Old converter unlimited

can be sold to a number of companies associate with refineries with contracts for the recycling of their enriche raw materials.

The scope of activity of such companies includes the purchase of spent converter unlimited  from private and legal entities.


concluding a contract of sale, the company analyzes the converter unlimited which valuable element it contains, and in what quantity.

Based on the analysis, the transaction value is determine.

On average, for foreign cars prices are per 1 kg of catalyst vary from 50 to 150 USD, depending on the car brand.

converter unlimited from Hummer

, Land Rover, Infiniti, Jeep GrandCherokee, Lexus, Mercedes-Benz reach the highest costs.

Prescious metals in a converter unlimited

In the modern cars there are a lot of interesting things.

It turns out that there are even noble metals in it and the car owner hims

Not everyone knows that the so-called exhaust system converter unlimited or rather, an exhaust gas converter unlimited contains precious metals of the platinum group.

First of all, it is actually platinum, as well as noble metals palladium and rhodium.

Therefore, after the automotive  converter unlimited fails and this usually happens after 150-200 thousand kilometers,

you can take it to special processing companies, which are able to extract precious metal for recycling.

The main nuance of this procedure is that platinum metals are in a form of a very thin layer spraye onto porous ceramic cells.

In fact, the device is conceive as such, so that the contact surface of exhaust gases with metal catalyst is as wide as possible.


, collecting spraye platinum from 20 thousand square meters of the inner surface of the honeycomb is not so simple.

To do this, it is necessary to “rinse” converter unlimited ceramics with acids, heat, galvanize, crush… But this, in fact, is a problem not of a motorist, but of other people.

Articles about catalytic converter in Egypt — Photo № 1 | AutoCatalyst Market

How to determine the profit which a converter unlimited can bring to a driver owing to this?

To determine the number of platinoids, an RF spectrometer is used, it is also an X-ray fluorescence analyzer.

But first of all

, you need to see the catalyst case, pull out the ceramic filler and grind it. Then, correlating the data of spectrometer and mass of ground filling, the receiver determines the price.

The average price of a  converter unlimited that has worke out is from 20 to 150 USD, and you can get them just passing an unnecessary converter unlimited at the pick-up point.

It is interesting that evaluators take into account the current quotations on world exchanges when evaluating.

And this figure relative to platinum can experience significant fluctuations, for example: depending on the situation, one ounce in different periods can cost several hundred dollars and one and a half thousand dollars.

The content of precious metals in a catalyst is determined using a spectrometer. Incidentally, it is able to distinguish platinum substitute.

To understand:

the content of pure platinum or other platinoids is tenths and hundredths of a percent of the total mass of converter unlimited filling.

handing over the old for recycling will be the most rational step.

And even if you  want to buy a new catalyst and intend to replace it with a substitute, you should still think about recycling.

The price is worth the time spent on the delivery of precious recycle materials.

The platinum content in Japanese and Chinese cars is 15% less than in Europe, in catalysts of Russian cars 40% less than rhodium in Europe.

In American catalysts, precious metals are half as much as in European ones.

To solve the problems of processing converter unlimited, hydrometallurgical and pyrometallurgical methods are used.

The source for processing contains a large amount of ceramic carrier and an insignificant concentration of precious metals.

When processing waste electronics, the source is scrap parts that contain, as a rule, plastic particles in their composition.

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