Many diseases have their symptoms

Likewise, the converters unlimited has certain symptoms that indicate that something is wrong with it. When the service life of aconverters unlimited   comes to an end, you can see the inscription “Check Engine” on an instrument scale, and the car will start working in emergency mode.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the signal will light up instantly only if the part was physically damage or electrical wiring was cut off. And therefore, the catalytic converter may stop correctly performing its tasks, but the lamp will still not burn.

As soon as the converters unlimited starts to fail, you will notice that car’s power has dropped sharply, and also that it has become much more difficult to start. It is almost always to blame for this clogging of aconverters unlimited honeycomb with soot particles.

As a result, the exhaust simply does not pass through the filter media. Gases that have not gone anywhere begin to put pressure on an engine. And it cannot endure such pressure for a long time, and therefore begins to fail.

Articles about catalytic converter in Egypt — Photo № 4 | AutoCatalyst Market

Fails and car shaking can also occur when the filter coating of platinum and iridium has worn off. You can see that the flow of gases from aconverters unlimited  has become weak. And this will just mean that the period of validity has come to an end because under normal conditions emissions are large.

How to independently check the clogged converters unlimited

If you do not plan to take the car to a service station for various reasons, you can check the efficiency of a converters unlimited yourself. And the first thing to do is to take a flashlight and shine into this part.

If necessary and possible, you can remove the converters unlimited But it often happens that it sticks to the base of a car. Better use the bracket to raise your car.

The second way to test the converters unlimited is to smell it. It can be completely atypical and unpleasant if the converters unlimited is out of order. And finally, the third method is to put your hand to the exhaust pipe. If the converters unlimited is functioning properly, you will be able to experience a big exhaust emission. But if it is hammered, you will not notice any resistance.

converters unlimited

What can be the main consequence of a clogged converters unlimited ?

After all, it all depends on the strength of the breakage of your converters unlimited So, if the converters unlimited is clogge with soot, it is enough to clean it so that it starts working correctly again. But if something more serious happene, consequences could be much worse. For example, if the inside of a part is melted, you will not be able to use the car. And the converters unlimited will have to be changed completely.

It is worth knowing about other even worse consequences. If gases do not pass through the device, they will return to the cylinder, but with particles of soot, ceramics, etc. A cylinder is a very fragile element of a car, and the smallest break can render the entire cylinder-piston system unusable.

And if this happens to your car, then only the replacement of specific parts and the converters unlimited will help, which will be done at a service station.

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