demand for this precious metal, has turned into a wave of Catalytic converter stolen.According to the latest statistics, over the past six months, palladium prices have increased by more than 50%.

As a result, this metal, which is actively used by automakers in a catalytic converter, designed to reduce harmful engine emissions, for the first time since 2002 has become more expensive than gold. This fact provoked the theft of catalysts.

Removing a catalytic converter

Removing a catalytic converter from the car is not too difficult. It takes several minutes, and video instructions can be found on the Internet.Thieves operate in groups: at night they drive up to the chosen vehicle, saw off the catalytic converter with a piston saw, and then drive on. It is difficult to find robbers, as they hand over the stolen catalysts for scrap at pick-up points that do not require identification.

Experts attribute the growth in demand for palladium to new tightening of environmental requirements for cars, which caused the so-called “diesel gate”. According to the forecasts of the world’s largest palladium producer, the metal deficit in the market will persist until 2025. This year it will reach 1.4 million ounces.One of the frequent catalytic converter victims is a Toyota Prius from 2009 to 2016.

catalytic converter victims

For owners of hybrids, the theft of a catalyst has become a headache.  the general insurance of the car increases in price, and the part is expensive if you pay for the repair yourself. But in case if it happened to your catalytic converter and you have doubts about possible consequences, it is better to get more information.

There are certain disadvantages in driving without a catalyst, these include increased emission of harmful gases, non-compliance with environmental standards, smell of gases inside the car, increased noise, likelihood of burnout of the exhaust system.

What can happen if you drive without a catalytic converter?

There will be more caustic smoke, noise, environmental damage. Many argue that driving without a catalytic converter will not lead to anything. This is an erroneous opinion, because our exhaust system service already has dozens of cars with burned-out exhaust systems due to the lack of a catalytic converter.

The burnt exhaust system is the first and most frequent thing that happens when driving without a catalytic converter. No matter how expensive your car is, all stock exhaust systems are made from the same steel, and they are not good at all. You can drive without a catalytic converter if you have an engine up to 50 HP. It may not burn out, but are there still such cars. If you drive without a catalyst, then you will have to change the exhaust in a year or a year and a half, and this is completely different money, even in comparison with installing the original catalytic converter.

Traffic fumes without a catalyst

Traffic fumes without a catalyst will be very caustic. People in a car can be easily poisoned if you stand in a traffic jam and open a window with a favorable wind. Catalytic converter thereby deactivates the most dangerous components and chemical compounds in gases, so that you can drive safely. A backward wave of gases will not get into the engine of your car.

Sound of the exhaust system will change, it will become more severe and loud. The presence of a catalytic converter can soften the sound. But its main function is to extinguish high temperatures,  the only way  is to install additional mufflers, if you are going to drive without a catalytic converter. you can put a resonator instead of a catalytic converter and the sound will become much brighter!resonator

Can I drive without a catalytic converter?

Yes, you can drive without a catalytic converter, but you need to approach everything with your head. If you do not want your car to be repaired, you need to remove the catalytic converter.

It is normal also for a thief to pay special attention when selling a catalytic converter. Their scope is to sell them at the highest cost. This is important also for a car owner, when you need to change a catalytic converter. Search for a recycling company that will purchase your catalytic converter at a best cost. A spot is the best in the event that you need to sell it.

scrap catalytic converter prices

catalytic converter prices

A catalytic converter is one of the main elements of the exhaust system, performing the function of reducing the emission of harmful substances and exhaust gases into the atmosphere. It is usually installed on both gasoline and diesel power plants in close proximity to the exhaust manifold or muffler.The catalyst is subject to mandatory disposal, which is a complicated process that requires special equipment. The catalytic converter price has been carried out almost everywhere.special equipment

The cost of every used car catalytic converter depends on:

  • Type of device (metal or ceramic);
  • Countries of origin (Germany, France, USA, Japan or China, RF);
  • Car model, engine size, year of manufacture, country of assembly or where it was exported;
  • From size: cut from the body, whole or broken, shredded;
  • On the purity, degree of contamination of the delivered mass: with asbestos, cotton wool or without;
  • From exchange quotations of prices for metals Pt, Pd, Rh and from exchange rates;
  • Weights, there are catalytic converters which weight is only 100 grams;
  • Duration of operation and its intensity, up to 150 tons of 1/3 of the original;
  • On the quality and type of fuel. For example, on gas for 2 years and as a result it is almost empty.
  • The price of the first catalytic converter is higher than all subsequent ones, even if they are in the same housing, with the exception of Subaru, on the contrary, the latter is more expensive.used car catalytic converter

