Gone are the days when you could turn a screw on a carburetor to tune up an engine. Today’s engines contain sensors to tell the vehicle’s computer what’s going on. Car sensors check for fuel-air mixture, incoming air temperature, wheel speed, and manifold pressure. They then tell your vehicle’s computer what to do, based on that information.
Like anything else, sensors wear out, corrode, or become dirty. This essentially blinds the computer and triggers the dreaded check engine light. An Advance Auto Parts Team Member can read your OBD codes at your local store for free. Or you can purchase a code reader and do it yourself.
Either way, you should always consult a repair manual before attempting any procedure involving car sensors. If you’re servicing a vehicle built before 1996, you’ll need a code reader that reads OBD I information. Post 1996, you’ll need a code reader capable of OBD II diagnostics. Check with an Advance Auto Parts Team Member to determine your code reader needs. Click for more information on specific OBD II and OBD I codes.
When sensors fail, your engine may experience poor gas mileage and performance. In severe cases your engine may fail. So it pays to replace worn automotive sensors right away.
Here are a few common sensors you may encounter in your vehicle:
The idle air control valve (IAC) helps regulate the amount of air entering the engine at idle. The idle air control valve is usually located on the throttle body. It helps in the engine warm up process much like the choke on a carburetor.
The manifold absolute pressure sensor (MAP) checks for variations in air pressure coming into your engine. The computer senses these variations and delivers the right amount of fuel and spark.
The intake air temperature sensor (IAT) helps the computer regulate exhaust gas recirculation for cleaner tailpipe emissions. The intake air temperature sensor is usually located in the air cleaner housing.
The O2 sensor is located in the exhaust stream and monitors the content of the exhaust gases leaving the engine. It’s a key part of the emissions control chain and helps the engine computer calculate fuel mixture and fuel delivery. A failing O2 sensor often results in a rich-running condition and black tailpipe smoke.
The mass air flow (MAF)sensor monitors the volume and density of air entering the engine; it works with the O2 sensor to calculate fuel delivery on the front end, as the O2 sensor monitors gases on the back end.
The crank position sensor monitors the rotational speed of the crankshaft and uses this information to help govern fuel mixture and spark advance. It may be located on the flywheel, the main crank pulley, the camshaft or the crank itself. If the crank position sensor fails, the engine may not start at all.
Anti-lock brake systems (ABS) work by sensing and comparing wheel rotation speed. If wheel speed is unequal, the anti-lock brake system computer senses impending lockup; through a network of valves and pumps, it then proportions braking pressure to prevent wheel lock.
Replaced a sensor on your vehicle recently? Tell us about your experience. Leave a comment.
machine, device, having a unique purpose, that augments or replaces human or animal effort for the accomplishment of physical tasks. This broad category encompasses such simple devices as the inclined plane, lever, wedge, wheel and axle, pulley, and screw (the so-called simple machines) as well as such complex mechanical systems as the modern automobile.
The operation of a machine may involve the transformation of chemical, thermal, electrical, or nuclear energy into mechanical energy, or vice versa, or its function may simply be to modify and transmit forces and motions. All machines have an input, an output, and a transforming or modifying and transmitting device.
Machines that receive their input energy from a natural source, such as air currents, moving water, coal, petroleum, or uranium, and transform it into mechanical energy are known as prime movers. Windmills, waterwheels, turbines, steam engines, and internal-combustion engines are prime movers. In these machines the inputs vary; the outputs are usually rotating shafts capable of being used as inputs to other machines, such as electric generators, hydraulic pumps, or air compressors. All three of the latter devices may be classified as generators; their outputs of electrical, hydraulic, and pneumatic energy can be used as inputs to electric, hydraulic, or air motors. These motors can be used to drive machines with a variety of outputs, such as materials processing, packaging, or conveying machinery, or such appliances as sewing machines and washing machines. All machines of the latter type and all others that are neither prime movers, generators, nor motors may be classified as operators. This category also includes manually operated instruments of all kinds, such as calculating machines and typewriters.
In some cases, machines in all categories are combined in one unit. In a diesel-electric locomotive, for example, the diesel engine is the prime mover, which drives the electric generator, which, in turn, supplies electric current to the motors that drive the wheels.
Machinery and Manufacturing
From drilling holes and moving freight to car engines and their production, tinker with these questions and test your knowledge of machinery and manufacturing in this quiz.
As part of an introduction to machine components, some examples supplied by an automobile are of value. In an automobile, the basic problem is harnessing the explosive effect of gasoline to provide power to rotate the rear wheels. The explosion of the gasoline in the cylinders pushes the pistons down, and the transmission and modification of this translatory (linear) motion to rotary motion of the crankshaft is effected by the connecting rods that join each piston to the cranks that are part of the crankshaft. The piston, cylinder, crank, and connecting rod combination is known as a slider-crank mechanism; it is a commonly used method of converting translation to rotation (as in an engine) or rotation to translation (as in a pump).
To admit the gasoline–air mixture to the cylinders and exhaust the burned gases, valves are used; these are opened and closed by the wedging action of cams (projections) on a rotating camshaft that is driven from the crankshaft by gears or a chain.
In a four-stroke-cycle engine with eight cylinders, the crankshaft receives an impulse at some point along its length every quarter revolution. To smooth out the effect of these intermittent impulses on the speed of the crankshaft, a flywheel is used. This is a heavy wheel, attached to the crankshaft, that by its inertia opposes and moderates any speed fluctuations.
Since the torque (turning force) that it delivers depends on its speed, an internal-combustion engine cannot be started under load. To enable an automobile engine to be started in an unloaded state and then connected to the wheels without stalling, a clutch and a transmission are necessary. The former makes and breaks the connection between the crankshaft and the transmission, while the latter changes, in finite steps, the ratio between the input and output speeds and torques of the transmission. In low gear, the output speed is low and the output torque higher than the engine torque, so that the car can be started moving; in high gear, the car is moving at a substantial speed and the torques and speeds are equal.
The axles to which the wheels are attached are contained in the rear axle housing, which is clamped to the rear springs, and are driven from the transmission by the drive shaft. As the car moves and the springs flex in response to bumps in the road, the housing moves relative to the transmission; to permit this movement without interfering with the transmission of torque, a universal joint is attached to each end of the drive shaft.
The drive shaft is perpendicular to the rear axles. The right-angled connection is usually made with bevel gears having a ratio such that the axles rotate at one-third to one-fourth the speed of the drive shaft. The rear axle housing also holds the differential gears that permit both rear wheels to be driven from the same source and to rotate at different speeds when turning a corner.
Like all moving mechanical devices, automobiles cannot escape from the effects of friction. In the engine, transmission, rear axle housing, and all bearings, friction is undesirable, since it increases the power required from the engine; lubrication reduces but does not eliminate this friction. On the other hand, friction between the tires and the road and in the brake shoes makes traction and braking possible. The belts that drive the fan, generator, and other accessories are friction-dependent devices. Friction is also useful in the operation of the clutch.
Some of the devices cited above are found in machines of all categories, assembled in a multitude of ways to perform all kinds of physical tasks. The function of most of these basic mechanical devices is to transmit and modify force and motion. Other devices, such as springs, flywheels, shafts, and fasteners, perform supplementary functions.
A machine may be further defined as a device consisting of two or more resistant, relatively constrained parts that may serve to transmit and modify force and motion in order to do work. The requirement that the parts of a machine be resistant implies that they be capable of carrying imposed loads without failure or loss of function. Although most machine parts are solid metallic bodies of suitable proportions, nonmetallic materials, springs, fluid pressure organs, and tension organs such as belts are also employed.
Constrained motion
The most distinctive characteristic of a machine is that the parts are interconnected and guided in such a way that their motions relative to one another are constrained. Relative to the block, for example, the piston of a reciprocating engine is constrained by the cylinder to move on a straight path; points on the crankshaft are constrained by the main bearings to move on circular paths; no other forms of relative motion are possible.
On some machines the parts are only partially constrained. If the parts are interconnected by springs or friction members, the paths of the parts relative to one another may be fixed, but the motions of the parts may be affected by the stiffness of the springs, friction, and the masses of the parts.
If all the parts of a machine are comparatively rigid members whose deflections under load are negligible, then the constrainment may be considered complete and the relative motions of the parts can be studied without considering the forces that produce them. For a specified rotational speed of the crankshaft of a reciprocating engine, for example, the corresponding speeds of points on the connecting rod and the piston can be calculated. The determination of the displacements, velocities, and accelerations of the parts of a machine for a prescribed input motion is the subject matter of kinematics of machines. Such calculations can be made without considering the forces involved, because the motions are constrained.
Mechanism of a machine
According to the definition, both forces and motions are transmitted and modified in a machine. The way in which the parts of a machine are interconnected and guided to produce a required output motion from a given input motion is known as the mechanism of the machine. The piston, connecting rod, and crankshaft in a reciprocating engine constitute a mechanism for changing the rectilinear motion of the piston into the rotary motion of the crankshaft.
Although both forces and motions are involved in the operation of machines, the primary function of a machine may be either the amplification of force or the modification of motion. A lever is essentially a force increaser, while a gearbox is most often used as a speed reducer. The motions and forces in a machine are inseparable, however, and are always in an inverse ratio. The output force on a lever is greater than the input force, but the output motion is less than the input motion. Similarly, the output speed of a gear reducer is less than the input speed, but the output torque is greater than the input torque. In the first case a gain in force is accompanied by a loss in motion, while in the second case a loss in motion is accompanied by a gain in torque.
Although the primary function of some machines can be identified, it would be difficult to classify all machines as either force or motion modifiers; some machines belong in both categories. All machines, however, must perform a motion-modifying function, since if the parts of a mechanical device do not move, it is a structure, not a machine.
While all machines have a mechanism, and consequently perform a motion-modifying function, some machines do not have a planned force-modifying purpose; the forces that exist are caused by friction and the inertia of the moving masses and do not appear as a useful output effort. This group would include measuring instruments and clocks.
In the science of mechanics, “work” is something that forces do when they move in the direction in which they are acting, and it is equal to the product of the average force and the distance moved. If a man carries a weight along a horizontal path, he does no work according to this definition, since the force and the motion are at right angles to one another; that is, the force is vertical and the motion horizontal. If he carries the weight up a flight of stairs or a ladder, he does work, since he is moving in the same direction in which he is applying a force. Mathematically, if F equals force (in newtons) and S equals distance (in feet or metres), work is then equal to the applied force F multiplied by the distance this force moves S, or WORK = F × S.
When a force causes a body to rotate about a fixed axis, or pivot, the work done is obtained by multiplying the torque (T) by the angle of rotation.
For the purpose of this work the engine model described in Gambarotta et al. (2011) and Gambarotta and Lucchetti (2013) has been used, considering a turbocharged engine with EGR. In-cylinder and gas exchange processes were described using a QSF approach for intake and exhaust valves and a F&E method for manifolds and cylinders. Combustion is considered defining a proper Heat Release Rate (HRR) and pollutant formation is estimated through black-box sub-models. An original algorithm has been developed for the integration of conservation equations in the cylinder with a suitable time step (tuned to keep an angular step of ~1° CA for any engine speed n), while keeping a larger overall time step for intake and exhaust systems. Fuel system model takes account of the fuel rail dynamics (through its bulk modulus), of injectors flow characteristics and of leakages and allows to calculate injected fuel flow rate from rail pressure prail and Energizing Time ET. Black-box map-based models have been used for compressor C and variable geometry turbine (VGT).
Cycle averaged value of equivalence ratio φ is calculated from total intake air mass (obtained by integrating air mass flow rate over each cycle) and the total fuel mass injected per cycle (estimated from injected fuel flow rate). Mass flow rates of considered pollutants (CO, HC, and PM), required to calculate pollutant concentrations Xmi in the exhaust gases and then heat generated by the oxidation reactions inside the catalyst (see Catalyst Model), are estimated as a function of equivalence ratio φ and of engine speed n through experimental maps, arranged in look-up tables in the following form:
[Math Processing Error]m˙i=f(n,φ)
The model and its causality scheme are described in Gambarotta et al. (2011) and Gambarotta and Lucchetti (2013). It has been used for the simulation of several automotive engines (both SI and Diesel) calibrated and validated comparing model output with experimental data, as reported in detail in Gambarotta and Lucchetti (2011, 2013) and Gambarotta (2017). The proposed model has been also used in an original PC-based Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) system developed by the authors (Gambarotta et al., 2012) showing good ability to predict the behavior and performance of the engine and related sub-systems both in steady and transient operating conditions.
Exhaust System and Catalyst Model
Heat transfer processes in the exhaust system have a key role in the simulation of ICEs due to the significant influence of exhaust gas temperature on after-treatment systems efficiency. Therefore, a careful description of heat exchange processes is fundamental especially during critical transients (e.g., catalyst “light-off,” particulate trap regeneration, etc.). Other emission critical phases of engine operation are long time operation at low load, when the after-treatment system is significantly cooled down, as well as at highest load, when temperatures are high enough but exhaust mass flow rates force the catalyst to operate under mass transfer deficiency. For this reason, although within the limitations imposed by a 0D approach, particular attention has been dedicated to the simulation of thermal behavior of the exhaust system.
Working fluid has been considered as a mixture of perfect gases defined through a vector of mass concentrations Xmi referred to 7 chemical species, i.e., N2, O2, CO2, H2O, CO, H2, and NO. Extensive properties ρ and cp are calculated as a weighted average taking into account mixture composition, and k = cp/cv is known from cp and gas mixture constant R. Intensive properties μ, Pr, and λ cannot be calculated that way. Dynamic viscosity μ is calculated as a function of equivalence ratio φ through an experimental correlation (Heywood, 1988):
help clean your car’s exhaust emissions using chemical reactions with precious metals, but thefts are on the rise…
If you don’t know what a catalytic converter is, you need not lose sleep over it. The technology isn’t new and it’s present on virtually every car on the road today but there’s no real reason why catalytic converters should be at the forefront of any motorist’s mind, most of the time. They run along in the background using chemical reactions to clean harmful gasses from your car’s exhaust emissions. Unless yours breaks or, as has become increasingly common in recent years, somebody tries to steal it, there’s very little to worry about.
In this guide we explain everything you need to know about catalytic converters – from how they work to the materials and precious metals used in them – and how to protect your car from catalytic converter theft…
Brilliance Auto eyes Egypt’s microbus natgas conversion scheme:
Chinese car manufacturer Brilliance Auto Group is in talks with its parent company, HuaChen Group Auto Holding, about potentially participating in Egypt’s microbus natural gas conversion scheme, said General Manager Khaled Saad without giving further details, according to Al Mal. Brilliance and HuaChen are looking at the resources they would be able to commit to the conversion project. Brilliance already manufactures the X30 microbus model, which runs on natural gas, and has said it could also consider manufacturing passenger cars that run exclusively on natural gas.
Who else is going with natgas?
Brilliance would join others like Toyota, which struck an agreement with the Arab Organization for Industrialization late last year to manufacture 240k nat-gas minibuses, and agreed this year to convert its entire 100k microbus fleet in Egypt to nat-gas in the coming four to six years.
The scheme comes as part of an ambitious EGP multi-bn government plan announced earlier this year to replace as many as 240k microbuses, and convert up to 147k to run on natural gas, and to offer incentives to private vehicle owners to do the same. The conversion scheme would run its first phase in seven governorates including Cairo, before expanding nationwide.
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Catalytic Converter Unlimited online solution is crucial to helping you get back on track with the fewest adverse effects. The best way to understand this is to have an explanation of what catalytic converters convert and how they work.
The Cost of converters unlimited Theft
Converter unlimited is a DIY project that allows you to convert your vehicle’s old catalytic converter into an unlimited catalytic converter. The conversion process is simple and inexpensive, so if you want to save money on your new car and make the world a greener place, we’ve got the project for you.
Your car needs a catalytic converter to convert harmful exhaust gases into less smog-forming compounds. By replacing your converter, you can improve the air quality in your area and reduce pollution.
What Are converters unlimited?
SEALED, ALL-WEATHER CONVERTER UNLIMITED for SUZUKI GSR SE. With this Converter, you can run all kinds of premium fuel without having to spend excess money in buying expensive high octane fuels.
The cost of a metallic converters unlimited is much lower than that of ceramic (almost 2.5 times). Although new metal catalytic converters themselves are more expensive than ceramic ones, there are much less precious metals. It is also taken into account that the processing of such a converters unlimited is a more laborious and costly process. Since it is sometimes impossible to visually determine the conditions of a catalytic converter and it’s size, if it is also broken, it is better to use spectral and chemical analysis.
If a used converters unlimited is sold in a tank, then the price can be determined by the corresponding marking on the body. Sometimes evaluation is made by photographs or by phone, but this service is offered exclusively to regular customers.
The final cost of the used automobile catalytic converter is calculated after spectral and chemical analyzes, only this way makes it possible to determine the exact content of precious metals in the catalytic converter.
The high cost of used converters unlimited is explained by the fact that precious and rare metals of the palladium and platinum groups are used for their production. If you need to replace the catalytic converter on a car, do not throw away the old one, sell the used converters unlimited to get a payment. This will save money before purchasing the new device and it will cost you less. Plus, you show that you care about the environment.
Common malfunctions of a converters unlimited can occur due to exposure to high temperatures over 1000 degrees and chemical reactions. As a result, the part can burn out or melt. The second most popular reason is low-quality fuel, which cannot burn completely. It burns out in the collector or the unit itself, clogging cells and making it difficult for air to pass. A similar situation can happen with high oil consumption in the engine, which can also actively contaminate filters.
The presence of problems in the operation of a car converters unlimited can be determined even just looking at it. If the body of the part is deformed, there is a high chance that it is damaged. At the same time, it will not be possible to inspect the device from the outside for clogging with dirt and combustion products. You will need to remove the clogged converters unlimited
If there is an initial stage of wear, without damage or contamination of cells and the converters unlimited is not deformed or melted, it can be sold to a specialized company getting a good profit.
Countries of origin (Germany, France, USA, Japan or China, RF);
Car model, engine size, year of manufacture, country of assembly or where it was exported;
From size: cut from the body, whole or broken, shredded;
On the purity, degree of contamination of the delivered mass: with asbestos, cotton wool or without;
From exchange quotations of prices for metals Pt, Pd, Rh and from exchange rates;
Weights, there are catalytic converters which weight is only 100 grams;
Duration of operation and its intensity, up to 150 tons of 1/3 of the original;
On the quality and type of fuel. For example, on gas for 2 years and as a result it is almost empty.
The price of the first converters unlimited is higher than all subsequent ones, even if they are in the same housing, with the exception of Subaru, on the contrary, the latter is more expensive.
Auto producers are creating more and more sophisticated vehicles to comply with environmental laws. A converters unlimited is a gadget of a vehicle, pointed toward lessening harmful emissions into the environment by diminishing NO and afterburning CO. Most of all precious metals are contained in a ceramic catalytic converter from German cars, such as Opel, BMW, Mercedes, Audi, Volkswagen. The cost for catalytic converters will be approximately one hundred and twenty percent of the average indicated, but it should be taken into account that the converters unlimited from cars released after 2000 will differ significantly in price from the car manufactured before 1997. It should also be taken into account that there is a catalytic converter with a predominance of platinum and a predominance of palladium.
Next in the price range are car converters unlimited from Japanese cars like Nissan, Toyota, Mazda, Honda. Their cost ranges from seventy five one hundred and ten percent, followed by the cars of French automakers, the cost of their converters unlimited is seventy to ninety five percent of the nominal. Then, according to the cost there are American cars with sixty to ninety percent, “Koreans” – sixty-eighty five %. The cheapest used car catalytic converters are from Russian-made cars, unless, of course, this is an export option.
The main element of a catalyst is made in a form of a massive ceramic or metal block with small honeycombs, on walls of which precious metals are applied: an alloy of iridium and platinum, as well as rhodium and palladium. When touching chemically active surfaces, harmful compounds are burned and removed from the exhaust pipe in the form of harmless N2 and CO2.Platinum and palladium act as oxidants in a catalyst and greatly accelerate the combustion of hydrocarbons. The active element is placed in a metal casing and provided with a layer of thermal insulation.
Catalyst not only traps and neutralizes harmful compounds but also directly affects the operation of an engine. Signals from sensors located at the input and output of a converters unlimited are constantly read by the “brains” of a car and help to optimize working mixture in the best way. It is better to know in advance all possible reasons for a malfunction to avoid engine and vehicle damage.
converters unlimited malfunction symptoms
The service life of an expensive catalyst is usually about the same as the service life of the entire car, but it often breaks down much faster than it should be and can pull the engine with it. It is important to remember that a catalyst does not fail for no reason. Its breakdown is a sign of improper operation of the ignition system, incomplete combustion of a mixture in cylinders, severe engine wear, or prolonged use of low-quality fuel.
You can understand that your converters unlimited is being scrapped by several characteristic symptoms:
– the decrease in motor performance;
The most common symptom of a converters unlimited failure is a severe decrease in engine power. The car starts to lose momentum and accelerates poorly. Engine runs unstable, overheats, and stops. This happens when the throughput of aconverters unlimited is greatly reduced: the honeycomb is destroyed, melted and sintered, clogging the hole and interfering with the free passage of exhaust gases.
At the initial stage of such converters unlimited malfunction, the car will accelerate to a relatively low speed, the engine starts hard, and then “suffocate” and stall. Fuel efficiency also deteriorates markedly. Also, during a cold start, a strong unpleasant odor appears.
The most common symptom of a catalyst failure is a system error that activates the engine trouble icon on a dashboard. If this symptom appears, you need to immediately read the error code with a diagnostic scanner and fix the problem. If car “brains” detects incorrect readings on oxygen sensors,
they immediately notify the driver of this, and at the same time put the engine control system into emergency mode. This is often accompanied by a deterioration in dynamics and increased fuel consumption. Computer diagnostics in this case often detects errors P0420 (low catalyst throughput) or P0430.
Causes and consequences of converters unlimited
failure for the engine
Failure of a catalyst does not occur suddenly and without reason. With the correct operation of all other systems, it faithfully serves for many years until the moment the vehicle is scrappe (and often survives it). If the catalyst breaks down on your car, melts, or crumbles, you will almost certainly have to diagnose and repair the ignition or power system.
As a rule, the converters unlimited is damage precisely due to the incorrect operation of these two systems. With a faulty ignition system, fuel in one or more cylinders does not burn out completely but enters the exhaust system. The second catalyst is force to burn off increase volumes of hydrocarbons, which leads to their sintering. Spark plugs, coils, or high-voltage wires can cause major trouble.
A malfunction of injectors, which begin to pour fuel, leads to similar breakdowns. Worn or stuck oil scraper rings of cylinder-piston group or failure of oil scraper seals lead to the same result, only engine oil burns out in a catalyst.
Another common cause of converters unlimited failure is severe mechanical damage leading to the deformation of the housing. It is important to remember that thin-walled combs can easily crumble even with minor physical exertion. Leaving off-road, it will be useful to attend to the installation of additional protection for underbody as well as your car catalyst.
Failure to repair the converters unlimited is dangerous because small particles of ceramics can get through the exhaust tract straight into the engine cylinders. Once there, they instantly scratch the cylinder walls and completely disable the engine. Suffering from ceramic debris and turbine (if any).
Additional heating of the exhaust tract leads to deformations of the cylinder head and greatly reduces the resource of a power unit.To avoid critical breakdown, do not bring your car to a deplorable state and fix the converters unlimited malfunction in time. Fortunately, it is quite possible to do this even on your own.
About 80 percent of demand for palladium and rhodium now comes from the automotive sector. At the same time, the effects of the pandemic on mining in South Africa, a major producer of rhodium, has kept supply limited. “This is why you’ve seen this very dramatic rise” in demand and prices, she said.
For automakers, the metals boom has jacked up the cost of producing gasoline vehicles. Max Layton, a London-based commodity analyst at Citi, estimates that soaring metal prices added $18 billion to the global auto industry’s production costs in 2019, gobbling up 15 percent of their total cash flow, and that those costs surged further in 2020.
At current prices, he said, the industry as a whole was set to spend more than $40 billion this year just on metals for converters unlimited . The escalating costs, Mr. Layton said, were “putting pressure on automakers to shift to battery electric vehicles as quickly as possible.”
Some owners are going to extremes to protect their vehicles.
After being hit with three converter thefts in quick succession last year, Jerry Turriff, proprietor of Jerry’s Certified Service and Towing in Milwaukee, has resorted to deflating the tires of some of his customers’ most at-risk vehicles to deter thieves from crawling underneath.
“It’s unbelievable,” Mr. Turriff said. “Now if I have a vehicle I think’s going to be targeted, I take the air out the tires, so they can’t slither underneath.”
He’s spotted the thieves on his security-camera footage — usually alone, entering his property in the dead of night, with “a big duffel bag carrying all his junk,” he said. (Stealing the converters can be treacherous for the thieves, too. Last year, a Kansas City man died after the Prius he was stealing the converters unlimited from crushed him to de
The last vehicle targeted, in November, was a Toyota Tundra pickup truck. Mr. Turriff replaced the stolen part, but the owner had the part stolen again several weeks later, he said.
Thieves target the Prius because, as a hybrid vehicle, its gasoline engine is used less than in regular cars, so the catalytic converter tends to retain more of the valuable metals.Credit…James Tensuan for The New York Times
Some states have started to require scrapyards and other recyclers to check photo IDs before buying used converters unlimited . California even requires businesses to take a photograph or video clip of the seller, and retain those records for two years. But different rules between states makes tracking and enforcement almost impossible, law enforcement officials say.
Online, ads abound of scrapyards willing to pay quick cash for catalytic converters. One site advertised payouts of up to $500 for certain foreign models. Older foreign models tend to contain more of the precious metals than newer ones.
Toyota Prius converters also fetch a higher price because their gasoline engines aren’t in as much use, and so it can take longer for the car to burn out the precious metals.
Some Toyota owners, in fact, are demanding that the automaker add anti-theft protections like metal shields to converters to make stealing them more difficult.
Ed Hellwig, a spokesman for Toyota, called converters unlimited theft “an industry-wide challenge” and said the Prius was no more at risk than any other vehicle. He urged owners to “follow the basics to protect their vehicles,” including parking in well-lit areas.
Many buyers accept old converters unlimited by mail, with free shipping. And YouTube tutorials are available for would-be sellers.
J. C. Fontanive, a sculptor in Brooklyn, bought a used 2008 Prius in the summer, spurred by concerns over taking public transportation during the pandemic. Then last month, he went to drive it to a friend’s, and “it sounds like NASCAR,” he said.
Mr. Fontanive didn’t have full auto insurance coverage, so he had to pay $3,200 out of pocket for a replacement and repairs — half the price he’d paid for the car itself.
Climate Fwd What on earth is going on? Get the latest news about climate change, plus tips on how you can help.
Determined to deter future thieves, Mr. Fontanive, who often uses metal in his artworks, drew on his metalworking skills. He bought an aftermarket metal guard for his catalytic converter, then made his own modifications, with security screws and hardened steel bell pins that would be hard to saw through.
“I really went overboard,” he said. “If they look under my Prius now, they’re just going to be like: ‘No way.’”
For car owners who aren’t trained in metalworking, or don’t want to dole out money for a metal guard, the police advise parking in secure garages or well-lit areas. Etching a vehicle identification number or license plate ID on the converter could also help track it down if it does get stolen.
The Kevanes are still dealing with the aftermath. The younger Mr. Kevane, who works at a Whole Foods and at an immigration law firm, recently had to drive his Prius — its exhaust blaring — to a nearby
“God, it’s embarrassing,” he said. “People probably will think I tricked out my Prius.”
He brought the car to Tony Nguyen at Bayshore Automotive. It was the second catalytic converter theft that day Mr. Nguyen had gotten a call about — a first in his 25 years in business. A used car lot across the street had eight converters stolen last week, he said.
Reached by phone, an exasperated Mr. Nguyen asked a reporter optimistically, “Are you going to try to solve it?” He sounded disappointed when the reporter said that only a news article would ensue.
“It’s getting worse every day,” Mr. Nguyen said. “Someone has to do something.”
“People are just trying to make ends meet. Then, all of a sudden, they have a thousand-dollar repair bill they didn’t expect,” said Sgt. Trevor McDonald of the Wichita Police. “We’ve also seen this increase at a time we’ve seen a lot of job loss in the U.S.,” he added.
The bottom line: “We have a finite number of detectives, and it appears right now we have an infinite number of cases,” Sergeant McDonald said.
The spot where Mr. Kevane’s converter was cut out from under his car.Credit…James Tensuan for The New York Times
converters unlimited, the shiny bulbous contraptions found between a car’s engine and the muffler, might seem like an unlikely target of a national crime wave. Installed in almost all gasoline cars and trucks sold in the United States since 1975, the converters have a honeycomb-like interior — coated with precious metals like palladium, rhodium and platinum — that scrubs the worst toxic pollutants from the car’s exhaust.
The presence of those metals has always made converters unlimited a target, and incidents of theft — which can set owners back $2,000 in repairs — go back years. But a global trend toward stricter tailpipe emissions rules, as well as more rigorous enforcement after the Volkswagen emissions scandal, in which the automaker illicitly modified its vehicles’ pollution controls to seem cleaner than they really were, has led to a surge in demand for higher-performance and the valuable metals that make them work.
Rhodium, in particular, is effective in reducing levels of nitrogen oxide from a gasoline car’s tailpipe emissions. And “we’ve had a very steep step-up” in nitrogen oxide rules around the world, said Wilma Swarts, director of platinum group metals at the London-based precious metals research consulting firm Metals Focus.
The soaring prices may be accelerating the shift to electric cars, analysts said, noting that converters unlimitednow make up a much larger proportion of a gasoline-powered vehicle’s cost than they did even just a year ago.
The metals prices, in turn, are fueling a black market in stolen converters unlimited , which can be sawed off from the belly of a car in minutes, and fetch several hundred dollars at a scrapyard, which then sells it to recyclers who extract the metals. These global trends in emissions regulations, metals markets and larceny appear to have converged that rainy night in Mr. Kevane’s driveway.
Nationwide, police are reporting a surge in cases.
In St. Louis, converters unlimited thefts jumped more than eightfold, from 50 in 2019 to 420 last year, with the trend gaining speed near the end of the year into early 2021. In Lexington, S.C., sheriffs deputies responded to 144 converters unlimited thefts between July and December, nearly triple the number of cases over the year-earlier period.
Converter thefts in Wichita, Kan., also almost tripled in 2020 compared to the previous year, to 547 cases from 191, and the pace picked up in January, with 102 reported cases just that month. (Other police departments, including those in San Jose and New York, said such detailed data was not available.)
The pollution-control gadgets are full of precious metals like palladium, and prices are soaring as regulators try to tame emissions. Crooks with hacksaws have noticed.
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Michael Kevane, an economics professor in San Jose, Calif., didn’t give a second thought to parking his 2005 Prius in his driveway one rainy evening last month. But the next morning, when his son Elliot went to start up the car, “it sounded like a jackhammer,” Mr. Kevane said. “The whole block could hear the noise.”
The reason for the ruckus: A thief in the night had made off with the car’s converters unlimited, a critical emissions-control device that contains precious metals more valuable than gold.
Two days later, Mr. Kevane’s sister, Jean, who lives in Los Angeles, had the converters unlimited stolen from her 2003 Honda Accord LX. “I thought, ‘This can’t be a coincidence,’” Mr. Kevane said.
It wasn’t.
Stricter car emissions rules around the world — particularly in China, which has scrambled in recent years to get its dire air pollution problem under control — have sent demand for the precious metals in converters unlimited surging. That has pushed up the asking price for some of the precious metals used in the device — like palladium and rhodium — to record highs.
From about $500 an ounce five years ago, the price of palladium quintupled to hit a record of $2,875 an ounce last year, and is now hovering between $2,000 and $2,500 an ounce, above the price of gold. Rhodium prices have skyrocketed more than 3,000 percent from about $640 an ounce five years ago to a record $21,900 an ounce this year, roughly 12 times the price of gold.
use common sense and follow these tips:
• Always park in well-lighted areas
• At shopping centers and other similar parking lots, park close to the entrance of the building
or near the access road where there’s a lot of traffic
• If you own or work at a business or factory, park within a fenced area that’s busy during the
day and secured at night
• Engrave your license plate number on the converters unlimited to make it traceable
• Purchase a vehicle security system and make sure it’s set to trigger with just the slightest
• Visit a local muffler shop and have the converter secured to the vehicle’s frame with a
hardened steel welded to the frame
• Examine the different types of converters unlimited theft deterrent systems at your loca auto parts store or online
In a converters unlimited , the catalyst is coated on the ceramic body. Its “honeycomb” structure (monolyth) is formed by small square-section channels which inside, microscopic particles of precious metals (rhodium, platinum and palladium) are found. The quantities and the value of the precious metals can vary from one catalyst to another, which is why it is necessary to analyze them to know their value. Thus, Ecotrade Group offers XRF analysis, decaning and refining of all models of converters unlimited and diesel particulate filters.
The converters unlimited is a car part that aims to convert the toxic gases and pollutants contained in the exhaust gases of an internal combustion engine into less harmful pollutants. To do this, it catalyzes an oxidation-reduction chemical reaction.
The converter was developed in the 1960’s to meet stringent new emission legislation, initially in America, followed by the rest of the world. Since 1975 all vehicle manufacturers have used converters unlimited, and other emission control devices, to meet the required reduced emission levels.
In addition, more and more diesel catalysts are coupled to a particulate filter (DPF) to remove more visible particles that are not converted by the catalyst.
How does the converters unlimited work?
Under intense heat (426°C / 798,8°F minimum), it transforms the dangerous gases (carbon monoxide to dioxide) emitted by the exhaust system into carbon dioxide and water. It also converts nitrogen oxide to its original state of nitrogen and oxygen. The catalyst removes almost all the toxic gases. In normal operation, less than 1% remains. It has a capacity of one to two liters.
Since 1975, all vehicles produced in the United States must have a converters unlimited as part of the
exhaust system. The converters unlimited is an emissions-control device that contains precious metals
that act as catalysts. When hot exhaust enters the converter, a chemical reaction occurs that renders
toxic gases, such as carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons, into less harmful emissions.
