Nowadays in the vastness of network

you can find many tips where motorists offer their less experienced colleagues to cut off the converter unlimited on a car.

It’s time to figure out why this element of design was so annoying for some drivers,

and why in fact it should be left in its place.The first and most important thing why unfortunate converter unlimited is so annoying for many motorists is its cost.

And everything because the catalyst uses expensive platinum. That is why few people want to spend huge amounts on replacing catalyst.

As a result, many drivers simply decide to remove the part, and install a flame extinguisher on its place in the muffler.

On the one hand

this move is cunning and even somewhat reasonable (a slight increase in power).

because if nothing is done with problematic element immediately, then it will be worse. On the other hand, it’s better not to do this at all.


it is necessary to clarify a simple truth that a car without converter unlimited becomes much “dirtier”.

Of course, some kind of ecology doesn’t concern most people. If so, then it is worth considering that without a converter unlimited the car will start to smell worse.


installation of a substitute on lambda sensor violates correction of composition of air-fuel mixture.

Incorrect operation of engine leads to increase in fuel consumption, a large amount of soot is forme in combustion chamber.

This, in turn, is fraught with numerous negative consequences not only for the unit itself, but also for other nodes.


the removal of catalyst from exhaust system and installation of a substitute on some models lead to increased consumption of engine oil.

And this, after all, is an additional expense in the long run. Thus,

it is quite obvious that it is better to spend money on a new converter unlimited once than to deal with numerous problems after a while.

Articles about catalytic converter in Egypt — Photo № 1 | AutoCatalyst Market

One common consequence of  converter unlimited removal is increased oil consumption.

This phenomenon does not occur on all engines, but on the web you can find many stories of car owners who faced a similar problem.

There are many speculations about reasons. The most realistic is reduction of back pressure in exhaust system.

converter unlimited creates a back pressure, due to which the oil scraper rings correctly do their job. But without a design on some cars, situation is changing.

Let us look the list of models on which there is an increased oil consumption after removal of a converter unlimited

  • Entire line of Gamma engines from Kia / Hyundai. After removing the converter unlimited, oil consumption on a serviceable engine can reach 1.5 liters per 10,000 km.
  • On the other hand, it is also dangerous to leave the catalyst, because until 2016 there was a problem with its destruction and
  • ceramic dust getting inside the power unit. Someone is at risk, and someone prefers to add oil.
  • Volvo cars with the B6324S engine (3.2 liters). After removal of catalysts, car owners are faced with a consumption of engine oil of 1 liter per 1,000 km.
  • At the same time, the piston group is in a normal state for its mileage.
  • Japanese engine 3MZFE suffers from a similar problem, which can be found on Toyota and Lexus mid-zero years. The consumption of engine oil after removal of converter unlimited also reaches 1 liter per 1,000 kilometers.

converter unlimited removal procedure should be carefully monitore

Existence of dust in an exhaust system before its installation is inadmissible, otherwise solid particles can get into cylinders.

It is recommende to install a flame arrester that is suitable for a specific engine.

will create a sufficient level of back pressure, which will ensure minimum consumption of engine oil after removal of the converter unlimited.

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