It is preferable to install a universal converters unlimited :

  • If the car is under 5 years old;
  • If you go through the inspection yourself;
  • If you don’t want to pollute the atmosphere;
  • If you are planning to travel abroad.

Limiting parameters of toxicity of exhaust gases are regulate by law in many countries by special organizations.

For example, in the United States, this issue is controlle by the Department of Environmental Protection, and California has its department for overseeing air resources (California Air Resources Board). In Japan, the Ministry of Transport deals with the purity of the exhaust, in Europe it is a special European Commission. As a rule, the degree of environmental concern directly depends on the economic and social level of the country’s development. Also, norms regulate by the law must be strictly implemente in practice.

That is why many converters unlimited inventions had been implemente into the car item, responsible for cleaning the exhaust gas converters unlimited is usually combine with an exhaust manifold.

Such an arrangement of a former affects its efficiency, but makes assembly more expensive and can lead to damage to a piston group.

Articles about catalytic converter in Egypt — Photo № 3 | AutoCatalyst Market

The lambda sensor, which determines the percentage of oxygen in the exhaust, and sends a signal to correct the mixture, appeared back in 1976. Then a sensor was adde behind the catalyst, which monitors the quality of gas cleaning.

Bosch started measuring oxygen content back in 1968, but the first lambda sensor did not appear until eight years later – on the Volvo 240/260 for the North American market. A little later, other manufacturers also realized that without feedback from the control unit, the converters unlimited cannot provide maximum efficiency.

Get rid of soot!

In the early 2000s, it was the turn of diesel engines. They, equippe with already familiar , converters unlimited began to be equippe with diesel particulate filters. The fact is that the temperature of exhaust gases in no-load modes is lower here than in gasoline engines. It is not enough for complete combustion of carbon, so particulate matter or soot is obtained, which can pass through theconverters unlimited .

The particulate filter is located in front of the converters unlimited. It also has platinum and the same honeycomb channels. Only the latter are staggered and are divided into inlet and outlet. And between them, there are partition converters unlimited filters that contain solid particles with nitrogen oxides. It seems to be the same filter, but with a fundamental difference. It does not accumulate solid particles. converters unlimited ilfter burns them out with the help of oxygen released from nitrogen oxides and an additional nozzle that supplies diesel fuel to the unit.

This complicated but small automotive part plays a huge role in cleaning the environment. Take care of your converters unlimited!

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