First we recommend, whenever possible, parking your vehicle in a garage or well lit areas.

Second, you could have your mechanic weld the converter to the exhaust system. This could make the process of theft take longer and increase their risk of getting caught.

Third, you may decide to purchase a catalytic lock which could cost between $150-$400. This may prove to be a good investment since converters unlimited prices to repair average between $945 and $2475.

Finally check that you have full coverage auto insurance.

What cars are at high risk for converters unlimited theft?

Hybrid Cars

Many thieves are stealing hybrid converters unlimited because they hold a high value. The reason hybrid vehicles are targeted most is because the converters unlimited on these models are used a lot less keeping the precious metals inside more in tact.That being said, converters unlimited theft is highest among Toyota and Honda hybrid model vehicles.

Other types of vehicles to consider are SUVs and trucks. These vehicles make it easier for thieves to crawl up underneath and steal the converters unlimited.

In order to combat the converters unlimited theft issue, it is important to spread awareness on the topic. This way car owners can take the proper precautions to reduce the risk of theft happening to them. Potentially saving them from the mental strain and thousands of dollars in repairs. It is also important that recycling centers ask the proper questions before purchasing these scrap converters unlimited from the public to ensure the criminals are not encouraged.