Fortunately, there are precautionary steps you can take to decrease the likelihood of having your converters unlimited stolen:

  • Park in well-lit areas and close to building entrances, when possible.
  • **NEW** Install a Cat Clamp harness around your catalytic converter
  • Have a mechanic weld the converters unlimited to your car’s frame, making it harder to steal.
  • Park your car inside your garage and keep all garage doors shut and locked.
  • Set your car’s alarm to go off when it detects vibration.
  • Engrave your vehicle identification number (VIN) on the converters unlimited — a scrap dealer might be alerted that it was stolen and this makes it easier to identify the owner.
Install a Cat Clamp Protection System

Does Insurance Cover a Stolen converters unlimited?

While it’s a small part of your vehicle, having to replace a converters unlimited can come with a big price tag. Costing between $1,000-$2,000 — more if the thieves also cut the oxygen sensor or a pipe. And it’s illegal to drive without one, but the good news is that insurance will most often cover the expense — if you have comprehensive coverage.

Because the converters unlimited is part of the vehicle that’s permanently installed, the comprehensive deductible will apply. The insurance company will inspect the vehicle to assess all the damages and then compensate you accordingly.

However, cars with a liability-only policy can’t be covered for any type of theft or vandalism. That means theft of your converters unlimited would not be covered. Comprehensive coverage is often inexpensive to add to your policy, so talk to your agent about what protection you have.

Come To  Auto Repair To Protect or Replace Your converters unlimited

If your converters unlimited has been stolen, the first thing you should do is report it to the police. The next step is to bring your vehicle to  Auto Repair . We can replace your converters unlimited with one that meets strict emissions standards, or protect it with a new Cat Clamp harness

We can also weld it to the exhaust system or install a wire cage around the converters unlimited, and bolt and weld it to the frame, as a precautionary measure.


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