Some factors affect the cost and platinum contents:

1.converters unlimited price depends on which sales market a particular car was originally assembled for. Higher quality catalysts are supplied to European markets than to third world countries.

2. A higher class of a car guarantees better converters unlimited.

3. The longer service life of a car decreases precious metals.

4. Sports driving helps to “empty” converters unlimited more quickly.

5. Fuel. Certain fuel additives leach metals from converters unlimited.

6. There are converters unlimited with different compositions of precious metals:

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6.1. Pt, Pd + Rh – “classic” and the oldest type of converters unlimited. Average content per one ton of ceramics (ppm): Pt – 1470, Pd – 900, Rh – 270. Today, it is already an “endangered” species.

The average price for this category: 50-60 EUR / kg.

6.2. Pt + Rh – usual converters unlimited from diesel or premium cars.

These lack palladium, but platinum is in order of 2500-3500 ppm. The cost of this category of catalysts is 65-75 euro/kg.

6.3 Pd + Rh – Platinum is absent, but palladium is of an order of 3000-3500 ppm. Such catalysts make up about 70% of the total amount of modern converters unlimited.

Average price 45-55 euros / kg.

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From the above, we can conclude that it is impossible to determine the cost of a converters unlimited without analysis!

Experienced professionals know both manufacturers and even models, converters unlimited of which contain the greatest amount of precious metals. For example, diesel cars use platinum, gasoline cars use palladium. Hybrid vehicles have higher palladium content than conventional vehicles.

This is since hybrids do not have time to warm up converters unlimited to increase its efficiency, so more metal is required to absorb more harmful emissions.

Most car owners simply sell converters unlimited for precious metals, rather than selling them as spare parts. The mass of palladium contained in a “honeycomb” of one converters unlimited can reach 1.5-2 grams. Considering that some premium cars use paired catalysts, the income from one car can reach a good sum of money.

For example, one well-known German manufacturer contains platinum (0.12% by weight), palladium (0.08% by weight), and rhodium (0.008% by weight) in the composition of a catalyst weighing 1200 grams.

Articles about catalytic converter in Egypt — Photo № 5 | AutoCatalyst MarketThe problem is that this palladium from the alloy still needs to be isolated somehow. There are several ways and all of them are quite expensive and complicated, so there is absolutely no point in working with single instances.

At the moment, the largest automakers are trying to stock up on converters unlimited palladium for future use, since the price for it, according to all forecasts, will only grow. But this growth cannot be endless. It will last exactly as long as it is more profitable and more efficient to use another metal – platinum. Already, it is more than half the price of palladium.

You can contact our Buyers to sell a scrap converters unlimited.

Nevertheless, the very transition of converters unlimited from one metal to another is not possible in a short time, the restructuring of production can take several years and many billions of euros. That is why one of the most expensive items in the budget of many large automakers has become the search for replacements for palladium and platinum. Eco-friendliness of cars should be cheaper.

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