Tag Archives: catalytic converter

ะกlogged catalyst. How to complete a fast check up?

ะกlogged catalyst. How to complete a fast check up?

A clogged catalyst is a common malfunction in high mileage vehicles. Over time, a system breaks down that serves to reduce exhaust emissions. Usually the first signs of this condition are observed after 150 or 200 thousand km. But sometimes it can occur earlier if the engine is not properly operated or a manufacturing defect takes place. Today weโ€™ll talk about the symptoms of a clogged catalyst. How to understand that catalyst is clogged and fix the problem?

Signs of a clogged catalyst

Classic symptoms of a malfunction are a decrease in dynamics of a car and a noticeable cut in engine power. As a result, the level of maximum speed decreases; the car accelerates sluggishly during overtaking or when starting at a traffic light. Additional signs which shows that catalyst is clogged or not:


  1. Motor starts hard on both hot and cold temperature, a strange sound appears.

  2. Power unit may fail completely if the assembly is too clogged.

  3. Exhaust fumes start to smell unusually, this smell resembles a rotten egg (in fact, it is hydrogen sulfide).


One way to identify a clogged catalyst is by checking the CheckEngine indicator light on the car dashboard. Often in such a situation, it lights up. Same symptoms are observed on a diesel engine.


In case of damage to wires that transmit the signal from sensors, or unexpected destruction of active substance, warning lamp lights up. Sensors are mounted after the outlet and before the inlet pipe, they serve to control the oxygen concentration. When catalyst clogging occurs gradually, the bulb does not let you know that a system problem has occurred.


The reason for this may be poor ventilation of cylinders. When it weakens, the power unit cannot capture enough air the increased back pressure of catalyst interferes. The exhaust partially remains inside cylinders and does not allow the air-fuel mixture to properly fill the combustion chamber. For this reason, dynamics worsens, power decreases. The main thing to know is if the catalyst is clogged, how the machine behaves and why it is dangerous.


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How to identify a clogged catalyst?

For the following reasons, catalyst is usually clogged:


  1. There are certain defects in engine or exhaust system. For example, the increased oil content in exhaust and its increased consumption.

  2. Low-quality fuel that does not completely burn out in cylinders and burns out already in exhaust manifold. Catalyst may melt or simply overheat.

  3. Too small throughput cells of a catalyst. They quickly clog, and even small droplets stick because of heat.

  4. Poor quality pavement affects catalyst clogging. From constant mechanical shocks about bumps, speed bumps, mounds suffer from its internal components. And if at least one cell is damaged, then its particles can clog remaining cells.


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Implications for an engine

Do not neglect tips to check the catalyst for clogging, since consequences of driving with such a node can be most severe for a car. A defective element provokes following problems:


  • Increased operating costs of gasoline due to increased resistance of the exhaust tract.

  • Exhaust fumes contain a lot more harmful substances.

  • Engine power drops significantly, and, consequently, comfort of a trip in a car.

  • The main thing that threatens a long ride with a clogged catalyst is a complete breakdown of gasoline engine. At one point, it will stall right in the process of movement, or it wonโ€™t start at all.

It is especially dangerous for motor if the internal filling of a catalyst is destroyed. In this case, solid particles are formed that penetrate the cylinder and become clogged between the piston and the inner surface. Because of them, damage is formed on the mirror, and they can be removed only by grinding.



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How to check the catalyst for clogging without removing it?

Three most common methods to find out that a catalyst is clogged:


  1. Complete dismantling of working unit and its external inspection for signs of clogging. Removing the catalyst is sometimes problematic because it tightly sticks. In this case, the specialist uses a grinder. Also, some cars have such complicated designs of exhaust systems that it is generally impossible to remove catalyst or it takes several days.

  2. Measurement of pressure in exhaust system. To measure it, it is necessary to install the pressure gauge in place of the 1st oxygen sensor, and then take readings at different engine operating modes. The pressure is considered correct at level of 0.3 kgf / cmยฒ, at 2.5 thousand rpm. It is often difficult to remove sensors.

  3. Back pressure measurement with a special tester. A pressure sensor is mounted in a place of the spark plug in the engine cylinder, after which an oscillogram is analyzed at increased speeds.

The replacement or repair of the catalyst is definitely required in a situation where the pressure in exhaust system is more than 200 kPa (almost 2 kgf / cmยฒ).


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What is included in a repair of a catalyst?

Try to clean the contents of catalyst from particulate matter and carbon deposits. This method is effective only in early stages of pollution, when the car does not show any malfunctions.

Remove the filler from the housing, then install emulators and flame arresters to replace oxygen sensors. Having done this, you can forget about problems with the catalyst, but this is a serious intervention in design of the exhaust system. Fines are possible if representatives of law reveal increased atmospheric pollution using a special gas analyzer. In addition, catalyst removal interferes with error detection by sensors. As a result, they will always give the same readings.

Consider full replacement of the old catalyst with a new one. The right way is expensive enough, because purchase and installation of a new catalyst will cost from 100 to 1200 USD, based on the brand of car.

Car catalyst functions and significance

Car catalyst functions and significance

Car catalyst is designed to neutralize harmful car exhausts and is part of exhaust system.

A catalyst is an element of an engine exhaust system designed to clean exhaust gases before they are released into the atmosphere. The need to develop this automobile motor assembly arose in 60s of the last century, when the world community was concerned about the state of ecology on our planet. At that time, the level of emissions from automobile exhaust pipes was not established at legislative level. The first standards for content of toxic products in car emissions were introduced in 1970s. Auto producers were required to equip cars with devices that reduce volume of carbon monoxide and products of combustion of hydrocarbons. Since 1975, catalyst has become an indispensable part of all cars coming off the assembly line.

Manufacturers install three types of catalysts on cars:

  1. Ceramic item use a mechanical method of cleaning exhaust gases. It consist of ceramic plates coated with precious metals. Maximum resource of this type of work is 100 thousand kilometers. However, with poor fuel quality, its replacement is required after 70โ€“80 thousand kilometers.
  2. Metal catalyst has another construction. Its filling consists of metal honeycombs with increased elasticity. The design of such parts is reliable and more durable than ceramic catalysts.
  3. Sports catalyst is considered to be the most reliable model. But at the same time it has a high cost. Made of metal it has greater bandwidth than the two previous options.

What does catalyst consist of and how it works?