With the price of precious metals skyrocketing, thieves are helping themselves to converters unlimited
that contain enough platinum, palladium or rhodium to make it worth the risk to cut it from the
underbelly of your vehicle. You might become aware that your catalytic converter has been stolen
when your vehicle starts with a gravelly roar.
The Cost of Catalytic Converter Theft
Stolen converters unlimited are sold to scrap yards for around $100 to $150, but the cost to your
business could be much bigger. There’s the hassle of a vehicle that can’t be safely driven, as well as
the expense of having it towed to a local repair shop and getting the part replaced.
What Do Thieves Look For?
converters unlimited thefts typically happen to vehicles that are parked for prolonged periods in large
lots, such as shopping centers, mass transit commuter lots or company parking lots.
Vehicles that sit higher from the ground, such as trucks, pick-ups and SUVs, are particularly
vulnerable to converters unlimited theft because thieves can slide underneath without having to jack
up the vehicle to gain access to the converter. With just a few cuts of a battery-powered saw, the
converters unlimited can be stolen in less than a minute.
Preventing converters unlimited Theft
To combat catalytic converter thefts, a number of states have passed laws tightening the restrictions
on metal scrap dealers. In many cases, dealers are required to verify the seller’s identity with a photo
ID and maintain complete records of sellers for 5 years.
Old catalysts can be sold to a number of companies associated with refineries with contracts for the recycling of their enriched raw materials. The scope of activity of such companies includes the purchase of spent catalysts from private and legal entities.
Before concluding a contract of sale, the company analyzes the catalyst which valuable element it contains, and in what quantity.
Based on the analysis, the transaction value is determined. On average, for foreign cars prices are per 1 kg of catalyst vary from 50 to 150 USD, depending on the car brand.
When using the pyrometallurgical method for Converters Unlimited waste processing occurs in the following several stages:
Crushing and sorting its particles by size.
Preparation of the initial charge.
Melting of crushed product at a temperature of 3000 ° C in a plasma-arc furnace with the formation of melts of precious metals, ceramics, and metal carriers.
Periodic discharge of slag melts, stratified due to the difference in densities of metals and ceramics: the ceramic melt remains at a top, precious metal melt in collector (copper, iron) is drained from the furnace.
Granulation of a liquid melt.
The heal granulation product, enriched with precious metals by 3-15%, is a suitable raw material for refining plants, which further produce precious metals with the highest degree of purity
Exactly what are converters unlimited ? These are part of the car’s exhaust system, and they are responsible for converting harmful compounds into less harmful ones. A few of these compounds include carbon monoxide, nitrogen gas, nitrogen oxides, and hydrocarbons. The converters unlimited will make them less harmful while also reducing overall emissions.
The first converters unlimited were produced in 1975 when the government demanded regulations on exhaust. This was considered the best way to meet regulations without reducing the performance or power of the vehicle. You may notice that these parts are more expensive than most, and there’s a good reason for that. They often use gold, platinum, and palladium.
The interior uses a honeycomb pattern to slow down the exhaust. This ensures that the catalysts have time to completely convert exhaust before it’s released.
How converters unlimited Work
Here’s some additional information about how converters unlimited work. They are responsible for breaking down harmful compounds into less harmful ones, such as nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water. This is done through a chemical process that rapidly breaks down the compounds before they leave your vehicle.
converters unlimited have catalysts that are capable of breaking down the compounds. The harmful compounds would naturally break down on their own, but the natural process takes far too long. Catalysts make the process much faster and break down the compounds in seconds. The majority of modern cars have a three-stage converter.
Stage one and two involve both reduction and oxidation catalysts. The reduction catalyst usually comes from radium and platinum while the oxidation one is from palladium and platinum. As you can see, platinum is used in many areas with converters unlimited. These break down the harmful compounds as they pass through.
The final stage includes the engine. The engine has an oxygen sensor, and it senses how much oxygen is in the exhaust system. Fuel injection depends on this process as the engine might either increase or decrease how much fuel is injected into the gas chambers. For example, if the oxygen is currently low and the converters unlimited needs more time, then less fuel will be injected until the oxygen levels are higher. This balances the overall pollutants emitted from the exhaust system.
There is also a two-stage converters unlimited that works a little differently. The first stage specifically reduces nitrogen oxide while the second stage reduces carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons.
So how do you know when it is time for a converters unlimited replacement? In most cars and trucks, the Check Engine Light should appear with a code to notify you if your converters unlimited efficiency is measuring below standard. Even so, it is always wise to be closely attuned to the performance of your vehicle so that you notice indications of a problem early on. Common signs of issues might include a sudden drop in fuel efficiency, difficulty starting the engine, black smoke coming from the exhaust pipe or a sluggish feeling when driving. At AutoZone, we offer a variety of replacements that are easily accessible in-store or with free one day delivery. Driving with a bad catalytic converter for too long may eventually lead to an engine shutdown, so never delay in replacing it.
Things to Consider When Buying converters unlimited
There are several things to consider when buying converters unlimited . Since these parts are essential for meeting government regulations, they have high standards and warranties to uphold. A converter must have a warranty of at least 80,000 miles or eight years of use. Not only that, but the government prohibits the sale of converters unlimited that haven’t been tested and proven to adequately reduce emissions.
Like most other parts, converters unlimited come in different grades. For example, there are both standard and performance models. While choosing a performance model might sometimes be beneficial, it’s best in this case to match your car’s specific needs. If you have a high-performance vehicle, then get a matching converter. If you have a standard vehicle, then get a standard converter.
You should look for a converters unlimited with a direct-fit piece. This makes it much easier to install the converter yourself. You’ll also want to ensure that the piece meets state laws for emissions.
Autozone converters unlimited
It is important to be aware that converters unlimited troubles could be symptomatic of other complications within the vehicle. Converters are susceptible to overheating if engine misfiring causes unburned fuel to enter the exhaust system. Coolant or oil entering the engine’s combustion chamber can also clog or degrade the converters unlimited . Hence, you may want to investigate whether the failure is due to age or something more. Whether you are a DIY car guru and want to tackle converters unlimited replacement on your own or would simply prefer to have a mechanic install the part, AutoZone’s gets your replacement to you in no time and offers some of the lowest prices on converters unlimited that you can find anywhere. No matter where your car repair journey takes you, AutoZone has got you covered when it comes to providing affordable parts.
Notice when a vehicle has driven by nowadays, that it is so much quieter than those loud oldies that pour out the blue smoke. Ever wonder just what is underneath a vehicle that makes the new ones so much cleaner. It is called a converters unlimited.
The main function of a converters unlimited is to decrease pollution emitted from a vehicle’s exhaust. The concept behind this is to add a catalyst and force a reaction between the automobile’s exhaust and oxygen in the converter.
To see just how this happens let’s look inside of a . A is made up mainly of a muffler-like chamber that contains porous, heat-resistant materials coated with either platinum or palladium.
These materials are known as catalysts. A catalyst is an element which although causing a reaction to occur, does not change at all during the reaction. This is the idea behind a converters unlimited. The carbon monoxide gas and hydrocarbons emitted from the engine will travel along with the exhaust system until they reach their converters unlimited.
There it comes into contact with the described catalyst. This forces a reaction between the carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons with the oxygen inside the converter creating products of carbon dioxide and water vapor. The reaction which occurs inside the converter is as follows:
The main compounds involved are carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons (compounds of hydrogen and carbon), as well as oxygen. When these three are combined with the provided catalyst, a reaction occurs as above.
During the reaction, the oxygen splits apart the carbon monoxide and the hydrocarbons and allows them to combine with its elements forming the aforementioned products. The catalytic converter first made an appearance in vehicles in 1975. The government of the United States of America had established a law controlling auto emissions.
There was one minor detail that was outlined in the use of a catalytic converter, however. There must only be the use of lead-free gasoline. The reasoning behind this was that if leaded gasoline was used the lead would cover the platinum and palladium pellets rendering them ineffective and thereby ceasing the reaction.
Phosphorus had much of the same effect on the pellets so the gasoline must contain minimal amounts of it as well. A converters unlimited can be located in every new vehicle today unless the vehicle runs on diesel fuel. In case you were interested in finding the catalytic converter nearest you, you may want to take a look under the nearest vehicle.
It looks like the muffler only it is a little bit larger and more to the front of the exhaust system. Threats like these to our atmosphere spurred on the creation of anti-pollutant components in vehicles and the trend for a pollution-free environment still continues. It will be a great struggle as inventors come up with new and bizarre ways to keep our atmosphere intact.
Already, electric and solar-powered test cars have taken to the highways to test their durability, effectiveness, and convenience. The was definitely the original spark that started the new “safe” auto craze and was an ingenious invention.
converters unlimited (also referred to as ‘cats’) have been widely used in vehicle production for over 50 years, and are designed to reduce the emissions produced by your car. converters unlimited change harmful substances in a car’s exhaust gasses, into less harmful substances like carbon dioxide and water vapor by means of chemical reactions.
As part of normal vehicle fuel combustion, emissions are expelled from the exhaust, with the main three being nitrogen gas, carbon dioxide and water vapor. Other harmful emissions can be found in the exhaust, such as carbon monoxide – a poisonous gas that is both colourless and odourless. Hydrocarbons or Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are a major component of smog produced mostly from evaporated unburned fuel and nitrogen oxides. These are a contributor to smog and acid rain, which can cause irritation to human mucus membranes.
So how do converters unlimited work?
In chemistry, a catalyst is a substance that causes or accelerates a chemical reaction without itself being affected. Catalysts participate in the reactions, but are neither reactants nor products of the reaction that they catalyse.
In the catalytic converter, there are two different types of catalyst at work: a reduction catalyst, and an oxidation catalyst. Both types consist of a ceramic structure coated with a metal catalyst, usually platinum, rhodium and/or palladium. The idea is to create a structure that exposes the maximum surface area of catalyst to the exhaust stream, while also minimises the amount of catalyst required as the materials are extremely expensive. Some of the newest converters have even started to use gold mixed with the more traditional catalysts.
There are various types of converters unlimited. Firstly, there’s a simple ‘two-way’ oxidation catalytic converter which works to turn carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons (basically particles of unburnt fuel) to carbon dioxide and water.
There’s also more advanced ‘three-way’ , converters unlimited which are fitted to modern cars and do the same as the above while also reducing emissions of nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide which, together, are more commonly known as ‘NOx’ – a major cause of localised air pollution.
Diesel vehicles typically have special converters unlimited to cope with the specific emissions from compression ignition diesel engines.
These Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) units are routinely paired with additional exhaust treatment technologies such as Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR), Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) to trap soot and Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) which use injections of Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) like AdBlue urea solution to remove NOx. If you’re experiencing problems or have the CAT light showing on your dash; Eurotune have converters unlimited solutions starting from just $395+GST. Call us today
Not every converters unlimited is a target for thieves, however. Some models have higher concentrations of precious metals that make them more valuable. Other vehicles are more efficient at cleaning exhaust gases, which means the precious metals in their converters aren’t as corroded or contaminated.
If you drive any of the following vehicles or models, you may want to change your parking habits or invest in some sort of catalytic converter security:
2004-2009 Toyota Prius
According to IIHS, catalytic converter theft for 2004-2009 Prius hybrid cars increased 40-fold in 2020. About 6% of insured ‘04-’09 Prius owners made insurance claims for Prius converter theft over the last 24 months, which compares to less than 0.1% in 2016. This is because scrap prices for the standard second-generation Toyota Prius catalytic converter (CD3+EA6) is over $1,000, on average.
Older Prius converters unlimited replacements can be pricey, too, which makes it riskier to own one. In extreme circumstances, a converters unlimited thief could do damage to other important components, which may even total the car. Needless to say, you don’t want this to happen to you.
If you own an older Prius model, you could sell it and invest in a newer vehicle that is less likely to be targeted by thieves. Even a late-model 2017 Prius is a smarter buy; their converters unlimited scraps for under $500, so the likelihood of it getting stolen is much lower, and you’ll still benefit from excellent fuel economy.
Due to their higher ride height, trucks like the Toyota Tacoma and Tacoma are popular targets for converter theft. There’s no need for thieves to jack up the vehicle – they just slide underneath, cut out the catalytic converter, and go on their merry way.
Large SUVs
Like trucks, bigger SUVs are also on this list. Lexus SUVs are commonly targeted, as some have several converters unlimited.
Hybrid Vehicles
Hybrid SUVs and cars are the most at risk of converters unlimited theft. This includes any type of hybrid model, from the Toyota Prius and Honda Insight to the RAV4 Hybrid and Hyundai Santa Fe Hybrid. Always safeguard your hybrid vehicle from cat theft by following the tips below.
converters unlimited use reduction and oxidation ( reactions to reduce harmful emissions.
They use a reduction catalyst composed of platinum and rhodium. It helps reduce nitrogen oxides (NOx) by removing nitrogen atoms from nitrogen oxide molecules (NO and NO2). This lets the free oxygen form oxygen gas (O2). Then, the nitrogen atoms attached to the catalyst react with each other. This reaction creates nitrogen gas (N2).
converters unlimited also use an oxidative catalyst composed of platinum or palladium. It helps reduce hydrocarbons (HC) and carbon monoxide (CO). To start with, carbon monoxide and oxygen combine to form carbon dioxide (CO2). Then, unburnt hydrocarbons and oxygen combine to form carbon dioxide and water.
Maintaining the correct amount of oxygen makes the reduction and oxidation reactions more efficient.Researchers are looking at whether gold could be used in converters unlimited . That might sound expensive.
But gold is actually cheaper than many other noble metals. And there’s more of it! In fact, we could run out of metals like platinum in the next couple of decades. In some places, people even steal converters unlimited just to get at the precious noble metals inside!
The cat sits around a third of the way down the exhaust system and resembles a small metal chamber that receives exhaust gasses and changes the chemical nature of them to reduce the volume of nasty emissions fresh from the exhaust manifold. Within the cat housing is a ceramic-based honeycomb structure that is lined with extremely precious metals, with each metal having a specific job in emission-reduction.
There are three main emissions produced by car engines: nitrogen gas (N2), carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapour (H2O). The converters unlimited however is mostly used to tackle the smaller, more-harmful products that are produced due to the naturally-imperfect combustion process of the IC engine. These are carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides. Most cats these days are therefore called three-way converters unlimited due to the three main types of emission that they manage to tackle.
A ‘catalyst’ is a substance that accelerates a chemical reaction, and within a converters unlimited, there are two types of catalytic converter
The first is a reduction catalyst which uses platinum and rhodium within the honeycomb to reduce NOx emissions. NOx is produced by nitrogen oxide and nitrogen dioxide within the exhaust gasses. The nitrogen gasses come into contact with the catalyst metals which rip the nitrogen atoms out of the molecules which in-turn releases cleaner oxygen to continue down the exhaust system.
The second catalyst type is an oxidisation converters unlimited which uses Platinum and Palladium to complete the job. These catalysts oxidise or burn the carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons lingering within the incoming gas, helping reduce the amount of smog produced by evaporated, unburnt fuel.
The final stage of emission control comes in the shape of an O2 sensor found just upstream from the cat. The sensor relays back to the ECU how much oxygen is found within the exhaust gasses, with the on-board computer then able to adjust the air/fuel ratio to allow the engine to run as close to the Stoichiometric point as possible.
This is the point at which – theoretically – all of the fuel entering the combustion chamber will use all of the oxygen provided to complete the combustion process. Not only does this last stage help the engine’s overall efficiency, it also allows the engine to provide the cat with enough oxygen to effectively complete the oxidisation process with the second converters unlimited
A converters unlimited uses a chamber called a converters unlimited to change the harmful compounds from an engine’s emissions into safe gases, like steam. It works to split up the unsafe molecules in the gases that a car produces before they get released into the air.
The converters unlimited is located on the underside of a vehicle and looks like a large metal box. There are two pipes coming out of it. The convertor utilizes these two pipes and the catalyst during the process of making the gases safe to be expelled.
Gases are brought in from the “input” pipe connected to the engine of a vehicle. These are blown over the catalyst, which causes a chemical reaction that breaks apart the pollutants. The less-harmful gases now travel through the second pipe, or the “output,” that is connected to a car’s tailpipe.
What Is Inside a converters unlimited?
So what is a converters unlimited made of? The catalyst inside a converters unlimited is made typically from platinum or a similar metal, such as rhodium or palladium. Gases flow through a ceramic honeycomb structure located within the cat housing. This is lined with metals that have specific jobs that play a role in reducing emissions. There are two main types of catalysts that might be featured in a car:
Reduction catalysts: Help reduce nitrogen oxide pollution by removing oxygen. Nitrogen oxides are broken up into nitrogen and oxygen gases, which on their own are harmless.
Oxidation catalysts: Used to change carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide through an opposite process of adding oxygen.
Also located near the converters unlimited is an oxygen (O2) sensor, which works to tell a car’s electronic control unit (ECU) how much oxygen is found in the exhaust gases. This helps a vehicle run on a more efficient air/fuel ratio, allowing the engine to supply the converter with enough oxygen to complete the oxidation process.
So what happens when a converters unlimited goes bad? Considering the role the part plays in a vehicle’s exhaust system, a range of symptoms can arise when it starts to experience wear and tear.
Some examples to watch out for include:
Declining fuel efficiency: If a converters unlimited becomes clogged, it can reduce the amount of airflow through your engine. To compensate, your engine might start to burn more fuel than usual, resulting in a noticeable drop in fuel efficiency.
Check warning light: A check engine light can indicate a range of things. However, there is a diagnostic system on cars manufactured after 1996 that will test the converters unlimited. If your converter is malfunctioning, the air-to-fuel ratio sensors might trigger the warning light to come on.
Smelling rotten eggs: The converters unlimited might experience internal damage that causes it to have a hard time converting exhaust gases. The result can be a sulfuric “rotten egg” smell.
Issues starting the engine: The exhaust gases in your vehicle have to escape. A clogged converters unlimited can prevent this from happening as effectively. This can result in increased exhaust pressure and cause your car to sputter or stall when you’re trying to get it going.
Poor acceleration: Again, the exhaust gases have to escape somehow. Trapped exhaust and increased pressure from a clogged converter might cause you to have trouble accelerating your car. You might notice jerking or stalling when you try to do so.
Failed emissions test: Many states require regular emissions testing on vehicles, and if you don’t pass yours the culprit very well could be your converters unlimited. Failing this test might be coupled with the other symptoms mentioned above.
converters unlimited are often the target of thieves because the part contains valuable precious metals.converters unlimited thefts often happen on vehicles with more ground clearance, since it’s easier to access the part.
Regardless of the type of vehicle you have, there are some steps you can take to help prevent theft:
Park in well-lighted areas close to building entrances if a secure garage is unavailable.
Weld the converters unlimited to the vehicle frame, which can make it harder to remove.
Consider buying an aftermarket part similar to a metal cage that can be installed to cover the converter.
Install a car alarm with a vibration alert sensor.
Engrave your vehicle identification number (VIN) to the converter, which can help make selling the part harder and help alert you if your converter is stolen.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do people steal converters unlimited?
The number of converters unlimited reported as stolen has increased in 2021, partly due to the rising prices of different precious metals. The converter typically contains platinum, palladium and rhodium that can be sold to metal dealers.
How much platinum is in a converters unlimited? What about palladium or rhodium?
Typically, there are 3 to 7 grams of platinum in a standard converters unlimited. A standard converter also contains 2 to 7 grams of palladium and 1 to 2 grams of rhodium.
Here you can see a catalytic converter has been completely replaced by a straight ‘decat pipe’
The straight answer in most cases is no. Many petrolheads out there decide that the converters unlimited is producing a severe blockage within the exhaust system that needs to be eradicated and therefore delete the cat from the system altogether, replacing it with a straight pipe. Although this will ramp up the volume of your powertrain and potentially eke out a few more horses from your engine, in most countries, driving a car without aconverters unlimited is deemed illegal.
Cat stripping is also another form of decatting, which is the process of removing the honeycomb innards of the cat to simply reduce the amount of restriction inflicted on the exhaust gases.
Most people who go down the route of a full cat delete decide to chance it and simply have a cat waiting to put back in place for when MOT time comes around. But get caught by a keen police officer with a flashlight and it could be game over. And considering the horsepower gain could potentially be counted on one hand depending on the size of the engine, a sports cat seems like the much more viable option if you really feel like the stock cat on your car is holding your powertrain back.
The aftermath of a ‘DIY’ cat stripping
The impact of decatting will be amplified in a turbocharged car however, as the removal of a precatalytic converters unlimited would allow an increase in flow of exhaust gasses into the turbocharger. converters unlimited work best when at high temperature, so a precat is a smaller version found higher up the exhaust system to help break down emissions at start-up when the engine is running very rich.
In a turbo exhaust system, the precat generally sits just upstream from the turbocharger, therefore a removal would derestrict that area of the exhaust. But yet again, that would be deemed as tampering with a standard exhaust system’s emission controls and would be considered illegal in most countries.
An example of a catalytic converter. Thieves typically crawl under vehicles to cut them out. (Robert F. Bukaty/Associated Press)
By comparison, an ounce of gold is currently selling for about $2,200.
One reason for the rising value of platinum, rhodium and palladium is that as automakers make vehicles to meet tightening emission standards, manufacturers need more of those metals inside the new converters unlimited to do that work.
In Waterloo region, police say there have been 131 reports of converters unlimited thefts since the start this year, most of them happening in Kitchener, Ont.
“We are asking the community to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity to police immediately,” Const. Andre Johnson of the Waterloo Regional Police Service told CBC.
“We are also asking anyone who may have been a victim of a converter theft, who has not yet reported it to police, to please do so,” he said.
Stolen from mechanic shops, dealerships
Nearby in Guelph, Ont., there have been at least 20 reports of converters unlimited being stolen from vehicles since Christmas.
Scott Tracey, a spokesperson for the Guelph Police Service, says thieves will crawl under a vehicle and cut out the tubular converters unlimited at both ends, leaving a missing section of the exhaust pipe.
The most recent theft in that city was from a group of vans parked together, but Tracey says they’ve seen thefts reported from vehicles parked overnight at mechanic shops, sometimes at private residences and also at vehicle dealerships.
Tracey says after the converters unlimited has been stolen, “[drivers] come in the morning and start warming the vehicles up and it makes a terrible noise because there’s essentially no exhaust system on the vehicle.”
National rash of thefts
RCMP in New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island have warned people this year about a rash of thefts. In P.E.I. last month, five people were charged in a string of thefts that police estimate caused damages of more than $100,000.
Last June, 20 Canada Post vehicles were targeted by thieves in Ottawa. In July, 27 people were arrested and 68 criminal charges were laid in Hamilton following a two-week project by police targeting converters unlimited thefts.
converters unlimited thieves target Calgary school buses
Thieves target Canada Post vehicles for valuable part
“This is a substantial increase in comparison to the 12 reports of thefts of converters unlimited reported in the same time period in 2019,” Sudbury police said in a release.Thieves have cut converters out of school buses in Winnipeg, hundreds have been stolen in Edmonton and in Calgary, a man died in Feb. 2020 after it appeared he was trying to steal a converters unlimited and the vehicle fell on top of him.
Gast said while black-market scrap metal dealers would likely still take an engraved converters unlimited, “it really helps with minimizing the ability for [thieves] to get rid of their product.”
He said he has also heard of people going to their local garage to have the converters unlimited welded to the vehicle frame or have mechanics put a screen over it.
That may be a bit extreme, he says, but anything that makes it more difficult to cut out the converters unlimited can help deter a would-be thief.
Gast says thefts from vehicles that are higher off the ground appear to happen more frequently, but even so, it doesn’t take much for a thief to jack up a car and remove the converter “in just minutes.”He says there are some measures drivers can take to protect their vehicles. The two cheapest and most cost-effective ways are:
Park in a garage when possible.
If you can’t park in a garage, park in a well-lit area.
He says there are third-party companies that can etch an ID number onto a vehicle’s catalytic converter and enter that information into a database. The database is available for concerned salvage operators to check.
Theft of converters unlimited from the exhaust system of vehicles has become a growing problem in Canada.
It’s not a new issue, says Bryan Gast, the national director of investigative services at the Insurance Bureau of Canada, but as the price of certain metals has risen, so have thefts.
“converters unlimited have been stolen for years,” he said.
“The difference lately is the price of precious metals, and obviously it’s the precious metals inside those converters unlimited that they’re looking to steal and then sell on the black market,” he said.
A converters unlimited is part of a vehicle’s exhaust system. It converts pollutants to less toxic material.
New cars, used cars — nearly any vehicle with a converters unlimited can be a target, Gast says. The exception is electric vehicles, which don’t have them, because they don’t produce any emissions.
Metals precious
The thefts have been happening across the country for the last year and thieves appear to be after three precious metals inside the converter: platinum, rhodium and palladium.
“That’s really what the rise is about,” said Gast. Those metals are “more valuable than gold right now.”
According to the website for Montreal-based Kitco Metals, which buys and sells metals and also reports on market trends, palladium is currently selling for just over $2,800 Cdn an ounce, although the Kitco 2021 outlook says it could rise to $3,000 by the end of the year.
Sometimes, when something wild happens on the streets of New York City, we pass it off as par for the course. Just New York things, you know? But when it comes to a statewide spike in converters unlimitedm theft, New Yorkers are just about sick and tired of it all.
A potential solution appears to come directly from the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles. This past week, New York DMV Commissioner Mark Schroeder addressed the press to explain why the precious metals inside converters unlimited are so valuable.
“Just to kind of give you an idea of how costly these metals are, as of December of 2020, Rhodium was valued at $14,500 per ounce,” explained Schroer, leader of New York state’s motor vehicle department since 2019. “Palladium was at $2,336 per ounce, and Platinum at around $1,000 per ounce. Nationwide, according to the National Insurance Crime Bureau.”
According to reports, New York City Detective Maureen Stefanelli, a member of the city’s auto crime division, devised an idea to try and nip this nasty new trend in the bud. Etching a well-defined serial number onto every New York State motorist’s converters unlimited, either via a sticker or direct physical means, would allow authorities to identify the vehicle from which it was stolen. Assuming this feature can be implemented in time for 2022 and 23’s state inspection, it should be viable on a wide scale sometime soon.
“This sticker is made by a third-party company,” said Stefanelli. “But to bring the program to New York was an idea that myself and Detective Thomas Burke put our heads together and came up with because we’re trying to find any way to deter this theft working in auto crime, we work with the theft of converters unlimited , almost every day. And during COVID, there was a huge rise, and it still continues today.” Whether this method will yield positive results remains to be seen.
converters unlimited are part of a vehicle’s exhaust system found underneath a car that helps filter out emissions that pollute the environment.
Over the past three years, converters unlimited thefts have skyrocketed in Oregon and across the country. As the value of the metals they’re made of has climbed, so has the number of thefts.
In response, Oregon lawmakers passed a bill to try and curb thefts, which took effect on Jan. 1, 2022.
Starting the year, scrap metal businesses in Oregon can only buy catalytic converters from licensed commercial sellers or the vehicle’s proven owner.
The hope was this law change would cut down on people stealing parts from vehicles and selling them at a scrap yard down the street for cash.
However, through the first four months of 2022, the law change has made little to no difference on the number of reported thefts.
Gramont showed a video of the latest heist that disabled her vehicle. Someone backed up a car behind hers, blocking the view from the gas station across the street.
A man wearing dark clothes and a mask jumped out of the passenger seat, crouched down beneath Gramont’s passenger side of her Toyota Highlander, and used a power tool to cut off and steal the converter.
The theft took 27 seconds. The people in the car swiftly drove away with the converters unlimited that Gramont had painted orange, hoping to deter thieves.
Credit: Donna Gramont
A man prepares to saw off and steal the converters unlimited from Donna Gramont’s vehicle. This recorded theft was the third time her converters unlimited was stolen in East Portland since September.
“I actually live close enough to work where I can actually walk to work, but I know not everyone can do that,” Gramont said. “And I just keep telling myself, ‘It’s just a car,’ but for some reason, watching that third time and seeing the person do it was very hard for me.”
Driving without a catalytic converter is illegal and with the high number of thefts, it’s not easy to repair or replace one right now, either.
Each time her converters unlimited has been stolen, Gramont said she’s waited months for repairs.
It’s a product of what Irina Russu, service advisor at Ron Tonkin Toyota in Portland, calls the worst part of her job.
“You hear that loud sound pulling up and you just know it’s about to be a really tough conversation,” Russu said.
The Ron Tonkin Toyota service center used to replace a car’s catalytic converter due to natural wear and tear once every two or three weeks.
Now, they’re flooded with people needing converters unlimited repairs.
Credit: KGW
“At our dealership alone, we get five [cars] a day, on average, and there are how many dealerships in the area that are experiencing the same thing,” Russu said. “There are just no words to describe how bad it is.”
Depending on an owner’s car insurance, deductible and the damage on the exhaust system, it can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars to replace a converters unlimited
Despite the desperation from car owners for a quick fix, Russu said the increase in thefts has created a waiting game for new parts.
“It’s putting a really bad backorder on the converters unlimited shipments, to where we have to wait weeks, sometimes months, for parts to come in,” she said
The spike in cars needing converters unlimited servicing then affects the rest of the maintenance schedule, Russu said.
“It’s slowing down our shop to where we’re having to have set aside [technicians] that are able to diagnose what parts are missing, which electronic things are being cut out because they’re taking O2 sensors as well,” she said. “What was less than 1% of our business has become 5 to 10% of our business.”
In a search for solutions, vehicle owners have also turned to after-market parts and looked into theft-deterrent protective casing, Russu said.
Based on the service center’s repair list and daily intake, she estimated many more converters unlimited are being stolen than are being reported to police.
THE DATA‘The fact is, it’s not improving’
Since Jan. 1, 2020, the Gresham Police Department (GPD) has received 600 reports of converters unlimited thefts, with 432 of those reports, or 72%, coming in the last year.
GPD reported thefts peaked with 55 reported in September 2021. The department is averaging more than 34 thefts a month so far in 2022.
The Beaverton Police Department averaged less than one reported theft per month in 2020. Now, the department receives a report of a stolen catalytic converter nearly every day.
A Portland Police Bureau (PPB) public information officer said analysts didn’t have time to count how many converters unlimited are stolen in the city, adding: “I can’t think of another vehicle part that is reported stolen more frequently.”
A backlogged public records office did not respond to KGW’s request for data, illustrating how the scope of the problem in Oregon’s largest city may be unknown.
Why are there so many thefts?
“It’s a crime that is committed extremely fast, takes little to no skill, and it’s a quick payoff for what they’re getting out of it,” said Sergeant Clint Chrz, with the Hillsboro Police Department (HPD).
Chrz pointed out the value of certain metals used to make , like Rhodium, has skyrocketed over the past two years.
“I don’t know what the silver bullet will be, but when those metals become less valuable, thieves will stop stealing,” he said.
He said enforcement can be difficult as some thefts take less than 30 seconds.
Hillsboro police recently arrested a man for stealing a converters unlimited , but Chrz attributed that to a person who watched the crime occur and called it in, and officers were close enough to respond before the suspect drove away.
“Since January 2020, the Hillsboro Police Department has arrested only four people for this crime, and I would imagine that’s very similar to other agencies in our state and outside of our state,” Chrz said.
Additionally, when stolen converters unlimited are recovered, it can be difficult to connect the parts back to their owners.
“There’s not a VIN number or a license plate on them, so we know these are obviously stolen, but the District Attorney’s office needs a victim to prosecute most crimes and with theft you have to have a victim to prosecute,” Chrz said.
Hillsboro police received, on average, less than two reports of catalytic converter thefts each month in 2020. HPD received about 13 per month in 2021.
So far in 2022, HPD has received an average of 20 reports of converters unlimited thefts per month through the first four months of the year.
Credit: KGW
Police believe stolen converters unlimited are being shipped out of state in large box vans like this one, taken to places where laws are lax and the stolen converters can easily be resold.
Chrz suspects converters unlimited are being loaded up and shipped out of the state in box vans or rental trucks.
“From what we’re seeing, they’re not being sold in Oregon. We think they’re being transported out of state and potentially out of the country,” h
THE LAW AND WHAT’S NEXT‘We need to look at it as a bigger picture’
The data is concerning for Oregon lawmakers like state Sen. Chris Gorsek.
He sponsored Senate Bill 803 which went into effect in January, making it illegal for Oregon scrap metal businesses to buy converters unlimited unless the seller proves ownership.
Gorsek hoped stricter rules would deter thefts.
“So far the jury… is still out,” he said, explaining that he wants to see more than four months of data before making conclusions.
However, after the first four months of this 2022, Sgt. Chrz said it’s clear that bill is not helping much and it won’t be the solution.
“Unfortunately, the reality is at the Hillsboro police department, we have not seen a decrease in converters unlimited thefts since that law took effect in January. We’ve actually seen a slight increase,” he said.
Gorsek said the data could indicate that the network to steal and sell catalytic converters is more complex.
“We’re looking into the possibility that this is a much more organized operation than we realized,” Gorsek said. “And so we’ve taken this first shot but if it takes another shot or two, I’m certainly up for doing that.”
He said officer shortages in police agencies across the state, as well as backlogs in the criminal justice system, aren’t helping the problem.
“I would guess based on where we’re at right now that we’re going to have to come back at this in the next session for sure,” Gorsek said.
Gorsek said lawmakers “shouldn’t have problems getting bipartisan interest” on this topic, and they may need to look at more funding for law enforcement to pursue thefts more aggressively.
In Portland, Donna Gramont said she called the non-emergency line and waited more than an hour on hold without response from PPB after her first converters unlimited theft.
She’s said she’s filed three police reports online, one for each theft, but has yet to be contacted by police.
“[Thieves] are getting caught on camera and nobody is coming after them so they just seem to keep doing it,” Gramont said.
As for future preventative measures, Gramont is paying hundreds of dollars to add a protective shield over her converters unlimited to hopefully deter thieves.
Chrz said it could be helpful to drivers to engrave their vehicle’s VIN or license plate number onto their converters unlimited so if police recover stolen parts, they could be traced back to them.
Outside of that, he recommended neighbors look out for each other and watch for anything suspicious in parking lots, driveways, or other areas.
converters unlimited thefts are on the rise in Stockton, jumping more than 70% from October to November, according to police Officer Joseph Silva.
converters unlimited thefts are on the rise in Stockton, according to polic Officer Joseph Silva. Recent statistics show there were 17 thefts in September, 25 in October and 43 in November.
