The struggle of automotive engineers for environment has led to appearance of units that are not used for movement, but reduction of air pollution.

converters unlimited is one of them. A metal can with a ceramic honeycomb system “burns” exhaust gases inside and reduces the harmfulness of car exhaust. According to experts, you need to get rid of a converters unlimited after 150-200 thousand kilometers. It is for such a run that this node is designed. It’s better to do it as soon as fuel consumption starts to increase and the car starts to accelerate worse.

Removing converters unlimited and installing a flame arrester will cost much less than replacing converters unlimited itself. But removing of catalyst will increase toxicity of emissions, so this option is not suitable for people concerned about environmental safety of our planet.

But converters unlimited is not eternal, sooner or later the converters unlimited is clogged, its cells are destroyed, and it not only ceases to fulfill its functions, but also prevents the engine from working. So which are the options for a car owner regarding replacement?

Articles about catalytic converter in Egypt — Photo № 1 | AutoCatalyst Market

It is possible to replace a faulty converters unlimited with a new one, however such a replacement will cost a good sum of money. Such converters unlimited are very expensive. The cost goes up to a quarter of market value of a used car. But there are models where several converters unlimited are installed, and each should be changed in case of breakdown. Naturally, the majority of car owners prefer a more economic resolution, like installation of a flame arrester instead of aconverters unlimited .

The advantages of this approach are the following:

  1. Lower price. Replacing the converters unlimited with a flame arrester can cost 5-10 times cheaper than buying a new cat. There are no comments here.
  2. A slight increase in engine power and lower fuel consumption. The flame arrester creates less resistance to exhaust gases than the converters unlimited, engine “breathes” better, which means it adds to the power. The increase, as well as fuel economy, is not very large, about 5-10%. Most drivers will not feel it. It is not worth it to specially remove the catalyst for the sake of increasing power, but for those who still decide on this procedure, improving engine performance is a small bonus.
  3. Reduced fuel quality requirements. converters unlimited react most sharply to bad quality gasoline and often it is because of that quality, converters unlimited fails. The flame arrester does not cope with such work. This does not mean that after replacing aconverters unlimited, refueling at cheap gas stations will be a good idea, but you don’t have to worry about an expensive and fragile part when using unfamiliar gas stations.

Articles about catalytic converter in Egypt — Photo № 2 | AutoCatalyst Market

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