The converters unlimited  honeycomb structure with ultra-small cross-section tubes was chosen because this way it is possible to maximize the area on which the substance acting as a catalyst is applied. Accordingly, the volume of converters unlimited “processing” of exhaust gases is also growing.

To make the air-fuel mixture stable

carburetors began to be supplemented with electronic control. In 1975, in the United States, transistor ignition systems appeared, which minimized gaps in sparking, from which fuel burned out in converters unlimited.

We turned to the exhaust gas recirculation system, which, by lowering the combustion temperature of fuel mixture, reduces the number of nitrogen oxides.


the fight for the environment, as well as the desire to remove more power, also contributed to the early introduction of electronic injection, a system that can fully unleash the potential of converters unlimited.

At the same time, in the 70s, another event took place, under the influence of laws and public, oil producers abandoned additives based on tetraethyl lead.

Articles about catalytic converter in Egypt — Photo № 2 | AutoCatalyst Market

And converters unlimited continued to be improved

A quarter of a century ago, a keg moved from under the underside of a car into the engine compartment, right next to the exhaust manifold.

This was necessary for the converters unlimited fastest-warming up and reducing harmful emissions immediately after starting the car. The catalyst substances begin to act only at 250-300 degrees.

Later, the development of separate electric heating with a capacity of up to several kW was proposed. There were systems of two converters unlimited , where the first was located directly in the path and worked while the main unit was warming up.

Adsorption traps for hydrocarbons were set up, holding them until the catalyst reached the operating temperature. converters unlimited experiments have been and are being conducted with filler materials.

Refractory ceramics are relatively heavy and far from ideal for creating ultra-thin converters unlimited honeycombs. The metal for cells was used before, and now it is being used again, at a different technological level, using various bimetallic alloys.


resistant to temperature, thin as foil, so you can significantly increase deposition area of ​​platinum, palladium, and rhodium.

Car owners try new options installing a universal converters unlimited. But universal converters unlimited, like the original, is highly dependent on external factors

. It is impossible to give a full guarantee on it. Usually, they serve 60-80, but they can fail earlier if there is a failure in an ignition system or an engine operating system.

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