Catalytic converters are important parts because they convert harmful car exhausts like hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides into oxygen, carbon dioxide and water. They do this by using precious metals, something which also makes them very valuable.
converters unlimited thefts on the rise in Northern California
Silva said there are steps people can take to reduce their risk of becoming a victim of such theft. He advised drivers park in well-lit areas near the entrance to buildings, parking inside garages with the doors closed, and even etching your car’s vehicle identification number directly onto the converters unlimited
Gurelle Fletcher with Mike & Sons, an automotive shoo in Sacramento, said he’s seen a steady stream of thefts in recent months, estimating around 20 customers coming through the business’ doors since May.
“Most people will try to go for this one, because it’s real easy,” said Fletcher, pointing to the silver converters unlimited . “Simple pipe cutter, right here, right here at the back. Four to five minutes — they’re gone.”
Fletcher said some types of cars are more likely to be targeted because of where their converters unlimited are located and how easy they are to remove.
“Those are very easy to get to because all they got to do is slide underneath the car with the pipe cutter,” Fletcher said. “Literally within minutes they’re gone. It’s not hard at all.”
Shops like Mike & Sons will install metal cages around the converters which usually deter thieves because “they can’t get the pipe cutter around it, so it takes a little bit longer, and then it’s just a hassle.”
Still, Todd Glader, who also works in the car industry, said the thieves are only half of the equation, and that lawmakers are going to have to find a way to step in and prevent people from actually buying the stolen parts.
“Certainly you’re going to always have the thieves running around, but the root of the problem comes from people that give them money for them,” Glader said.
converters unlimited are important parts of the exhaust system. converters unlimited have two functions: to purify exhaust gases before being emitted into the atmosphere and to reduce additional resistance. The converters unlimited is located on the underbody of a vehicle between the muffler and exhaust manifold. Catalyst is installed on both gasoline and diesel engines. That means a converters unlimited is used for each type of transport with internal combustion. Drivers must control the work of the converters unlimited since motor power depends on it. Bad catalyst leads to increased fuel consumption and lower vehicle dynamics. The damaged and old converters unlimited has to be professionally recycled by specialized companies
What are the symptoms of a bad converters unlimited? At first symptoms, accurate catalyst check can be done independently or in the care service. Drivers, even with little experience, will be able to easily determine if there is a malfunction in the exhaust system, which is most often associated with the converters unlimited.
If exhaust gas began to pass poorly into the tube, this will affect the “behavior” of the auto. It will hardly gain speed due to problems with the converters unlimited . In this case, the problem is felt up to a certain point, which depends on the degree of contamination of the catalyst.
When accelerating along a suburban highway, transport will slowly increase speed in low gears, and when shifting to higher, it will start working as usual. A good reason to check converters unlimited .
There may be a feeling that there is a heavy load in the back of a car (catalyst location), which is why acceleration is slow. This is the catalyst that tries to show drivers important signs.
Check Engine light is on. If a converters unlimitedis bad, some electronic control units light a lamp with a request to check so that the driver understands that there is a malfunction.
An error message P0420 may light upon the onboard computer(typical converters unlimitedsign) when the catalyst goes bad. A problem with the efficiency of the motor.
Increased fuel consumption, caused by the catalyst. A bad converters unlimited may increase fuel consumption. Please note that an increase in consumption indicates a malfunction in the exhaust system only if there is a problem with slow speed gain. If the catalyst is badly damaged or clogged, the car may not start. Or the motor will start, but stall after a few seconds of operation.
If there are problems with a catalyst, it is covered with dirt or deformed. Most often, the following reasons lead to failure of the converters unlimited and urgent need to get rid of the old converters unlimited.
Remember about things that cause problems with the converters unlimited :
Low-quality fuel. If the fuel-air mixture does not have time to completely burn out in the combustion chamber, it burns out in the manifold or converters unlimited. This leads to the fusion of elements of the exhaust system. As result combustion products get stuck in the converters unlimited, thereby preventing air from passing at the required speed;
Bad converters unlimited. If a non-original catalyst is used, then there is a great risk of acquiring a model where cells have a small diameter, because they quickly clog by combustion products. Such a problem can be observed with catalysts in cars designed for the American market, where fuel quality is higher and fewer combustion products are left from it. converters unlimited with small “cells” are installed in such vehicles.
Problems in motor. It leads to an increase in products of combustion in the exhaust. In this case, only professional diagnostics of the converters unlimited is needed. Because a clogged catalytic converter is often a symptom of a malfunction.
Driving bad roads. With regular driving on bad roads, converters unlimited can get mechanical damage. The impact will lead to the destruction of catalysts’ honeycombs or their deformation. Also, such a problem can be observed after an unsuccessful attempt to overcome an obstacle.
Engine overheating. Many drivers, especially in summer, allow driving overheated. During motor overheating, exhaust gases reach extreme temperatures, as a result very high-temperature flow through the catalyst. Melting and destruction of honeycombs of a catalytic converter is guaranteed.
Increased oil consumption. Drivers who allow increased oil consumption destroy the catalyst. Due to increased oil consumption, catalyst cells are coated with a thick layer of soot. Under the influence of high temperatures, soot starts burning and the honeycomb of a catalytic converter melts.
Faulty lambda sensor causes malfunction of the control unit.
Problems with converters unlimitedcan lead to the failure of expensive components. It is recommended to eliminate the problem as soon as possible after having a previously diagnosed converters unlimited . Choose a way to evaluate old catalyst and sell It to obtain a good money bonus.
Absence of bad converters unlimited symptoms will provide:
Increased service life of gasoline and diesel vehicles, thanks to healthy catalyst.
Extension of resource and normal operation of motors.
Exclusion of dry start motors with the help of a good converters unlimited Reduction of CO, CH, smoke, vibration, inner noise.
Increased power and efficiency with clean catalyst.
Magnitude of octane number of gasoline by 3-5 units.
Cleaning of soot from candles in presence of defects.
Improved launch in winter, owing to hardworking converters unlimited
Another major issue that contributes to the theft of converters unlimited is there aren’t serial numbers or other identifiers on most converters unlimited that would allow police to match them with a vehicle. Butts said some cities encourage the public to go to police stations to get identifiable markings on their converters, “but by and large, most of the victims don’t have any markings on them, and there’s no way for [police] to match that actual catalytic converter.”
Butts said stolen converters unlimited can end up being sold to recyclable companies. While many require documentation from potential sellers, there are several in the county that aren’t as stringent, Butts said, adding that the department will be notifying local recyclable companies about the city’s new law.
According to a city staff report, converters unlimited parts can be sold for between $1,000 and $17,000 per ounce in the recyclables market.
“Criminals are incentivized to commit these thefts because they generally go undetected,” Butts said. “These crimes are completed in just seconds during hours of darkness in the middle of the night …
There is an abundance of recycling companies available to sell these off to. Victim identification is difficult and prosecution is unlikely. It’s not able to lead back to a victim, so it’s very difficult to get D.A. prosecutions on these cases.”
Mayor Rhonda Shader said that the rise in converters unlimited thefts have created an “intolerable” situation for residents.
“I’m in the insurance business and these create claims, and we all pay for that because the premiums go up when we have too many claims,” she said. “So it’s a really important item for us to address. In an environment where officers have tools taken away, I’m glad we could provide a tool to help deter criminal activity in our city.”
The Fullerton City Council unanimously approved the ordinance without discussion.
More Orange County cities are aiming to crack down on converters unlimited thefts, which cost residents thousands of dollars to replace.
Following in the footsteps of surrounding cities, Fullerton and Placentia council members this week approved ordinances that criminalize the possession of unattached converters unlimited without adequate proof of ownership. Since the beginning of the pandemic, California has seen a sharp rise in the theft of converters unlimited, an automotive device that improves air quality and the performance of a car by converting toxic emissions into less harmful gases.
So far, Irvine, Lake Forest, Dana Point, Westminster, Mission Viejo, San Juan Capistrano and Huntington Beach have moved forward with efforts to deter converters unlimited thefts. Costa Mesa is also working on an ordinance. There are also a number of efforts at the state level to regulate the thefts.
However, no state or federal legislation currently exists that punishes converters unlimited thefts without an identifiable victim, according to a Placentia city staff report. The Fullerton and Placentia ordinances seek to resolve this issue.
During a presentation at the Placentia City Council meeting, Police Chief Brad Butts said that converters unlimited thefts have dramatically increased in the city since the pandemic began. There were 116 converters unlimited thefts last year, compared to 68 in 2020. This year, the city already has had 55 thefts.
converters unlimited are expensive to replace, costing residents between $116,000 to $290,000 last year, according to Placentia police data. The automotive device is made up of rare metals like platinum, palladium and rhodium, which can be sold for high prices by those who steal them.
“It’s a huge loss to the residents of our city,” Butts said. “… These thefts are on the rise, and it’s very lucrative to steal catalytic converters.”
First we recommend, whenever possible, parking your vehicle in a garage or well lit areas.
Second, you could have your mechanic weld the converter to the exhaust system. This could make the process of theft take longer and increase their risk of getting caught.
Third, you may decide to purchase a catalytic lock which could cost between $150-$400. This may prove to be a good investment since converters unlimited prices to repair average between $945 and $2475.
Finally check that you have full coverage auto insurance.
What cars are at high risk for converters unlimited theft?
Many thieves are stealing hybrid converters unlimited because they hold a high value. The reason hybrid vehicles are targeted most is because the converters unlimited on these models are used a lot less keeping the precious metals inside more in tact.That being said, converters unlimited theft is highest among Toyota and Honda hybrid model vehicles.
Other types of vehicles to consider are SUVs and trucks. These vehicles make it easier for thieves to crawl up underneath and steal the converters unlimited.
In order to combat the converters unlimited theft issue, it is important to spread awareness on the topic. This way car owners can take the proper precautions to reduce the risk of theft happening to them. Potentially saving them from the mental strain and thousands of dollars in repairs. It is also important that recycling centers ask the proper questions before purchasing these scrap converters unlimited from the public to ensure the criminals are not encouraged.
Thousands of converters unlimited are stolen every year. Each vehicle model poses a unique converter that varies in price to recycling centers and scrap yards. It takes between 30 seconds to a couple minutes for an experienced thief to steal this from your vehicle. In this blog we will discuss why this particular part of your vehicle is so valuable, how to prevent theft, and what type of vehicles are a high target.
Thieves are taking advantage of the precious metals that are located within the converters unlimited and turning these into a profit.
So what exactly are these precious metals they’re after and where are they located?
The precious metals these thieves are interested in are Platinum, Palladium, and Rhodium. Most people are aware of platinum but are not familiar with Palladium.
Palladium is more valuable than platinum and gold. One of the main reasons this metal is sought after is because the supply has not responded in favor of the demand. This metal helps with the process of cleaning the toxic pollutants into less harmful elements. Per ounce this element can run around $2000.
With regulations steadily increasing in regards to combat pollution, automakers are stiff-armed into adding more of these precious elements in the converters unlimited.
Replacing your converters unlimited can be expensive, especially if you are buying a brand new one. Manufacturer-sourced converters unlimited repairs can potentially run you over $1000, so it’s not surprising that owners often turn to alternative sources when confronted with this repair. What’s the scoop with aftermarket converters unlimited?
What is a converters unlimited?
Your converters unlimited is a component of your exhaust that converts harmful gases such as carbon monoxide into safer compounds. converters unlimited are designed to last the entire lifetime of your car, however, unattended repair issues in other components of the exhaust system can cause wear and breakdown. They are also fitted on the outside of the car, and are easily damaged through accidents.
Should I buy an aftermarket converters unlimited?
The main benefit of an aftermarket converters unlimited is… money. An aftermarket converters unlimited can save you over 80% on the price of a new one, costing less than $200, and sometimes as low as $60. However, there are significant downsides in purchasing aftermarket, and you should be aware of them before making your decision.
Shorter Lifetime
Since aftermarket products have been used before, they will wear down and break much faster than new products. They can also be prone to damage during collisions, which may lead to you needing another replacement, and in extreme cases can cause damage to your emissions system. Generally, the lower the price of an aftermarket converters unlimited, the lower its projected lifetime. If you do opt in to buying an aftermarket product, being aware of this potential problem and knowing the signs of a failing converters unlimited can help you avoid the risks associated with your converters unlimited failure.
Your converters unlimited is a component of your exhaust that converts harmful gases such as carbon monoxide into safer compounds. converters unlimited are designed to last the entire lifetime of your car, however, unattended repair issues in other components of the exhaust system can cause wear and breakdown. They are also fitted on the outside of the car, and are easily damaged through accidents.
Should I buy an aftermarket converters unlimited?
The main benefit of an aftermarket converters unlimited is… money. An aftermarket converters unlimited can save you over 80% on the price of a new one, costing less than $200, and sometimes as low as $60. However, there are significant downsides in purchasing aftermarket, and you should be aware of them before making your decision.
Shorter Lifetime
Since aftermarket products have been used before, they will wear down and break much faster than new products. They can also be prone to damage during collisions, which may lead to you needing another replacement, and in extreme cases can cause damage to your emissions system. Generally, the lower the price of an aftermarket converters unlimited, the lower its projected lifetime. If you do opt in to buying an aftermarket product, being aware of this potential problem and knowing the signs of a failing converters unlimited can help you avoid the risks associated with your converters unlimited failure.
Before purchasing an aftermarket product, you should do your research on what type of emissions your car is regulated to produce. This information is generally located on your emission sticker, which is located under the hood of your car. If the converters unlimited that you’ve purchased does not meet these regulations, then it’s worthless. Purchasing an aftermarket converter also runs the risk of a converter performing sub-optimally and falling short of an emissions test, even though it should pass. These are all risks that need to be assessed before making a decision.
Most owners ultimately opt into to buying a new converters unlimited as opposed to aftermarket products – new part replacements were the second most common repair in the US last year, while aftermarket fixes didn’t rank in the top 25. We advocate for new products because of their increased reliability, trustworthiness, and longevity.
converters unlimited theft has been occurring for decades, but the rate at which they’re stolen has skyrocketed by about 400% since 2019. This rise in crime is compounded by several issues.
Due to reduced mining production of the precious metals inside converters unlimited, prices for rhodium, palladium, platinum and others have increased substantially. (Rhodium, as an example, fetches over $10k per ounce, which is equal to approximately 15-20 converters unlimited.)
Worse yet, as emissions standards have tightened across the globe, more of these precious metals are being required in emissions control modules like converters unlimited .
Global production of converters unlimited has also slowed, which has produced a supply-demand problem that’s only been exacerbated by ongoing converters unlimited thefts. While some robbers steal catalytic converters to sell, others may steal them to install in their own vehicles.
converters unlimited are also surprisingly easy for thieves to cut out. Any experienced criminal with a cordless saw can slide under a vehicle and remove its converter in under a minute. That makes it difficult to catch a robber in the act. They’re very lightweight, too, so hitting a full parking lot during broad daylight isn’t as risky for thieves.
To top it off, stolen converters unlimited have no identifying markers, and only a handful of states have laws in place to stop sellers and buyers, like scrapyards, from doing business. Toyota has taken some steps to combat theft recently, including a pilot program that will allow Toyota owners in the UK to have their catalytic converters physically marked for identification. (As of 2022, there is no similar option in America, though there may be in the future.)
Not every converters unlimited is a target for thieves, however. Some models have higher concentrations of precious metals that make them more valuable. Other vehicles are more efficient at cleaning exhaust gases, which means the precious metals in their converters unlimited aren’t as corroded or contaminated.
If you drive any of the following vehicles or models, you may want to change your parking habits or invest in some sort of r security:
2004-2009 Toyota Prius
According to IIHS, converters unlimited theft for 2004-2009 Prius hybrid cars increased 40-fold in 2020. About 6% of insured ‘04-’09 Prius owners made insurance claims for Prius converters unlimited theft over the last 24 months, which compares to less than 0.1% in 2016. This is because scrap prices for the standard second-generation Toyota Prius converters unlimited (CD3+EA6) is over $1,000, on average.
Older Prius converters unlimited replacements can be pricey, too, which makes it riskier to own one. In extreme circumstances, a converters unlimited thief could do damage to other important components, which may even total the car. Needless to say, you don’t want this to happen to you.
If you own an older Prius model, you could sell it and invest in a newer vehicle that is less likely to be targeted by thieves. Even a late-model 2017 Prius is a smarter buy; their converters unlimited scraps for under $500, so the likelihood of it getting stolen is much lower, and you’ll still benefit from excellent fuel economy.
Due to their higher ride height, trucks like the Toyota Tacoma and Tacoma are popular targets for converter theft. There’s no need for thieves to jack up the vehicle – they just slide underneath, cut out the converters unlimited , and go on their merry way.
Large SUVs
Like trucks, bigger SUVs are also on this list. Lexus SUVs are commonly targeted, as some have several converters unlimited.
Hybrid Vehicles
Hybrid SUVs and cars are the most at risk of converters unlimited theft. This includes any type of hybrid model, from the Toyota Prius and Honda Insight to the RAV4 Hybrid and Hyundai Santa Fe Hybrid. Always safeguard your hybrid vehicle from cat theft by following the tips below.
Prevention: Etch. Paint. Cover.
Stealing a converters unlimited is easy for thieves, but there are several ways to deter theft and guard yourself from paying for a replacement. Police across the country recommend this three-tier security method:
Etch the VIN or license plate number into the converters unlimited. This will enable police to identify stolen converters and return them to their owners.
Paint the converters unlimited a bright color. Use high-temperature spray paint (grill paint works well) and spray the converter, end to end. Doing this may deter thieves from cutting the converter out, as removing the paint in order to sell the converter is a time-consuming task.
Cover the converters unlimited. You can protect your converter by bolting a skid plate or some sort of metal cover over top. There are also affordable aftermarket products, including converters unlimited cages and straps, that your muffler shop or auto service center can install. Additionally, you can install rocker alarms that sound off if it senses your catalytic converter is being messed with.
The only real way to stop your catalytic converter from being stolen is to purchase an electric car or park your vehicle in a garage.
If your vehicle is a common target, be sure to speak with your insurance agent about your policy. A low-deductible insurance policy may be wise, as new converters unlimited can cost anywhere from $1000 to over $3000.
Toyota converters unlimited Replacement in Sedalia
Of course, thieves will be thieves. If you haven’t been able to park your Prius or any other vehicle in a garage – or if you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time – and find that your converters unlimited is missing, our Sedalia service center is here to help.
Request a tow or drive your vehicle (you can drive without a converters unlimited , though it’s not recommended) to our Toyota dealership at 3110 West Broadway in Sedalia, MO. To assist you even further, we also offer converters unlimited replacement financing! Speak with a member of McCarthy Toyota to learn more.
It doesn’t take long; A quick slide under a car and moments later the thief emerges with a converters unlimited stolen for the precious metals inside.
“You just hear every day or every week somebody in my neighborhood is getting their stolen,” said Scott Cook, who lives in Tempe, Arizon
Thieves cut the converters out of the car’s exhaust systems, then sell them to scrappers. They are then resold to recycling companies.
The thieves get as little as $50, but the metals inside include rhodium, which is the rarest metal on earth.
There’s only a gram or two of rhodium inside, but an ounce of the silvery metal can top $15,000.
“Certain electric cars that have a high efficiency and high amount of rhodium,” said Chicago Police Superintendent David O. Brown.
Rhodium is used in converters unlimited with palladium and platinum to reduce exhaust gases, but as the rarest metal in the world, it’s also valued for jewelry, high-end mirrors and electrical devices.
In Tampa, police busted one recycler last year who advertised on social media he was paying cash for converters.
“It showed that he had made well over $800,000 in about a year’s time just with the receipts we found in the home,” Tampa Police Department Officer Greg Noble said.
Bloomberg reports in 2021, State Farm Insurance paid $62 million in claims for around 32,000 converter thefts. That’s up over 1,100% from two years earlier.
“I started my car and it sounded like a race car,” West Palm Beach, Florida, theft victim Pamela Beady said.
That was her first clue that something wasn’t right.
“There was metal pieces laying under the ground underneath,” she continued.
This sort of catalytic converter is made for gasoline engines. At operating temperature, it converts the next substances:
unburned hydrocarbons (HC) into carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapor (H2O)
Carbon Monoxide (CO) to Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2) in nitrogen (N2) and oxygen (O2)
These three processes take place simultaneously in theconverters unlimited . It is therefore referred to as a three-way converters unlimited.
A three-way converters unlimited needs a specific exhaust gas composition. Only this way can it unfold its full effect. Exactly just as much oxygen must certanly be released as must oxidize the hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide. This occurs when one the main fuel is mixed with 14.7 parts of air and burned in the engine. This is referred to as a so-called “stoichiometric mixture” (lambda = 1). So as to do this mixture, the lambda probe placed between the engine and the catalytic converter measures the remainder oxygen content in the exhaust gas. The engine control processes the measurement result and gives the control impulses for optimal mixture formation.
With the obligatory introduction of the EURO 5 emissions legislation since January 1st, 2011, new developments in the field of converters unlimited became necessary. Modern three-way catalytic converters now warm up in just a few seconds. This so-called “light-off” behavior is supported by the use of special coatings.
Along with the coating concepts, structurally demanding catalyst geometries (“close couple” or systems near to the engine) are increasingly being used. And also this includes so-called “manifold converters unlimited” in that your converters unlimited and the exhaust manifold form a unit.
With the exhaust gas concepts mentioned, the hot exhaust gases from the combustion notion of the engine are routed straight into the converters unlimited . The enormous temperatures in the output section of the engines or turbochargers cause temperatures all the way to 1,000 °C.
Another special feature may be the high acceleration forces. As a result of direct connection between the engine and the exhaust system, these could be up to 75g. These new designs need to be adapted when it comes to flow technology. This is necessary to guarantee the inflow of the built-in exhaust gas sensors at all times and thus to provide the control units with the necessary information on temperatures, exhaust gas compositions, and back pressures.
In the case of converters unlimited that use ceramic monoliths, so-called “mounting mats” are used to fix the carrier. These protect the converters unlimited from impacts and seal off secondary exhaust gas flows. To date, fine ceramic fibers suspected to be carcinogenic have been used in many cases. A so-called “green mat” was introduced to make sure a high level of environmental compatibility. These may have two properties: either they are made of biosoluble fibers that are quickly dissolved in body fluids in order that they do not cause any damage to the organism, or they can not get into the lungs for their size.
value retention
converters unlimited are subject to a natural aging process and have a typical service life of 80,000 to 100,000 km. High temperatures (up to over 800 °C) and mechanical loads (vibrations) contribute to the during normal driving. Because of these factors, the precious metal-containing coating of the carrier could be lost over time.
As well as the contact of the converters unlimited when driving over obstacles, the next factors can cause premature aging of the converters unlimited
converters unlimited POISONING
If the engine burns too much oil, the additives contained in it can deposit on the catalyst surface and lock it. The exhaust gases can’t reach the precious metals and the converters unlimited loses its function.
Another basis for catalyst poisoning may be short trips. In this instance, however, the converters unlimited can be regenerated by driving longer on the motorway.
Leaded gasoline is employed to cause poisoning. Today, however, this could only happen once you refuel abroad. To avoid this, care should be used to ensure that unleaded fuel (unleaded; sans plomb) is used.
MELTING OF THE converters unlimited
Faults in the ignition or mixture preparation system may result in an unburned fuel-air mixture entering the catalytic converter and burning on the converters unlimited surface. The temperatures in the converters unlimited can rise to over 1000 °C. This destroys the catalyst support. Faults in the ignition or mixture preparation should therefore be rectified immediately in a specialist workshop.
environmental Protection
Modern exhaust after treatment systems make a major contribution to the noticeable improvement in health conditions. The combustion process in the engine produces the following pollutants along with the primary elements water (H2O), co2 (CO2), and nitrogen (N2):
carbon monoxide (CO)
hydrocarbon (HC)
Nitrogen Oxide (NOX)
sulfur dioxide (SO2)
Particulate matter (PM) – primarily from diesel engines
With the increasing tightening of national and international emission and immission regulations, further optimization of engine measures is essential. Additionally, the usage of complex exhaust gas after-treatment systems is important to meet the limit values. A technically optimized converter, which brings the car in to a higher emission standard and can thus also give the vehicle owner a tax advantage, increases the resale value of the vehicle.
The converters unlimited includes a stainless steel housing and is part of modern exhaust gas cleaning systems in petrol and diesel engines. It ensures that harmful exhaust components from combustion engines are changed into harmless gases.
The converters unlimited has the task of converting harmful exhaust gas components from combustion engines into harmless gases through a chemical reaction.
STRUCTURE OF THE converters unlimited{
A converters unlimited consists of a stainless steel housing. In this, a metallic (Megalith) or ceramic (Monolith) carrier is stored. The carrier is traversed in the longitudinal direction by many small channels. The goal is to create the biggest possible surface so the converters unlimited has an ideal effect. The carrier surface is given a very porous layer (wash coat). Precious metals (platinum, palladium and/or rhodium) are embedded in these.
TYPES OF converters unlimited
In case of converters unlimited, a distinction is created between the following three:
Replacement converters unlimited for Euro 3 and Euro 4 vehicles with a European on-board diagnosis (EOBD) are referred to as EOBD-capable . converters unlimited Especially newer vehicle models have an EOBD. The new generations of diesel vehicles are also usually designed with the EOBD function. The EOBD has the duty of monitoring all exhaust-relevant components and sensors while driving. In this, it records malfunctions that are indicated to the driver, for example by a warning lamp (MIL).
There are various types of catalytic converter. A simple ‘two-way’ oxidation cat works to turn carbon monoxide (CO) to carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrocarbons, which are basically particles of unburnt fuel, to carbon dioxide and water. More advanced ‘three-way’ catalytic converters are fitted to modern cars and these do the above while also reducing emissions of nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) which together are more commonly known as NOx, a major cause of localised air pollution.
Diesel cars typically have special converters unlimited to cope with the specific emissions from compression ignition diesel engines. These Diesel Oxidation Catalyst units are routinely paired with additional exhaust treatment technologies such as exhaust gas recirculation, Diesel Particulate Filters to trap soot and Selective Catalytic Reduction which uses injections of AdBlue urea solution to remove NOx.
converters unlimited theft
Incidences of converters unlimited thefts from cars showed a dramatic increase in 2019 with the year’s total around 10 times higher than in 2018.
Reports suggest that the growth could be attributed to supply chain issues which have made it harder for dealers to secure replacement catalytic converters through official channels, creating a black market. Historically, however, the greatest driver of thefts has been the overseas markets for the precious metals inside the units. converters unlimited stolen in the UK are often illegally transported abroad and the metals recycled.
converters unlimited help clean your car’s exhaust emissions using chemical reactions with precious metals, but thefts are on the rise…
If you don’t know what a converters unlimited is, you need not lose sleep over it. The technology isn’t new and it’s present on virtually every car on the road today but there’s no real reason why converters unlimited should be at the forefront of any motorist’s mind, most of the time. They run along in the background using chemical reactions to clean harmful gasses from your car’s exhaust emissions. Unless yours breaks or, as has become increasingly common in recent years, somebody tries to steal it, there’s very little to worry about.
In this guide we explain everything you need to know about catalytic converters – from how they work to the materials and precious metals used in them – and how to protect your car from converters unlimited theft…
How do converters unlimited work?
converters unlimited change harmful substances in a car’s exhaust gasses, such as carbon monoxide, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide and hydrocarbons, into less harmful substances like carbon dioxide and water vapour by means of chemical reactions.
The interior of the ‘cat’ is usually filled with a honeycomb structure onto which a coating is applied that contains a catalyst – the substance that creates a reaction with the exhaust gasses, changing their chemical structure.
Precious metals like palladium, rhodium and platinum are commonly used as the converters unlimited and these have an intrinsic value that means they’re worth salvaging and recycling when the car is scrapped. Unfortunately, these precious metals also make catalytic converters a target for thieves.
temperature the first units were positioned close to the car’s engine but this caused its own issues and the cat has gradually been mover further down the exhaust system, away from the engine’s heat source.
In today’s cars the converters unlimited is found underneath the vehicle towards the exhaust outlet, a position that makes it accessible to thieves who can cut the whole unit out from underneath the car.
Gast says thefts from vehicles that are higher off the ground appear to happen more frequently, but even so, it doesn’t take much for a thief to jack up a car and remove the converters unlimited “in just minutes.”
He says there are some measures drivers can take to protect their vehicles. The two cheapest and most cost-effective ways are:
Park in a garage when possible.
If you can’t park in a garage, park in a well-lit area.
He says there are third-party companies that can etch an ID number onto a vehicle’s converters unlimited and enter that information into a database. The database is available for concerned salvage operators to check.
Gast said while black-market scrap metal dealers would likely still take an engraved converters unlimited “it really helps with minimizing the ability for [thieves] to get rid of their product.”
He said he has also heard of people going to their local garage to have the converter welded to the vehicle frame or have mechanics put a screen over it.
That may be a bit extreme, he says, but anything that makes it more difficult to cut out the converters unlimited can help deter a would-be thief.
Nearby in Guelph, Ont., there have been at least 20 reports of being stolen from vehicles since Christmas.
Scott Tracey, a spokesperson for the Guelph Police Service, says thieves will crawl under a vehicle and cut out the tubular converters unlimited at both ends, leaving a missing section of the exhaust pipe.
The most recent theft in that city was from a group of vans parked together, but Tracey says they’ve seen thefts reported from vehicles parked overnight at mechanic shops, sometimes at private residences and also at vehicle dealerships.
Tracey says after the converters unlimited has been stolen, “[drivers] come in the morning and start warming the vehicles up and it makes a terrible noise because there’s essentially no exhaust system on the vehicle.”
National rash of thefts
RCMP in New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island have warned people this year about a rash of thefts. In P.E.I. last month, five people were charged in a string of thefts that police estimate caused damages of more than $100,000.
Last June, 20 Canada Post vehicles were targeted by thieves in Ottawa. In July, 27 people were arrested and 68 criminal charges were laid in Hamilton following a two-week project by police targeting converters unlimited thefts.
converters unlimited thieves target Calgary school buses
Thieves target Canada Post vehicles for valuable part
Police in Sudbury reported 52 thefts of converters unlimited between June 1 and Dec. 31, 2020.
This photo shows some of the catalytic converters police in Edmonton have seized as evidence following an investigation that led to charges against a 24-year-old man. (Submitted by Edmonton Police Service)
“This is a substantial increase in comparison to the 12 reports of thefts of converters unlimited reported in the same time period in 2019,” Sudbury police said in a release.
Thieves have cut converters unlimited out of school buses in Winnipeg, hundreds have been stolen in Edmonton and in Calgary, a man died in Feb. 2020 after it appeared he was trying to steal a converters unlimited and the vehicle fell on top of him.
Theft of converters unlimited from the exhaust system of vehicles has become a growing problem in Canada.
It’s not a new issue, says Bryan Gast, the national director of investigative services at the Insurance Bureau of Canada, but as the price of certain metals has risen, so have thefts.
” converters unlimited have been stolen for years,” he said.
“The difference lately is the price of precious metals, and obviously it’s the precious metals inside those converters unlimited that they’re looking to steal and then sell on the black market,” he said.
A converters unlimited is part of a vehicle’s exhaust system. It converts pollutants to less toxic material.
New cars, used cars — nearly any vehicle with a converters unlimited can be a target, Gast says. The exception is electric vehicles, which don’t have them, because they don’t produce any emissions.
Metals precious
The thefts have been happening across the country for the last year and thieves appear to be after three precious metals inside the converter: platinum, rhodium and palladium.
“That’s really what the rise is about,” said Gast. Those metals are “more valuable than gold right now.”
According to the website for Montreal-based Kitco Metals, which buys and sells metals and also reports on market trends, palladium is currently selling for just over $2,800 Cdn an ounce, although the Kitco 2021 outlook says it could rise to $3,000 by the end of the year.
By comparison, an ounce of gold is currently selling for about $2,200.
One reason for the rising value of platinum, rhodium and palladium is that as automakers make vehicles to meet tightening emission standards, manufacturers need more of those metals inside the new converters unlimited to do that work.
In Waterloo region, police say there have been 131 reports of converters unlimited thefts since the start this year, most of them happening in Kitchener, Ont.
“We are asking the community to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity to police immediately,” Const. Andre Johnson of the Waterloo Regional Police Service told CBC.
“We are also asking anyone who may have been a victim of a converter theft, who has not yet reported it to police, to please do so,” he said.
Vehicles fitted with converters unlimited emit most of their total pollution during the first five minutes of engine operation; for example, before the converters unlimited has warmed up sufficiently to be fully effective.[32]
In the early 2000s it became common to place the converters unlimited right next to the exhaust manifold, close to the engine, for much quicker warm-up. In 1995, Alpina introduced an electrically heated converters unlimited. Called “E-KAT,” it was used in Alpina’s B12 5,7 E-KAT based on the BMW 750i.[33] Heating coils inside the converters unlimited assemblies are electrified just after the engine is started, bringing the catalyst up to operating temperature very quickly to qualify the vehicle for low emission vehicle (LEV) designation.[34] BMW later introduced the same heated catalyst, developed jointly by Emitec, Alpina, and BMW,[33] in its 750i in 1999.[34]
Some vehicles contain a pre-cat, a small converters unlimited upstream of the main converters unlimited which heats up faster on vehicle start up, reducing the emissions associated with cold starts. A pre-cat is most commonly used by an auto manufacturer when trying to attain the Ultra Low Emissions Vehicle (ULEV) rating, such as on the Toyota MR2 Roadster.[35]
Environmental effect
converters unlimited have proven to be reliable and effective in reducing noxious tailpipe emissions. However, they also have some shortcomings in use, and also adverse environmental effects in production:
An engine equipped with a three-way catalyst must run at the stoichiometric point, which means more fuel is consumed than in a lean-burn engine. This means approximately 10% more CO2 emissions from the vehicle.
converters unlimited production requires palladium or platinum; part of the world supply of these precious metals is produced near Norilsk, Russia, where the industry (among others) has caused Norilsk to be added to Time magazine’s list of most-polluted places.