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Catalyst device has ceramic honeycombs in its basis. Structurally, catalytic converter is a ceramic substrate made in the form of honeycombs, inserted into a metal housing and protected by heat-insulating materials. Small cells of a catalyst have a special coating or working composition. The honeycomb composition is an alloy of platinum, rhodium and palladium, precious metals, the cost of which exceeds gold at least twice. The honeycomb structure of catalyst increases the contact area of โ€‹โ€‹toxic gases with neutralizing surface. Remains of harmful substances instantly burn out and do not enter in atmosphere.



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The catalyst consists of the following parts:

  • Housing with inlet and outlet nozzles;
  • Ceramic block with porous structure;
  • Catalytic layer, spraying on cells of a ceramic block;
  • Sensor (lambda sensor) is a device that shows the pollution of gases after cleaning;
  • Metal casing performs the function of thermal insulation and protects housing from mechanical damage.

Catalyst circuit is installed after the exhaust pipe of an engine or in exhaust manifold. This arrangement is necessary for effective operation of a catalyst, since neutralization of toxic substances is possible only at high temperatures. The operation of a node is as follows:

Exhaust gases are sent through the inlet to the inside and enter ceramic block, filling the cells. Catalyst metals oxidize unburned hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide. Reducing metal, rhodium, neutralizes nitric oxide and turns it into a harmless substance. Pure gas is discharged into atmosphere through the outlet pipe.

It is important! The decisive role in the process of neutralizing toxic substances is played by the temperature. Conversion is possible at temperatures from 300 degrees, but basically the working temperature of a catalyst is in a range from 400 to 800 degrees.

At the time of engine warm-up, catalyst is inactive, and this is a significant drawback of models developed to date. Difficulty in organizing correct operation of the unit is danger of its overheating. If you place catalyst closer to an engine, service life will decrease dramatically due to systematic overheating. Most car manufacturers place the part in an area of a right front wheel, where it is possible to maintain the temperature at optimum level.

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Why buy?

Catalyst is one of the parts that continues to raise interest of consumers even at the end of a service life. There are more and more announcements about the purchase of automotive catalysts by numerous businessmen. The reason for this is the content of precious metals. Quantity of precious metals depends on a model and mass of the catalyst. Average indicators are as follows:

Silver – from 5.5 to 15 g;

Palladium – from 0.05 to 4.95 g;

Platinum – from 0.1 to 1 g.

Extraction of precious metals from old catalyst is a technologically complicated and disadvantageous process at home. This can only be done in large volumes using special equipment and reagents. In order to decide if the catalytic converter has to be removed and changed, pay attention to causes and symptoms of its failure.

  1. Working life

Catalyst is good for approximately 150 thousand kilometers. During operation time, the part gradually burns out, and the worse the fuel, the faster it happens. The fact is that artificial additives in bad gasoline contribute to increased heating of fuel, and catalyst cells melt and clog.

It is important! The failure is also facilitated by microdamage that occurs when driving on bumps, malfunctions of piston group and ignition. Accelerating the honeycomb contamination process is an aggressive riding style.

  1. Clogged honeycombs

A malfunction of a catalyst is detected by lambda sensor, and the error โ€œCHECK ENGINEโ€ pops up on a dashboard. At low efficiency of the catalyst due to clogging on the panel, error โ€œP0420โ€ may be displayed.

In addition, symptoms of component failure are:

  • rattle and vibration under the bottom of a car. If a clang is heard during acceleration or relocation, it means that parts inside the catalyst body have crumbled.
  • decreased engine dynamics. The car slowly accelerates. As if it was being held in the back. This suggests that the cells are partially clogged.
  • temporary lack of traction at high speeds.
  • difficulties with starting the engine. With a complete breakdown of a catalyst, the car stalls immediately after starting.
  • gray shade of exhaust with a pungent, suffocating odor is a sign, which indicates a significant destruction or melting of honeycombs.
  • increased fuel consumption. This symptom is ambiguous and may indicate other problems. For example, gas mileage increases if fuel injectors are clogged.

All these signs indicate that the catalyst is still working, but cells are partially melted and their throughput is reduced. If you continue to operate the car in this situation, the engine may stop starting.

It is important! Ceramic particles of destroyed catalyst can get into cylinders, damage their walls and completely disable the engine.

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How to check node status?

Each car owner can check the catalyst performance independently or by contacting a service center. There are 3 methods for verifying catalyst health:

  1. Visual inspection of the housing. Deformation of housing always indicates a partial or complete malfunction of a catalyst. In this case, it must be removed. On some models, inspection without opening the case cannot be carried out.
  2. Back pressure. The check can be carried out using a manometer and an adapter tube connected to it. The pressure gauge is put in place of lambda sensor and start the engine at 2.5-3 thousand turns for 15 seconds. On average, normal pressure values โ€‹โ€‹are 0.3 kg / cm2 and 0.35 kg / cm2 for modified engines. Indicators of 0.5 kg / cm2 and above indicate problems with the catalyst.
  3. Diagnostics by a motor tester. This diagnostic option is possible with special equipment. The device is connected instead of spark plugs and takes data during engine start.
  4. Car diagnostics. If you have special equipment, you can carry out diagnostics yourself.

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Why should you remove a catalyst?

The ideal solution for a catalyst failure is to replace it with a new one. However, not everyone can afford the purchase of a new, original part, the cost of which is about 500 USD. An alternative version of Chinese production will cost 100 USD. But such expenses are unacceptable for some car owners, so they decide to remove the catalyst completely and weld an empty flame arrester.

It is important! Experts recommend changing the catalyst to the original only once, on new cars. Subsequent investment in an expensive original catalyst is impractical, because the motor works worse and cells become clogged twice as fast. Some universal models are several times cheaper than branded items and at the same time work with the same efficiency.

Keep the catalyst. Don’t cut it off!

Keep the catalyst. Don't cut it off!

Nowadays in the vastness of network, you can find many tips where motorists offer their less experienced colleagues to cut off the catalyst on a car. Itโ€™s time to figure out why this element of design was so annoying for some drivers, and why in fact it should be left in its place.

The first and most important thing why unfortunate catalyst is so annoying for many motorists is its cost. And everything because the catalyst uses expensive platinum. That is why few people want to spend huge amounts on replacing catalyst.

As a result, many drivers simply decide to remove the part, and install a flame extinguisher on its place in the muffler. On the one hand, this move is cunning and even somewhat reasonable (a slight increase in power). If only because if nothing is done with problematic element immediately, then it will be worse. On the other hand, itโ€™s better not to do this at all.

