How to identify a clogged converters unlimited?

For the following reasons, converters unlimitedis usually clogged:


  1. There are certain defects in engine or exhaust system. For example, the increased oil content in exhaust and its increased consumption.

  2. Low-quality fuel that does not completely burn out in cylinders and burns out already in exhaust manifold.converters unlimited may melt or simply overheat.

  3. Too small throughput cells of aconverters unlimited. They quickly clog, and even small droplets stick because of heat.

  4. Poor quality pavement affects catalyst clogging. From constant mechanical shocks about bumps, speed bumps, mounds suffer from its internal components. And if at least one cell is damaged, then its particles can clog remaining cells.


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Implications for an engine

Do not neglect tips to check the converters unlimited for clogging, since consequences of driving with such a node can be most severe for a car. A defective element provokes following problems:


  • Increased operating costs of gasoline due to increased resistance of the exhaust tract.

  • Exhaust fumes contain a lot more harmful substances.

  • Engine power drops significantly, and, consequently, comfort of a trip in a car.

  • The main thing that threatens a long ride with a clogged converters unlimited is a complete breakdown of gasoline engine. At one point, it will stall right in the process of movement, or it won’t start at all.

It is especially dangerous for motor if the internal filling of a converters unlimited is destroyed. In this case, solid particles are formed that penetrate the cylinder and become clogged between the piston and the inner surface. Because of them, damage is formed on the mirror, and they can be removed only by grinding.

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