The extreme heat of the converters themselves[37] can cause wildfires, especially in dry areas.[38][39][40]
Because of the external location and the use of valuable precious metals including platinum, palladium and rhodium, converters unlimited are a target for thieves. The problem is especially common among late-model trucks and SUVs, because of their high ground clearance and easily removed bolt-on converters unlimited. Welded-on converters are also at risk of theft, as they can be easily cut off.[41][42][43] Pipecutters are often used to quietly remove the converter[44][45] but other tools such as a portable reciprocating saw can damage other components of the car, such as the alternator, wiring or fuel lines, with potentially dangerous consequences. Rising metal prices in the U.S. during the 2000s commodities boom led to a significant increase in converter theft. A converters unlimited can cost more than $1,000 to replace, more if the vehicle is damaged during the theft.[46][47][48]
From 2019–2020, thieves in the United Kingdom were targeting older-model hybrid cars which have more precious metals than newer vehicles—sometimes worth more than the value of the car—leading to scarcity and long delays in replacing them.[49]
In 2021 a trend emerged in the Democratic Republic of Congo where catalytic converters were stolen for use in drug production.[50]
Various jurisdictions now require on-board diagnostics to monitor the function and condition of the emissions-control system, including the converters unlimited. Vehicles equipped with OBD-II diagnostic systems are designed to alert the driver to a misfire condition by means of illuminating the “check engine” light on the dashboard, or flashing it if the current misfire conditions are severe enough to potentially damage the converters unlimited.
On-board diagnostic systems take several forms.
Temperature sensors are used for two purposes. The first is as a warning system, typically on two-way converters unlimited such as are still sometimes used on LPG forklifts. The function of the sensor is to warn of converters unlimited temperature above the safe limit of 750 °C (1,380 °F). Modern converters unlimited designs are not as susceptible to temperature damage and can withstand sustained temperatures of 900 °C (1,650 °F).] Temperature sensors are also used to monitor catalyst functioning: usually two sensors will be fitted, with one before the catalyst and one after to monitor the temperature rise over the converters unlimited core.
The oxygen sensor is the basis of the closed-loop control system on a spark-ignited rich-burn engine; however, it is also used for diagnostics. In vehicles with OBD II, a second oxygen sensor is fitted after the converters unlimited to monitor the O2 levels. The O2 levels are monitored to see the efficiency of the burn process. The on-board computer makes comparisons between the readings of the two sensors. The readings are taken by voltage measurements. If both sensors show the same output or the rear O2 is “switching”, the computer recognizes that the catalytic converter either is not functioning or has been removed, and will operate a malfunction indicator lamp and affect engine performance. Simple “oxygen sensor simulators” have been developed to circumvent this problem by simulating the change across the converters unlimited with plans and pre-assembled devices available on the Internet. Although these are not legal for on-road use, they have been used with mixed results.[51] Similar devices apply an offset to the sensor signals, allowing the engine to run a more fuel-economical lean burn that may, however, damage the engine or the converters unlimited.[52]
NOx sensors are extremely expensive and are in general used only when a compression-ignition engine is fitted with a selective catalytic-reduction (SCR) converter, or a NOx absorber in a feedback system. When fitted to an SCR system, there may be one or two sensors. When one sensor is fitted it will be pre-catalyst; when two are fitted, the second one will be post-catalyst. They are used for the same reasons and in the same manner as an oxygen sensor; the only difference is the substance being monitored.
Emissions regulations vary considerably from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Most automobile spark-ignition engines in North America have been fitted with converters unlimited since 1975,[4][1][2][3] and the technology used in non-automotive applications is generally based on automotive technology. In many jurisdictions, it is illegal to remove or disable a catalytic converter for any reason other than its direct and immediate replacement. Nevertheless, some vehicle owners remove or “gut” the converters unlimited on their vehicle.[26][27] In such cases, the converters unlimited may be replaced by a welded-in section of ordinary pipe or a flanged “test pipe”, ostensibly meant to check if the converter is clogged by comparing how the engine runs with and without the converter. This facilitates temporary reinstallation of the converter in order to pass an emission test.[28]
In the United States, it is a violation of Section 203(a)(3)(A) of the 1990 amended Clean Air Act for a vehicle repair shop to remove a converter from a vehicle, or cause a converter to be removed from a vehicle, except in order to replace it with another converter,[29] and Section 203(a)(3)(B) makes it illegal for any person to sell or to install any part that would bypass, defeat, or render inoperative any emission control system, device, or design element. Vehicles without functioning converters unlimited generally fail emission inspections. The automotive aftermarket supplies high-flow converters for vehicles with upgraded engines, or whose owners prefer an exhaust system with larger-than-stock capacity.[30]
Effect on exhaust flow
Faulty converters unlimited as well as undamaged early types of converters can restrict the flow of exhaust, which negatively affects vehicle performance and fuel economy.[26] Modern converters unlimited do not significantly restrict exhaust flow. A 2006 test on a 1999 Honda Civic, for example, showed that removing the stock converters unlimited netted only a 3% increase in maximum horsepower; a new metallic core converter only cost the car 1% horsepower, compared to no converter.
Carburetors on pre-1981 vehicles without feedback fuel-air mixture control could easily provide too much fuel to the engine, which could cause the converters unlimited to overheat and potentially ignite flammable materials under the car.[31]
Many vehicles have a close-coupled converters unlimited located near the engine’s exhaust manifold. The converter heats up quickly, due to its exposure to the very hot exhaust gases, enabling it to reduce undesirable emissions during the engine warm-up period. This is achieved by burning off the excess hydrocarbons which result from the extra-rich mixture required for a cold start.
When converters unlimited were first introduced, most vehicles used carburetors that provided a relatively rich air-fuel ratio. Oxygen (O2) levels in the exhaust stream were therefore generally insufficient for the catalytic reaction to occur efficiently. Most designs of the time therefore included secondary air injection, which injected air into the exhaust stream. This increased the available oxygen, allowing the converters unlimited to function as intended.
Some three-way converters unlimited systems have air injection systems with the air injected between the first (NOx reduction) and second (HC and CO oxidation) stages of the converters unlimited. As in two-way converters, this injected air provides oxygen for the oxidation reactions. An upstream air injection point, ahead of the converters unlimited, is also sometimes present to provide additional oxygen only during the engine warm up period. This causes unburned fuel to ignite in the exhaust tract, thereby preventing it reaching the catalytic converter at all. This technique reduces the engine runtime needed for the converters unlimited to reach its “light-off” or operating temperature.
Most newer vehicles have electronic fuel injection systems, and do not require air injection systems in their exhausts. Instead, they provide a precisely controlled air-fuel mixture that quickly and continually cycles between lean and rich combustion. Oxygen sensors monitor the exhaust oxygen content before and after the converters unlimited, and the engine control unit uses this information to adjust the fuel injection so as to prevent the first (NOx reduction) catalyst from becoming oxygen-loaded, while simultaneously ensuring the second (HC and CO oxidation) converters unlimited is sufficiently oxygen-saturated.
Catalyst poisoning occurs when the converters unlimited is exposed to exhaust containing substances that coat the working surfaces, so that they cannot contact and react with the exhaust. The most notable contaminant is lead, so vehicles equipped with converters unlimited can run only on unleaded fuel. Other common converters unlimited poisons include sulfur, manganese (originating primarily from the gasoline additive MMT), and silicon, which can enter the exhaust stream if the engine has a leak that allows coolant into the combustion chamber. Phosphorus is another converters unlimited contaminant. Although phosphorus is no longer used in gasoline, it (and zinc, another low-level catalyst contaminant) was widely used in engine oil antiwear additives such as zinc dithiophosphate (ZDDP). Beginning in 2004, a limit of phosphorus concentration in engine oils was adopted in the API SM and ILSAC GF-4 specifications.
Depending on the contaminant, converters unlimited poisoning can sometimes be reversed by running the engine under a very heavy load for an extended period of time. The increased exhaust temperature can sometimes vaporize or sublimate the contaminant, removing it from the catalytic surface. However, removal of lead deposits in this manner is usually not possible because of lead’s high boiling point. [25]
Any condition that causes abnormally high levels of unburned hydrocarbons (raw or partially burnt fuel or oils) to reach the converter will tend to significantly elevate its temperature, bringing the risk of a meltdown of the substrate and resultant catalytic deactivation and severe exhaust restriction. These conditions include failure of the upstream components of the exhaust system (manifold/header assembly and associated clamps susceptible to rust/corrosion and/or fatigue e.g. the exhaust manifold splintering after repeated heat cycling), ignition system e.g. coil packs and/or primary ignition components (e.g. distributor cap, wires, ignition coil and spark plugs) and/or damaged fuel system components (fuel injectors, fuel pressure regulator, and associated sensors). Oil and/or coolant leaks, perhaps caused by a head gasket leak, can also cause high unburned hydrocarbons.
Three-way converters unlimited are effective when the engine is operated within a narrow band of air-fuel ratios near the psychometric point.[20] Total conversion efficiency falls very rapidly when the engine is operated outside of this band. Slightly lean of psychometric, the exhaust gases from the engine contain excess oxygen, the production of NOx by the engine increases, and the efficiency of the catalyst at reducing NOx falls off rapidly. However, the conversion of HC and CO is very efficient due to the available oxygen, oxidizing to H2O and CO2. Slightly rich of stoichiometric, the production of CO and unburnt HC by the engine starts to increase dramatically, available oxygen decreases, and the efficiency of the converters unlimited for oxidizing CO and HC decreases significantly, especially as stored oxygen becomes depleted. However, the efficiency of the catalyst at reducing NOx is good, and the production of NOx by the engine decreases. To maintain catalyst efficiency, the air:fuel ratio must stay close to stoichiometric and not remain rich or lean for too long.
Closed-loop engine control systems are used for effective operation of three-way converters unlimited because of this continuous rich-lean balance required for effective NOx reduction and HC+CO oxidation. The control system allows the catalyst to release oxygen during slightly rich operating conditions, which oxidizes CO and HC under conditions that also favor the reduction of NOx. Before the stored oxygen is depleted, the control system shifts the air:fuel ratio to become slightly lean, improving HC and CO oxidation while storing additional oxygen in the catalyst material, at a small penalty in NOx reduction efficiency. Then the air:fuel mixture is brought back to slightly rich, at a small penalty in CO and HC oxidation efficiency, and the cycle repeats. Efficiency is improved when this oscillation around the stoichiometric point is small and carefully controlled.[21]
Closed-loop control under light to moderate load is accomplished by using one or more oxygen sensors in the exhaust system. When oxygen is detected by the sensor, the air:fuel ratio is lean of stoichiometric, and when oxygen is not detected, it is rich. The control system adjusts the rate of fuel being injected into the engine based on this signal to keep the air:fuel ratio near the stoichiometric point in order to maximize the converters unlimited efficiency. The control algorithm is also affected by the time delay between the adjustment of the fuel flow rate and the sensing of the changed air:fuel ratio by the sensor, as well as the sigmoidal response of the oxygen sensors. Typical control systems are designed to rapidly sweep the air:fuel ratio such that it oscillates slightly around the stoichiometric point, staying near the optimal efficiency point while managing the levels of stored oxygen and unburnt HC.[20]
Closed loop control is often not used during high load/maximum power operation, when an increase in emissions is permitted and a rich mixture is commanded to increase power and prevent exhaust gas temperature from exceeding design limits. This presents a challenge for control system and catalyst design. During such operations, large amounts of unburnt HC are produced by the engine, well beyond the capacity of the catalyst to release oxygen. The surface of the catalyst quickly becomes saturated with HC. When returning to lower power output and leaner air:fuel ratios, the control system must prevent excessive oxygen from reaching the catalyst too quickly, as this will rapidly burn the HC in the already hot catalyst, potentially exceeding the design temperature limit of the catalyst. Excessive catalyst temperature can prematurely age the converters unlimited , reducing its efficiency before reaching its design lifetime. Excessive catalyst temperature can also be caused by cylinder misfire, which continuously flows unburnt HC combined with oxygen to the hot catalyst, burning in the converters unlimited and increasing its temperature.[22]
Unwanted reactions result in the formation of hydrogen sulfide and ammonia, which poison converters unlimited. Nickel or manganese is sometimes added to the washcoat to limit hydrogen-sulfide emissions. Sulfur-free or low-sulfur fuels eliminate or minimize problems with hydrogen sulfide.
For compression-ignition (i.e., diesel) engines, the most commonly used converters unlimited is the diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC). DOCs contain palladium and/or platinum supported on alumina. This converters unlimited particulate matter (PM), hydrocarbons, and carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide and water. These converters often operate at 90 percent efficiency, virtually eliminating diesel odor and helping reduce visible particulates. These converters unlimited are ineffective for NOx, so NOx emissions from diesel engines are controlled by exhaust gas recirculation (EGR).
In 2010, most light-duty diesel manufacturers in the U.S. added catalytic systems to their vehicles to meet federal emissions requirements. Two techniques have been developed for the catalytic reduction of NOx emissions under lean exhaust conditions, selective converters unlimited reduction (SCR) and the NOx adsorber.
Instead of precious metal-containing NOx absorbers, most manufacturers selected base-metal SCR systems that use a reagent such as ammonia to reduce the NOx into nitrogen and water.[23] Ammonia is supplied to the catalyst system by the injection of urea into the exhaust, which then undergoes thermal decomposition and hydrolysis into ammonia. The urea solution is also referred to as diesel exhaust fluid (DEF).
Diesel exhaust contains relatively high levels of particulate matter.converters unlimited remove only 20–40% of PM so particulates are cleaned up by a soot trap or diesel particulate filter (DPF). In the U.S., all on-road light, medium, and heavy-duty diesel-powered vehicles built after 1 January 2007, are subject to diesel particulate emission limits, and so are equipped with a 2-way catalytic converter and a diesel particulate filter. As long as the engine was manufactured before 1 January 2007, the vehicle is not required to have the DPF system. This led to an inventory runup by engine manufacturers in late 2006 so they could continue selling pre-DPF vehicles well into 2007.[24]
Lean-burn spark-ignition engines
For lean-burn spark-ignition engines, an oxidation converters unlimited is used in the same manner as in a diesel engine. Emissions from lean burn spark ignition engines are very similar to emissions from a diesel compression ignition engine.
require a temperature of 400 °C (752 °F) to operate effectively. Therefore, they are placed as close to the engine as possible, or one or more smaller catalytic converters (known as “per-cats”) are placed immediately after the exhaust manifold.
A 2-way (or “oxidation”, sometimes called an “ox-cat”) catalytic converter has two simultaneous tasks:
Oxidation of carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide: 2 CO + O2 → 2 CO2
Oxidation of hydrocarbons (unburnt and partially burned fuel) to carbon dioxide and water: CxH2x+2 + [(3x+1)/2] O2 → x CO2 + (x+1) H2O (a combustion reaction)
This type of converters unlimited is widely used on diesel engines to reduce hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide emissions. They were also used on gasoline engines in American- and Canadian-market automobiles until 1981. Because of their inability to control oxides of nitrogen, they were superseded by three-way converters.
Three-way converters unlimited have the additional advantage of controlling the emission of nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) (both together abbreviated with NOx and not to be confused with nitrous oxide (N2O)), which are precursors to acid rain and smog.[19]
Since 1981, “three-way” (oxidation-reduction) converters unlimited have been used in vehicle emission control systems in the United States and Canada; many other countries have also adopted stringent vehicle emission regulations that in effect require three-way converters on gasoline-powered vehicles. The reduction and oxidation catalysts are typically contained in a common housing; however, in some instances, they may be housed separately. A three-way converters unlimited has three simultaneous tasks:[19]
These three reactions occur most efficiently when the converters unlimited receives exhaust from an engine running slightly above the stoichiometric point. For gasoline combustion, this ratio is between 14.6 and 14.8 parts air to one part fuel, by weight. The ratio for autogas (or liquefied petroleum gas LPG), natural gas, and ethanol fuels can vary significantly for each, notably so with oxygenated or alcohol based fuels, with e85 requiring approximately 34% more fuel, requiring modified fuel system tuning and components when using those fuels. In general, engines fitted with 3-way conrters are equipped with a computerized closed-loop feedback fuel injection system using one or more oxygen sensors, though early in the deployment of three-way converters, carburetors equipped with feedback mixture control were used.
The converters unlimited’s construction is as follows:
The converters unlimited support or substrate. For automotive , the core is usually a ceramic monolith that has a honeycomb structure (commonly square, not hexagonal). (Prior to the mid 1980s, the converters unlimited material was deposited on a packed bed of alumina pellets in early GM applications.) Metallic foil monoliths made of Kanthal (FeCrAl)[16] are used in applications where particularly high heat resistance is required.[16] The substrate is structured to produce a large surface area. The cordierite ceramic substrate used in most catalytic converters was invented by Rodney Bagley, Irwin Lachman, and Ronald Lewis at Corning Glass, for which they were inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 2002.[4]
The washcoat. A washcoat is a carrier for the converters unlimited materials and is used to disperse the materials over a large surface area. Aluminum oxide, titanium dioxide, silicon dioxide, or a mixture of silica and alumina can be used. The catalytic materials are suspended in the washcoat prior to applying to the core. Washcoat materials are selected to form a rough, irregular surface, which increases the surface area compared to the smooth surface of the bare substrate.[17]
Ceria or ceria-zirconia. These oxides are mainly added as oxygen storage promoters.[18]
The catalyst itself is most often a mix of precious metals, mostly from the platinum group. Platinum is the most active catalyst and is widely used, but is not suitable for all applications because of unwanted additional reactions and high cost. Palladium and rhodium are two other precious metals used. Rhodium is used as a reduction catalyst, palladium is used as an oxidation catalyst, and platinum is used both for reduction and oxidation. Cerium, iron, manganese, and nickel are also used, although each has limitations. Nickel is not legal for use in the European Union because of its reaction with carbon monoxide into toxic nickel tetracarbonyl Copper can be used everywhere except Japan.
Upon failure, a converters unlimited can be recycled into scrap. The precious metals inside the converter, including platinum, palladium, and rhodium, are extracted.
A converters unlimited is an exhaust emission control device that converts toxic gases and pollutants in exhaust gas from an internal combustion engine into less-toxic pollutants by catalyzing a redox reaction. converters unlimited are usually used with internal combustion engines fueled by gasoline or diesel, including lean-burn engines, and sometimes on kerosene heaters and stoves.
The first widespread introduction of converters unlimited was in the United States automobile market. To comply with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s stricter regulation of exhaust emissions, most gasoline-powered vehicles starting with the 1975 model year are equipped withconverters unlimited .[1][2][3] These “two-way” converters combine oxygen with carbon monoxide (CO) and unburned hydrocarbons (HC) to produce carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). In 1981, two-way converters unlimited were rendered obsolete by “three-way” converters that also reduce oxides of nitrogen (NOx);[4] however, two-way converters are still used for lean-burn engines. This is because three-way-converters require either fuel-rich or stoichiometric combustion to successfully reduce NOx.
Although converters unlimited are most commonly applied to exhaust systems in automobiles, they are also used on electrical generators, forklifts, mining equipment, trucks, buses, locomotives, motorcycles, and on ships. They are even used on some wood stoves to control emissions.[5] This is usually in response to government regulation, either through environmental regulation or through health and safety regulations.
converters unlimited prototypes were first designed in France at the end of the 19th century, when only a few thousand “oil cars” were on the roads; these prototypes had inert clay-based materials coated with platinum, rhodium, and palladium and sealed into a double metallic cylinder.[6] A few decades later, a converters unlimited was patented by Eugene Houdry, a French mechanical engineer. Houdry was an expert in catalytic oil refining, having invented the catalytic cracking process that all modern refining is based on today.[7] Houdry moved to the United States in 1930 to live near the refineries in the Philadelphia area and develop his catalytic refining process. When the results of early studies of smog in Los Angeles were published, Houdry became concerned about the role of smokestack exhaust and automobile exhaust in air pollution and founded a company called Oxy-Catalyst. Houdry first developed converters unlimited for smokestacks, called “cats” for short, and later developed converters unlimited for warehouse forklifts that used low grade, unleaded gasoline.[8] In the mid-1950s, he began research to develop converters unlimited for gasoline engines used on cars and was awarded United States Patent 2,742,437 for his work.[9]
converters unlimited were further developed by a series of engineers including Carl D. Keith, John J. Mooney, Antonio Eleazar, and Phillip Messina at Engelhard Corporation,[10][11] creating the first production catalytic converter in 1973.[12][unreliable source?]
The first widespread introduction of converters unlimited was in the United States automobile market. To comply with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s new regulation of exhaust emissions, most gasoline-powered vehicles starting with the 1975 model year are equipped with catalytic converters. These “two-way” converters combined oxygen with carbon monoxide (CO) and unburned hydrocarbons (HC, chemical compounds in fuel of the form CmHn) to produce carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O).[4][1][2][3] These stringent emission control regulations forced the removal of the antiknock agent tetraethyl lead from automotive gasoline, to reduce lead in the air. Lead is a catalyst poison and would effectively destroy a catalytic converter by coating the catalyst’s surface. Requiring the removal of lead allowed the use of converters unlimited to meet the other emission standards in the regulations.[13]
William C. Pfefferle developed a catalytic combustor for gas turbines in the early 1970s, allowing combustion without significant formation of nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide.[14][15]
As of late November 2021, the San Diego County Sheriff’s department had received 461 catalytic converter theft reports since January 2021. According to Lt. Amber Baggs, the department is conducting high visibility patrols to deter thieves and utilizing investigative tools to track culprits.
The San Diego city police department saw an even larger number ofconverters unlimited thefts during 2021. They had roughly 1,300 reports and have been encouraging residents to park in well-lit areas.
Lt. Bode Berreth of the Escondido Police Department said their officers are committed to cracking down on this regional issue.
Thieves typically steal the converters unlimited at night by sliding under a vehicle and removing the converter with a saw. Generally those whose vehicles have been targeted won’t realize that there has been a theft until they get into their car in the morning, turn it on, and hear a loud noise.
For a car part that is easy to steal, replacing it is a difficult task and leaves a hefty dent in the pockets of victims.
“To replace a converters unlimited it can be around $1,500… A lot of cars now have more than one. So it adds up very quickly on the cost,” Berreth said.
According to Berreth, the Toyota Prius is being targeted more frequently than other car models because they are designed with multiple converters unlimited.
The National Insurance Crime Bureau recommends vehicle owners take thes precautions.
Berreth says Escondido nighttime patrol officers are being given increased training and education on how to identify aconverters unlimited in the event that they pull someone over in possession of the car part.
In the past, when officers pulled over a suspect with a converters unlimited in their car and had the suspicion it was stolen, they haven’t been able to make an arrest unless there was a victim linked to the crime. But according to Berreth, that is changing.
Berreth said that the district attorney’s office is now willing to file for possession of stolen property simply if someone is driving at night with a converters unlimited in their car.
“Just because there’s no other reason to have it other than it was stolen,” Berreth said. “Which is a step forward for us… this allows officers to make an arrest versus let them go, and then dig up cases and try to reverse engineer.”
Berreth calls this change a step in the right direction for cracking down on thefts.
Lt. Randy Soulard of the El Cajon Police Department said in a statement to inewsource that their officers are also aware of this growing issue. “There is a significant increase in the theft of converters unlimited in our area,” Soulard said. “Officers are on the lookout for these crimes, which occur very quickly.”
How to avoid becoming a target
Jodee Reyes, public information officer for the Carlsbad Police Department, said that between October 2021 and December 2021 they saw 46 converters unlimited thefts. The top three targeted vehicles there have been the Toyota Prius, Honda Element and the Honda Accord.
The Carlsbad Police Department is conducting patrols in areas where vehicles are most commonly targeted. They are also collaborating with the entire county to discuss trends and identify suspects.
Reyes said increased education is being used to address this trend. Members of their Senior Volunteer Patrol have been personally delivering educational materials to neighborhoods where converters unlimited have been stolen.
There are a few ways that residents can avoid a converters unlimited theft, according to Reyes. Car-owners should consult their mechanic about installing cat shields, cat clamps or cat locks, devices specifically designed to deter catalytic converter theft.
also report any suspicious noises. “We have caught converters unlimited thieves when alert neighbors hear a noise during the night and take quick action to call the police,” Reyes said.
A call for action
Some changes have been made at the legislative level, including SB 366, authored by State Sen. Tom Umberg and signed into law in October 2021.
SB 366 requires the Department of Motor Vehicles to investigate unlicensed and unpermitted auto dismantlers and the growing issue of converters unlimited theft.
In a statement to inewsource, State Senator Toni Atkins’ office said they received two emails and one phone call regarding converters unlimited thefts in 2021.
San Diego residents like Kate Glenn are eager to draw more attention to the issue.
“I’m ready to take it to city hall. You know, we’re building back better. How in the world can you, when we’re cut off at our ankles?” Glenn said. “We can’t build back better if we can’t get on the road to get to work … This is a public safety issue.”
Preventive converters unlimited cleaning, as a rule, is carried out with a mileage of 70 – 80 thousand km. This method allows you to resolve the problem without dismantling the part.
Repeated washing is used to clean a heavily soiled converters unlimited. In order to clean it in this way, you will need to disassemble a part of the exhaust system of a car.
Mechanical cleaning is carried out using a compressor and a brush. This option for cleaning the converters unlimited is also performed on dismantled section of exhaust pipe.
The converters unlimited washing has the following steps:
converters unlimited is removed and subjected to strict control. If honeycombs are not destroyed, and the device is considered in good conditions, a manual wash is performed.
Hot water is turned on under pressure, the converters unlimited is pressed down with something heavy (but not excessive, just so that it does not fly away, and the honeycomb is not damaged at the same time) and is washed for 2 minutes from each side.
Rinse the converters unlimited at home over a porcelain sink, but not over the bathroom (it destroys enamel or acrylic) and not over the kitchen sink (washable chemistry will corrode it).
Get the converters unlimited dry.
A sign of a successful completion of work will be clean honeycombs. If there is too much dirt on aconverters unlimited, after the first treatment, it should be left overnight in kerosene or diesel fuel, which is easier to get.
Re-treatment and washing are carried out.
The need for mechanical converters unlimited cleaning arises when it is not possible to remove contamination by washing the part.
Mechanical method
This work is carried out in the following sequence:
converters unlimited is removed from the exhaust system of a car.
Contaminated honeycombs are cleaned gently with fine sandpaper.
converters unlimited is purged with compressed air.
The mechanical method proved especially good when cleaning converters unlimited of diesel engines. This part is very dirty in such cars, so with a careful approach, you can restore the throughput of the product.
Work should be done very carefully so as not to damage the inside of a unit, which is made of special ceramics.
More Orange County cities are aiming to crack down on converters unlimited thefts, which cost residents thousands of dollars to replace.
Following in the footsteps of surrounding cities, Fullerton and Placentia council members this week approved ordinances that criminalize the possession of unattached converters unlimited without adequate proof of ownership. Since the beginning of the pandemic, California has seen a sharp rise in the theft of catalytic converters, an automotive device that improves air quality and the performance of a car by converting toxic emissions into less harmful gases.
So far, Irvine, Lake Forest, Dana Point, Westminster, Mission Viejo, San Juan Capistrano and Huntington Beach have moved forward with efforts to deter converters unlimited thefts. Costa Mesa is also working on an ordinance. There are also a number of efforts at the state level to regulate the thefts.
However, no state or federal legislation currently exists that punishes converters unlimited thefts without an identifiable victim, according to a Placentia city staff report. The Fullerton and Placentia ordinances seek to resolve this issue.
During a presentation at the Placentia City Council meeting, Police Chief Brad Butts said that catalytic converter thefts have dramatically increased in the city since the pandemic began. There were 116 catalytic converter thefts last year, compared to 68 in 2020. This year, the city already has had 55 thefts.
converters unlimited are expensive to replace, costing residents between $116,000 to $290,000 last year, according to Placentia police data. The automotive device is made up of rare metals like platinum, palladium and rhodium, which can be sold for high prices by those who steal them.
“It’s a huge loss to the residents of our city,” Butts said. “… These thefts are on the rise, and it’s very lucrative to steal converters unlimited.”
Another major issue that contributes to the theft of catalytic converters is there aren’t serial numbers or other identifiers on most converters unlimited that would allow police to match them with a vehicle. Butts said some cities encourage the public to go to police stations to get identifiable markings on their converters, “but by and large, most of the victims don’t have any markings on them, and there’s no way for [police] to match that actual catalytic converter.”
Butts said stolen converters unlimited can end up being sold to recyclable companies. While many require documentation from potential sellers, there are several in the county that aren’t as stringent, Butts said, adding that the department will be notifying local recyclable companies about the city’s new law.
According to a city staff report, catalytic converter parts can be sold for between $1,000 and $17,000 per ounce in the recyclables market.
“Criminals are incentivized to commit these thefts because they generally go undetected,” Butts said. “These crimes are completed in just seconds during hours of darkness in the middle of the night … There is an abundance of recycling companies available to sell these off to. Victim identification is difficult and prosecution is unlikely. It’s not able to lead back to a victim, so it’s very difficult to get D.A. prosecutions on these cases.”
Mayor Rhonda Shader said that the rise in converters unlimited thefts have created an “intolerable” situation for residents.
“I’m in the insurance business and these create claims, and we all pay for that because the premiums go up when we have too many claims,” she said. “So it’s a really important item for us to address. In an environment where officers have tools taken away, I’m glad we could provide a tool to help deter criminal activity in our city.”
The Fullerton City Council unanimously approved the ordinance without discussion.
RALEIGH, N.C. (WNCN) – converters unlimited are often an overlooked car part, but one that’s a crucial part of the exhaust system. They’re also highly sought after by thieves.
The National Insurance Crime Bureau said North Carolina is one of the top the top-five states for catalytic converter thefts.
The converters unlimited underneath your car is like a mini bank vault containing expensive precious metals that are worth a lot of money to thieves.
They are one of the hottest items among car thieves. Mechanics said replacing them is becoming more frequent.
“We’ve seen an uptick in that since last June,” said Seth McKinney of North Hills Exxon in Raleigh.
He said thefts are especially prevalent “in cars that have sat for a while, be it in a parking lot or at home.”
Home surveillance videos show how thieves can steal converters in under 5 minutes, even from cars parked in driveways.
Inside of a converter is a honeycomb-type filter which contains platinum, palladium, and rhodium. Those are expensive precious metals that react with exhaust gasses to convert them into less harmful emissions.
Consumer Reports said the current price for an ounce of platinum is $1,000. Palladium is worth more than $2,300 and ounce and rhodium costs more than $20,000 an ounce.
According to Waste Advantage Magazine, the typical catalytic converter contains 3 to 7 grams of platinum, 2 to 7 grams of palladium, and 1 to 2 grams of rhodium.
“It’s an easy target,” McKinney said. “It’s something they can make a substantial amount of money off of.”
A hybrid like the Prius is especially targeted by thieves because it has two converters.
There are a couple of different anti-theft devices people are buying to keep their converters safe. Some use cables, others use metal plates.
McKinney said installing them under a car usually takes about an hour’s worth of labor once the vehicle is up on the lift.
In an effort to deter the thefts, North Carolina requires scrap dealers to ask for vehicle titles or documentation before buying a converter, so the crooks go elsewhere to sell them.
Your auto insurance policy will play for a replacement, minus the deductible, but only if you have comprehensive coverage as part of your policy.
Cars are a very serious mechanism, which is connected by every part to each other as if it were a Swiss watch. And in order to work properly, people need to adhere to cleanliness and order in the automobile, but there is a problem with which the world has been struggling for more than one year. These are the exhaust and harmful gases of the car that comes from the processing of fuel inside the engine.
A mix of different gases flies out and seriously pollutes our world because it is these gases that enter the air that all people in the world breathe every day. And there are billions of autos in the world, so if every car emitted these gases, there would be no clean air. That is why the catalyst was invented to simply solve the problem. Because, for example, a car silencer will not help in any way in solving the concern. But the catalyst, which is currently present in almost every car, can help the world avoid a terrible fate. And at the moment, scientists every day become more and more concerned about the various pollution of our world.
Vehicle exhaust emissions
In our time, real dangerous pollutants have appeared that threaten all of humanity. And one of these threats, to the surprise of people, was cars. But millions of people around the world are well aware that an auto cannot just drive and will not emit dangerous emissions. And such emissions come from a billion cars around the world almost every day.
Not only are these gases very harmful, but it has also become clear that they can have a very detrimental effect on the entire planet.
The vehicle became one of the biggest threats in the world, until the moment when scientists managed to come up with a detail that could, at least partially, stop this threat. This part is called a converters unlimited, it is thanks to the catalyst that the whole world can breathe fresh and clean air. But still, it is completely impossible to control waste emissions, so scientists are working every day to come up with new catalysts. Every day the world becomes more and more developed, but this becomes a threat because few people follow what these improvements can lead to.
Global warming
And scientists are very worried that gases can lead to global warming. Because mainly chemical compounds are emitted from the catalyst, and CO2 is present in their composition, and it is carbon dioxide released into space that has exceeded all norms for more than one year.
With each new day, cars emit incredible amounts of CO2, which can lead to uneasy warming of the earth. If people look at the observations, then for several centuries, the temperature has already risen very much compared to past times. That is why people began to invent ecological machines that are powered by electricity. Perhaps it is this decision that will save the world from global warming.
th burned-out exhaust systems due to the lack of a converter unlimited.
The burnt exhaust system is the first and most frequent thing that happens when driving without a converter unlimited .
No matter how expensive your car is, all stock exhaust systems are made from the same steel, and they are not good at all. You can drive without a converter unlimitedif you have an engine up to 50 HP.
It may not burn out, but are there still such cars. If you drive without a catalyst, then you will have to change the exhaust in a year or a year and a half,
and this is completely different money, even in comparison with installing the original converter unlimited.
Traffic fumes without a catalyst will be very caustic.
People in a car can be easily poisone if you stand in a traffic jam and open a window with a favorable wind.
converter unlimited thereby deactivates the most dangerous components and chemical compounds in gases, so that you can drive safely.
A backward wave of gases will not get into the engine of your car.
Sound of the exhaust system will change, it will become more severe and loud. The presence of aconverter unlimited can soften the sound.
But its main function is to extinguish high temperatures, unfortunately the only way to get rid of the car noise is to install additional mufflers if you are going to drive without a converter unlimited And if you like the noise of a car, and you want to highlight it,
you can put a resonator instead of a converter unlimited and the sound will become much brighter! Search for a recycling company in the Buyers Catalog that will purchase your converter unlimited at the best cost.
Can I drive without a converter unlimited?