Firstly, it is necessary to clarify a simple truth that a car without catalyst becomes much โ€œdirtierโ€. Of course, some kind of ecology doesnโ€™t concern most people. If so, then it is worth considering that without a catalyst the car will start to smell worse.

Secondly, installation of a substitute on lambda sensor violates correction of composition of air-fuel mixture. Incorrect operation of engine leads to increase in fuel consumption, a large amount of soot is formed in combustion chamber. This, in turn, is fraught with numerous negative consequences not only for the unit itself, but also for other nodes.

Thirdly, the removal of catalyst from exhaust system and installation of a substitute on some models lead to increased consumption of engine oil. And this, after all, is an additional expense in the long run. Thus, it is quite obvious that it is better to spend money on a new catalyst once than to deal with numerous problems after a while.

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One common consequence of catalyst removal is increased oil consumption. This phenomenon does not occur on all engines, but on the web you can find many stories of car owners who faced a similar problem. There are many speculations about reasons. The most realistic is reduction of back pressure in exhaust system. Catalyst creates a back pressure, due to which the oil scraper rings correctly do their job. But without a design on some cars, situation is changing.

Let us look the list of models on which there is an increased oil consumption after removal of a catalyst:

  • Entire line of Gamma engines from Kia / Hyundai. After removing the catalyst, oil consumption on a serviceable engine can reach 1.5 liters per 10,000 km. On the other hand, it is also dangerous to leave the catalyst, because until 2016 there was a problem with its destruction and ceramic dust getting inside the power unit. Someone is at risk, and someone prefers to add oil.
  • Volvo cars with the B6324S engine (3.2 liters). After removal of catalysts, car owners are faced with a consumption of engine oil of 1 liter per 1,000 km. At the same time, the piston group is in a normal state for its mileage.
  • Japanese engine 3MZFE suffers from a similar problem, which can be found on Toyota and Lexus mid-zero years. The consumption of engine oil after removal of catalyst also reaches 1 liter per 1,000 kilometers.

Catalyst removal procedure should be carefully monitored. Existence of dust in an exhaust system before its installation is inadmissible, otherwise solid particles can get into cylinders. It is recommended to install a flame arrester that is suitable for a specific engine. It will create a sufficient level of back pressure, which will ensure minimum consumption of engine oil after removal of the catalyst.

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Catalyst Removal: What Does It Give?

If catalyst is defective, then when it is removed, the car engine regains its original, factory parameters, it begins to โ€œbreatheโ€ more easily, resulting in reduced fuel consumption and increased power. In cases where the catalyst is removed in order to modernize the exhaust system, this procedure is usually supplemented by installation of a new exhaust pipe type silencer, which creates significantly less obstacles to exhaust gases than the catalyst. In combination with reflashing of a power unit (which is also performed), this leads to an increase in power of a power unit. It should be noted that this method of tuning is often called “amateur”, because when tuning the exhaust system performed by professionals (used, for example, to “refine” sports cars), a lot of calculations are made and a large number of parameters are involved. Professional tuning is done only by highly qualified specialists and costs considerable amounts.



The removal of catalyst is most often a necessary measure, but sometimes the catalyst is removed in order to finalize the exhaust system. A faulty catalyst creates a lot of unpleasant problems in the form of errors that light up on a panel, as well as a significant deterioration in dynamic readings of a car. The state of catalyst and correctness of its operation are monitored by the so-called lambda or oxygen sensor. The sensor monitors the consistency of exhaust, if the catalyst is not working, composition of exhaust changes, to which lambda immediately reacts and reports a corresponding error.

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Repair of catalytic converter is not possible, in case of failure, it is necessary to completely remove defective catalyst, and install a new one in its place. The catalyst is removed for a reason that the cost of a new one is quite high, so most often in the event of a malfunction, a flame arrester is installed in its place.

Removal of catalyst cannot but be invisible; many describe it in different ways. Some say that it felt like there was a trailer or an anchor from which they got rid. Others say that the car had a second wind, but they all have one thing in common : significant improvement in dynamic performance. The removal of catalyst is an extreme measure, which is undesirable if the engine works as it should. In addition, if financial ability allows you to perform a full replacement of catalyst with a new one, then it is better to do just that, in which case you will not have to interfere with exhaust system, as well as brains of your car. It will not require any tricks and other “lotions”, which can not be avoided when removing the catalyst.

Best Catalytic Converter Parts

catalytic converter


A catalytic converter is an essential part of your car’s exhaust system. It has the unique task of taking dangerous pollutants, such as carbon monoxide, and chemically changing them to something less dangerous like carbon dioxide. Many people want to know how catalytic converters work. They have catalysts that react with these compounds before they are released into the environment, and they are required for passing inspection.

What Are Catalytic Converters?
Exactly what are catalytic converters? These are part of the car’s exhaust system, and they are responsible for converting harmful compounds into less harmful ones. A few of these compounds include carbon monoxide, nitrogen gas, nitrogen oxides, and hydrocarbons. The catalytic converter will make them less harmful while also reducing overall emissions.

The first catalytic converters were produced in 1975 when the government demanded regulations on exhaust. This was considered the best way to meet regulations without reducing the performance or power of the vehicle. You may notice that these parts are more expensive than most, and there’s a good reason for that. They often use gold, platinum, and palladium.

The interior uses a honeycomb pattern to slow down the exhaust. This ensures that the catalysts have time to completely convert exhaust before it’s released.

How Catalytic Converters Work
Here’s some additional information aboutย how catalytic converters work. They are responsible for breaking down harmful compounds into less harmful ones, such as nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water. This is done through a chemical process that rapidly breaks down the compounds before they leave your vehicle.

Catalytic converters have catalysts that are capable of breaking down the compounds. The harmful compounds would naturally break down on their own, but the natural process takes far too long. Catalysts make the process much faster and break down the compounds in seconds. The majority of modern cars have a three-stage converter.

Stage one and two involve both reduction and oxidation catalysts. The reduction catalyst usually comes from radium and platinum while the oxidation one is from palladium and platinum. As you can see, platinum is used in many areas with catalytic converters. These break down the harmful compounds as they pass through.

The final stage includes the engine. The engine has an oxygen sensor, and it senses how much oxygen is in the exhaust system. Fuel injection depends on this process as the engine might either increase or decrease how much fuel is injected into the gas chambers. For example, if the oxygen is currently low and the catalytic converter needs more time, then less fuel will be injected until the oxygen levels are higher. This balances the overall pollutants emitted from the exhaust system.

