Council unanimously adopted

The Carlsbad City Council unanimously adopted San Diego County’s first  converters unlimited law Tuesday, making official an ordinance introduced Jan. 25.

Under the new law, effective 30 days from Tuesday, it is illegal for anyone other than a core recycler to possess a converters unlimited without valid proof of ownership.

Valid proof must include the license plate number and vehicle identification number of the car from which the part was removed, the name, address and telephone number of the vehicle owner, the signature of the vehicle owner authorizing removal, and the name, address and phone number of the part’s current owner.

converters unlimited that are detached and approved for sale and reuse are not affected by the ordinance.

Violators will be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1,000 and up to six months in jail, the ordinance states.


Thefts of converters unlimited countywide jumped from 393 reported in 2020 to 2,056 in 2021, and many of the thefts go unreported. The parts are mass-produced and have no serial number, which makes the case difficult to prosecute.

The parts contain valuable precious metals including platinum, palladium and rhodium, which can bring hundreds of dollars from recyclers. Replacement and repairs to a vehicle after the device is stolen can cost $2,000 or more.

Law enforcement officials encourage people to have their car’s vehicle identification number engraved on the device or install protective equipment such as shields or clamps on their vehicle to prevent the thefts.

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