Yes, you can drive without a converter unlimited,
but you need to approach everything with your head. If you do not want your car to be repaire, then first you need to make sure that removing the converter unlimited is the best way for you.
It is normal also for a thief to pay special attention when selling aconverter unlimited. Their scope is to sell them at the highest cost. This is important also for a car owner, when you need to change a converter unlimited.
You can calculate the approximate cost of catalyst processing on our website on the Calculator Page. A spot that has vast experience in purchasing a catalytic converter is the best in the event that you need to sell it.
Oxygen sensors installed inside converters unlimited help to more and more effectively clean the gases that come from cars. Inside the converters unlimited , there is a very important job that literally saves our pure oxygen. Year after year, more and more people understand that the planet is becoming oversaturated, and there are more and more enterprises and things that pollute it. Therefore, people have created an automotive industry that tries to ensure that there is less pollution.
It is essential that every person try to adhere to all the rules that at least one percent, but could help the world that is suffering from everything that is happening now. They have already invented filters that can perform reduction reactions, and thanks to this, it is easy to save our entire space from various pollution. There are also many converters unlimited, for example, nitrogen converters unlimited, there are homogeneous catalysts and many others. You can get acquainted with the prices of converters unlimited on our website. Which slightly differ in functions and types of exhaust processing. But they are all doing the same job. As mentioned earlier, converters unlimited play a huge role in the world. Because it is thanks to the fact that scientists care about people that humanity still lives carefree and does not think about such serious problems. In order for children to go to school, and parents to provide for them, people need to monitor the state of the planet, because, without it, none of this will be. Therefore, everyone in the world needs to think about how to take care of their planet and save it.
What chemical reactions happen in a converters unlimited?
In the world, at the moment there are billions of cars, and humanity is well aware that these automobiles pollute the external space very much. And to avoid serious consequences, mankind has invented converters unlimited that filter exhaust gases. A vehicle can’t run on fuel unless it emits exhaust because the reaction inside is fast and needs to go somewhere. And so a converters unlimited was invented so that the exhaust would not just fly into clean air. And inside the catalyst, simple reactions occur, which are a converters unlimited reaction to exhausts, and then oxidation reactions occur.
But there are also disadvantages because catalyzes exhaust also affects our planet. CO2 enters the air, which comes out after the processing of exhaust catalysts. And carbon dioxide is just as bad for our environment, but not as bad as just-auto exhaust. The main problem is due to the engine because it is after the engine has processed the fuel that a reaction occurs that creates exhaust. And only thanks to the fact that scientists daily create more and more universal converters unlimited, thanks to which humanity can breathe clean air in peace. But in any case, as people can see from the progress, humanity is trying to get rid of ordinary cars, and more and more automobiles are appearing that are powered by electricity. Perhaps this is the only way to save the planet from emissions and global warming.
Poor fuel quality. Most often it is with a low octane rating. System switches to late ignition. This causes mixture to burn out at the outlet and increase temperature of the exhaust gases.
Incorrect operation of ignition system (misfire). The fuel that is not burnt in one cylinder is immediately ignite and burne in converters unlimited.
Mechanical damage to converters unlimited. Increased vibration of a power unit and impacts on converters unlimited lead to crumbling of ceramic block.
Thermal shock. Instant cooling of a hot catalyst while overcoming a puddle, for example, can cause cracks in ceramic element.
Incorrect air-fuel mixture caused, for example, by a malfunction of oxygen sensor. The same effect will cause leaky, pouring nozzles.
Adding additives to gas. Cocktails from unverified manufacturers or impaired concentration can increase combustion temperature.
converters unlimited
Latest designs with minimal toxicity are programme to quickly warm up the converters unlimited .
In case the situation has gone bad, do not wait long to minimize expenses to repair. Get rid of your old converters unlimited and get paid for It!
In case you have not ever heard about such a part as aconverters unlimited , then get impresse, because converters unlimitednot only catches and neutralizes harmful compounds, but also directly affects operation of engine.
Signals from the sensors locate at the input and output of the converters unlimited are constantly read by the “brains” of the car and help to optimize the working mixture in the best way.
Usually life term of an expensive converters unlimited is usually approximately equal to the life term of a car itself, but often converters unlimited all convertor breaks much faster than it should and can drag motor along with it.
It is important to remember that converters unlimited does not fail for no reason. Its breakdown is a sign of improper operation of ignition system, incomplete combustion of a mixture in the cylinders, severe motor fail or prolonged use of low-quality fuel.
Recycling of old converters unlimited is easy when there are reliable companies. They evaluate your catalyst and offer good compensation. To understand that your catalyst has to be removed
In many cases, correct diagnosis of a catalyst allows you to understand the real cause of breakdown and not just change the converter unlimited.
Usually converter unlimited error can catch fire literally from scratch. For example, a catalyst error can catch fire from damage or other part of exhaust system. It could just “shut down” the wiring or computer.
Types of diagnostics that are offere:
computer diagnostics (reading all errors and their analysis), endoscopy of converter unlimited (examination of the state of a catalyst), physical examination of exhaust system, measurement of purity of exhaust gases for compliance with EURO4, EURO5, EURO6 standards.
Replacing converter unlimited with a new one. If you need a replacement of a catalyst, then it is a due time to sell the old one. You can choose a converter unlimited that suits you with its cost and its properties.
This repair path is undeniably most correct, but the most unreliable in the long term, because after two thousand kilometers converter unlimited will again need to be replaced. The main advantage is that exhaust gases will be clean.
Replacing the converter unlimited with a flame arrester. This procedure has two popular names, one of them is “replacing catalyst with a flame arrester,” and the other is “removing theconverter unlimited ”.
In this case, you get rid of catalyst and everything that is connecte with it. But having removed it you will gain following consequences: exhaust sound will become loud, exhaust system will easily burn out.
Rinsing, cleaning converters unlimited. In case of catalyst error has arisen due to the fact that the catalyst is clogge with combustion products, and this is the only reason why catalyst does not work. It is necessary to clean it and thereby remove any deposits. But if functional catalyst deposition layer has lost its properties, then this does not make sense, and replacement of catalyst by one of methods is require. Only diagnostics and inspection of the car can tell which is the best option for a converters unlimited.
Service stations, will carry out exhaust system diagnostics in order to 100% determine whether it is worth cutting out the converter unlimited or, possibly to clean it. It is difficult to determine the cause of failure yourself.
One way is to dismantle part of exhaust system, including the catalytic converter and remove contents of catalyst. Usually several holes with a diameter of 20 mm are made using a punch.
This method has disadvantages: holes quickly become clogged again. But there are also positive aspects, since you do not have to cut metal and do welding.
Why one should remove and replace the converter unlimited?
If you need to cut out the catalyst, the price will depen on what you want to get on as a result. For those who are confused with a choice, experts can advise the best repair option.
Take a look at general figures and prices of a converter unlimited repair and replacement cost for some common vehicle models.
Find a way to save money, selling your old catalyst to a specialize=recycling organization and gain a good money bonus for future investments.
Most common sign of catalyst failure is a severe decrease in power. Vehicle starts losing momentum and accelerates poorly. It overheats, when the catalyst capacity is greatly reduced: cells are destroyed, melted and sintered, clogging the hole and interfering with the free passage of exhaust gases. At initial stage of the malfunction, the car will accelerate to a relatively low speed, and when the case is started, motor starts hard, then “suffocate” and stall. Fuel efficiency is also noticeably deteriorating. There is also a sharp unpleasant odor.
A loud rumble under the bottom of the car indicates that active element of converters unlimited has begun to collapse and fall apart. Ceramic fragments under influence of exhaust gases randomly beat against walls of casing and create an unpleasant rumble. As a rule, this is most clearly manifested at increased speeds and during startup.
– low pressure of exhaust gases
If you bring your hand to exhaust pipe, you can feel the pulsation. Exhaust valves of cylinders work in turn. If exhaust flow is smooth and constant, this is a sure sign of a clogged converters unlimited If you increase the speed, and then turn off the engine, exhaust gases will continue to create a pressure for a short time. Gases accumulated in the clogged pipe are released.
– activation of Check Engine icon
The most universal sign of converters unlimited failure is a system error that activates “engine trouble” icon. If this symptom occurs, you should immediately read the error code with the diagnostic scanner and fix the problem. If “brains” of the car detect incorrect indicators on oxygen sensors, they immediately notify driver about this, and at the same time transfer the motor control system to emergency mode. This is often accompanied by worsening dynamics and increased fuel consumption. Computer diagnostics in this case often detect errors P0420 (low catalyst throughput) or P0430
Why converters unlimited fails and what can happen afterwards?
The failure of catalyst does not occur suddenly. With proper operation of all other systems, it serves faithfully for many years until the moment the vehicle is disposed. If your old converters unlimited has to be recycled, you almost certainly have to diagnose and repair the ignition or power system.
As a rule, the converters unlimited is destroyed due to incorrect operation of these two systems. With a faulty ignition system, fuel in one or more cylinders does not burn out completely, but enters the exhaust system. Heated catalyst is forced to burn out increased volumes of hydrocarbons that heat the cells to ultra-high temperatures, which leads to their sintering. Causes of major trouble can be spark plugs, coils, or high voltage wires. Similar failures are also caused by malfunction of nozzles.
Another common cause for catalyst problems is severe mechanical damage, leading to deformation of housing. It is important to remember that thin-walled cells easily crumble even with minor exertion. When leaving for off-road, it will be useful to take care of installing additional protection for the underbody of a car.
Untimely repair of converters unlimited is dangerous because small particles of ceramics can get through exhaust path directly into engine cylinders. Once there, they instantly scratch the walls of cylinders and completely disable motor. The turbine suffers from ceramic debris. Additional heating of exhaust tract leads to deformations of cylinder head and greatly reduces resource of a power unit.
In case it is heavily damaged and has to be replaced, contact specialized companies to get a payback for your old converters unlimited. Common catalyst evaluation is as follows:
Fixing the cost of the converters unlimited is determined by the marking on the housing.
Establishing value of precious materials.
Acceptance of all kinds and types of converters unlimited. The cost also depends on the condition and integrity.
Damaged catalyst with ceramic part of the monolith should not be washed with any chemical solutions. It has to be clean without natural moisture, asbestos. Ceramics in metal housings of aconverters unlimited has to be also clean and in full size.
The high cost of catalysts is due to the use of platinum, rhodium or palladium salts. Specialized companies purchase broken, defective, renewed and destroyed converters unlimited of all types, and also accept them for useful components with an aim to subsequent manufacture of new catalysts
These are just a few common signs to understand if the converters unlimited is damaged. If you notice at least one of them or it seems that something is wrong with the catalyst, try to find out the reason with the help of several tests. The driver can diagnose the catalyst malfunction independently, if he has the proper knowledge and necessary equipment. There are 3 main ways to test the catalyst:
1. VISUAL INSPECTION. Presence of problems in the converters unlimited can be determined “by eye”. If it is deformed, there is a good chance that honeycombs of the converters unlimited are damaged. At the same time, it will not be possible to inspect the device from the outside for clogging with dirt and combustion products. That is why, it will be necessary to remove the catalyst. After removing the converters unlimited, it is necessary to inspect it for the presence of gaps. Clogged catalyst can be cleaned or replaced with a new one.
2. COUNTER PRESSURE CHECK. The most common method for checking a catalyst that does not require dismantling. Essence of a back pressure test is that the exhaust pressure is measured, which is then compared with ideal indicators. To diagnose it, you will need a manometer and adapter to connect it. It is better to lift the car or drive it into a pit. Next, you need to remove the first oxygen sensor, and connect a pressure gauge in its place.
3. DIAGNOSTICS BY MOTOR TESTER The motor tester is a set of equipment that allows you to determine the state of many parameters. With this method of verification, a diagnostic device is installed instead of the spark plug, after which the engine starts and waveforms are taken. On their basis, experts make conclusions about the state of a catalyst. By eliminating problems with the converters unlimited in time, you can avoid costly engine repairs and significantly reduce fuel consumption.
dummy converters unlimited is a special section of straight pipe with a “decorative” housing that is intended to look like it has a cat inside the pipe. These are intended to fool any person who is doing a visual inspection of the vehicle, whether that be at a test center or a cop at the side of the road who pulled you over.
In some locations within the US, if you are caught with a catless downpipe, you might face fines of up to $2,750 and your car could get impounded.
This is where a dummy cat comes in handy. You get all of the performance benefit, but you are decreasing your risk of penalty.
The obvious difference between a dummy cat and a real cat is that these products do notperform the exhaust cleansing function of a converters unlimited in any way.
How can you tell a converters unlimited is real?
The only real way that a converters unlimited can be proved real or fake is by an emissions or “sniffer” test. There is no way for a cop at the side of the road to tell if you have a fake or a real converters unlimited installed on your vehicle.
People who are in the know can usually tell if a car is a straight-through exhaust by the sound, but it would be impossible to prove fact without the proper testing equipment. (If your state has annual emissions and inspection for vehicles you may need some help from a tuner to ensure you pass those)
Where Can you Buy A Dummy Or Fake converters unlimited
One of the most popular fake converters unlimited is known as All flow test pipes, which can be picked for around $50 usually. This is pretty cheap when you consider how much a real converters unlimited costs
There is also another option from a company called ProFlow , who also produce these types of exhaust modifications
Can you Gut Your Existing Cat?
The simplest and cheapest way to remove the catalyst is simply to gut your existing pipe.To do this, get the car on a lift or stand or however you choose to get under it and unbolt the converter.
Once you’ve removed the converters unlimited , the catalyst will look like a honeycomb on the inside. It’s solid and tough to remove, but using a crowbar as a chisel and a hammer, you can break it out.
It can be a slow-going process to remove all of it, but the process can be aided by using a drill with a long bit to start weakening the honeycomb structure, which is very sturdy. Once all of the cats are removed, replace the empty converter shell and your car is good to go.
converters unlimited have proven to be highly effective in controlling toxic emission. Recent studies have shown that a car that has a converters unlimited installed will produces 87% less hydrocarbon, 85% less carbon monoxide and 62% less nitrous oxide in its entire life cycle.
The converters unlimited typically last for ten years but like other car components, this may not always be the case. There are a lot of factors that are responsible for the damage of a converters unlimited. Generally, after 50, 000 miles of driving it will not be as effective as a new one and it is right to change it now. It is a durable component of the car that hardly gets damaged but if it eventually gets bad, it will lead to a sluggish engine performance or total shutdown. In an ideal situation, the catalytic converter is replaced only two times in a particular car.
Maintenance tips for your converters unlimited
Avoid speeding through bumps and pot holes as they can potentially damage your converters unlimited. Remember they are installed under the car.
Install an alarm system in your car, this will ensure your converters unlimited is not stolen from your vehicle.
Other contaminate of a converters unlimited is the engine coolant when it leaks into the combustion system. Always check to make sure the cylinder head is intact to prevent this leakage.
Don’t use leaded fuel as this will make the catalyst inactive, thereby preventing it from working properly.
Final say: the converters unlimited is a durable component of the car, it will last as long as you maintain it. Because of the special elements it contains, it is a major target of car theft. Make sure you park in a good place and have your alarm switched on. Whenever you need to replace it, make sure you get a good one and also ensure it is properly installed.
Why should I be concerned
Environmental impact of harmful substances released by the exhaust of vehicles are devastating. This toxic substances include hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide. Hydrocarbons accumulation will produces smog as witnessed in large cities. Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that harms both humans and other animals while the nitrogen oxide causes acid rain and smog. This harmful substances are also thought to cause global warming in the long run. This is why the converters unlimited is employed to reduce emission of this substances.
Such a catalyst was developed back in 1981. Its main goal is to reduce the amount of harmful substances that enter the environment. The trilateral type converters unlimited solves several problems. For example, it oxidizes carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide, as well as hydrocarbons that are not burnt, into water and carbon dioxide. It is also able to convert nitric oxide to oxygen and nitrogen.
converters unlimited are divided into types depending on material of the cartridge. These types are distinguished:
A design resembling a honeycomb is installed. Neutralizing element made of ceramic is protected by a platinum-iridium alloy. What are disadvantages of a ceramic unit? Many car owners believe that such a device is too fragile. For example, honeycomb will deteriorate if a catalytic converter hits during riding. In addition, if you drive through a puddle in a warmed-up car, water droplets will fall onto a red-hot converters unlimited , and it will become worthless. Ceramic dust accumulates inside the device. It penetrates not only the combustion chamber, but sometimes into the cylinders of the engine. The main advantage of a converters unlimitedmade of ceramic is its cost.
The design of such converters unlimited is quite strong and reliable. Metal catalyst is not afraid of mechanical stress. Made from metal, the shape of a spiral resembling a honeycomb is more elastic.
But even such a reliable metal unit has its drawbacks:
Dot use low quality or leaded fuel.
Oils and antifreeze can enter the combustion chamber.
Technical fluids may only be used to flush systems from a reliable manufacturer.
Re-enriched fuel mixture may cause damage.
Continuous idling of engine can also lead to malfunction.
Sports converters unlimited
These are metal products with increased throughput compared to conventional metal or ceramic catalysts. Sports catalysts make a car 7–20% more powerful, of course, if a direct-flow exhaust system is mounted on vehicle. Sports catalysts comply with the environmental requirements of Euro 4 and 5. Such models have increased reliability. However, if you intend to purchase such a converters unlimited for a car, the price will be quite high.
What happens to a converters unlimited with time?
Companies claim that they can be used for 100,000-150,000 kilometers. However, in reality, this unit can fail much earlier, especially if you live in a metropolis and constantly stay in traffic jams.
Why may converters unlimited become unusable? The fact is that the vehicle’s catalyst device is a filter. And the filter needs to be changed regularly.
The life of term of a converters unlimited will become shorter if ignition system is malfunctioning. If ignition is set incorrectly, misfires will occur. As a result, the fuel mixture burns only partially. A huge amount of soot is formed, which accumulates in a catalytic converter. The best solution is to clean it. But this will not help if honeycombs are melted. You can always sell old converters unlimited obtaining substantial price.
Among common causes of catalyst malfunction is damage. If catalytic converter has to deal with low quality fuel, It will not completely burn out. Afterburning process will occur in collector and directly in converters unlimited. The microparticles clog the filter and air cannot pass through it.
Pay attention to the quality of driving and keep contacts of reliable catalyst recycling companies in your phone contacts.
A new aftermarket converters unlimited may be installed when the vehicle is beyond its emissions warranty period and a legitimate need for replacement has been established.
New vehicles are covered under the federal emissions warranty of 8 years or 80,000 miles and 15 years or 150,000 miles for partial zero emission vehicles (PZEV), whichever comes first. A legitimate need for replacement may be established through the vehicle emissions inspection program. Non-I/M-program-related reasons for replacement may include damage resulting from vehicle accidents, cracked or melted substrate, or converter malfunctions.
If the vehicle is still under the emissions warranty, an converters unlimited must be installed.
Aftermarket converters unlimited may only be installed on vehicles beyond the emissions warranty period. You can verify the vehicle’s warranty by checking the vehicle owner’s manual or warranty booklet, or by contacting an dealership and providing your vehicle identification number (VIN). The vehicle’s model year and odometer reading can then be compared to the warranty period and covered mileage.
There may be instances where a certified aftermarket converters unlimitedis not available for a particular vehicle model.
In these limited instances, the only option may be an OEM replacement part.
There may also be cases where neither a certified aftermarket converters unlimited or replacement converters unlimited is available for a particular vehicle model.
This would occur where there are no longer any replacement converters unlimited available (e.g., the make was discontinued), and none of the aftermarket converters unlimited manufacturers has received a Executive Order. .
If the vehicle requires a CARB-certified catalytic converter, there are several ways to determine the correct converters unlimited to install on a vehicle. The first point of reference should be the catalog provided by the aftermarket converters unlimited manufacturer. Aftermarket converters unlimited manufacturers have printed and electronic versions of their product application guides for converters that have been approved by both California and Colorado. These application guides include the part number, make, model, model year, engine family, and engine displacement/test group.
A listing of approved aftermarket converters unlimited is also available at California’s Air Resources Board website:
It is important to note that the California aftermarket parts website only provides results for vehicles that have California-only certification, or for vehicles that were dual certified for both California and Federal use. Therefore, some vehicles with a Federal-only certification will not be found in the California aftermarket parts database.
The aftermarket converters unlimited database provides options to search by vehicle make, model year, model, and engine size; or the installer may enter an executive order number to determine all applicable vehicles allowed for that . Air Resources Board exemptions are issued through Executive Orders. Executive Orders for converters can be sorted by Executive Order number, or by converter manufacturer. Aftermarket converters unlimited sold after January 1, 2009, will also have the Executive Order number permanently labeled on converters unlimited shell.
Before installation, installers should consult the manufacturer’s converters unlimited application catalog to verify that the converter model is designed to fit the specific vehicle application and that it is specifically approved for use in Colorado. Statements such as “approved for use on OBD II vehicles” does not necessarily mean that the approval is valid for Colorado.
Pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes Section 25-7-122(1)(b), CDPHE has the authority to assess monetary penalties to any person who violates any requirements of an emissions control regulation of the Air Quality Control Commission. Any person who violates Regulation Number 20, 5 CCR 1001-24, is subject to a civil penalty of not more than forty-seven thousand three hundred fifty-seven ($47,357) dollars per day for each day of the violation.
A converters unlimited is an emissions control device that is installed into the exhaust system on vehicles powered by an internal combustion engine. converters unlimited reduce toxic pollutants by chemically converting carbon monoxide, unburned hydrocarbons, and oxides of nitrogen into harmless compounds.
In 2018, the Air Quality Control Commission adopted California’s aftermarket converters unlimited requirements in Title 13, California Code of Regulations, Section 2222.
What does this mean for motorists in Colorado?
As of January 1, 2021, all sales or installations of aftermarket converters unlimited for any model year vehicle in Colorado must comply with Air Quality Control Commission Regulation Number 20. Either replacement converters unlimited must be original equipment from the manufacturer , or a new aftermarket converters unlimited certified as meeting California’s Air Resources Board emissions standards.
The California Air Resources Board issues Executive Orders that exempt specific catalytic converters from anti-tampering regulations and laws. This exemption allows “exempted” (approved) catalytic converters to be used in California and in states that have adopted regulations in Title 13, California Code of Regulations, Section 2222.
Regulation 20 prohibits the following:
Any person to install, sell, offer for sale, or advertise any Aftermarket converters unlimited intended for use on any motor vehicle originally equipped with converters unlimited(s) in Colorado unless it has been exempted pursuant to the requirements of California Code of Regulations, Title 13, Section 2222 (h) (i.e. a “California Aftermarket converters unlimited”).
Any person to install, sell, offer for sale, or advertise any used, recycled, or salvaged converters unlimitedin Colorado pursuant to the requirements of California Code of Regulations, Title 13, Section 2222 (h) and (i).
A thief needs a saw to remove the converter. Some thieves also use a sliding board to get under the vehicle more efficiently. A jack is sometimes used to lift the car for easier access, but this is rare because using the jack adds time to the process. Taller vehicles such as SUVs or pickup trucks are often more attractive to thieves because of the more accessible access to the undercarriage. Once under the car, the thief uses a saw to slice through the piping on both sides of the converter and pulls off the converter.
Preventing converters unlimited Theft
Diligence is your best defense against catalytic converter theft. While there is no guaranteed method of preventing theft, the goal is to make your car an unattractive target. The more inconvenient your vehicle is to get to, the more likely a thief moves on to an easier target. Pay attention to local news reports, so you are aware of any theft increases.
Choose your parking spot wisely: Always park in well-lit areas or where there is a lot of pedestrian traffic when possible. Park close to a building entrance or the nearest access road when parking in a public lot.
Use the garage and close the door: If you have a personal garage, keep your car in the garage with the door closed when the vehicle is not in use.
Security devices: You can get a cable locking device to attach to the converters unlimited, making it harder to steal. You can also invest in welding the catalytic converter to your car, adding a steel shield that fits over the converters unlimited, fabricating a protective cage made out of steel rebar, or adding stainless steel cables welded from the converters unlimited to the car’s frame. All of these security measures require time and extra tools to remove.
Car alarm system: If you have a security system on your car, calibrate it, so vibration sets it off. The alarm activates if a thief tries to saw off the converters unlimited.
Home security system: It might be a good deterrent if you have video surveillance around your garage or driveway and motion sensor lights.
Make your converters unlimited traceable: Engrave your vehicle identification number (VIN) onto your converters unlimited to make it easier to identify. Some sources also recommend painting a high-temperature fluorescent paint, like those used on barbecue grills, to make reputable scrap metal dealers think twice about buying it or deciding to report it to authorities.
What to Do in the Event of Theft
Notify the police department as soon as you discover your catalytic converter is missing. If you have your VIN engraved on the device, give them that number as well. Call local scrap yards to inform them of the theft, especially if there is an engraved number on the converter that they can verify. Give them your phone number to notify you if your converter shows up at a scrap shop.
If you have comprehensive, full-coverage insurance, it will cover stolen auto parts. Cars that are being leased or still in the middle of being financed require full coverage insurance. Replacing a new catalytic converter can cost up to $3,000. Keep in mind that you likely have a deductible that you need to satisfy first—so, if you have a high deductible plan, you might be responsible for paying for the entirety of your deductible. If your car only has basic liability insurance, that policy does not cover theft.
Your car has something that’s in demand for thieves. It isn’t your stereo system or anything you’ve hidden in the glove box. Some thieves target the car’s tires or machinery underneath the vehicle. Thieves want your car’s converters unlimited , which takes seconds to remove and is required for your car to run properly.
Where Is the converters unlimited?
The converters unlimited is between the engine and the exhaust system, usually underneath your car. They’re generally closer to the engine. Depending on the manufacturer, they can look different, but they can appear beaded, honeycomb-shaped, cylindrical, or oblong, similar to a muffler. The part is coated in a metal catalyst, usually platinum, rhodium, and palladium.
What Is a converters unlimited?
converters unlimited are a vital component of a car’s exhaust or emissions system, reducing the pollutants entering the atmosphere. The metal catalyst neutralizes harmful gases like hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides, turning them into water vapor and carbon dioxide.converters unlimitedhave been mandated in the U.S. since 1975.
The Appeal of converters unlimited
converters unlimited have expensive metals—platinum, rhodium, and palladium. Thieves sell the converters to scrap yards for $150 to $200 per piece, depending on the size of the converter and the current rate on the metals inside it. It can cost up to $3,000 to replace a converters unlimited , and it is illegal to drive your car without one. The resulting gap in your exhaust system also makes the car run poorly until it is fixed.
The rate of converters unlimited theft varies depending on the current prices of the metals inside it. Price increases typically result in an increase in thefts. Thieves look for easy targets when it comes to converters unlimited theft.
Symptoms of converters unlimitedTheft
You’ll notice a loud rumbling or roaring sound when you turn on the engine if your converters unlimited is missing. This sound gets louder when you hit the gas. The exhaust is not working correctly, so the vehicle also drives rougher than usual, often with a sense of sputtering as you change speed. Go to the back of the car and look underneath. The catalytic converter is a round canister that connects two pieces of piping in the exhaust. You will see a gaping space in the middle of your exhaust if the converter is missing, and you will likely see signs of the piping being cut away.
The City of Garden Grove has recently noticed a rise in the theft of converters unlimited from vehicle exhaust systems. Toyota Priuses are the most common vehicle type being targeted right now, although several have been stolen from various other makes and models.
The Appeal of converters unlimited
The reason is the value of the metals used in the manufacturing of the converters unlimited. converters unlimited contain platinum, rhodium, and palladium. The metals are expensive, and thieves sell the converters to scrap yards for several hundred dollars per piece, depending on the size of the converter and the current rate on the metals inside it. It can cost you on average up to $2000 to replace a converters unlimited, and it is illegal to drive your car without one. The resulting gap in your exhaust system also makes the car run poorly until it is fixed.
The rate of converters unlimited theft varies depending on the current prices of the metals inside it. Price increases typically result in an increase in thefts. Thieves look for easy targets when it comes to converters unlimited theft, and a few simple steps help make your car or SUV a less likely target.
Symptoms of converters unlimited Theft
You’ll notice a loud rumbling or roaring sound as soon as you turn on the engine if your converters unlimited is missing. This gets louder when you hit the gas. The exhaust is not working properly, so the vehicle also drives rougher than usual, often with a sense of sputtering as you change speed. Go to the back of the car and look underneath. The catalytic converter is a round canister that connects two pieces of piping in the exhaust. You will see a gaping space in the middle of your exhaust if the converter is missing, and you will likely see signs of the piping being cut away.
Preventing converters unlimited Theft
Always park in well-lit areas when possible. If you have a personal garage, keep your car in the garage with the door closed when the vehicle is not in use. Park close to a building entrance or to the nearest access road when parking in a public lot. This is due to the increased amount of pedestrian traffic in those areas.
Security devices are available that attach to the converters unlimited, making it harder to steal. Having the converter welded in place also makes it more difficult to remove. If you have a security system on your car, calibrate it so vibration sets it off. This ensures the alarm activates if a thief tries to saw off the converter. Video surveillance around your garage or driveway is also useful if you have the budget for it. Engrave your VIN number onto your catalytic converter to make it easier to identify in case it does get stolen.
We are asking for the public’s help in providing any information about these crimes or the suspects. Please contact the Garden Grove Police Department at 714-741-5800, or Detective Holloway at 714-714-5827 if you have specific information regarding a converters unlimited recent theft.
converters unlimited thefts have surged in lockdown amid a spike in the value of precious metals, research shows.
the crime now accounts for three-in-10 thefts from private vehicles in the UK, up from two-in-10 before the pandemic.
converters unlimited contain metals such as platinum and rhodium which fetch high prices on the black market.
When values of these metals go up it usually leads to a spate of thefts, the RAC and Ageas said.
They pointed out that prices of rhodium hit record highs earlier this year, having climbed more than 200% since March 2020.
The research compared thefts during the first three months of the year, compared with the period between October and December 2019.
RAC spokesman Simon Williams said: “Drivers are often oblivious of their vehicle’s catalytic converter being stolen. Our patrols are often called to attend cars that have suddenly become excessively noisy.
“On investigation it’s very often the case that the car’s catalytic converter has been stolen.”
Lockdown surge in converters unlimited thefts
Reality Check: Thefts of converters unlimited
According to the research, most thefts happen while cars are parked at home, either on the driveway or the road.
But converters have occasionally been stolen in supermarket car parks while the driver is shopping, the research said.
Mr Williams recommended motorists take extra precautions, parking their vehicle in well-lit residential locations, or ideally a garage.
“When away from home, look for car parks that have security patrols and are covered by CCTV,” he said.
Because thieves slide under the car to get at the converters unlimited , parking against a wall can also help.
converters unlimited form part of a car’s exhaust system. They contain a honeycomb coated with precious metals such as platinum, palladium and rhodium which help to reduce and filter harmful gases from the vehicles’ exhaust systems.
While converters are just one component of a car, their theft can often result in a driver’s car being written off.
Modern vehicles have a catalytic converter to help control emissions produced by internal combustion engines. The catalytic converter, or “cat” for short, is a component of the exhaust system that converts harmful pollutants into less harmful emissions.
When the converters unlimited works correctly, you won’t notice its presence. When the cat starts to fail, it definitely makes itself known. The most common sign of a problem with your converters unlimited is the noxious smell of rotten eggs.
Troubleshooting converters unlimited
If you have an emissions test performed, you will learn exactly which part of the converters unlimited has failed. Your technician can also perform an analysis of the exhaust gases to identify the fail point. In most cases, the failure results from a thick layer of contaminants on the walls or clogs in your converters unlimited.
converters unlimited Replacement
If the cat is indeed failing you will need to have it replaced at that point to restore your vehicle’s low emission status and overall performance. In addition to an increase in harmful emissions, continuing to drive with a faulty cat can result in a loss of power, especially during initial acceleration.
Selecting a converters unlimited
Unfortunately, you cannot have your converters unlimited replaced with a used unit to save money. The sale of used cats is against the law due to the strict regulations surrounding emission control systems. Luckily, you can have your technician source a new converters unlimited within a short time period to quickly return your car to the road.
Diesel engines usually function with a large amount of excess air, so that the exhaust gases contain high levels of oxygen. converters unlimited for diesel engines oxidises
carbon monoxide (CO) to carbon dioxide (CO2) and
hydrocarbons (HC) to carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapour (H2O).
Three-way converters unlimited
The three-way converters unlimited is designed for SI engines. At operating temperature it converts:
unburnt hydrocarbons (HC) into CO2 and water vapour (H2O)
carbon monoxide (CO) into carbon dioxide (CO2)
nitric/nitrogen oxide (NO/NO2) into nitrogen (N2) and oxygen (O2).
These processes take place simultaneously in the CAT, which is the reason why it is called the three-way converters unlimited .
A three-way converters unlimited depends on a specific exhaust gas composition to achieve its full effectiveness. The process must release exactly the right amount of oxygen as required to oxidise the hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide. This is the case when one part of fuel is mixed with 14.7 parts of air and then burnt in the engine. Here we speak of a stoichiometric mixture (lambda = 1). To produce this mixture, the residual oxygen content in the exhaust gases is measured by the Oxygen sensor positioned between the engine and the converters unlimited. The result is processed by the engine management system, which outputs control pulses ensuring an optimum air-fuel ratio.
For converters unlimited manufactured with a ceramic monolith, mats are used to fix the substrate in place. They protect the converters unlimited from impacts and seal off secondary exhaust flows. In the past fine ceramic fibres were used here but they were widely suspected as being carcinogenic. A “green mat” was then introduced for greater environmental compatibility. Green mats are either made from bio-soluble fibres (which dissolve quickly in body fluids to prevent any harm to the organism) or are not respirable due to their size.
converters unlimited are subject to natural ageing. This is partly caused by the high temperatures (sometimes over 800 °C) and mechanical stresses (vibrations) that occur during normal vehicle operation. This can cause the coating of precious metals on the substrate to degrade over time. Today’s converters unlimited are assumed to have an average lifespan of 80,000 to 100,000 km.
Apart from bottoming the CAT when driving over raised obstacles, the following factors may also cause premature ageing of the converters unlimited:
converters unlimited
If the engine burns too much oil, the additives it contains may be deposited on the surface of the catalytic converter, thus sealing it. This stops the exhaust gases coming into contact with the precious metals, meaning the converters unlimited no longer functions properly.