There is also a two-stage catalytic converter that works a little differently. The first stage specifically reduces nitrogen oxide while the second stage reduces carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons.

How to Know If Your Catalytic Converter Needs a Replacement
So how do you know when it is time for aย catalytic converter replacement? In most cars and trucks, the Check Engine Light should appear with a code to notify you if your catalytic converter’s efficiency is measuring below standard. Even so, it is always wise to be closely attuned to the performance of your vehicle so that you notice indications of a problem early on. Common signs of issues might include a sudden drop in fuel efficiency, difficulty starting the engine, black smoke coming from the exhaust pipe or a sluggish feeling when driving. At AutoZone, we offer a variety of catalytic converter replacements that are easily accessible in-store or with free one day delivery. Driving with a bad catalytic converter for too long may eventually lead to an engine shutdown, so never delay in replacing it.

Things to Consider When Buying Catalytic Converters
There are several things to consider when buying catalytic converters. Since these parts are essential for meeting government regulations, they have high standards and warranties to uphold. A converter must have a warranty of at least 80,000 miles or eight years of use. Not only that, but the government prohibits the sale of catalytic converters that haven’t been tested and proven to adequately reduce emissions.

Like most other parts, catalytic converters come in different grades. For example, there are both standard and performance models. While choosing a performance model might sometimes be beneficial, it’s best in this case to match your car’s specific needs. If you have a high-performance vehicle, then get a matching converter. If you have a standard vehicle, then get a standard converter.

You should look for a catalytic converter with a direct-fit piece. This makes it much easier to install the converter yourself. You’ll also want to ensure that the piece meets state laws for emissions.

Autozone Catalytic Converters
It is important to be aware that catalytic converter troubles could be symptomatic of other complications within the vehicle. Converters are susceptible to overheating if engine misfiring causes unburned fuel to enter the exhaust system. Coolant or oil entering the engine’s combustion chamber can also clog or degrade the catalytic converter. Hence, you may want to investigate whether the failure is due to age or something more. Whether you are a DIY car guru and want to tackle catalytic converter replacement on your own or would simply prefer to have a mechanic install the part, AutoZone’s gets your replacement to you in no time and offers some of the lowest prices on catalytic converters that you can find anywhere. No matter where your car repair journey takes you, AutoZone has got you covered when it comes to providing affordable parts.

Catalytic converter core

catalytic converter

Modern motorists have an excellent opportunity to get rid of a faulty catalytic converter when and where they want to do it. Usually there are plenty of car service stations which are ready to give some information on purchasing old catalysts. Specialized companies always buy used catalytic converters in any quantity and offer good deals, both to individuals and large suppliers.

Now you can sell catalytic converters, the price for the device will be high, and the operating conditions are usually transparent. The purchase of catalytic converters is equal for both from foreign and domestic manufacturers in any condition. You can calculate the cost of a scrap catalytic converter using a special calculator or simply by calling consultants. It is not only a profitable but also a satisfying process, due to your will to recycle the old item.

Catalytic converter core buyers

In which cases should the catalytic converter be sold

Is it really necessary to consider mileage and driving conditions? Should everyone follow a producer’s manual? Which signs can help to understand the vehicle problem? These questions and many others are usually concentrated in heads of modern drivers, thinking of their car maintenance cost.

A catalytic converter malfunction is indicated by the power unit decreasing in its work. It is easy to perceive because of some distinctive features. This occurs when the honeycomb structure melts or becomes clogged with soot and exhaust gases are difficult to escape. An additional booming or rattling sound indicates the destruction of the car’s ceramic of a catalytic converter. Excessive smoke with an unpleasant smell comes out of the exhaust pipe in case of a failure.

Processing is a basic need for individuals who need to discard or improve the working of their exhaust systems. The best spot for this is to find scrap vendors. They are the best companies to sell or reuse your catalytic converter. It is always better to collect more information on prices and possibilities to recycle a catalytic converter.

recycle a catalytic converter


How to independently determine the price of a catalytic converter

Talking about the causes which affect the price of a catalytic converter, it is better to mention general ones. Sales market is one of the biggest influencers. Better catalytic converters are provided for the European car market, and if you need to sell a car catalyst, originally intended for third world countries, then they will not give a high price for it.

The quality of the catalytic converter will also depend on the class of vehicle it is installed on. High mileage and long-term operation negatively affect catalysts, and therefore are not very optimistic about its value. As you know, the catalytic converter has the property of “emptying”, and therefore a sporty driving style will make it cheaper. If certain additives are present in gasoline or other fuels, then over time the precious metals will be washed out.price of a catalytic converter

Usually the composition of a car catalytic converter initially contained Pt, Pd and Rh. With time and modernization, the contents can change, but the idea and process of purification remains the same. One ton of ceramic catalytic converters contains about one thousand and five hundred ppm of Pt, almost one thousand ppm of Pd, and about three hundred ppm of Rh.

Diesel catalytic converters or premium cars

Diesel catalytic converters or premium cars contain Pt and Rh. Although their metal contents are about 2.5-3.5 thousand ppm. In general, the acceptance of catalytic converters with similar content is about seventy percent. The cost of such parts of the exhaust system on average varies between sixty to seventy five USD per 1 kg. This type of a catalyst can be attributed to an endangered species, and according to some sources, the average price for it is up to eighty USD per 1 kg. Considering these simple figures one can understand the price of the scrap item. Calculate it by yourself and discover benefits from selling. Profit from a great deal with one of your local recycling stations.local recycling stations


Myths about scrap catalytic converter prices

Let us look at several myths about scrap catalytic converter prices and how to decide what is right and what is wrong. The first one is that diesel is always more expensive than gasoline catalytic converters. When evaluating a catalytic converter, do not rely on the type of engine.

In modern diesel cars, a particulate filter is used and catalysts are installed on all power units, both gasoline or diesel. It is better to pay attention to the year of manufacture and the class of the car. Second myth is that old catalytic converters are more expensive than new ones. It is new items that contain more precious metals.

And the last, but not the least is that European catalytic converters are more expensive than others. This is also a wrong judgment, because the highest price for buying catalysts will be not only for a high-quality European catalytic converter, but also for their Japanese counterparts.

Protect your car and drive safely

It is common that all catalytic converters have sequential numbers, and this is something that can be utilized to decide the purchasing cost. Experienced organizations will request the sequential number of your item before providing the cost estimate tag.