Auto producers are creating more and more sophisticated vehicles to comply with environmental laws. A catalytic converter is a gadget of a vehicle, pointed toward lessening harmful emissions into the environment by diminishing NO and afterburning CO. Most of all precious metals are contained in a ceramic catalytic converter from German cars, such as Opel, BMW, Mercedes, Audi, Volkswagen. The cost for catalytic converters will be approximately one hundred and twenty percent of the average indicated, but it should be taken into account that the catalytic converter from cars released after 2000 will differ significantly in price from the car manufactured before 1997. It should also be taken into account that there is a catalytic converter with a predominance of platinum and a predominance of palladium.

Next in the price range are car catalytic converters from Japanese cars like Nissan, Toyota, Mazda, Honda. Their cost ranges from seventy five one hundred and ten percent, followed by the cars of French automakers, the cost of their catalytic converter is seventy to ninety five percent of the nominal. Then, according to the cost there are American cars with sixty to ninety percent, “Koreans” – sixty-eighty five %. The cheapest used car catalytic converters are from Russian-made cars, unless, of course, this is an export option.

 cost of a metallic catalytic converter

The cost of a metallic catalytic converter is much lower than that of ceramic (almost 2.5 times). Although new metal catalytic converters themselves are more expensive than ceramic ones, there are much less precious metals. It is also taken into account that the processing of such a catalytic converter is a more laborious and costly process. Since it is sometimes impossible to visually determine the conditions of a catalytic converter and it’s size, if it is also broken, it is better to use spectral and chemical analysis.

If a used catalytic converter is sold in a tank, then the price can be determined by the corresponding marking on the body. Sometimes evaluation is made by photographs or by phone, but this service is offered exclusively to regular customers.

The final cost of the used automobile catalytic converter is calculated after spectral and chemical analyzes, only this way makes it possible to determine the exact content of precious metals in the catalytic converter.

The high cost of used catalytic converters is explained by the fact that precious and rare metals of the palladium and platinum groups are used for their production. If you need to replace the catalytic converter on a car, do not throw away the old one, sell the used catalytic converter to get a payment. This will save money before purchasing the new device and it will cost you less. Plus, you show that you care about the environment.

high cost of used catalytic converters

Common malfunctions of a catalytic converter can occur due to exposure to high temperatures over 1000 degrees and chemical reactions. As a result, the part can burn out or melt. The second most popular reason is low-quality fuel, which cannot burn completely. It burns out in the collector or the unit itself, clogging cells and making it difficult for air to pass. A similar situation can happen with high oil consumption in the engine, which can also actively contaminate filters.

The presence of problems in the operation of a car catalytic converter can be determined even just looking at it. If the body of the part is deformed, there is a high chance that it is damaged. At the same time, it will not be possible to inspect the device from the outside for clogging with dirt and combustion products. You will need to remove the clogged catalytic converter.

If there is an initial stage of wear, without damage or contamination of cells and the catalytic converter is not deformed or melted, it can be sold to a specialized company getting a good profit.

Basic price is the following: ceramics – up to 600 EUR/kg, particulate filter (PDF) – up to 300 EUR/kg, metallic foil – up to 70 EUR/kg.

catalytic converter engine

Can catalytic converter damage engine

catalytic converter engine is part of the exhaust system and is located in the immediate vicinity of a vehicle’s exhaust manifold. Catalyst enters into that incandescent exhaust manifold, and after that, significantly slowed down, cooled and cleaned of harmful substances, it appears in a resonator and in a muffler.The principle of operation of a catalyst is based on chemical reactions that neutralize harmful emissions of nitrogen oxide, carbon, and all kinds of hydrocarbon groups.

main element of a catalyst

The main element of a catalyst is made in a form of a massive ceramic or metal block with small honeycombs, on walls of which precious metals are applied: an alloy of iridium and platinum, as well as rhodium and palladium. When touching chemically active surfaces, harmful compounds are burned and removed from the exhaust pipe in the form of harmless N2 and CO2.Platinum and palladium act as oxidants in a catalyst and greatly accelerate the combustion of hydrocarbons. The active element is placed in a metal casing and provided with a layer of thermal insulation.