Catalyst contamination can also occur if you frequently make short journeys. In this case however, the CAT can often be regenerated by going on a long trip down the motorway.
At one time filling up with leaded petrol was a common risk of contamination, but nowadays this can come about only if you happen to be abroad. Take special care when abroad to ensure you fill up only with unleaded fuel (unleaded, sans plomb).
Faults in the ignition or fuel management system can lead to unburnt air-fuel mixture finding its way to the converters unlimited and burning up on the surface of the CAT. This can cause temperatures in the CAT to exceed 1000 °C, so destroying the substrate. You should therefore go to a garage at once if you notice any faults in the ignition or fuel management system.
Environmental protection
Modern exhaust aftertreatment systems significantly contribute to a marked improvement in the protection of human health. The process of internal combustion in the engine produces not only the main constituents of water (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen (N2), but also the harmful substances:
Carbon monoxide (CO)
Hydrocarbon (HC)
Nitrogen oxides (NOX)
Sulphur dioxide (SO2)
In particular, soot particles (PM) in the case of diesel engines.
As national and international emissions and pollution regulations are tightened further, they require not only additional optimisation of engine design but also the use of complex exhaust aftertreatment systems which are essential in order to achieve the set limit values. A technically optimised converter, which puts the vehicle into a higher emissions category and so offer the vehicle owner a tax benefit, will increase the resale value of your car.
(CAT) are designed to turn harmful constituents of exhaust emitted by internal combustion engines into harmless gases by means of a chemical reaction. A catalytic converter is therefore an important part of modern emission purification systems for SI and diesel engines.
converters unlimited (CAT) are designed to turn harmful constituents of exhaust emitted by internal combustion engines into harmless gases by means of a chemical reaction.
STRUCTURE OF converters unlimited
A converters unlimited consists of a stainless-steel casing that houses a metallic (metalith) or ceramic (monolith) substrate. This substrate has a very large number of fine channels running through it along its length. The aim here is to create the greatest possible surface area to optimise the catalytic effect. The surface of the substrate is coated with a highly porous layer (washcoat) to which precious metals (platinum, palladium and/or rhodium) are added in suspension. It is these precious metals that are the actual converters unlimited initiating the chemical reactions required to purity the exhaust gases.
TYPES OF converters unlimited
Replacement converters unlimited for Euro 3 and Euro 4 vehicles with European On-Board Diagnostics (EOBD) are known as EOBD-capable converters unlimited. Electronic On-Board Diagnosis is mainly found in recent vehicle models. This function monitors all emissions-relevant components and sensors while the vehicle is on the road. It registers any malfunctions and warns the driver, for example with an indicator light (MIL). The latest generations of diesel vehicles are generally equipped with the EOBD function.
Fortunately, there are precautionary steps you can take to decrease the likelihood of having your converters unlimited stolen:
Park in well-lit areas and close to building entrances, when possible.
**NEW** Install a Cat Clamp harness around your catalytic converter
Have a mechanic weld the converters unlimited to your car’s frame, making it harder to steal.
Park your car inside your garage and keep all garage doors shut and locked.
Set your car’s alarm to go off when it detects vibration.
Engrave your vehicle identification number (VIN) on the converters unlimited — a scrap dealer might be alerted that it was stolen and this makes it easier to identify the owner.
While it’s a small part of your vehicle, having to replace a converters unlimited can come with a big price tag. Costing between $1,000-$2,000 — more if the thieves also cut the oxygen sensor or a pipe. And it’s illegal to drive without one, but the good news is that insurance will most often cover the expense — if you have comprehensive coverage.
Because the converters unlimited is part of the vehicle that’s permanently installed, the comprehensive deductible will apply. The insurance company will inspect the vehicle to assess all the damages and then compensate you accordingly.
However, cars with a liability-only policy can’t be covered for any type of theft or vandalism. That means theft of your converters unlimited would not be covered. Comprehensive coverage is often inexpensive to add to your policy, so talk to your agent about what protection you have.
Come To Auto Repair To Protect or Replace Your converters unlimited
If your converters unlimited has been stolen, the first thing you should do is report it to the police. The next step is to bring your vehicle to Auto Repair . We can replace your converters unlimited with one that meets strict emissions standards, or protect it with a new Cat Clamp harness
We can also weld it to the exhaust system or install a wire cage around the converters unlimited, and bolt and weld it to the frame, as a precautionary measure.
converters unlimited are a critical component of your car’s exhaust system. Located under the car and attached to the exhaust pipe, typically with bolts, they have an important job — to remove potentially harmful compounds from the exhaust gases before they’re expelled into the air.
In order to reduce air pollution, all modern vehicles are equipped with a converters unlimited that reduces emissions of three harmful compounds found in car exhaust:
Carbon monoxide
Nitrogen oxides
These gases are converted into less harmful compounds before leaving the car’s exhaust system through the use of a catalyst — hence, the name “converters unlimited.”
Why converters unlimited Are Stolen
The main reason that converters unlimited are stolen is because they’re valuable to scrap metal dealers. They contain precious metals, including rhodium, platinum, and palladium. These metals can be sold to scrap yards for $150 to $200 per piece, depending on the size of the converter and the current rate on the metals inside it.
All cars made after 1974 are required to have converters unlimited. Some are more appealing to thieves than others. SUVs, for example, are easier to crawl under which makes them an easier target. The higher up your car sits, the greater the chance of theft.
Chicago actually led the nation in converters unlimited theft in 2016. Chicagoans experienced 980 converter thefts between 2008-2016, which was 15 percent more over that time frame than second-ranked Sacramento, California, which had 850.
Symptoms of converters unlimited Theft
If you’re a thief, it’s not a complex crime to commit. A catalytic converter can typically be removed in just a few minutes by using a saw or a wrench. Slicing through the piping on both sides of the converter before it’s pulled off is the most common method. And while you might not be able to tell it was stolen just by looking at your car, there will be no mistaking it once you start the engine.
When the converters unlimited has been removed, your vehicle will make a loud roaring sound, getting louder as you push on the gas. Since the exhaust isn’t working properly, the vehicle also drives rougher than usual. You’ll hear a sputtering sound as you change speed.
On a normal vehicle, a converters unlimited is a round canister that connects two pieces of piping in the exhaust. If you look underneath and see a gaping space in the middle of your exhaust, your converters unlimited has been stolen.
Did you know a thief can take the catalytic converter from your car in a matter of minutes and leave you to foot the bill?
Cars which are often targeted are those with higher chassis, such as a 4×4 or an SUV, however, other cars can still be targeted.
To reduce the risk of having your catalytic converter stolen, you should:
Park your car in a locked garage where possible, but if this isn’t an option, then park it in a well-lit and well-populated area
Park close to fences, walls or a kerb with the exhaust being closest to the fence, wall or kerb to make the theft more difficult
Avoid parking your vehicle half on the pavement and half on the road, as this may make it easier for thieves to access the catalytic converter
If parking in a public car park, consider parking alongside other cars and facing you bonnet towards the wall if possible. With the catalytic converter positioned at the front of your vehicle, this will make it harder for thieves to get close enough to steal it
If there is a fleet of vehicles, park the low clearance vehicles to block the high clearance vehicles. This will obstruct access underneath
If your catalytic converter is bolted on, you can ask for your local garage to weld the bolts to make it more difficult to remove.
Alternatively, you can also etch a serial number on the converter
You can even purchase a ‘cage clamp’ which is a cage device that locks in around the converter to make it more difficult to remove
Speak to your dealership about the possibility of adding a tilt sensor that will activate the alarm should any thief try to jack the vehicle up to steal the converter
If you see someone acting suspiciously under a vehicle, report it to the Police. Obtain as much information as possible, including any vehicle registrations. Catalytic converters are a crucial component of a car’s exhaust system. They’re found under the car, attached to the exhaust pipe (usually with bolts). They clean harmful gases before they exit a vehicle’s exhaust pipe. If yours is stolen, you will know because your vehicle’s engine will sound different.
If you suspect your catalytic converter has been stolen, report it to the police immediately by calling 101.
Staffordshire Smart Alert allows Staffordshire Police and other public organisations to keep you informed about issues affecting your area.
Registration is free and you can choose which organisations can contact you, what information you’d like to receive, and whether you’d like to receive messages by email, text message or voice message.
The average car has a lot of parts—around 30,000—and each has a specific function. From the simple nuts and bolts holding everything together to the engine itself, every car is a complex combination of these parts. So, when it comes to the catalytic converter, you probably know that it’s a part on a car, but that’s likely it. It may surprise you to learn that aconverters unlimited ’s job is to convert harmful pollutants into less harmful emissions before they even leave a car’s exhaust system.
Do you know what to do when your check engine light comes on? Learn more here
Does My Car Have a converters unlimited?
If your car was manufactured after 1975, then the answer is most likely yes. Each car on the road is a source of harmful carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxides.
1 With millions of cars being driven each day, this pollution can create big problems. Exhaust emissions contribute to breathing illnesses, poor air quality, and environmental pollution.
2 To combat these harmful effects, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) strengthened emissions regulations in the mid-1970s, and the converters unlimited has been a required component on all cars since 1975 (the year it was created)
How Do converters unlimited Reduce Harmful Pollutants?
Your converters unlimited is located on the underside of your car, in the exhaust system between the exhaust manifold and muffler.
The part itself is either beaded or honeycomb shaped and coated in a metal converters unlimited, usually a combination of platinum, rhodium, and palladium.
When exhaust passes through a heated converters unlimited, two converters unlimited events take place:
The reduction converters unlimited is the first of the two converters unlimited events to occur. It uses the metal converters unlimited to reduce harmful nitrogen oxides by separating the molecules into nitrogen and oxygen. The nitrogen is trapped within the converter, while the oxygen passes through.
The oxidation catalyst is the second converters unlimited event. It reduces unburned hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide by burning (oxidizing) them over the metal catalyst.
Essentially, you converters unlimited filters out harmful byproducts in the exhaust and burns them up.
And while the main function of a converters unlimited is to reduce harmful emissions, it also improves your car’s efficiency, and a well-maintained car will extend the life of your converters unlimited , minimizing the possibility of a costly converters unlimited repair or replacement.
There are many possible indications that your converters unlimited is failing. A sluggish engine or reduced acceleration are subtle symptoms you shouldn’t ignore—get a mechanic to diagnose the problem as soon as you can. Dark exhaust smoke and the smell of sulfur or rotten eggs from your exhaust are more noticeable signs of a failing catalytic converter.
Other car problems can lead to a damaged converters unlimited. Misfiring spark plugs or a failed oxygen sensor can cause a catalytic converter to overheat. It can also be damaged by contaminants in the fuel; leaded fuel will destroy the catalyst metals, though it is rarely found in the United States. Engine coolant can leak into the combustion system due to a faulty cylinder head gasket, eventually clogging the converters unlimited.
Fluid leaks of any kind should be fixed quickly; this will help prevent potential damage to the catalytic converter or other parts of your car. While converters unlimited cleaner is an option for clearing minor clogs, chances are it won’t have an effect on larger issues.
The best way to avoid having to repair or replace your converters unlimited is to follow your car’s recommended maintenance schedule and keep your exhaust, emissions, and combustions systems in good shape. A well-maintained car will help extend the life of your converters unlimited by ten years or more.
But in rare cases, converters unlimited repair or replacement is necessary.
What Does Repair or Replacement of a converters unlimited Cost?
converters unlimited repair is sometimes an option, though it can be nearly as expensive as replacement. The average cost of repairing a converters unlimited can range from $1,000 to $2,500. This is due to the converters unlimited requiring precious metals like platinum, rhodium, and palladium. These materials are expensive for mechanics to purchase, resulting in a higher repair cost.
Beyond replacing these metals, a deep cleaning is one of the only other repair options.
If a converters unlimited has excessive wear, replacement may be the only option.
Similarly, converters unlimited replacement is quite expensive. A converters unlimited replacement starts around $2,000—and that’s just for the part itself.
On top of that, installation and labor cost will further increase the price.
However expensive, when a converters unlimited replacement or repair is required, it’s a necessity for your car. Removing your converters unlimited is not a safe or legal option, as the EPA designated it a required component in 1975.
A car will not function well without a catalytic converter, and small problems could eventually lead to engine failure.
Not to mention the harmful emissions being released into the atmosphere.
Keep your aging car feeling young with our car care checklist here.
Of all the parts that make up a car, the converters unlimited verter is undoubtably one of the most important—and for a few reasons. The converters unlimited helps to reduce airborne pollutants that could harm people as well as the environment, turning 90% of harmful emissions into less harmful gasses.
A well-maintained converters unlimited improves the efficiency of your car, directly affecting its overall health and performance.
Your mechanic can help you decide if and when you might need to consider replacing your converters unlimited . Repairs to your vehicle can be pricey but don’t have to slow you down. The Synchrony Car Care™ credit card is there to help you finance all the big automotive expenses – planned and unplanned – for your car, truck or RV. Find out more here.*
A converters unlimited acts as an exhaust emission controller installed in automotive machines. It performs a redox reaction by processing the toxic pollutants and gases from the internal combustion engine and converting them into less-toxic pollutants by catalyzing by reduction reaction. The converters unlimited are also popular as “cats” or “cat-cons”. The device’s function is to reduce air pollution, make and turn them into steam. As the name suggests, the device has a converters unlimited that converts hazardous gases into less dangerous gases at high temperatures. A converters unlimited is a chemical that accelerates the process of a chemical reaction without changing its properties. The Nobel metal such as platinum, palladium, or rhodium used as aconverters unlimited . It requires about 800 degrees Fahrenheit (426 °C) to operate, so the product is placed closer to the engine.
The device looks like a metallic box with two pipes coming out of it, which act as input and output for the gases. It is attached to the outer end of a car’s exhaust pipe. The inlet brings in polluted fumes from the engine’s cylinders where it reduces power. The outlet is attached to the tailpipe that acts as an exhaust. When gases from the engine’s fumes pass over the catalyst, a chemical reaction takes place. That breaks apart the pollutant gases converting them into less harmful gases, which are safe to blow out into the environment.
Types of converters unlimited
At Shilpa enterprises, we offer the following types of converters unlimited.
Three-Way converters unlimited for 2-Wheeler
The three-way converter performs to control the emission of nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) along with performing oxidation of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons. It means that the three-way converter performs three tasks simultaneously, i.e., reduction of nitrogen oxides into nitrogen and oxygen, oxidation of carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide, and oxidation of non-burned hydrocarbons into carbon dioxide and water.
The chemical reaction of reduction of nitrogen oxides into nitrogen and oxygen is :
2NOx → xO2 + N2
The chemical reaction of oxidation of carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide is:
2CO + O2 → 2CO2
The chemical reaction of Oxidation of non-burned hydrocarbons to carbon dioxide and water is
CxH2x+2 + [(3x+1)/2] O2 → xCO2 + (x+1) H2O
The product is suitable for two-wheeler. It supports an engine capacity of 150cc, 300cc, and 1400cc. The type of catalyst used in the product is the three-way converters unlimited(noble metal catalyst) suitable for petrol or gasoline fuel. The wash coat in the product is aluminum oxide, rear earth ct/zr, and noble metal. The operating temperature range of the product is 25 ˚C to 800 ˚C, and the substrate MOC is used in metal chrome alloy and ceramic honeycomb. The product has a cell density of 400cpsi and is available in 150cc and 300cc, especially for a two-wheeler.
Diesel converters unlimited
The Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) is the converter used in compression-ignition, i.e., diesel engines. It functions by using oxygen (O2) that is present in the exhaust gas stream to convert carbon monoxide (CO) into carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrocarbons (HC) to water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2). The diesel exhaust contains high levels of particulate matter, i.e., soot, consisting of a considerable part of elemental carbon that the product in the form of DPF converts efficiently.
The product is suitable for four-wheeler automobile as it works with diesel. The catalyst used in the product is universal doc type, which is in a 3:1 ratio. The engine capacity that the product supports is a 1400cc or 1.4-liter engine. Aluminum oxide, rear earth ct/zr, and noble metal use as a wash coat. The operating temperature of the equipment ranges from 25 ˚C to 800 ˚C. The product has two ceramic honeycomb substrates and a cell density of 400 cpsi.
converters unlimited for Four Wheeler
It is suitable for a four-wheeler automobile application. It has an engine capacity of 1400cc or a 1.4-liter engine. The fuel type it supports is petrol or diesel for four-wheeler; however, users must avoid using lead-infused petrol (Gasoline). It uses a universal type converters unlimited and has a ratio of 15:1. The product uses two ceramic honeycomb substrates and has a cell density of 400cpsi.
Applications of converters unlimited
converters unlimited are primarily suitable for exhaust systems of automobiles. However, it is also applicable to electrical generators, forklifts, trucks, buses, mining equipment, motorcycles, locomotives, and ships. Some wood stoves also utilize the equipment to control emissions.
How to use converters unlimited?
The installation of the product occurs at the rear end of the automobile form where the exhaust works.
Make sure that its fittings should be correctly done.
Safety Measures of Catalytic Converter
Use unleaded fuel, as the lead in conventional fuel deteriorates the converters unlimited and prevents it from receiving the pollutants in exhaust gases. Avoid using diesel and petrol that consists of sulfur, phosphorus, manganese, and silicon.
Why Choose Us
Shilpa Enterprises is a firm whose determination lies in its passion for quality and perfection. We strive to make our products reliable for the customers so that they reach their product satisfaction. It is possible due to our phenomenal team, which imbibes expertise and experience in this field for over 13 years. We are the manufacturers of converters unlimited and supply them all over the world. We provide the product at reasonable costs that are affordable to our clients.
In 2021 the search phrase “what precious metal is in a converters unlimited” saw a more than 5,000 percent increase in use. Here’s why.
This is the most valuable metal on the planet.
More valuable than silver, gold, platinum, or even this jewelry.
It’s this powder right here.
This jewelry is being treated with a thin coating of rhodium—a chemically inert, corrosion resistant metal. It protects the silver and gives it a nice shiny finish.
But you probably use rhodium, every single day, for another reason.
Rhodium is a key ingredient in every car sold in the United States since around 1975.
It’s part of a system that cleans out pollutants and prevents them from entering the atmosphere.
And it’s also the reason why thieves across the U.S. are sawing off converters unlimited in order to get their hands on a few precious grams of the world’s most valuable metal.
So how did we get here?
Well, in the 1970s, air in the United States was getting dirty.
And a big reason was automobiles.
Massive public pressure caused The U.S. Congress to pass the “Clean Air Act” of 1970, setting national standards for air quality.
One of the goals of these standards was reducing harmful emissions by automobiles, specifically a 90 percent reduction in automobile emissions from pre-1968 levels by the 1975 model year.
Engineers and researchers at Engelhard Industries and Corning Glassworks ultimately developed what is the modern three-way catalytic converter.
The converters unlimited itself sits just behind the exhaust manifold and before the muffler.
It’s purpose: to reduce 3 harmful types of emission: carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons (or unburned fuel), and nitrous oxides.
The converters unlimited on regular fuel vehicles is simple: a stainless steel shell surrounds a ceramic honeycomb monolith— that monolith is coated with three important precious metals: platinum, palladium, and rhodium.
As the car’s exhaust passes through this honeycomb the metals heat up and act as catalysts: turning carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide, unburned hydrocarbons to H20 and C02, and nitrous oxides into nitrogen and Carbon-dioxide.
Because these metals, and especially rhodium are so stable and durable they can perform this function over an extremely long lifetime of the car part—suffering very little loss in performance.
But as effective as the Rhodium is at catalyzing car exhaust they have a major drawback: cost.
These are called precious metals for a reason.
Precious metals are those that are very expensive and they’re expensive because they’re rare – that is they have a low Earth abundance.
So precious metals include the platinum group metals which are ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, platinum, osmium and iridium but also precious metals include other metals that are more familiar to the public like gold and silver.
Just to give you an example, rhodium which is one of the metals used in converters unlimited, the earth abundance of that is on the order of 1 part per billion. Iron for example Earth abundance is about 5 percent.
So if rhodium has always been rare, why are prices spiking now?
Closed mines and refineries created a huge deficit in rhodium, palladium, and platinum supply even as demand was increasing around the world
It’s a perfect storm creating a huge spike in prices for all of these precious metals and especially rhodium.
Because of this deficit, rhodium prices peaked In March of 2021.
And if car manufacturers can’t buy these metals from mines—they’ll get it somewhere else: recycling.
Recycled platinum group metals account for a large portion of the precious group metals used by American car manufacturers, which means it’s big business. That business translates to opportunity on the street:
But preventing these thefts is challenging….
They’re no longer crimes that are violence, they’re no longer crimes against persons which pulls them from the violent crime status to a property crime. Resources can’t be put to the property crimes like they’re being given attention to the violent crimes. And without specific markings on the converters unlimited themselves there’s no way to determine if Cat 1 vs Cat 2 came off of your car or someone else’s car.
Being environmentally friendly can also come at a cost.
When you think about a hybrid, the engine is not on all the time so the temperature is even lower. So what do you do? With existing technology you just put in more converters unlimited , you have to put in more Rhodium and that equates to a huge shortage.
So what can be done about it? Electric vehicles are one solution since they have no exhaust at all
If you look at the light duty vehicles, globally we have one billion vehicles in that sector and it is projected to double by 2040. To replace all of those vehicles with batteries, that’s not going to happen overnight.
Decreasing our reliance on these metals will not just reduce demand for thieves, but it will also help the environment.
We’re doing a lot of fundamental scientific studies on how to design new catalysts based on earth abundant metals like iron or nickel for reactions that are currently catalyzed by precious metals.
Until then, Rhodium will stay in our cars and be a potential target for thieves, looking to profit from the world’s most valuable metal.
According to Waste Advantage Magazine, the average converters unlimited contains from three to seven grams of platinum, from two to seven grams of palladium, and from one to two grams of rhodium. Current prices in June of 2022 put platinum at around $30 per gram, palladium at around $60 per gram, and rhodium at around $440 per gram. Taking those prices into account allows us to see that the average converters unlimited can contain anywhere from $90 to $210 worth of platinum, from $120 to $420 worth of palladium, and from $440 to $880 worth of rhodium. This leaves the average converters unlimited with an average precious metals value from anywhere in the low hundreds all the way up to over $1,500 depending on the model.
While a converters unlimited
could have precious metals that are valued into the four figures, those prices are not what a thief typically sees. They often sell to a recycler who then turns around and sells them to a facility that can extract the metals. A thief is likely to see less than half of that, but the job is still valuable considering that they can get over $500 for certain models with just a few minutes of work. The contents and quantities of precious metals in certain converters unlimited are well known, which often translates to certain models being targeted at a higher rate.
We often hear of the mid-2000s Toyota Prius being targeted in these thefts and that’s not by accident. They contain one of the most precious metal packed converters unlimited which is known as the GD3 model. Ecotrade Group currently shows that model as a bestseller and shows a market price of over $600 for it at this time.
Units with similar quantities of these precious metals can be found in other vehicles of the era such as the Chevy Trailblazer, which employs a converters unlimited that can fetch over $400 according to the same recycling group. Taller vehicles such as the Trailblazer are often more susceptible for this type of theft simply from a standpoint of convenience; a thief doesn’t have to jack them up and can just slide underneath with a battery-powered saw to cut off the exposed catalytic converter. Not all converters unlimited are built the same, though, as we see prices well below $100 for other Chevrolet and Toyota catalytic converters from the same era, which likely translates to the known quantities of precious metals for those specific model numbers.
States are trying to curb these thefts by enacting legislation to make punishments harsher on those that are found with stolen converters unlimited along with laws on how they can be sold but it’s an uphill battle that’s closely tied to those precious metal prices and as long as they stay high, many are likely to take the risk of trying to acquire these valuable converters unlimited
converters unlimited thefts have been on the rise over the last few years and show no signs of slowing down, as the prices of the precious metals that they contain continue to skyrocket. According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, catalytic converter thefts saw an incredible 325 percent increase from 2019 to 2020. Much of it can be related to the state of global supply chains and the prices of the previous metals that allow a catalytic converter to function.
converters unlimited are muffler-shaped devices that are part of the exhaust system that remove harmful pollutants from engine emissions. The inside of a converters unlimited contains a honeycomb structure that is coated with precious metals and those precious metals act as a converters unlimited in order to break down those harmful pollutants and convert them into less harmful emissions. (Here’s a video showing how it all works.) Engines put out harmful gasses such as hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxide and the catalyst process inside of a catalytic converters unlimited these to less harmful substances such as water, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen.
Modern converters unlimited
typically have two stages with the first stage being a reduction catalyst, which is there to eliminate nitrogen oxide, and the second stage being an oxidation catalyst, which eliminates carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons. These stages are typically supported by cerium and ceramic honeycomb catalyst structures and coated with those pricey precious metals that thieves are after.
The three precious metals that are most commonly contained inside of a converters unlimited are platinum, rhodium, and palladium. All three have seen spikes in prices as the pandemic surged and as global supply chains slowed. According to kitco.com, the spot price of Rhodium went from $2,300 per ounce in January of 2019 to over $14,000 per ounce by December of 2020, so it’s not surprising that the NICB recorded thefts in the triple digits. The price increases of Rhodium didn’t stop in 2020 as it peaked at a price of $27,000 per ounce in April of 2021 and still remains well above those 2019 levels with a current price over $11,000 per ounce.
Platinum and palladium increases weren’t as drastic
but spot prices are still up over 2019 prices and the price of palladium roughly doubled from the beginning of 2019 to the end of 2020. While they have settled down to some extent, palladium is still up over 30 percent today compared to where it was at the beginning of 2019. The COVID-19 pandemic has an impact on the supply of these precious metals and the economic situation caused metals prices to increase in general, resulting in price spikes and increased values for secondhand converters unlimited that could be torn apart to extract these precious metals.
A catalytic converter is made up of different materials and has a core and a substrate. The way it works is more simpler than u thinks and I’ll explain. The filtration is actually a chemical reaction involving a catalyst and the exhaust gas coming from the engine. The core is made with ceramics while the catalyts used can be platinum, palladium or rhodium. In others it can be cerium or nickel, even manganese and iron. The reaction has no effect on the catalyst, therefore the catalyst remain the same way it was. .
The catalytic converter works together with the control unit of the vehicle. The control unit constantly monitors the quantity of oxygen passing through the exhaust and adjust the air/fuel mixture accordingly for optimal performance. The catalytic converter is fitted under the belly of a car close to the engine and you might need to bend down to see it. The reason it fixed close to the engine is so that the heat produces by the engine can be transfer to the catalytic converter as the catalytic converter only works at a high temperature of about 800°C. This high temperature can only be produced by the engine.
A catalytic converter works by turning harmful by-product of combustion into harmless substances through a series of chemical reaction. The kind of chemical reaction that occurs will depend on the converters unlimited type of installed on a particular vehicle.
Engineers under the guarantee are partly to blame for the disbelief in the possibility of ceramic dust entering cylinders. They at one time convinced the victims of a converter unlimited that the destruction of this wonderful element could not happen.
Although, at the same time, the guarantee for the catalytic converter was only a thousand kilometers, and it was proposed to change the killed engine at your own expense. Ceramic dust can get into the cylinders.
Pay attention to this essential vehicle part, because there is nothing to do when the converter unlimited has to be changed. Cleaning theconverter unlimited will help to prolong the life of your car and motor itself without much time and efforts.
A ceramic converter unlimited will eventually fail on any vehicle. But the danger is primarily those that stand on the exhaust manifold at a distance of 15-20 cm from the cylinder head.
In addition, there are motors, where the converter unlimited was installe in the exhaust manifold, built directly into the cylinder head. Over time, there are more and more motors with collectors and the problem is more and more widespread.
converter unlimited failure: causes and consequences
The converter unlimited turns out to be really clogge to a brick state.
It is remove, ideally with a firmware correction. And the car starts to go. And after a while, its owner returns with a complaint about the oil consumption that has appeared. In most cases, the reason is very simple: the ceramic chips have already got into the engine and have done their dirty work.
The driver of the car must control the converter unlimited by himself if it is possible, as the engine power depends on it. A dirty device will result in increased fuel consumption and reduced vehicle dynamics.
At first symptoms, you need to check the converter unlimited, which can be done even in the garage or in a car service.
Importance of this device for a car is essential not only for nature, but for laws of different countries. Strict rules request many vehicle control services.
Get everything is done in time and without drastic methods to avoid problems in future.
The engine has to respond better to the gas pedal. And the oil consumption of a scuffed engine is very dependent on the crankshaft speed. So there is a feeling that the “oil grub” appeared just after the removal of the converter unlimited. Although almost always it was in this case before: the piston was already ruine by dust.
Since there are no moving parts on a converter unlimited,
you would expect that they would be fairly durable and long lasting and they are but,
in spite of all of the advancements in converter unlimited technology, they still fail.
, Texas, we install replacement converter unlimited almost every day. Many times,
catalytic converter failure is a symptom of an issue somewhere else in the vehicle.
It is imperative that you fix the problem that cause your OEM converter unlimite to fail because if you don’t,
that same problem will likely destroy the replacement converter unlimited as well.
The warranty that comes with a new replacement will not cover the type of damage listed below.
If your factory installe converter unlimited needs to be replace, one of the problems below most likely contribute to its failure.
Engine Tune-Up Required
Engines in need of service and older engines that burn oil due to worn cylinder walls, stuck rings, and worn valve guides will produce by-products that can foul the converter.
When an engine is operating outside of the proper specifications, wear and damage may be cause to the catalytic converter as well as the engine itself.
Incorrect air/fuel mixture, incorrect timing, or misfiring spark plugs could lead to a converter unlimited failure or worse.
Bad Spark Plugs or Spark Plug Wires
Spark plugs that don’t fire or misfire forces unburned fuel into the exhaust system.
Because the converter unlimited gets very hot,
this unburne fuel can ignite inside the converter and could result in a partial or complete melt down of the ceramic converter unlimited.
Oil or Antifreeze Entering the Exhaust System. When oil or antifreeze makes its way into your exhaust system creates a thick carbon
and soot which coats and eventually clogs the air passages in the converter unlimited ceramic honeycomb converter unlimited.
This causes two separate problems.
First, these carbon deposits stop the converter unlimited from doing its job of removing harmful emission in the exhaust flow. Second,
When the pores become clogged in the ceramic converter unlimited, exhaust flow is restricted which increases backpressure.
This results in heat and exhaust backing up inside the engine. The excess back pressure created can actually cause internal engine damage. Your engine can actually pull burnt exhaust gasses back into the combustion chambers
and reduce the efficiency of the next burn cycle and creating a loss of power and overheating of engine components.
Worn out piston rings, failing gaskets,
faulty valve seals or even warpe engine components are all possible causes of this problem.
Unburned Fuel Entering the Exhaust System.
Ideally, the fuel that powers your vehicle is burnt up in the combustion chamber.
Any fuel that gets through the combustion chamber unburne enters the exhaust system and can ignite once it reaches the converter unlimited.
This can over-heat the converter unlimited far beyond its normal operating limit. and cause a Melt Down.
Possible causes are an improper fuel mixture, incorrect timing, bad spark plugs, a malfunctioning oxygen sensor, sticking float, defective fuel injector or a faulty check valve.
In October, rushing out the door to get to an interview, I started my car, a 2003 Honda Accord, and heard a terrifying noise. It sounded like someone had replaced my engine with jet blasters.
I knew the sound immediately. Just a few weeks earlier, my former roommate’s converters unlimited was stolen a few blocks from our San Francisco apartment, and I had heard the same rumbling sound. A quick look under the Honda proved what I already knew to be true: My converters unlimited was a goner.
A Honda dealer quoted me $5,000 to replace the converters unlimited, a necessary vehicular component that controls the engine’s release of exhaust gases. In simpler terms, you need a catalytic converter to pass your annual smog check.
converters unlimited theft claims were up 175% among State Farm customers in California from July 1, 2020, to June 30, 2021, compared with the same period in the previous year, More than 6,400 converters unlimited were stolen in the state just from State Farm customers — and a claim filed with the insurance company — in 12 months.
What makes a converters unlimited valuable? The metals it’s made of, including platinum, palladium and rhodium. State Farm said the part can be worth several hundreds to several thousands of dollars. Some thieves sell the part for scrap metal. And a converters unlimited takes a matter of minutes — and sometimes less than that — to steal.
To avoid thefts, experts recommend parking your car inside a garage or at least in a well-lit area. You can also install an alarm system, point a security camera at your vehicle or engrave your VIN on your car’s converters unlimited. Companies also make cages and plates that cost about $150 to $500 that can be installed over the part.
But these cages and plates often don’t work, they just add a few minutes to the removal process, said Kevin Sawyers of San Francisco Auto Works.
“There was a way to add some uncuttable metal, but [the perpetrators] have found a way around it unfortunately,” Sawyers said. “It’s a never-ending game with these folks.”
Sawyers also noted that the plates that some car dealerships install over the catalytic converters can total a car if removed with a crowbar or other rudimentary device.
“It’s a great big mess,” he said. “Every time we come up with something, they find a way around it and we’re right back to square one.”
Sawyers said converters unlimited thefts have been an issue “for years.” He recounted one incident from a friend who worked at a Pepsi plant in the Central Valley. He said thieves hit the enclosed employee parking lot and ran away with more than 30 converters unlimited .
“It bothers me on behalf of my customers,” he said. “It just drives me bonkers.”
Byron White, a spokesperson for the Berkeley Police Department, knows the problem firsthand. White said his mother’s catalytic converter was recently stolen from her vehicle. While his insurance covered the theft, he said it took weeks to get the part installed as it was backordered.
“It was the first time something like that happened to me and my family,” he said, noting that the crime can have wide-ranging impacts on people.
“In the grand scheme, people say it’s a minor crime, but there’s long-lasting effects to it,” he said. “It increases the general lack of feeling of safety.”
Berkeley police reported 594 catalytic converter thefts in 2020, compared with 188 in 2019.
White isn’t sure why the crime has spiked recently, but he speculated that it might be related to the pandemic.
“It might be that during the pandemic, when we had to shelter-in-place, there was a number of people working from home and leaving their vehicles at home,” he said.
The theft is also relatively easy to accomplish, according to San Francisco Police Department spokesperson Adam Lobsinger.
“It’s a quick crime with a quick money turnaround,” Lobsinger said.
