Honda Accords have quickly risen on the thieves most wanted list of vehicles to target

Here are the reasons why:

  • The 2.4L 4 cylinder 2003 – 2007 Accords have easy converters to steal. There is just one main converter that is completely exposed.
  • Thieves will steal almost any Accord converter but will definitely try to take your converter if you have one of the “rarer” Accords out there. Thieves are looking an Accord with an SULEV sticker. SULEV stands for Super Ultra Low Emissions Vehicle. SULEV Accords were manufactured with more precious metals than other Accords to get the emissions level down to the lowest possible level. These converters have one of the highest resale value on the blackmarket. There aren’t many out there, but you can tell if you have one by looking at the rear driver side quarter panel window and seeing if you have a SULEV sticker there. IF YOU HAVE THIS STICKER REMOVE IT SO THE THIEVES WONT KNOW YOU HAVE THIS UNICORN OF CONVERTERS.

Unfortunately it is difficult to make a shield for Honda Accords for three reasons.

  • The primary reason is that the converter is completely exposed with no features or mounting points to use to make a shield with. This doesn’t mean we won’t try, but it also means it will take time to try to engineer a design that will be effective and not cost prohibitive.
  • Accords have a number of cheaper aftermarket converters available (expect the SULEV Accords) when compared to OEM converters. The cost of a shield and installation may not be worth it when compared to the cost of a replacement converter.
  • There are not too many Accords with the OEM converters. Because all our shields are custom designed and fitted for OEM converters, we cannot guarantee fitment for aftermarket parts. When so many Accords have aftermarket converters, our shields may not work for those vehicles.

Here are some helpful tips that may save your catalytic converter

  • Remove your SULEV sticker if you have one.
  • Add a V6 emblem to your vehicle. V6 Accords may be less likely to be stolen because those models have three converters and two of them are close to the engine and difficult to steal. A thief could know this and may be looking for a dual exhaust (which is a feature of V6 Accords) or the V6 emblem to decide if they want to attempt to steal the converter.

Other tips that could save your converter

  • If you can’t protect your converter effectively, deter the thieves from trying to jack up your vehicle to take your converter.
  • Park on a slope. The last thing a thief wants is to be crushed by your vehicle. If you can park on a hill, you may discourage thieves from trying to jack up your vehicle for fear the vehicle will fall off the jack.
  • Park on grass or an unstable surface. If the ground which the jack is on is unstable or prone to sink, the jack will be ineffective.

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