Each car owner can check the  converter unlimited performance independently or by contacting a service center.

There are 3 methods for verifying catalyst health:

  1. Visual inspection of the housing. Deformation of housing always indicates a partial or complete malfunction of a converter unlimited.
  2. In this case, it must be remove. On some models, inspection without opening the case cannot be carried out.
  3. Back pressure. The check can be carrie out using a manometer and an adapter tube connected to it.\
  4. The pressure gauge is put in place of lambda sensor and start the engine at 2.5-3 thousand turns for 15 seconds. On average, normal pressure values ​​are 0.3 kg / cm2 and 0.35 kg / cm2 for modified engines. Indicators of 0.5 kg / cm2 and above indicate problems with the catalyst.
  5. Diagnostics by a motor tester. This diagnostic option is possible with special equipment. The device is connecte instead of spark plugs and takes data during engine start.
  6. Car diagnostics. If you have special equipment, you can carry out diagnostics yourself.

Articles about catalytic converter in Egypt — Photo № 5 | AutoCatalyst Market

Why should you remove a converter unlimited?

The ideal solution for a converter unlimited  failure is to replace it with a new one.

However, not everyone can afford the purchase of a new, original part, the cost of which is about 500 USD.

An alternative version of Chinese production will cost 100 USD. But such expenses are unacceptable for some car owners, so they decide to remove the catalyst completely and weld an empty flame arrester.

It is important! Experts recommend changing the converter unlimited to the original only once, on new cars.

Subsequent investment in an expensive original converter unlimited is impractical, because the motor works worse and cells become clogged twice as fast. Some universal models are several times cheaper than branded items and at the same time work with the same efficiency.

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