Catalyst not only traps and neutralizes harmful compounds but also directly affects the operation of an engine. Signals from sensors located at the input and output of a catalyst are constantly read by the “brains” of a car and help to optimize working mixture in the best way. It is better to know in advance all possible reasons for a malfunction to avoid engine and vehicle damage.

catalytic converter damage

Catalyst malfunction symptoms

The service life of an expensive catalyst is usually about the same as the service life of the entire car, but it often breaks down much faster than it should be and can pull the engine with it. It is important to remember that a catalyst does not fail for no reason. Its breakdown is a sign of improper operation of the ignition system, incomplete combustion of a mixture in cylinders, severe engine wear, or prolonged use of low-quality fuel.

You can understand that your catalyst is being scrapped by several characteristic symptoms:

– the decrease in motor performance;

The most common symptom of a catalyst failure is a severe decrease in engine power. The car starts to lose momentum and accelerates poorly. Engine runs unstable, overheats, and stops. This happens when the throughput of a catalyst is greatly reduced: the honeycomb is destroyed, melted and sintered, clogging the hole and interfering with the free passage of exhaust gases.

At the initial stage of such catalyst malfunction, the car will accelerate to a relatively low speed, the engine starts hard, and then “suffocate” and stall. Fuel efficiency also deteriorates markedly. Also, during a cold start, a strong unpleasant odor appears.

– rumble under the bottom;

A loud rumble under the underside of a car indicates that the active element of a catalyst has begun to deteriorate and fall apart. Ceramic catalyst fragments affected by exhaust gas flow randomly beat against walls of a casing and create an unpleasant rumble. As a rule, this is most clearly manifested at increased engine speeds and during start-up.

– low pressure of exhaust gases from a muffler

If you bring your hand to an exhaust pipe, you can feel a pulsation. Exhaust valves of cylinders work alternately. If the exhaust flow is even and constant at idle, this is a sure sign of a clogged catalyst. If you increase the speed and then turn off the engine, exhaust gases will continue to build up pressure for a short time, gases accumulated in the clogged catalyst pipe come out.

– activation of Check Engine icon on a dashboard
Check Engine icon

The most common symptom of a catalyst failure is a system error that activates the engine trouble icon on a dashboard. If this symptom appears, you need to immediately read the error code with a diagnostic scanner and fix the problem. If car “brains” detects incorrect readings on oxygen sensors,

they immediately notify the driver of this, and at the same time put the engine control system into emergency mode. This is often accompanied by a deterioration in dynamics and increased fuel consumption. Computer diagnostics in this case often detects errors P0420 (low catalyst throughput) or P0430.

Causes and consequences of catalyst failure

Causes and consequences of catalyst failure for the engine

Failure of a catalyst does not occur suddenly and without reason. With the correct operation of all other systems, it faithfully serves for many years until the moment the vehicle is scrappe (and often survives it). If the catalyst breaks down on your car, melts, or crumbles, you will almost certainly have to diagnose and repair the ignition or power system.

As a rule, the catalyst is damage precisely due to the incorrect operation of these two systems. With a faulty ignition system, fuel in one or more cylinders does not burn out completely but enters the exhaust system. The second catalyst is force to burn off increase volumes of hydrocarbons,  which leads to their sintering. Spark plugs, coils, or high-voltage wires can cause major trouble.

A malfunction of injectors, which begin to pour fuel, leads to similar breakdowns. Worn or stuck oil scraper rings of cylinder-piston group or failure of oil scraper seals lead to the same result, only engine oil burns out in a catalyst.

Another common cause of catalyst failure is severe mechanical damage leading to the deformation of the housing. It is important to remember that thin-walled combs can easily crumble even with minor physical exertion. Leaving off-road, it will be useful to attend to the installation of additional protection for underbody as well as your car catalyst.


Failure to repair the catalyst

Failure to repair the catalyst is dangerous because small particles of ceramics can get through the exhaust tract straight into the engine cylinders. Once there, they instantly scratch the cylinder walls and completely disable the engine. Suffering from ceramic debris and turbine (if any).