Protect your car and drive safely to earn on scrap catalytic converters! The sum you get will be of great help when it comes to repairing the catalyst. More and more companies offer recycling of old catalytic converters and looking around attentively, you can find your best partner.

Catalytic converter catalog of Convert unlimited


Modern motorists have an excellent opportunity to get rid of a faulty catalytic converter when and where they want to do it. Usually there are plenty of car service stations which are ready to give some information on purchasing old catalysts. Specialized companies always buy used catalytic converters in any quantity and offer good deals, both to individuals and large suppliers.

Now you can sell catalytic converters, the price for the device will be high, and the operating conditions are usually transparent. The purchase of catalytic converters is equal for both from foreign and domestic manufacturers in any condition. You can calculate the cost of a scrap catalytic converter using a special calculator or simply by calling consultants. It is not only a profitable but also a satisfying process, due to your will to recycle the old item.

Catalytic converter core buyers

In which cases should the catalytic converter be sold

Is it really necessary to consider mileage and driving conditions? Should everyone follow a producer’s manual? Which signs can help to understand the vehicle problem? These questions and many others are usually concentrated in heads of modern drivers, thinking of their car maintenance cost.

A catalytic converter malfunction is indicated by the power unit decreasing in its work. It is easy to perceive because of some distinctive features. This occurs when the honeycomb structure melts or becomes clogged with soot and exhaust gases are difficult to escape. An additional booming or rattling sound indicates the destruction of the car’s ceramic of a catalytic converter. Excessive smoke with an unpleasant smell comes out of the exhaust pipe in case of a failure.

Processing is a basic need for individuals who need to discard or improve the working of their exhaust systems. The best spot for this is to find scrap vendors. They are the best companies to sell or reuse your catalytic converter. It is always better to collect more information on prices and possibilities to recycle a catalytic converter.

recycle a catalytic converter


How to independently determine the price of a catalytic converter

Talking about the causes which affect the price of a catalytic converter, it is better to mention general ones. Sales market is one of the biggest influencers. Better catalytic converters are provided for the European car market, and if you need to sell a car catalyst, originally intended for third world countries, then they will not give a high price for it.

The quality of the catalytic converter will also depend on the class of vehicle it is installed on. High mileage and long-term operation negatively affect catalysts, and therefore are not very optimistic about its value. As you know, the catalytic converter has the property of “emptying”, and therefore a sporty driving style will make it cheaper. If certain additives are present in gasoline or other fuels, then over time the precious metals will be washed out.price of a catalytic converter

Usually the composition of a car catalytic converter initially contained Pt, Pd and Rh. With time and modernization, the contents can change, but the idea and process of purification remains the same. One ton of ceramic catalytic converters contains about one thousand and five hundred ppm of Pt, almost one thousand ppm of Pd, and about three hundred ppm of Rh.

Diesel catalytic converters or premium cars

Diesel catalytic converters or premium cars contain Pt and Rh. Although their metal contents are about 2.5-3.5 thousand ppm. In general, the acceptance of catalytic converters with similar content is about seventy percent. The cost of such parts of the exhaust system on average varies between sixty to seventy five USD per 1 kg. This type of a catalyst can be attributed to an endangered species, and according to some sources, the average price for it is up to eighty USD per 1 kg. Considering these simple figures one can understand the price of the scrap item. Calculate it by yourself and discover benefits from selling. Profit from a great deal with one of your local recycling stations.local recycling stations


Myths about scrap catalytic converter prices

Let us look at several myths about scrap catalytic converter prices and how to decide what is right and what is wrong. The first one is that diesel is always more expensive than gasoline catalytic converters. When evaluating a catalytic converter, do not rely on the type of engine.

In modern diesel cars, a particulate filter is used and catalysts are installed on all power units, both gasoline or diesel. It is better to pay attention to the year of manufacture and the class of the car. Second myth is that old catalytic converters are more expensive than new ones. It is new items that contain more precious metals.

And the last, but not the least is that European catalytic converters are more expensive than others. This is also a wrong judgment, because the highest price for buying catalysts will be not only for a high-quality European catalytic converter, but also for their Japanese counterparts.

Protect your car and drive safely

It is common that all catalytic converters have sequential numbers, and this is something that can be utilized to decide the purchasing cost. Experienced organizations will request the sequential number of your item before providing the cost estimate tag.

Protect your car and drive safely to earn on scrap catalytic converters! The sum you get will be of great help when it comes to repairing the catalyst. More and more companies offer recycling of old catalytic converters and looking around attentively, you can find your best partner.

Catalytic converter core buyers near me

Catalytic converter core buyers near me

Modern motorists have an excellent opportunity to get rid of a faulty catalytic converter when and where they want to do it. Usually there are plenty of car service stations which are ready to give some information on purchasing old catalysts. Specialized companies always buy used catalytic converters in any quantity and offer good deals, both to individuals and large suppliers.

Now you can sell catalytic converters, the price for the device will be high, and the operating conditions are usually transparent. The purchase of catalytic converters is equal for both from foreign and domestic manufacturers in any condition. You can calculate the cost of a scrap catalytic converter using a special calculator or simply by calling consultants. It is not only a profitable but also a satisfying process, due to your will to recycle the old item.

Catalytic converter core buyers

In which cases should the catalytic converter be sold

Is it really necessary to consider mileage and driving conditions? Should everyone follow a producer’s manual? Which signs can help to understand the vehicle problem? These questions and many others are usually concentrated in heads of modern drivers, thinking of their car maintenance cost.

A catalytic converter malfunction is indicated by the power unit decreasing in its work. It is easy to perceive because of some distinctive features. This occurs when the honeycomb structure melts or becomes clogged with soot and exhaust gases are difficult to escape. An additional booming or rattling sound indicates the destruction of the car’s ceramic of a catalytic converter. Excessive smoke with an unpleasant smell comes out of the exhaust pipe in case of a failure.

Processing is a basic need for individuals who need to discard or improve the working of their exhaust systems. The best spot for this is to find scrap vendors. They are the best companies to sell or reuse your catalytic converter. It is always better to collect more information on prices and possibilities to recycle a catalytic converter.

recycle a catalytic converter


How to independently determine the price of a catalytic converter

Talking about the causes which affect the price of a catalytic converter, it is better to mention general ones. Sales market is one of the biggest influencers. Better catalytic converters are provided for the European car market, and if you need to sell a car catalyst, originally intended for third world countries, then they will not give a high price for it.