Catalytic converter thefts often occur in the cover of night, when neighborhood dwellers have gone to sleep. But in some cases, the thefts have turned violent.
Road / Structural Damage
The converters unlimited honeycomb inside of a converters unlimited is made up of a lightweight, thin-walled, fragile ceramic material. It is wrapped in a dense, insulation mat. This mat holds the catalyst in place and provides some protection against damage. However, broken exhaust hangers, off-road driving , potholes, speed bumps or any impacts underneath your vehicle can strike the converters unlimited causing a catalyst fracture. Once the ceramic honeycomb is fractured, the broken pieces rattle around breaking up into smaller pieces. As a result, exhaust flow is interrupted and backpressure in the exhaust system increases leading to heat buildup and loss of power. Corrosion, thermal shock, metal fatigue, stress fractures and stripped oxygen sensor threads are some other issues that may require you to need a replacement converters unlimited.
Oxygen Sensor Not Functioning Properly.
If your oxygen sensor is no functioning properly it can send incorrect readings of exhaust gasses to the vehicle’s computer. The faulty sensor readings can result in a improper (too rich or too lean) fuel mixture condition. Too rich and the converters unlimited can melt down from fuel burning inside the converter. Too lean and the converter will not be able to serve its purpose changing hydrocarbons into safe elements. This may cause your vehicle to fail the emissions test during the annual State Vehicle Inspection.
Short Trips
If you gennerally only take short trips around town in your vehicle and dont regularly drive long distances, your converters unlimited may not be getting hot enough to completely burn away the hydrocarbons. To prevent clogging the catalytic converter, take your vehicle for the occasional highway drive for 15 minutes or more. This will allow the exhaust to sufficiently heat up and burn off all of the deposits builtup in the converters unlimited.
In fact, up to 90 percent of a car’s most problematic exhaust emissions can be neutralised by a catalytic converter, with unburned fuel, carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide being converters unlimited into less harmful nitrogen, carbon dioxide and water vapour.
It’s not totally clean of course, and with carbon dioxide being a major greenhouse gas a ‘cat’ can’t make a car completely green, but it certainly makes city air a lot more breathable for humans and animals. Besides, with all new petrol-powered cars and a significant chunk of diesel cars now equipped with converters unlimited, the net reduction in pollution has resulted in most major cities in the developed world no longer permanently enveloped by a blanket of smog.
can’t make a car completely green do they work? There are no moving parts in a converters unlimited , with all of the cleaning action being accomplished by clever chemistry instead. Inside the converters unlimited is a thick substrate, often with a grid-like cross section (below), upon which a thin coating of precious metals like platinum, palladium and rhodium are deposited.
These metals are the actual converters unlimited, the part of the device that initiates the chemical transformation of the exhaust gas. Nitric oxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and unburned hydrocarbons – be they petrol, diesel or engine oil – all react with the metals inside a converters unlimited , and are quickly turned into other gases: principally nitrogen and carbon dioxide, but also water.
Some particulate emissions can be captured by a converters unlimited as well, though that’s not their primary function. Anyhow, separate diesel and petrol particulate filters have recently become commonplace and clean up fine particles that aren’t dealt with by the catalyst.
“Direct-fit” converters unlimited are of three basic types
two-way, three-way and three-way plus oxidation converters. Two-way “oxidation” converters unlimited are used up to 1980 and are designed to eliminate hydrocarbons (HC) and carbon monoxide (CO). Three-way converters unlimited are designed to eliminate nitrogen oxides (NOX) as well. A Three-way plus or “dual-bed” converter allows atmospheric air to be injected between the three-way catalyst and an extra oxidation bed to further clean the engine exhaust. The precious metals used as converters unlimited are distributed in molecular form over a rough-surfaced ceramic wash coat covering the metallic honeycomb substrate. The effectiveness of the converter is basically determined by the amount of precious metals present on the honeycomb substrate. Consequently, it’s very important for supplier and technician alike to meet EPA requirements by selecting the correct converters unlimited for the application.
The converters unlimited Monitor
Only after the engine is started and driven, does the converters unlimited monitor run. Basically, the engine control module (ECM) uses a mathematical algorithm to compare the electrical activity of the upstream oxygen sensor (before the converter) with that of the downstream oxygen sensor. When the electrical activity of the upstream and downstream oxygen sensors doesn’t meet programmed parameters, a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) P0420 and/or P0430 is stored in the ECM’s diagnostic memory and the orange “Check Engine” warning light is illuminated.
Because the converters unlimited monitor is mathematically-based, attempting to diagnose a converter by comparing inlet and outlet temperatures or by using an exhaust gas analyzer will not yield valid test results. When a P420/430 diagnostic trouble code (DTC) is present, the professional technician should check for related ECM calibration update bulletins before replacing a converters unlimited. In many cases, reprogramming the PCM might solve a stubborn P420/430 DTC issue.
Causes of converters unlimited Failure
An ignition system misfire is the most common cause of catastrophic converter failure. The catalytic converter overheats because combustion takes place in the converter rather than the engine when a misfire occurs. When the converter exceeds an operating temperature of about 1,300 degrees F, the converter substrate begins to melt and cause exhaust restriction. Common failures also include a catalyst suffering from an external impact or being contaminated by coolant from leaking cylinder head gaskets.
When to Sell converters unlimited
The auto manufacturer’s original equipment (OE) converters unlimited are initially covered by an EPA-mandated 8-year, 80,000-mile warranty. Only if the original is missing, fails a state or local emissions inspection program, or is plugged, leaking, or has sustained physical damage can a new aftermarket converters unlimited can be installed. Most vehicles require converters unlimited replacements when an illuminated “Check Engine” warning light indicates a converter failure or if the engine itself has failed an exhaust emissions test. To pass an exhaust emissions test, the converter must meet the exact configuration and capacity as specified by the original equipment (OE) manufacturer. Due to adopting more stringent emissions standards, many other states are now requiring converters unlimited that meet California specifications. When selling any converters unlimited , remember to fill out the paperwork as required by state and local agencies.
In simplest terms, a converters unlimited shares a similar size and shape to a small muffler in your exhaust and lives in the exhaust system just like a muffler. In some ways, it also helps to mute exhaust sounds, but that’s not its purpose. converters unlimited were first introduced in the mid-1970’s as a way to contain and help fully combust and convert items within the exhaust that prior to those times, were simply exiting into the atmosphere.
A converter is composed of a metal can, much like a muffler. Inside that can is a metallic honeycomb element that works to convert these hot exhaust gases into items that are less harmful to the environment as they move through the exhaust and out into the air. In cars built after 1995, a downstream oxygen sensor helps to monitor and make sure the converter is performing properly.
Over time, a converters unlimited can lead a rough life to failure. In Northern climates, salt spray and rust can lead to a complete corrosion of the body of the converter, and because of that, many now are made from stainless steel. This failure causes a massive exhaust leak, where many times one of the connecting flanges fails, giving you a complete exhaust leak and waking up every neighbor in your neighborhood when you start your car in the morning! On the inside, the honeycomb material can break down and fracture, causing a knocking or rattling sound from within the exhaust. This material can also become clogged and contaminated with soot, burned oil or antifreeze, and eventually cause a massive exhaust restriction or complete blockage. In all of these cases, a new converters unlimited will be needed, and often times, a Check Engine Light will accompany this.
TYPES OF converters unlimited
There are a few fitment options when it comes to converters unlimited:
These are built for your specific year, make, and model of vehicle for easy installation.
These are not built for a specific vehicle, so they’re a little more work to install.
There are also a few options as far as performance goes:
Federal: These devices function according to the specifications laid out by the Federal Government and meet emissions standards in most states.
California or CARB: These devices are built to meet the more stringent emissions standards laid out by the California Air Resources Board (CARB). These are needed in California and a few other states including New York, Colorado, and Maine.
Make sure to get a converters unlimited that meets your state’s emissions guidelines, otherwise you won’t pass emissions.
Like any part, component, or accessory on a car, the converters unlimited won’t last forever. It’s important to recognize the warning signs that this part is dying and no longer doing its job effectively. If you need a new one, you can start researching the converters unlimited replacement cost, and explore different manufacturer’s options.
Some signs it is time for replacement include:
Exhaust leak directly under the cabin of the vehicle or near the firewall.
You hear a rattling sound directly under the cabin when your car is idling.
You smell a foul rotten egg odor coming from the exhaust. You may notice this as you drive, while you’re in idle or when you’re standing outside of your vehicle while it’s running.
Loss of power or acceleration in the vehicle.
A mechanic diagnosing these issues may notice that the converters unlimited is hot or even glowing red.
Anytime you realize the converters unlimited may be suspect, you need to take your vehicle to a mechanic right away. Don’t let the converters unlimited repair cost scare you. This is not an issue you can put off for a long period of time. Other signs may come in other forms. For example, you may notice a big drop in your vehicle’s fuel economy.
Continued problems can lead to a sluggish engine, engine damage, and engine failure. Many times, engine codes like but issues with engine performance could be causing this. Addressing the concerns right away could save you a lot of stress and money. Even if you’re lucky enough to avoid major engine problems, you can’t legally drive a vehicle with a bad catalytic converter in many states. In order to register your car, most states require an emissions or smog test. Your car will fail this test if the converters unlimited is not in good shape.
To help with any converters unlimited problems, you can search here for that can help diagnose and repair. If you want to tackle the repair yourself, AutoZone carries a selection of universal and direct-fit converters for replacement.
HOW MUCH DOES A converters unlimited REPLACEMENT COST?
Part of the scare and frustration of converters unlimited is the fact that prices for replacement vary wildly. The main difference in lies within direct-fit vs a universal fit unit. For many vehicles, a muffler shop can easily weld in a universal replacement converter for $2-300.00. This is accomplish by cutting out the old converter from the exhaust section and welding or clamping in a new one. On many newer vehicles, the converters unlimited is often incorporated into either an elaborate down-pipe section from the engine, or incorporated into the exhaust manifold itself, and in these cases, a direct-fit converter is the only option.
Direct-fit converters are generally bolt-on items, that are replace by unbolting the flanges that attach it and bolting in a new unit. Because they are more complex, they are often very costly compare to their universal counterparts. For direct-fit options, a replacement can cost anywhere from $300.00 to $2,500.00, depending on the model, for just the cost of the part. You should also think about labor costs, which could cost between $70 and $130 an hour to install the converter. The time it takes to finish the job will vary depending on the specific vehicle involved.
If you do this job yourself, you will save the labor costs, but many times, the actual cost of the converters unlimited is the expensive portion. While the job can take some time, it’s often not too difficult, especially if you buy a direct replacement converters unlimited.
Modern motorists have an excellent opportunity to get rid of a faulty converters unlimited when and where they want to do it. Usually there are plenty of car service stations which are ready to give some information on purchasing old converters unlimited. Specialized companies always buy used catalytic converters in any quantity and offer good deals, both to individuals and large suppliers.
Now you can sell converters unlimited, the price for the device will be high, and the operating conditions are usually transparent. The purchase of converters unlimited is equal for both from foreign and domestic manufacturers in any condition. You can calculate the cost of a scrap converters unlimited using a special calculator or simply by calling consultants. It is not only a profitable but also a satisfying process, due to your will to recycle the old item.
In which cases should the converters unlimited be sold
Is it really necessary to consider mileage and driving conditions? Should everyone follow a producer’s manual? Which signs can help to understand the vehicle problem? These questions and many others are usually concentrated in heads of modern drivers, thinking of their car maintenance cost.
A converters unlimited malfunction is indicated by the power unit decreasing in its work. It is easy to perceive because of some distinctive features. This occurs when the honeycomb structure melts or becomes clogged with soot and exhaust gases are difficult to escape. An additional booming or rattling sound indicates the destruction of the car’s ceramic of aconverters unlimited . Excessive smoke with an unpleasant smell comes out of the exhaust pipe in case of a failure.
Processing is a basic need for individuals who need to discard or improve the working of their exhaust systems. The best spot for this is to find scrap vendors. They are the best companies to sell or reuse your converters unlimited. It is always better to collect more information on prices and possibilities to recycle a converters unlimited.
How to independently determine the price of a converters unlimited
Talking about the causes which affect the price of a catalytic converter, it is better to mention general ones. Sales market is one of the biggest influencers. Better converters unlimited are provided for the European car market, and if you need to sell a car catalyst, originally intended for third world countries, then they will not give a high price for it.
The quality of the converters unlimited will also depend on the class of vehicle it is installed on. High mileage and long-term operation negatively affect catalysts, and therefore are not very optimistic about its value. As you know, the converters unlimited has the property of “emptying”, and therefore a sporty driving style will make it cheaper. If certain additives are present in gasoline or other fuels, then over time the precious metals will be washed out.
Usually the composition of a car converters unlimited initially contained Pt, Pd and Rh. With time and modernization, the contents can change, but the idea and process of purification remains the same. One ton of ceramic catalytic converters contains about one thousand and five hundred ppm of Pt, almost one thousand ppm of Pd, and about three hundred ppm of Rh.
Diesel converters unlimited or premium cars
Diesel converters unlimited or premium cars contain Pt and Rh. Although their metal contents are about 2.5-3.5 thousand ppm. In general, the acceptance of converters unlimited with similar content is about seventy percent. The cost of such parts of the exhaust system on average varies between sixty to seventy five USD per 1 kg. This type of a catalyst can be attributed to an endangered species, and according to some sources, the average price for it is up to eighty USD per 1 kg. Considering these simple figures one can understand the price of the scrap item. Calculate it by yourself and discover benefits from selling. Profit from a great deal with one of your local recycling stations.
Myths about scrap converters unlimited prices
Let us look at several myths about scrap converters unlimited prices and how to decide what is right and what is wrong. The first one is that diesel is always more expensive than gasoline converters unlimited. When evaluating aconverters unlimited , do not rely on the type of engine.
In modern diesel cars, a particulate filter is used and converters unlimited are installed on all power units, both gasoline or diesel. It is better to pay attention to the year of manufacture and the class of the car. Second myth is that old catalytic converters are more expensive than new ones. It is new items that contain more precious metals.
And the last, but not the least is that European converters unlimitedare more expensive than others. This is also a wrong judgment, because the highest price for buying catalysts will be not only for a high-quality European converters unlimited, but also for their Japanese counterparts.
Protect your car and drive safely
It is common that all converters unlimited have sequential numbers, and this is something that can be utilized to decide the purchasing cost. Experienced organizations will request the sequential number of your item before providing the cost estimate tag.
Protect your car and drive safely to earn on scrap converters unlimited ! The sum you get will be of great help when it comes to repairing the catalyst. More and more companies offer recycling of old converters unlimited and looking around attentively, you can find your best partner.
There has been a surge in the number of converters unlimited being stolen in London, with thieves becoming increasingly violent, police say.
The Met’s motor vehicle crime unit investigated nearly 15,000 reports of such thefts in 2020, compared to 9,500 over the previous year.
The devices, which reduce the emission of pollutants, contain precious metals.
More than 300 officers took part in raids on Tuesday across east London, Kent and Essex.
They also intercepted a shipping container, believed to contain stolen metal and car parts, which was due to be transported to the Ivory Coast to be processed and refined.
Theft of converters unlimited from the exhaust system of vehicles has become a growing problem in Canada.
It’s not a new issue, says Bryan Gast, the national director of investigative services at the Insurance Bureau of Canada, but as the price of certain metals has risen, so have thefts.
” converters unlimited have been stolen for years,” he said.
“The difference lately is the price of precious metals, and obviously it’s the precious metals inside those converters unlimited that they’re looking to steal and then sell on the black market,” he said.
A converters unlimited is part of a vehicle’s exhaust system. It converts pollutants to less toxic material.
New cars, used cars — nearly any vehicle with aconverters unlimited can be a target, Gast says. The exception is electric vehicles, which don’t have them, because they don’t produce any emissions.
The thefts have been happening across the country for the last year and thieves appear to be after three precious metals inside the converter: platinum, rhodium and palladium.
“That’s really what the rise is about,” said Gast. Those metals are “more valuable than gold right now.”
According to the website for Montreal-based Kitco Metals, which buys and sells metals and also reports on market trends, palladium is currently selling for just over $2,800 Cdn an ounce, although the Kitco 2021 outlook says it could rise to $3,000 by the end of the year.
Platinum was selling for $1,500 an ounce on Monday, while rhodium was going for about $30,000 US an ounce at the end of February.
An example of a catalytic converter. Thieves typically crawl under vehicles to cut them out. (Robert F. Bukaty/Associated Press)
By comparison, an ounce of gold is currently selling for about $2,200.
One reason for the rising value of platinum, rhodium and palladium is that as automakers make vehicles to meet tightening emission standards, manufacturers need more of those metals inside the new catalytic converter to do that work.
In Waterloo region, police say there have been 131 reports of converters unlimited thefts since the start this year, most of them happening in Kitchener, Ont.
“We are asking the community to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity to police immediately,” Const. Andre Johnson of the Waterloo Regional Police Service told CBC.
“We are also asking anyone who may have been a victim of a converter theft, who has not yet reported it to police, to please do so,” he said.
Stolen from mechanic shops, dealerships
Nearby in Guelph, Ont., there have been at least 20 reports of converters unlimited being stolen from vehicles since Christmas.
Scott Tracey, a spokesperson for the Guelph Police Service, says thieves will crawl under a vehicle and cut out the tubular converters unlimited at both ends, leaving a missing section of the exhaust pipe.
The most recent theft in that city was from a group of vans parked together, but Tracey says they’ve seen thefts reported from vehicles parked overnight at mechanic shops, sometimes at private residences and also at vehicle dealerships.
Tracey says after the converters unlimited has been stolen, “[drivers] come in the morning and start warming the vehicles up and it makes a terrible noise because there’s essentially no exhaust system on the vehicle.”
The Scrap Metal Dealers Act was supposed to deprive metal thieves of an easy market by banning cash sales and insisting on much better identity checks on sellers.
Councils were empowered to do inspections of licensed dealers and to close down the unlicensed operators.
But 5 Live Investigations has discovered this isn’t happening.
In October 2018, 243 English licensing councils were asked how many licensed scrap dealers on their books had been visited to ensure the new rules were being followed. The figures revealed only a fraction had been inspected and even fewer dealers – licensed and unlicensed – had been closed down.
5 Live Investigations asked the same councils the same questions in February this year and found little improvement.
Almost 120 councils had not visited any scrap dealers in the previous 28 months and many of the others had only inspected once or twice.
A small number of councils, however, had inspected and had taken action against the rogue dealers, often in joint operations with the police.
Part of the problem is that thousands of scrap dealers simply chose to drop out of the licensing scheme when the Scrap Metal Dealers Act came into force.
Many of those, says the industry, are now those dealers that advertise on the internet and buy catalytic converters with no questions asked.
Councils have limited powers
Nesil Caliskan, of the Local Government Association, said the Scrap Metal Dealers Act had contributed to a drop in metal thefts, but said they were on the increase again in part because of rising metal prices.
“Councils are targeting their limited resources as efficiently as possible and can take enforcement action where issues are identified,” she said.
“Councils have limited powers to tackle unlicensed operators and the LGA has called on government to introduce greater enforcement powers to help local authorities tackle rogue operators.”
The Home Office said the act was still a powerful tool for the police and local authorities, but said it would continue to work with the police and industry to see what more can be done to stop the thefts.
Nottinghamshire Police say drivers can do some things to protect their cars:
•If you can, park your vehicle in a locked garage when it is unattended.
•If that is not possible, park your vehicle in a busy, well-lit area as close to your property as possible.
•Consider installing a Thatcham-approved alarm to your vehicle. Ones that activate if your vehicle is lifted or tilted are particularly effective.
•Use a converters unlimited protection device or marking system.
The Carlsbad City Council unanimously adopted San Diego County’s first converters unlimited law Tuesday, making official an ordinance introduced Jan. 25.
Under the new law, effective 30 days from Tuesday, it is illegal for anyone other than a core recycler to possess a converters unlimited without valid proof of ownership.
Valid proof must include the license plate number and vehicle identification number of the car from which the part was removed, the name, address and telephone number of the vehicle owner, the signature of the vehicle owner authorizing removal, and the name, address and phone number of the part’s current owner.
converters unlimited that are detached and approved for sale and reuse are not affected by the ordinance.
Violators will be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1,000 and up to six months in jail, the ordinance states.
Thefts of converters unlimited countywide jumped from 393 reported in 2020 to 2,056 in 2021, and many of the thefts go unreported. The parts are mass-produced and have no serial number, which makes the case difficult to prosecute.
The parts contain valuable precious metals including platinum, palladium and rhodium, which can bring hundreds of dollars from recyclers. Replacement and repairs to a vehicle after the device is stolen can cost $2,000 or more.
Law enforcement officials encourage people to have their car’s vehicle identification number engraved on the device or install protective equipment such as shields or clamps on their vehicle to prevent the thefts.
The failure of converters unlimited does not occur suddenly
With proper operation of all other systems, it serves faithfully for many years until the moment the vehicle is disposed. If your old converters unlimited has to be recycled, you almost certainly have to diagnose and repair the ignition or power system.
As a rule, the converters unlimited is destroyed due to incorrect operation of these two systems. With a faulty ignition system, fuel in one or more cylinders does not burn out completely, but enters the exhaust system.
Heated converters unlimited is forced to burn out increased volumes of hydrocarbons that heat the cells to ultra-high temperatures, which leads to their sintering. Causes of major trouble can be spark plugs, coils, or high voltage wires. Similar failures are also caused by malfunction of nozzles.
Another common cause for converters unlimited problems is severe mechanical damage, leading to deformation of housing. It is important to remember that thin-walled cells easily crumble even with minor exertion.
When leaving for off-road, it will be useful to take care of installing additional protection for the underbody of a car.
Untimely repair of converters unlimited is dangerous because small particles of ceramics can get through exhaust path directly into engine cylinders. Once there, they instantly scratch the walls of cylinders and completely disable motor.
The turbine suffers from ceramic debris. Additional heating of exhaust tract leads to deformations of cylinder head and greatly reduces resource of a power unit.
Key reasons for converters unlimited failure to avoid:
Poor fuel quality. Most often it is with a low octane rating. System switches to late ignition. This causes mixture to burn out at the outlet and increase temperature of the exhaust gases.
Incorrect operation of ignition system (misfire). The fuel that is not burnt in one cylinder is immediately ignited and burned in converters unlimited.
Mechanical damage to converters unlimited . Increased vibration of a power unit and impacts on converters unlimited lead to crumbling of ceramic block.
Thermal shock. Instant cooling of a hot converters unlimited while overcoming a puddle, for example, can cause cracks in ceramic element.
Incorrect air-fuel mixture caused, for example, by a malfunction of oxygen sensor. The same effect will cause leaky, pouring nozzles.
Adding additives to gas. Cocktails from unverified manufacturers or impaired concentration can increase combustion temperature.
Latest designs with minimal toxicity are programmed to quickly warm up the catalytic converter. In case the situation has gone bad, do not wait long to minimize expenses to repair. Get rid of your old converters unlimited and get paid for It!
when driving without a catalyst is a burnout of exhaust system. It doesn’t matter how expensive your car is, all regular exhaust systems are made of the same steel.
One can drive without a converters unlimited if you have an engine with power up to 50 hp. in this case, the exhaust system may not burn out, but are there still such cars.
If you drive without a converters unlimited , then you will have to change exhaust in a year and a half, and this is completely different money, even in comparison with installing original converters unlimited – Traffic fumes
Without a converters unlimited
the exhaust gas will be very corrosive. It can be easily perceived if you stand in a traffic jam and open a window with a fair wind.
converters unlimited saves the situation by lowering the temperature of gases. It deactivates the most dangerous components and chemical compounds in gases, so you can drive safely, and catalytic converter will not allow the return wave of gases to get into your car’s engine. It’s getting there is extremely undesirable, as they interfere with creating a normal mixture and interfere with engine operation.
– Sound exhaust system
Without a converters unlimited , the sound of exhaust system will change. It will become more severe and loud. The presence of a catalytic converter can soften the sound and lower high temperatures.
Unfortunately the only way to get rid of the car noise is to install additional silencers if you are going to drive without a converters unlimited. And if you like the noise of a car, and you want to highlight it, you can put a resonator and the sound will become much brighter!
The removal of converters unlimited is impossible to miss. Many car owners describe it in different ways. Some say that it felt like there was a trailer or an anchor that they got rid of, others say that the car had a second wind, but they all have one thing in common. A significant improvement in dynamic performance, as well as reduced fuel consumption.
Removal of catalyst is an extreme measure, which is very undesirable if the engine works as it should. In addition, if financial expenses allow to perform a full replacemeconverters unlimited with a new one, then it is better to do just that.
You will not have to interfere with exhaust system, as well as brains of a car. It will not require any tricks and other ways, which can not be avoided when removing the catalytic converters. Specialized companies have a possibility to purchase old converters unlimited to lighten repair expense.
but you need to approach to all possible problems with your brain. If you do not want your car to be repaired so that it does not suddenly smell or hoot, then first you need to make sure that the replacement of catalyst is best for you. Make sure to contact reliable companies to evaluate and sell your old converters unlimited. Get a money bonus!
In the case of dismantling of converters unlimited, the second sensor identifies malfunction and begins to automatically reduce the temperature inside combustion chamber.
For this, the system adds more fuel. As a result, the mixture is enriched, and motor power decreases and consumption increases. In other words, control unit goes into emergency operation and prepares an averaged mixture for motor to continue working.
At the same time, there is no question of setting the optimal fuel supply mode. To prevent increased fuel consumption by removing the engine from an emergency state, it is necessary to change converters unlimited or reprogram electronic control unit to Euro-2 standard. Also, some craftsmen install a special tools on second lambda sensor.
vehicle acquires an individuality, technical characteristics improve, etc. But there is another tuning, when “modernization” can become dangerous for a car and its owner. For example, removal of a catalytic converter from an exhaust system.
At first glance, getting rid of converters unlimited does not affect the engine, on the contrary, it seems that the improve had become faster and more powerful.
Therefore, converters unlimited is cut out by a grinder, knocked out with special devices. What negative consequences can cause such a tuning?
converters unlimited is installed by autoproducer in or behind the exhaust manifold. Some motorists are sure that this is done only in order to be able to equip the car with additional oxygen sensors and reduce the power of motor. Naturally, this is not true.
If you live in post soviet countries of Eastern Europe, then you can use car without a catalyst. In Europe and the USA, one would have to pay heavy fines for violation environmental standards.
In driving without a converters unlimited there are certain disadvantages.
These include increased emissions of harmful gases, non-compliance with environmental standards, smell of gases inside the car, increased noise, probability of burnout exhaust system.
Nevertheless, there are many drivers who drive without a converters unlimited, especially this is common among owners of BMW, Volkswagen, Opel, Porsche, Mercedes, Lexus, Nissan, Honda, etc.
What can happen if you drive without a converters unlimited? And without a flame arrester?
It is more caustic smoke, noise, environmental damage. Many argue that driving without a converters unlimited will not lead to anything.
This is a mistaken opinion, because there are already dozens of cars with burned exhaust systems due to the lack of a converters unlimited.
No sensor can be used to determine unambiguously whether a cylinder has ignite.
An indirect registration algorithm is include in the control units.
converters unlimited control unit analyzes uniformity of crankshaft rotation according to signals from the crankshaft position sensor.
Uneven rotation is considere a misfire under certain conditions
As a rule, deviations are taken as more than 0.2%.
Also, on cars with individual ignition coils, the coil control circuits are monitore, if the connector is remove from one coil, the control unit will mark this cylinder as inoperative.
Even if misfires were recorde reliably, and not by indirect indications, it would be incorrect to turn off the cylinder at one fixed pass.
The Control Unit has a misfire counter parameter for each cylinder. As a rule, the control unit decides that there are misfires and it is necessary to turn off cylinder if the number of misfires in any of cylinders exceeds a certain threshold set by the developers.
What is better to do when misfiring is detecte?
The first and most important thing that the converters unlimited unit does when detecting misfires is Check Engine lamp flashing.
This is one of the few reasons the check is flashing
There are so few that one can conclude with almost one hundred percent certainty: “check” is flashing, it means misfire.
The secon thing that the block does, is turning off the fuel supply to the cylinder in which gaps are fixe. Signals for opening simply cease to be given to the corresponding injector.
Do not wait till your converters unlimited cause any kind of problems to the vehicle. It may happen any time, so be careful with any sign of failure and control all the car parts in time to avoid expenses for converters unlimited replacement.
converters unlimited misfire refers to problems with ignition system – plugs, coils, and so on. Ignition (ignition) misfires are bad not only because they create discomfort to the driver,
but also because unburned fuel in the converters unlimited case enters the exhaust. This is not good for the environment and converters unlimited . Fuel washes away oil film from cylinder walls, and this can lead to increased cylinder and piston wear.
The vast majority of cars on our roads are equippe with aconverters unlimited .converters unlimited where toxic components of the exhaust are oxidize to harmless compounds.
converters unlimited is a metal or ceramic “honeycomb” coate with a layer of noble metals, in presence of which oxidation occurs faster.
A converters unlimited works at high temperatures (400-800 ° C). In the event of a misfire, when unburned gasoline gets on it, the temperature of a converters unlimited rises to 1400 ° C, which leads to its melting or destruction.
Melted converters unlimited stops passing exhaust gases, which leads to new problems.
It is more difficult for the engine to start, and the power is reduce. If the converters unlimited breaks down, resulting crumb can be drawn into cylinders, where it works as an abrasive, very quickly leading to a need for an overhaul of the engine.
After the destruction of a converters unlimited
it must either be change or remove. Removing the converters unlimited is a questionable action both from the environment and from the consumer qualities of the car.
Starting with the fact that exhaust without neutralizing toxic substances smells pretty strong, and ending with the fact that it is necessary to somehow “deceive” the control unit, which is not always realistic to do correctly.
A new catalyst is quite expensive
even if you change it not entirely in a housing, but separately in a honeycomb.
To replace it, the body of aconverters unlimited is opened, honeycombs of the old (melted or crumbled) catalyst are remove, and a new converters unlimited is welded in its place. Base on the foregoing,
it is clear that the catalyst control unit must register misfire, both for environmental reasons and avoid damage to the engine and converters unlimited .
It is difficult to say which of two reasons became the main one, but modern control units can register passes. The implementation of this requirement is different for everyone. There are catalyst blocks and cars that do not register misfire even when the cylinder is completely disable.
First of all, the converters unlimited is an essential part of a whole car, as well as ignition. Among many reasons for a malfunction of ignition, that can cause a misfire, the main ones are:
Failure of converters unlimited elements of the ignition system. Armored wire, spark plugs, coil, or breaker-distributor. Also, at low temperatures in candle wells, condensation may form, which can cause “breakthrough” into aconverters unlimited.
Malfunctions in the fuel-air system can be associated with clogged dirt and deposits in injection nozzles, air and fuel filters. These ailments are manifested in the “triplet” of an engine at idle, which disappears after warming up.
Low compression in all cylinders or its non-uniform distribution indicates wear of elements of a cylinder-piston group or malfunctions in the operation of gas distribution mechanism.
The incorrectly adjuste valve can lead to a violation during the compression stroke of the tightness of the entire converters unlimited chamber. The lack of an optimal fit of a valve disc to the seat, as well as burnout of a valve, will become reasons for misfiring.
Poor fuel quality, leaks, or low delivery pressure due to improper catalyst operation of the fuel pump can also cause a misfire.
Failure in converters unlimited operation of the electronic control unit entails the transmission of an incorrect signal from sensors to turn off injectors. Therefore, the engine begins to “triple”, there is a misfire.
The motor shakes and does not run. A problem that is easy to describe in words, but difficult to find. The stricter name for this problem is a misfire.
It is preferable to install a universal converters unlimited :
If the car is under 5 years old;
If you go through the inspection yourself;
If you don’t want to pollute the atmosphere;
If you are planning to travel abroad.
Limiting parameters of toxicity of exhaust gases are regulate by law in many countries by special organizations.
For example, in the United States, this issue is controlle by the Department of Environmental Protection, and California has its department for overseeing air resources (California Air Resources Board). In Japan, the Ministry of Transport deals with the purity of the exhaust, in Europe it is a special European Commission. As a rule, the degree of environmental concern directly depends on the economic and social level of the country’s development. Also, norms regulate by the law must be strictly implemente in practice.
That is why many converters unlimited inventions had been implemente into the car item, responsible for cleaning the exhaust gas converters unlimited is usually combine with an exhaust manifold.
Such an arrangement of a former affects its efficiency, but makes assembly more expensive and can lead to damage to a piston group.
The lambda sensor, which determines the percentage of oxygen in the exhaust, and sends a signal to correct the mixture, appeared back in 1976. Then a sensor was adde behind the catalyst, which monitors the quality of gas cleaning.
Bosch started measuring oxygen content back in 1968, but the first lambda sensor did not appear until eight years later – on the Volvo 240/260 for the North American market. A little later, other manufacturers also realized that without feedback from the control unit, the converters unlimited cannot provide maximum efficiency.
Get rid of soot!
In the early 2000s, it was the turn of diesel engines. They, equippe with already familiar , converters unlimited began to be equippe with diesel particulate filters. The fact is that the temperature of exhaust gases in no-load modes is lower here than in gasoline engines. It is not enough for complete combustion of carbon, so particulate matter or soot is obtained, which can pass through theconverters unlimited .
The particulate filter is located in front of the converters unlimited. It also has platinum and the same honeycomb channels. Only the latter are staggered and are divided into inlet and outlet. And between them, there are partition converters unlimited filters that contain solid particles with nitrogen oxides. It seems to be the same filter, but with a fundamental difference. It does not accumulate solid particles. converters unlimited ilfter burns them out with the help of oxygen released from nitrogen oxides and an additional nozzle that supplies diesel fuel to the unit.
This complicated but small automotive part plays a huge role in cleaning the environment. Take care of your converters unlimited!
The converters unlimited honeycomb structure with ultra-small cross-section tubes was chosen because this way it is possible to maximize the area on which the substance acting as a catalyst is applied. Accordingly, the volume of converters unlimited “processing” of exhaust gases is also growing.
To make the air-fuel mixture stable
carburetors began to be supplemented with electronic control. In 1975, in the United States, transistor ignition systems appeared, which minimized gaps in sparking, from which fuel burned out in converters unlimited.