Additional heating of the exhaust tract leads to deformations of the cylinder head and greatly reduces the resource of a power unit.To avoid critical breakdown, do not bring your car to a deplorable state and fix the catalyst malfunction in time. Fortunately, it is quite possible to do this even on your own.

What does catalytic converter do?


Platinum, rhodium, palladium and even gold can act as a perfect catalyst in the catalytic converter. Without them, the process would have been impossible.The entire filling of the catalytic converter looks like a layer of precious metals deposited on ceramic honeycomb. And the catalytic converter is not only a unit, but also a housing, and lambda sensors, and a heat insulator casing.It is the ceramic block that is the catalytic converter of the reaction, and not the entire item assembly that is “dusting” into the cylinders, so they usually talk about removing the catalytic converter, sometimes replacing it with other parts.

The first catalytic converter was install in 1975. But there were no big problems from them then, and until recently no one could have thought that the catalytic converter could cause scuffing and oil scrapes. The catalytic converter was located far from the cylinder block, in the exhaust system somewhere under the bottom of the car. Yes, the catalytic converter can die there too: clog up and fall apart. And this is very important for all car owners, not only unique vehicle fans.


The suffering is insignificant: the car pulls worse, but the motor remains intact. The error of the lambda sensors that do not understand what is happening with the amount of oxygen can also be annoying. The solution to the problem is elementary, a catalytic converter is change.

The situation become much worse when a catalytic converter was place close to the unit. In case of destruction of the base, ceramic dust begin to enter the cylinders. There are still people who are convince that dust from the exhaust can not get into the intake. At the time of valve overlap, when the piston approaches the top dead center, when the intake valve is already open, and the exhaust valve is not closed yet.

catalyst needs to be replaced

When the catalyst needs to be replaced

Engineers under the guarantee are partly to blame for the disbelief in the possibility of ceramic dust entering cylinders. They at one time convinced the victims of a catalytic converter that the destruction of this wonderful element could not happen. Although, at the same time, the guarantee for the catalytic converter was only a thousand kilometers, and it was proposed to change the killed engine at your own expense. Ceramic dust can get into the cylinders.

Pay attention to this essential vehicle part, because there is nothing to do when the catalytic converter has to be changed. Cleaning the catalytic converter will help to prolong the life of your car and motor itself without much time and efforts.

Catalytic converter failure

 A ceramic catalytic converter will eventually fail on any vehicle. But the danger is primarily those that stand on the exhaust manifold at a distance of 15-20 cm from the cylinder head. In addition, there are motors, where the catalytic converter was installed in the exhaust manifold, built directly into the cylinder head. Over time, there are more and more motors with collectors and the problem is more and more widespread.

Catalytic converter failure: causes and consequences

The catalytic converter turns out to be really clogg to a brick state. It is remove, ideally with a firmware correction. And the car starts to go. And after a while, its owner returns with a complaint about the oil consumption that has appeared. In most cases, the reason is very simple: the ceramic chips have already got into the engine and have done their dirty work.

The driver of the car must control the catalytic converter by himself if it is possible, as the engine power depends on it. A dirty device will result in increased fuel consumption and reduced vehicle dynamics. At first symptoms, you need to check the catalytic converter, which can be even in the garage or in a car service. Importance of this device for a car is essential not only for nature, but for laws of different countries. Strict rules request many vehicle control services. Get everything is in time and without drastic methods to avoid problems in future.

Catalytic converter failure

The engine has to respond better to the gas pedal. And the oil consumption of a scuffed engine is very dependent on the crankshaft speed. So there is a feeling that the “oil grub” appeared just after the removal of the catalytic converter. Although almost always it was in this case before: the piston was already ruine by dust.

Catalytic converter removing

remove catalytic converter after it is already severely damage. It is worth checking cylinders with an endoscope. If there are bullies, active driving will only increase the already existing oil consumption. In addition, the present oil burner itself is capable of killing a normal catalytic converter. The oil mist with additives will clog it quickly enough due to an increase in pressure in the crankcase. In this case, the increase in oil consumption with the removal of the catalytic converter is very, very indirect. But there is a situation when the oil burner starts precisely because of the removal of the catalytic converter.

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