The quality of the catalytic converter will also depend on the class of vehicle it is installed on. High mileage and long-term operation negatively affect catalysts, and therefore are not very optimistic about its value. As you know, the catalytic converter has the property of “emptying”, and therefore a sporty driving style will make it cheaper. If certain additives are present in gasoline or other fuels, then over time the precious metals will be washed out.price of a catalytic converter

Usually the composition of a car catalytic converter initially contained Pt, Pd and Rh. With time and modernization, the contents can change, but the idea and process of purification remains the same. One ton of ceramic catalytic converters contains about one thousand and five hundred ppm of Pt, almost one thousand ppm of Pd, and about three hundred ppm of Rh.

Diesel catalytic converters or premium cars

Diesel catalytic converters or premium cars contain Pt and Rh. Although their metal contents are about 2.5-3.5 thousand ppm. In general, the acceptance of catalytic converters with similar content is about seventy percent. The cost of such parts of the exhaust system on average varies between sixty to seventy five USD per 1 kg. This type of a catalyst can be attributed to an endangered species, and according to some sources, the average price for it is up to eighty USD per 1 kg. Considering these simple figures one can understand the price of the scrap item. Calculate it by yourself and discover benefits from selling. Profit from a great deal with one of your local recycling stations.local recycling stations


Myths about scrap catalytic converter prices

Let us look at several myths about scrap catalytic converter prices and how to decide what is right and what is wrong. The first one is that diesel is always more expensive than gasoline catalytic converters. When evaluating a catalytic converter, do not rely on the type of engine.

In modern diesel cars, a particulate filter is used and catalysts are installed on all power units, both gasoline or diesel. It is better to pay attention to the year of manufacture and the class of the car. Second myth is that old catalytic converters are more expensive than new ones. It is new items that contain more precious metals.

And the last, but not the least is that European catalytic converters are more expensive than others. This is also a wrong judgment, because the highest price for buying catalysts will be not only for a high-quality European catalytic converter, but also for their Japanese counterparts.

Protect your car and drive safely

It is common that all catalytic converters have sequential numbers, and this is something that can be utilized to decide the purchasing cost. Experienced organizations will request the sequential number of your item before providing the cost estimate tag.

Protect your car and drive safely to earn on scrap catalytic converters! The sum you get will be of great help when it comes to repairing the catalyst. More and more companies offer recycling of old catalytic converters and looking around attentively, you can find your best partner.

Catalytic converter stolen. Can I drive?

Catalytic converter is stolen. Can I drive?

The skyrocketing price of palladium, fueled by increased market demand for this precious metal, has turned into a wave of Catalytic converter stolen.According to the latest statistics, over the past six months, palladium prices have increased by more than 50%.

As a result, this metal, which is actively used by automakers in a catalytic converter, designed to reduce harmful engine emissions, for the first time since 2002 has become more expensive than gold. This fact provoked the theft of catalysts.

Removing a catalytic converter

Removing a catalytic converter from the car is not too difficult. It takes several minutes, and video instructions can be found on the Internet.Thieves operate in groups: at night they drive up to the chosen vehicle, saw off the catalytic converter with a piston saw, and then drive on. It is difficult to find robbers, as they hand over the stolen catalysts for scrap at pick-up points that do not require identification.

Experts attribute the growth in demand for palladium to new tightening of environmental requirements for cars, which caused the so-called “diesel gate”. According to the forecasts of the world’s largest palladium producer, the metal deficit in the market will persist until 2025. This year it will reach 1.4 million ounces.One of the frequent catalytic converter victims is a Toyota Prius from 2009 to 2016.

catalytic converter victims

For owners of hybrids, the theft of a catalyst has become a headache.ย  the general insurance of the car increases in price, and the part is expensive if you pay for the repair yourself. But in case if it happened to your catalytic converter and you have doubts about possible consequences, it is better to get more information.

There are certain disadvantages in driving without a catalyst, these include increased emission of harmful gases, non-compliance with environmental standards, smell of gases inside the car, increased noise, likelihood of burnout of the exhaust system.

What can happen if you drive without a catalytic converter?

There will be more caustic smoke, noise, environmental damage. Many argue that driving without a catalytic converter will not lead to anything. This is an erroneous opinion, because our exhaust system service already has dozens of cars with burned-out exhaust systems due to the lack of a catalytic converter.

The burnt exhaust system is the first and most frequent thing that happens when driving without a catalytic converter. No matter how expensive your car is, all stock exhaust systems are made from the same steel, and they are not good at all. You can drive without a catalytic converter if you have an engine up to 50 HP. It may not burn out, but are there still such cars. If you drive without a catalyst, then you will have to change the exhaust in a year or a year and a half, and this is completely different money, even in comparison with installing the original catalytic converter.

Traffic fumes without a catalyst

Traffic fumes without a catalyst will be very caustic. People in a car can be easily poisoned if you stand in a traffic jam and open a window with a favorable wind. Catalytic converter thereby deactivates the most dangerous components and chemical compounds in gases, so that you can drive safely. A backward wave of gases will not get into the engine of your car.

Sound of the exhaust system will change, it will become more severe and loud. The presence of a catalytic converter can soften the sound. But its main function is to extinguish high temperatures,ย  the only wayย  is to install additional mufflers, if you are going to drive without a catalytic converter. you can put a resonator instead of a catalytic converter and the sound will become much brighter!resonator

Can I drive without a catalytic converter?

Yes, you can drive without a catalytic converter, but you need to approach everything with your head. If you do not want your car to be repaired, you need to remove the catalytic converter.