We turned to the exhaust gas recirculation system, which, by lowering the combustion temperature of fuel mixture, reduces the number of nitrogen oxides.
the fight for the environment, as well as the desire to remove more power, also contributed to the early introduction of electronic injection, a system that can fully unleash the potential of converters unlimited.
At the same time, in the 70s, another event took place, under the influence of laws and public, oil producers abandoned additives based on tetraethyl lead.
And converters unlimited continued to be improved
A quarter of a century ago, a keg moved from under the underside of a car into the engine compartment, right next to the exhaust manifold.
This was necessary for the converters unlimited fastest-warming up and reducing harmful emissions immediately after starting the car. The catalyst substances begin to act only at 250-300 degrees.
Later, the development of separate electric heating with a capacity of up to several kW was proposed. There were systems of two converters unlimited , where the first was located directly in the path and worked while the main unit was warming up.
Adsorption traps for hydrocarbons were set up, holding them until the catalyst reached the operating temperature. converters unlimited experiments have been and are being conducted with filler materials.
Refractory ceramics are relatively heavy and far from ideal for creating ultra-thin converters unlimited honeycombs. The metal for cells was used before, and now it is being used again, at a different technological level, using various bimetallic alloys.
resistant to temperature, thin as foil, so you can significantly increase deposition area of platinum, palladium, and rhodium.
Car owners try new options installing a universal converters unlimited. But universal converters unlimited, like the original, is highly dependent on external factors
. It is impossible to give a full guarantee on it. Usually, they serve 60-80 t.km, but they can fail earlier if there is a failure in an ignition system or an engine operating system.
converters unlimited appeared just in the first half of the 70s and, as you know, US automakers were at the forefront here for a while. Curiously, in addition to directly reducing the toxicity of exhaust, these converters unlimited have dragged along with the modernization of several areas of development of the automotive industry.
This was due to the very principle of their action, which, by the way, has not changed until now.
For some time
and on different models, converters unlimited coexisted with carburetors or mechanical injection. For example, Chrysler, having burned itself with electronic fuel supply back in the 50s, was in no hurry to transfer its engines to it.
But limiting norms for the content of various elements in the exhaust were approved by law. It was necessary to somehow link the converters unlimited and the carburetor. Ecology is the engine of progress.
The metal barrel
located between the exhaust manifold and muffler-resonators, has a longitudinal honeycomb inside, where the surface is covered with a layer of a special substance, which is a converters unlimited. Let’s just say that converters unlimited platinum with the addition of palladium is used as the latter, which converts harmful CO and CH into carbon dioxide and water.
Such converters unlimited were called two-component, that is, capable of neutralizing only a couple of toxic components. In 1977, rhodium was added, so that nitrogen oxide was transformed into a mono-element. Catalysts have become three-component. So, this relatively simple chemical process proceeds without problems only under ideal laboratory conditions.
In real operation, manufacturers are faced with the fact that the correct operation of converters unlimited and, in general, its resource is under constant threat.
As it turned out
the converters unlimited can properly work only when the ratio of the combustible mixture by air and fuel is in the proportion of 14.5–14.7: 1. Deviations to one side or the other reduce the conversion efficiency of CO and CH or NO.
A converters unlimited is one of the main elements of the exhaust system, performing the function of reducing the emission of harmful substances and exhaust gases into the atmosphere.
It is usually installed on both gasoline and diesel power plants in close proximity to the exhaust manifold or muffler.
The converters unlimited is subject to mandatory disposal, which is a complicated process that requires special equipment. The purchase of a converters unlimited has been carried out almost everywhere.
The cost of every used car converters unlimited depends on:
Type of device (metal or ceramic);
Countries of origin (Germany, France, USA, Japan or China, RF);
Car model, engine size, year of manufacture, country of assembly or where it was exported;
From size: cut from the body, whole or broken, shredded;
On the purity, degree of contamination of the delivered mass: with asbestos, cotton wool or without;
From exchange quotations of prices for metals Pt, Pd, Rh and from exchange rates;
Weights, there are converters unlimited which weight is only 100 grams;
Duration of operation and its intensity, up to 150 tons of 1/3 of the original;
On the quality and type of fuel. For example, on gas for 2 years and as a result it is almost empty.
The price of the first converters unlimited is higher than all subsequent ones, even if they are in the same housing, with the exception of Subaru, on the contrary, the latter is more expensive.
The converters unlimited turns out to be really clogged to a brick state. It is removed, ideally with a firmware correction. And the car starts to go. And after a while, its owner returns with a complaint about the oil consumption that has appeared.
In most cases, the reason is very simple: the ceramic chips have already got into the engine and have done their dirty work.
The driver of the car must control the converters unlimited by himself if it is possible, as the engine power depends on it. A dirty device will result in increased fuel consumption and reduced vehicle dynamics.
At first symptoms, you need to check the converters unlimited, which can be done even in the garage or in a car service.
The importance of this device for a car is essential not only for nature but for the laws of different countries. Strict rules request many vehicle control services. Get everything done in time and without drastic methods to avoid problems in the future.
The engine has to respond better to the gas pedal. And the oil consumption of a scuffed engine is very dependent on the crankshaft speed.
So there is a feeling that the “oil grub” appeared just after the removal of the converters unlimited . Although almost always it was in this case before: the piston was already ruined by dust.
converters unlimited removing
Removing the converters unlimited after it is already severely damaged is often useless. It is worth checking cylinders with an endoscope. If there are bullies, active driving will only increase the already existing oil consumption.
In addition, the present oil burner itself is capable of killing a normal converters unlimited. The oil mist with additives will clog it quickly enough due to an increase in pressure in the crankcase.
In this case, the increase in oil consumption with the removal of the converters unlimited is very, very indirect. But there is a situation when the oil burner starts precisely because of the removal of the converters unlimited. You can find official buyers in our Buyers catalog.
Platinum, rhodium, palladium and even gold can act as a perfect converters unlimited in theconverters unlimited . Without them, the process would have been impossible.
The entire filling of the converters unlimited looks like a layer of precious metals deposited on a ceramic honeycomb. And the converters unlimited is not only a unit, but also housing, and lambda sensors, and a heat insulator casing.
It is the ceramic block that is the converters unlimited of the reaction, and not the entire item assembly that is “dusting” into the cylinders, so they usually talk about removing the converters unlimited , sometimes replacing it with other parts.
The first converters unlimited was installe back in 1975. But there were no big problems from them then, and until recently no one could have thought that the converters unlimited could cause scuffing and oil scrapes.
The converters unlimited was located far from the cylinder block, in the exhaust system somewhere under the bottom of the car. Yes, the converters unlimited can die there too: clog up and fall apart. And this is very important for all car owners, not only unique vehicle fans.
The suffering is insignificant: the car pulls worse, but the motor remains intact. The error of the lambda sensors that do not understand what is happening with the amount of oxygen can also be annoying.
The solution to the problem is elementary, a converters unlimited is change. Find prices of the converters unlimited of your car you can in converters unlimited by car brands.
The situation became much worse when a converters unlimited was place close to the unit. In case of destruction of the base, ceramic dust began to enter the cylinders.
There are still people who are convince that dust from the exhaust can not get into the intake.
At the time of valve overlap, when the piston approaches the top dead center when the intake valve is already open, and the exhaust valve is not close yet.
How do auto converters unlimited help the environment?
In our world, many people are beginning to understand that the amount of various pollution is only growing every day. And one of the most polluted things in our air is the vehicle. Therefore, large companies decided to create a part that will cope with the exhaust of a billion cars around the world.
Because polluting gases emanating from cars exacerbate the situation every day. It is thanks to catalysts that humanity can use pollution controls. And at the moment, almost all cars have catalysts from different companies that are made of different materials.
For example, palladium, rhodium, ceramic, and so on. Thanks to all these materials, the catalyst plays the role of a large filter that most effectively performs its function of cleaning our external environment. And a lot of people simply don’t know that the number of harmful elements coming out of cars exceeds all norms.
And they simply sell their converters unlimited without thinking about the consequences.
Concept of autocatalytic sets
The concept of a converters unlimited is actually not as complicated as it seems at first glance. Just because, as it was said, the catalyst resembles a large filter that qualitatively filters all the harmful emissions that come out after gasoline processing.
Basically, the converters unlimited consists of platinum group metals, and this gives it reliability, and people understand that the converters unlimited can continue its work for a very long time without any problems.
And thanks to all the elements that are located directly inside the converters unlimited, simple chemical reactions, cleaning, and filtration take place, and clean air is obtained at the outlet. And it is precisely due to the fact that scientists noticed in time that cars pollute our planet so much, and created converters unlimited, that mankind is at least a little closer to environmental friendliness.
Also, people who do not understand the value of a converters unlimited are disregarding all the rules that keep the air clean throughout the planet. Every day more and more advanced cars are being created that do not use gasoline or gas but are powered by energy. It is this decision that should save our world, but so far it is the converters unlimited that are saving our world.
The concept of a converters unlimited is actually not as complicated as it seems at first glance. Just because, as it was said, the converters unlimited resembles a large filter that qualitatively filters all the harmful emissions that come out after gasoline processing.
Basically, the converters unlimited consists of platinum group metals, and this gives it reliability, and people understand that the catalyst can continue its work for a very long time without any problems.
And thanks to all the elements that are located directly inside the converters unlimited , simple chemical reactions, cleaning, and filtration take place, and clean air is obtained at the outlet.
And it is precisely due to the fact that scientists noticed in time that cars pollute our planet so much, and created converters unlimited, that mankind is at least a little closer to environmental friendliness. Also, people who do not understand the value of a catalyst are disregarding all the rules that keep the air clean throughout the planet.
Every day more and more advanced cars are being created that do not use gasoline or gas but are powered by energy. It is this decision that should save our world, but so far it is the converters unlimited that are saving our world.
Experimental systems
And all the world’s companies are trying to create converters unlimited as good as possible, experimenting with them daily. A variety of polymer models are being created that, to one degree or another, complement and improve the converters unlimited of different models.
Metal is additionally sheathed so that the converters unlimited itself can withstand heavy loads. Thanks to the converters unlimited themselves, more ecological conditions are created, which the whole world is trying to achieve.
All these improvements are made for one thing, for the sake of improving air quality, so that the entire world can breathe fresh and clean air.
In our time, the automotive industry is already being created that will monitor air quality and track parts of our planet in order to identify and track the most polluted.
And scientists are very worrie that gases can lead to global warming. Because mainly chemical compounds are emitted from the converters unlimited, and CO2 is present in their composition, and it is carbon dioxide released into space that has exceeded all norms for more than one year.
With each new day, cars emit incredible amounts of CO2, which can lead to uneasy warming of the earth. If people look at the observations, then for several centuries, the temperature has already risen very much compared to past times. That is why people began to invent ecological machines that are powere by electricity. Perhaps it is this decision that will save the world from global warming.
Vehicle exhaust emissions
In our time, real dangerous pollutants have appeared that threaten all of humanity. And one of these threats, to the surprise of people, was cars. But millions of people around the world are well aware that an auto cannot just drive and will not emit dangerous emissions. And such emissions come from a billion cars around the world almost every day.
Not only are these gases very harmful, but it has also become clear that they can have a very detrimental effect on the entire planet.
The vehicle became one of the biggest threats in the world, until the moment when scientists managed to come up with a detail that could, at least partially, stop this threat. This part is calle a catalytic converter, it is thanks to the converters unlimited that the whole world can breathe fresh and clean air.
But still, it is completely impossible to control waste emissions, so scientists are working every day to come up with new converters unlimited. Every day the world becomes more and more developed, but this becomes a threat because few people follow what these improvements can lead to.
Cars are a very serious mechanism, which is connected by every part to each other as if it were a Swiss watch. And in order to work properly, people need to adhere to cleanliness and order in the automobile, but there is a problem with which the world has been struggling for more than one year.
These are the exhaust and harmful gases of the car that comes from the processing of fuel inside the engine.
A mix of different gases flies out and seriously pollutes our world because it is these gases that enter the air that all people in the world breathe every day.
And there are billions of autos in the world, so if every car emitted these gases, there would be no clean air.
That is why the converters unlimited was invented to simply solve the problem. Because, for example, a car silencer will not help in any way in solving the concern.
But the catalyst, which is currently present in almost every car, can help the world avoid a terrible fate. And at the moment, scientists every day become more and more concerned about the various pollution of our world.
Vehicle exhaust emissions
In our time, real dangerous pollutants have appeared that threaten all of humanity. And one of these threats, to the surprise of people, was cars.
But millions of people around the world are well aware that an auto cannot just drive and will not emit dangerous emissions. And such emissions come from a billion cars around the world almost every day.
Not only are these gases very harmful, but it has also become clear that they can have a very detrimental effect on the entire planet.
at the moment there are billions of cars, and humanity is well aware that these automobiles pollute the external space very much. And to avoid serious consequences, mankind has invented converters unlimited that filter exhaust gases.
A vehicle can’t run on fuel unless it emits exhaust because the reaction inside is fast and needs to go somewhere. And so a converters unlimited was invented so that the exhaust would not just fly into clean air. And inside the converters unlimited, simple reactions occur, which are a converters unlimited reaction to exhausts, and then oxidation reactions occur.
But there are also disadvantages because catalyzes exhaust also affects our planet. CO2 enters the air, which comes out after the processing of exhaust converters unlimited. And carbon dioxide is just as bad for our environment, but not as bad as just-auto exhaust.
The main problem is due to the engine because it is after the engine has processed the fuel that a reaction occurs that creates exhaust.
And only thanks to the fact that scientists daily create more and more universal converters unlimited, thanks to which humanity can breathe clean air in peace.
But in any case, as people can see from the progress, humanity is trying to get rid of ordinary cars, and more and more automobiles are appearing that are powered by electricity.
Perhaps this is the only way to save the planet from emissions and global warming.
Oxygen sensors installed inside converters unlimited help to more and more effectively clean the gases that come from cars. Inside the converters unlimited, there is a very important job that literally saves our pure oxygen.
Year after year, more and more people understand that the planet is becoming oversaturated, and there are more and more enterprises and things that pollute it.
Therefore, people have created an automotive industry that tries to ensure that there is less pollution.
It is essential that every person try to adhere to all the rules that at least one percent, but could help the world that is suffering from everything that is happening now. They have already invented filters that can perform reduction reactions, and thanks to this, it is easy to save our entire space from various pollution.
There are also many converters unlimited, for example, nitrogen converters unlimited , there are homogeneous catalysts and many others. You can get acquainted with the prices of converters unlimited on our website.
Which slightly differ in functions and types of exhaust processing. But they are all doing the same job. As mentioned earlier, converters unlimited play a huge role in the world. Because it is thanks to the fact that scientists care about people that humanity still lives carefree and does not think about such serious problems.
In order for children to go to school, and parents to provide for them, people need to monitor the state of the planet, because, without it, none of this will be. Therefore, everyone in the world needs to think about how to take care of their planet and save it.
The converters unlimited washing has the following steps:
converters unlimited is remove and subjected to strict control. If honeycombs are not destroye, and the device is considere in good conditions, a manual wash is performe.
Hot water is turne on under pressure, the catalyst is presse down with something heavy (but not excessive, just so that it does not fly away, and the honeycomb is not damage at the same time) and is washe for 2 minutes from each side.
Rinse the converters unlimited at home over a porcelain sink, but not over the bathroom (it destroys enamel or acrylic) and not over the kitchen sink (washable chemistry will corrode it).
Get the catalyst dry.
A sign of a successful completion of work will be clean honeycombs. If there is too much dirt on a converters unlimited, after the first treatment, it should be left overnight in kerosene or diesel fuel, which is easier to get.
Re-treatment and washing are carried out.
The need for mechanical converters unlimited cleaning arises when it is not possible to remove contamination by washing the part.
Mechanical method
This work is carried out in the following sequence:
converters unlimited converter is removed from the exhaust system of a car.
Contaminated honeycombs are cleaned gently with fine sandpaper.
converters unlimited is purged with compressed air.
The mechanical method proved especially good when cleaning converters unlimited of diesel engines. This part is very dirty in such cars, so with a careful approach, you can restore the throughput of the product.
Work should be done very carefully so as not to damage the inside of a unit, which is made of special ceramics.
Tips & Tricks
If after adding the additive to gasoline it was not possible to restore the converters unlimited , then you can not do it without disassembling the exhaust system. If the method of mechanical cleaning with your own hands for one reason or another cannot be performed, then you can try to rinse with a special liquid to clean the converters unlimited.
Before cleaning the converters unlimited, make sure that its internal parts are not deformed. If as a result of the check significant areas with melted honeycombs are revealed, a complete replacement of converters unlimited will be required.
In order to save money and time, drivers often abandon the idea of cleaning and replacing this important autopart, punching new holes in it, or drilling them. This decision will allow you to return the engine power, but the car will probably start emission harmful gas into the atmosphere. In addition, the noise level from the exhaust pipe that occurs when the car is moving will increase. Such methods of “cleaning” are unacceptable, and during the long-term operation of an engine with a damaged filter element, various problems can arise.
Despite recommendations of complete removal of catalyst from the exhaust system of a car by many garage masters, this is not worth it. The absence of a converters unlimited significantly increases the toxicity of products resulting from the combustion of automotive fuel.
converters unlimited in a modern car is necessary to reduce exhaust emissions. This part has a limited resource, so over time it becomes necessary to replace and clean it.converters unlimited , regardless of car model, is quite expensive. For this reason, many drivers are wondering how to clean the detail without replacing it.
The unit is similar to resonator tank.converters unlimited is a container with two connecting nozzles. Inside there are small ceramic honeycombs coated with a converters unlimited layer based on noble metals (hence the high price of spare parts). Exhaust flue gases clog the cells with soot, gradually making the neutralizer impassable.
The option without dismantling is a priority for vehicle owners, because on many cars this part can be removed only by cutting the grinder from the exhaust gas system.
Can DIY catalyst cleaning be effective?
Before proceeding with actions, it is necessary to find out in which cases converters unlimited cleaning can bring benefit.
Flushing the converters unlimited with special fluids may be most effective for:
Implementation of preventive measures.
Strong clogging of converters unlimited honeycomb with soot.
If the detail has not yet failed, but a slight decrease in engine power and an increase in fuel consumption is already observed. In order to extend the service life, chemical cleaning is performed.
With a strong blockage of honeycombs, but in absence of reflows, this method allows to significantly extend the life of converters unlimited. It increases engine power and reduce fuel consumption.
Car repair specialists practice the following cleaning options for converters unlimited :
Preventative cleaning with a detergent.
Repeated washing.
Mechanical cleaning.
Preventive converters unlimited cleaning, as a rule, is carried out with a mileage of 70 – 80 thousand km. This method allows you to resolve the problem without dismantling the part.
Repeated washing is used to clean a heavily soiled converters unlimited. In order to clean it in this way, you will need to disassemble a part of the exhaust system of a car.
Mechanical cleaning is carried out using a compressor and a brush. This option for cleaning the converters unlimited is also performed on dismantled section of exhaust pipe.
Old converters unlimited can be sold to a number of companies associated with refineries with contracts for the recycling of their enriched raw materials. The scope of activity of such companies includes the purchase of spent converters unlimited from private and legal entities.
Before concluding a contract of sale, the company analyzes the converters unlimited which valuable element it contains, and in what quantity.
Based on the analysis
the transaction value is determined. On average, for foreign cars prices are per 1 kg of converters unlimited vary from 50 to 150 USD, depending on the car brand.
converters unlimited from Hummer, Land Rover, Infiniti, Jeep GrandCherokee, Lexus, Mercedes-Benz reach the highest costs.
The task of recycling automotive parts waste is to obtain semi-finished products suitable for recycling. The hydrometallurgical method for extraction of precious metals for converters unlimited consists of
the following main steps:
Primary leaching of waste with mixtures of acids, the composition of which depends on qualitative and quantitative content of precious metals in source, at temperatures above 100 ° C;
Repeated washing of an acid-insoluble carrier with water;
Drying semi-finished product at 200 ° C and calcining at temperatures of the order of 600 ° C.
When using the pyrometallurgical method for converters unlimited, waste processing occurs in the following several stages:
Crushing and sorting its particles by size.
Preparation of the initial charge.
Melting of crushed product at a temperature of 3000 ° C in a plasma-arc furnace with the formation of melts of precious metals, ceramics, and metal carriers.
Periodic discharge of slag melts, stratifie due to the difference in densities of metals and ceramics: the ceramic melt remains at a top, precious metal melt in collector (copper, iron) is draine from the furnace.
Granulation of a liquid melt.
The heal granulation product, enriched with precious metals by 3-15%, is a suitable raw material for refining plants, which further produce precious metals with the highest degree of purity.
First of all, ecology. If you are proud that your car doesn’t pollute environment, then after replacing the converters unlimited with a substitute, you need to stop doing this, because your car will no longer have Euro-4 or Euro-5 standard.
No need to program car computer. Vehicle electronic control system is designed to use a converters unlimited and without it will start to go crazy. Using a substitute, you need to invent tricks on oxygen sensors, and in the best case, reprogram the engine.
Reducing the resource of the exhaust system. Even a good converters unlimited substitute with the task of lowering the temperature of exhaust copes worse than the converters unlimited, so the risk that the muffler burns out increases. On the other hand, you can change more than one silencer for money that will save a flash suppressor.
If the benefits of replacing converters unlimited with a flame arrester are obvious for you, then a detailed instruction of step-by-step process will be useful. Usually, car owners have to deal with universal flame arresters, which must be adjusted locally or even make such a unit on their own. People without experience with a grinder and welding should not take up the replacement.
Step 1. Removal of the converters unlimited
The converters unlimited and collector are located directly in the exhaust manifold.converters unlimited is easier to remove, especially if the design permits using a screwdriver. If there is no such a possibility, because they are tightly attached, a grinder is used. The second one requires dismantling the exhaust manifold, which increases the complexity of the process.
Step 2. Choosing a flame arrester
The supply of such car parts is sufficient, you can consider the details, cost, and other elements. In general, the main thing is that it is two-layer, the brand is not so important. However, this is such a simple unit that you can do it yourself. Cut the casing from the catalyst, knock out the entire filling from it, and instead insert a piece of perforated pipe, cover the casing from the inside with heat-resistant, sound-absorbing material, brew, and the arrester is ready. As for cost, such an assembly will turn out to be very cheap, but only those who know how to use a welding machine should undertake independent manufacture of a flame arrester. As practice shows, the most popular damage to a flame arrester is a burst weld.
Step 3. Installing a flame arrester instead of a catalyst
If we are not talking about products that are precisely designed for regular places, then to install a converters unlimited substitute you have to use a combination of welding and ingenuity. It&rsquo’s not that it’s very difficult, but you have to measure and adjust the dimensions, think over the location, especially when it comes to collector arresters. In addition, no manufacturer describes such a procedure in official reference materials, so you need to look for information in additional sources.
Step 4. Correction of electronics
For the car to work correctly without converters unlimited, you need to consider reprogramming for the second lambda probe or completely reflash the motor. The deception is like a converters unlimited in miniature, it “filters” a piece of exhaust that enters the sensor, showing that everything is fine, the emulator simply transfers the values that it expects to the engine, without real measurements. Deceptions and emulators may not work, but a good alternative firmware almost always solves problems after installing such a device.
What is the general cost to replace the converters unlimited with a flame arrester? Units themselves are relatively inexpensive from 15 to 20 USD, depending on the brand and design. Prices for converters unlimited replacement services depend on region and brand of car. The average price would be 75-100 USD for such a service (although the price range is very large). Separately, you will need to pay extra for installing a lambda sensor and reprogramming.
Talking about converters unlimited its starting cost will get even up to 1200 USD, which is not a limit, due to various car models. That is why in case of a problem with converters unlimited it is very reasonable to pay attention to other options (which can be 10 times cheaper!). Savings are obvious, and replacement can be done by yourself or in most car service stations, the main thing is not to forget to adjust engine and electronic system.
converters unlimited Cons are the following:
First of all, ecology. If you are proud that your car doesn’t pollute environment, then after replacing the converters unlimited with a substitute, you need to stop doing this, because your car will no longer have Euro-4 or Euro-5 standard.
No need to program car computer. Vehicle electronic control system is designed to use a converters unlimited and without it will start to go crazy. Using a substitute, you need to invent tricks on oxygen sensors, and in the best case, reprogram the engine.
Reducing the resource of the exhaust system. Even a good converters unlimited substitute with the task of lowering the temperature of exhaust copes worse than the catalytic converter, so the risk that the muffler burns out increases. On the other hand, you can change more than one silencer for money that will save a flash suppressor.
If the benefits of replacing converters unlimited with a flame arrester are obvious for you, then a detailed instruction of step-by-step process will be useful. Usually, car owners have to deal with universal flame arresters, which must be adjusted locally or even make such a unit on their own. People without experience with a grinder and welding should not take up the replacement.
Step 1. Removal of the converters unlimited
The converters unlimited and collector are located directly in the exhaust manifold. converters unlimited is easier to remove, especially if the design permits using a screwdriver. If there is no such a possibility, because they are tightly attached, a grinder is used. The second one requires dismantling the exhaust manifold, which increases the complexity of the process.
Step 2. Choosing a flame arrester
The supply of such car parts is sufficient, you can consider the details, cost, and other elements. In general, the main thing is that it is two-layer, the brand is not so important. However, this is such a simple unit that you can do it yourself. Cut the casing from the converters unlimited, knock out the entire filling from it, and instead insert a piece of perforated pipe, cover the casing from the inside with heat-resistant, sound-absorbing material, brew, and the arrester is ready. As for cost, such an assembly will turn out to be very cheap, but only those who know how to use a welding machine should undertake independent manufacture of a flame arrester. As practice shows, the most popular damage to a flame arrester is a burst weld.
Step 3. Installing a flame arrester instead of a converters unlimited
If we are not talking about products that are precisely designed for regular places, then to install a converters unlimited substitute you have to use a combination of welding and ingenuity. It&rsquo’s not that it’s very difficult, but you have to measure and adjust the dimensions, think over the location, especially when it comes to collector arresters. In addition, no manufacturer describes such a procedure in official reference materials, so you need to look for information in additional sources.
Step 4. Correction of electronics
For the car to work correctly without converters unlimited, you need to consider reprogramming for the second lambda probe or completely reflash the motor. The deception is like a converters unlimited in miniature, it “filters” a piece of exhaust that enters the sensor, showing that everything is fine, the emulator simply transfers the values that it expects to the engine, without real measurements. Deceptions and emulators may not work, but a good alternative firmware almost always solves problems after installing such a device.
What is the general cost to replace the converters unlimited with a flame arrester? Units themselves are relatively inexpensive from 15 to 20 USD, depending on the brand and design. Prices for converters unlimited replacement services depend on region and brand of car. The average price would be 75-100 USD for such a service (although the price range is very large). Separately, you will need to pay extra for installing a lambda sensor and reprogramming.
Talking about converters unlimited its starting cost will get even up to 1200 USD, which is not a limit, due to various car models. That is why in case of a problem with converters unlimited it is very reasonable to pay attention to other options (which can be 10 times cheaper!). Savings are obvious, and replacement can be done by yourself or in most car service stations, the main thing is not to forget to adjust engine and electronic system.
Now let’s talk about how to flush a converters unlimited on a diesel or gasoline engine. First, there are a few cases where the washing procedure really helps.
If cleaning is carrie out for preventive purposes, and not after the appearance of problems with the catalyst.
In the absence of damage to the honeycomb cleaning without dismantling is recommende.
converters unlimited cleaning is allowe if combs are a little clogge. This means that the element is in the initial stage of wear. If there is no fusion of the ceramic structures of the element and none of the three cases suits you, you will have to install a new catalyst. Cleaning won’t help.
After using the liquid cleaner without removing the converters unlimited from a car, the following positive changes are observed in various vehicle systems:
carbon deposits are removed;
engine power increases;
reduced fuel consumption;
reduced toxicity of exhaust gases;
increased fuel knock is eliminated.
All these transformations are possible only when the professional cleaning of the converters unlimited is carried out. It Is better to follow detailed instructions for the use of the liquid washer.
Cleaning the vehicle converters unlimited with the liquid cleaner will only be successful if
the following conditions are met:
Fill the gas tank 1/3 full.
Pour Hi-Gear cleaner into the gas tank.
Fill the tank up to 100%.
Operate the car until the full volume of fuel is used up.
Take a look at your car and its parts to prevent problems and expensive repair procedures. There Is no need to consider long and complicated maintenance activities.
If, after adding the additive to gasoline, it was not possible to restore the converters unlimited performance, then you cannot do without disassembling the exhaust system of a car.
Get your own converters unlimited cleaning experience and enjoy great results without too much work.
There are some signs which tell about the possible need to wash converters unlimited Before you flush the converters unlimited , you need to make sure that it needs it. The following signs can confirm clogging:
motor power decreases;
fuel warning indicators, on the contrary, are increasing;
some difficulties are observed when starting the engine;
the motor can stop at idle;
in vehicles that are equipped with a pair of lambda sensors, a special indicator with the inscription Check Engine indicates the presence of a problem. Electronic equipment identifies the degradation of a converters unlimited and reflects one or another error.
To properly wash your car converters unlimited , you need not miss the moment when the ceramic filling has not yet completely deteriorated.
Therefore, the part must be washed in advance, before the first problems arise. This procedure does not involve much effort and material costs less than purchasing a new item by the vehicle owner.
Car repair specialists practice the following options for washing the converters unlimited
preventive cleaning with detergent;
multiple flushing;
mechanical cleaning.
Preventive washing, as a rule, is carried out with a mileage of 70 – 80 thousand km. This method allows you to do the procedure without dismantling the converters unlimited .
Multiple flushing is used to clean a heavily soiled element. In order to clean the converters unlimited in this way, you will need to disassemble part of the vehicle’s exhaust system.
Mechanical cleaning is carried out using a compressor and a brush. This type of converters unlimited cleaning is also performed on the dismantled section of the catalyst.
The need for mechanical cleaning arises when it is not possible to remove contamination by flushing the part.
You can make sure that the converters unlimited is working on your own. In extreme cases, car services make paid diagnostics. Let’s highlight 3 main methods of checking the converters unlimited , which can cause different problems, including shaking.
When housing is deformed, converters unlimited honeycomb is likely to be damaged. In this case, an external examination will not give an understanding of contamination; it will be necessary to remove the converters unlimited from a vehicle.
The problem lies in a very difficult removal of a converters unlimited , it is not uncommon to “stick”, in which case it has to be cut off with a grinder. Having removed the converters unlimited , all the underparts of a car have to be carefully examined for gaps. If combs are clogged with dirt, they are cleaned or replaced with a new one. But the design does not always allow for an internal inspection without opening converters unlimited housing.
Very often, car owners are faced with the fact that vibration is felt in a car cabin, and often this is due to the exhaust system. Almost all cars have parts or connections that compensate for the vibrations of the engine, respectively so that they are not transmitted to the exhaust system and car body. This is either a damper connection or a muffler. Any inexperienced driver can easily identify a malfunction in the exhaust pipe, often associated with a converters unlimited .
Signs of a clogged or destroyed converters unlimited malfunction
The car does not start or stalls instantly. The converters unlimited indicates a complete breakdown. Solution: Unscrew oxygen sensor (located in front of the catalyst). Start the engine, if the car is working, then the catalyst barrel is faulty. It needs to be replaced with a new one or an analog.
The car accelerates poorly and the engine picks up speed slowly. When driving, it seems that the car is being held from behind. So converters unlimited cells are partially clogged.
Fuel consumption has increased. This is also a symptom of a converters unlimited malfunction, but not always, it may indicate another malfunction, such as fuel injectors.
Exhaust comes out weakly from a pipe, honeycombs are clogged.
Exhaust has a bluish tint and a pungent, unpleasant smell. It means that the converters unlimited is destroyed or melted.
When accelerating, a metallic sound is heard (as if gravel was poured) – the converters unlimited is half destroyed, the block is clogged, or perhaps converters unlimited barrels have moved from a designated place.
“Check Engine” light comes on, low efficiency (code P0420). It may arise in case of other problems, but also signals a possible malfunction of a converters unlimited .
Likewise, the converters unlimited has certain symptoms that indicate that something is wrong with it. When the service life of aconverters unlimited comes to an end, you can see the inscription “Check Engine” on an instrument scale, and the car will start working in emergency mode.
It is important to pay attention to the fact that the signal will light up instantly only if the part was physically damage or electrical wiring was cut off. And therefore, the catalytic converter may stop correctly performing its tasks, but the lamp will still not burn.
As soon as the converters unlimited starts to fail, you will notice that car’s power has dropped sharply, and also that it has become much more difficult to start. It is almost always to blame for this clogging of aconverters unlimited honeycomb with soot particles.
As a result, the exhaust simply does not pass through the filter media. Gases that have not gone anywhere begin to put pressure on an engine. And it cannot endure such pressure for a long time, and therefore begins to fail.
Fails and car shaking can also occur when the filter coating of platinum and iridium has worn off. You can see that the flow of gases from aconverters unlimited has become weak. And this will just mean that the period of validity has come to an end because under normal conditions emissions are large.
How to independently check the clogged converters unlimited
If you do not plan to take the car to a service station for various reasons, you can check the efficiency of a converters unlimited yourself. And the first thing to do is to take a flashlight and shine into this part.
If necessary and possible, you can remove the converters unlimited But it often happens that it sticks to the base of a car. Better use the bracket to raise your car.
The second way to test the converters unlimited is to smell it. It can be completely atypical and unpleasant if the converters unlimited is out of order. And finally, the third method is to put your hand to the exhaust pipe. If the converters unlimited is functioning properly, you will be able to experience a big exhaust emission. But if it is hammered, you will not notice any resistance.
What can be the main consequence of a clogged converters unlimited ?
After all, it all depends on the strength of the breakage of your converters unlimited So, if the converters unlimited is clogge with soot, it is enough to clean it so that it starts working correctly again. But if something more serious happene, consequences could be much worse. For example, if the inside of a part is melted, you will not be able to use the car. And the converters unlimited will have to be changed completely.
It is worth knowing about other even worse consequences. If gases do not pass through the device, they will return to the cylinder, but with particles of soot, ceramics, etc. A cylinder is a very fragile element of a car, and the smallest break can render the entire cylinder-piston system unusable.
And if this happens to your car, then only the replacement of specific parts and the converters unlimited will help, which will be done at a service station.
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