It is normal also for a thief to pay special attention when selling a catalytic converter. Their scope is to sell them at the highest cost. This is important also for a car owner, when you need to change a catalytic converter. Search for a recycling company that will purchase your catalytic converter at a best cost. A spot is the best in the event that you need to sell it.

scrap catalytic converter prices

catalytic converter prices

A catalytic converter is one of the main elements of the exhaust system, performing the function of reducing the emission of harmful substances and exhaust gases into the atmosphere. It is usually installed on both gasoline and diesel power plants in close proximity to the exhaust manifold or muffler.The catalyst is subject to mandatory disposal, which is a complicated process that requires special equipment. The catalytic converter price has been carried out almost everywhere.special equipment

The cost of every used car catalytic converter depends on:

  • Type of device (metal or ceramic);
  • Countries of origin (Germany, France, USA, Japan or China, RF);
  • Car model, engine size, year of manufacture, country of assembly or where it was exported;
  • From size: cut from the body, whole or broken, shredded;
  • On the purity, degree of contamination of the delivered mass: with asbestos, cotton wool or without;
  • From exchange quotations of prices for metals Pt, Pd, Rh and from exchange rates;
  • Weights, there are catalytic converters which weight is only 100 grams;
  • Duration of operation and its intensity, up to 150 tons of 1/3 of the original;
  • On the quality and type of fuel. For example, on gas for 2 years and as a result it is almost empty.
  • The price of the first catalytic converter is higher than all subsequent ones, even if they are in the same housing, with the exception of Subaru, on the contrary, the latter is more expensive.used car catalytic converter

Auto producers are creating more and more sophisticated vehicles to comply with environmental laws. A catalytic converter is a gadget of a vehicle, pointed toward lessening harmful emissions into the environment by diminishing NO and afterburning CO. Most of all precious metals are contained in a ceramic catalytic converter from German cars, such as Opel, BMW, Mercedes, Audi, Volkswagen. The cost for catalytic converters will be approximately one hundred and twenty percent of the average indicated, but it should be taken into account that the catalytic converter from cars released after 2000 will differ significantly in price from the car manufactured before 1997. It should also be taken into account that there is a catalytic converter with a predominance of platinum and a predominance of palladium.

Next in the price range are car catalytic converters from Japanese cars like Nissan, Toyota, Mazda, Honda. Their cost ranges from seventy five one hundred and ten percent, followed by the cars of French automakers, the cost of their catalytic converter is seventy to ninety five percent of the nominal. Then, according to the cost there are American cars with sixty to ninety percent, “Koreans” – sixty-eighty five %. The cheapest used car catalytic converters are from Russian-made cars, unless, of course, this is an export option.

 cost of a metallic catalytic converter

The cost of a metallic catalytic converter is much lower than that of ceramic (almost 2.5 times). Although new metal catalytic converters themselves are more expensive than ceramic ones, there are much less precious metals. It is also taken into account that the processing of such a catalytic converter is a more laborious and costly process. Since it is sometimes impossible to visually determine the conditions of a catalytic converter and it’s size, if it is also broken, it is better to use spectral and chemical analysis.

If a used catalytic converter is sold in a tank, then the price can be determined by the corresponding marking on the body. Sometimes evaluation is made by photographs or by phone, but this service is offered exclusively to regular customers.

The final cost of the used automobile catalytic converter is calculated after spectral and chemical analyzes, only this way makes it possible to determine the exact content of precious metals in the catalytic converter.

The high cost of used catalytic converters is explained by the fact that precious and rare metals of the palladium and platinum groups are used for their production. If you need to replace the catalytic converter on a car, do not throw away the old one, sell the used catalytic converter to get a payment. This will save money before purchasing the new device and it will cost you less. Plus, you show that you care about the environment.

high cost of used catalytic converters

Common malfunctions of a catalytic converter can occur due to exposure to high temperatures over 1000 degrees and chemical reactions. As a result, the part can burn out or melt. The second most popular reason is low-quality fuel, which cannot burn completely. It burns out in the collector or the unit itself, clogging cells and making it difficult for air to pass. A similar situation can happen with high oil consumption in the engine, which can also actively contaminate filters.

The presence of problems in the operation of a car catalytic converter can be determined even just looking at it. If the body of the part is deformed, there is a high chance that it is damaged. At the same time, it will not be possible to inspect the device from the outside for clogging with dirt and combustion products. You will need to remove the clogged catalytic converter.

If there is an initial stage of wear, without damage or contamination of cells and the catalytic converter is not deformed or melted, it can be sold to a specialized company getting a good profit.

Basic price is the following: ceramics – up to 600 EUR/kg, particulate filter (PDF) – up to 300 EUR/kg, metallic foil – up to 70 EUR/kg.

catalytic converter engine

Can catalytic converter damage engine

catalytic converter engine is part of the exhaust system and is located in the immediate vicinity of a vehicle’s exhaust manifold. Catalyst enters into that incandescent exhaust manifold, and after that, significantly slowed down, cooled and cleaned of harmful substances, it appears in a resonator and in a muffler.The principle of operation of a catalyst is based on chemical reactions that neutralize harmful emissions of nitrogen oxide, carbon, and all kinds of hydrocarbon groups.

main element of a catalyst

The main element of a catalyst is made in a form of a massive ceramic or metal block with small honeycombs, on walls of which precious metals are applied: an alloy of iridium and platinum, as well as rhodium and palladium. When touching chemically active surfaces, harmful compounds are burned and removed from the exhaust pipe in the form of harmless N2 and CO2.Platinum and palladium act as oxidants in a catalyst and greatly accelerate the combustion of hydrocarbons. The active element is placed in a metal casing and provided with a layer of thermal insulation.

Catalyst not only traps and neutralizes harmful compounds but also directly affects the operation of an engine. Signals from sensors located at the input and output of a catalyst are constantly read by the “brains” of a car and help to optimize working mixture in the best way. It is better to know in advance all possible reasons for a malfunction to avoid engine and vehicle damage.

catalytic converter damage

Catalyst malfunction symptoms

The service life of an expensive catalyst is usually about the same as the service life of the entire car, but it often breaks down much faster than it should be and can pull the engine with it. It is important to remember that a catalyst does not fail for no reason. Its breakdown is a sign of improper operation of the ignition system, incomplete combustion of a mixture in cylinders, severe engine wear, or prolonged use of low-quality fuel.

You can understand that your catalyst is being scrapped by several characteristic symptoms:

– the decrease in motor performance;

The most common symptom of a catalyst failure is a severe decrease in engine power. The car starts to lose momentum and accelerates poorly. Engine runs unstable, overheats, and stops. This happens when the throughput of a catalyst is greatly reduced: the honeycomb is destroyed, melted and sintered, clogging the hole and interfering with the free passage of exhaust gases.

At the initial stage of such catalyst malfunction, the car will accelerate to a relatively low speed, the engine starts hard, and then “suffocate” and stall. Fuel efficiency also deteriorates markedly. Also, during a cold start, a strong unpleasant odor appears.

– rumble under the bottom;

A loud rumble under the underside of a car indicates that the active element of a catalyst has begun to deteriorate and fall apart. Ceramic catalyst fragments affected by exhaust gas flow randomly beat against walls of a casing and create an unpleasant rumble. As a rule, this is most clearly manifested at increased engine speeds and during start-up.

– low pressure of exhaust gases from a muffler

If you bring your hand to an exhaust pipe, you can feel a pulsation. Exhaust valves of cylinders work alternately. If the exhaust flow is even and constant at idle, this is a sure sign of a clogged catalyst. If you increase the speed and then turn off the engine, exhaust gases will continue to build up pressure for a short time, gases accumulated in the clogged catalyst pipe come out.

– activation of Check Engine icon on a dashboard
Check Engine icon

The most common symptom of a catalyst failure is a system error that activates the engine trouble icon on a dashboard. If this symptom appears, you need to immediately read the error code with a diagnostic scanner and fix the problem. If car “brains” detects incorrect readings on oxygen sensors,

they immediately notify the driver of this, and at the same time put the engine control system into emergency mode. This is often accompanied by a deterioration in dynamics and increased fuel consumption. Computer diagnostics in this case often detects errors P0420 (low catalyst throughput) or P0430.

Causes and consequences of catalyst failure

Causes and consequences of catalyst failure for the engine

Failure of a catalyst does not occur suddenly and without reason. With the correct operation of all other systems, it faithfully serves for many years until the moment the vehicle is scrappe (and often survives it). If the catalyst breaks down on your car, melts, or crumbles, you will almost certainly have to diagnose and repair the ignition or power system.

As a rule, the catalyst is damage precisely due to the incorrect operation of these two systems. With a faulty ignition system, fuel in one or more cylinders does not burn out completely but enters the exhaust system. The second catalyst is force to burn off increase volumes of hydrocarbons,ย  which leads to their sintering. Spark plugs, coils, or high-voltage wires can cause major trouble.

A malfunction of injectors, which begin to pour fuel, leads to similar breakdowns. Worn or stuck oil scraper rings of cylinder-piston group or failure of oil scraper seals lead to the same result, only engine oil burns out in a catalyst.

Another common cause of catalyst failure is severe mechanical damage leading to the deformation of the housing. It is important to remember that thin-walled combs can easily crumble even with minor physical exertion. Leaving off-road, it will be useful to attend to the installation of additional protection for underbody as well as your car catalyst.


Failure to repair the catalyst

Failure to repair the catalyst is dangerous because small particles of ceramics can get through the exhaust tract straight into the engine cylinders. Once there, they instantly scratch the cylinder walls and completely disable the engine. Suffering from ceramic debris and turbine (if any).

Additional heating of the exhaust tract leads to deformations of the cylinder head and greatly reduces the resource of a power unit.To avoid critical breakdown, do not bring your car to a deplorable state and fix the catalyst malfunction in time. Fortunately, it is quite possible to do this even on your own.

What does catalytic converter do?


Platinum, rhodium, palladium and even gold can act as a perfect catalyst in the catalytic converter. Without them, the process would have been impossible.The entire filling of the catalytic converter looks like a layer of precious metals deposited on ceramic honeycomb. And the catalytic converter is not only a unit, but also a housing, and lambda sensors, and a heat insulator casing.It is the ceramic block that is the catalytic converter of the reaction, and not the entire item assembly that is “dusting” into the cylinders, so they usually talk about removing the catalytic converter, sometimes replacing it with other parts.

The first catalytic converter was install in 1975. But there were no big problems from them then, and until recently no one could have thought that the catalytic converter could cause scuffing and oil scrapes. The catalytic converter was located far from the cylinder block, in the exhaust system somewhere under the bottom of the car. Yes, the catalytic converter can die there too: clog up and fall apart. And this is very important for all car owners, not only unique vehicle fans.


The suffering is insignificant: the car pulls worse, but the motor remains intact. The error of the lambda sensors that do not understand what is happening with the amount of oxygen can also be annoying. The solution to the problem is elementary, a catalytic converter is change.

The situation become much worse when a catalytic converter was place close to the unit. In case of destruction of the base, ceramic dust begin to enter the cylinders. There are still people who are convince that dust from the exhaust can not get into the intake. At the time of valve overlap, when the piston approaches the top dead center, when the intake valve is already open, and the exhaust valve is not closed yet.

catalyst needs to be replaced

When the catalyst needs to be replaced

Engineers under the guarantee are partly to blame for the disbelief in the possibility of ceramic dust entering cylinders. They at one time convinced the victims of a catalytic converter that the destruction of this wonderful element could not happen. Although, at the same time, the guarantee for the catalytic converter was only a thousand kilometers, and it was proposed to change the killed engine at your own expense. Ceramic dust can get into the cylinders.

Pay attention to this essential vehicle part, because there is nothing to do when the catalytic converter has to be changed. Cleaning the catalytic converter will help to prolong the life of your car and motor itself without much time and efforts.

Catalytic converter failure

ย A ceramic catalytic converter will eventually fail on any vehicle. But the danger is primarily those that stand on the exhaust manifold at a distance of 15-20 cm from the cylinder head. In addition, there are motors, where the catalytic converter was installed in the exhaust manifold, built directly into the cylinder head. Over time, there are more and more motors with collectors and the problem is more and more widespread.

Catalytic converter failure: causes and consequences

The catalytic converter turns out to be really clogg to a brick state. It is remove, ideally with a firmware correction. And the car starts to go. And after a while, its owner returns with a complaint about the oil consumption that has appeared. In most cases, the reason is very simple: the ceramic chips have already got into the engine and have done their dirty work.

The driver of the car must control the catalytic converter by himself if it is possible, as the engine power depends on it. A dirty device will result in increased fuel consumption and reduced vehicle dynamics. At first symptoms, you need to check the catalytic converter, which can be even in the garage or in a car service. Importance of this device for a car is essential not only for nature, but for laws of different countries. Strict rules request many vehicle control services. Get everything is in time and without drastic methods to avoid problems in future.

Catalytic converter failure

The engine has to respond better to the gas pedal. And the oil consumption of a scuffed engine is very dependent on the crankshaft speed. So there is a feeling that the “oil grub” appeared just after the removal of the catalytic converter. Although almost always it was in this case before: the piston was already ruine by dust.

Catalytic converter removing

remove catalytic converter after it is already severely damage. It is worth checking cylinders with an endoscope. If there are bullies, active driving will only increase the already existing oil consumption. In addition, the present oil burner itself is capable of killing a normal catalytic converter. The oil mist with additives will clog it quickly enough due to an increase in pressure in the crankcase. In this case, the increase in oil consumption with the removal of the catalytic converter is very, very indirect. But there is a situation when the oil burner starts precisely because of the removal of the catalytic converter.

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