converters unlimited alone do not cost much if one thing is not taken into account. The design of this item costs no more than 150 USD for a best matrix and best metal.

But main price is precious spraying, which includes platinum, white gold and many other dredges, metals that are oxidized, evaporated and mixed with exhaust gases during heating, eventually converting them into harmless gases.

If not for this spraying, then any driver could afford to buy a new fresh converters unlimited. Unfortunately, the value of a brand and company that sells the product is still wound up on a production cost of a catalyst.

As a result, such spare parts are very expensive, which of course affects the demand for this product.


How to choose aconverters unlimited ? Should one buy expensive or cheap? You must always choose a converters unlimited for a car engine.

The more powerful the engine, the better the converters unlimited should stand, for example, if you have Solaris, Focus, Fabia, then converters unlimited can be supplied just good, from Magnaflow, Emitek, Bosal and other companies that have successfully established themselves in exhaust system market as companies producing high-quality and durable products for medium power motors. Their cost starts from 450 USD.

If your car is expensive, for example, X6 or Escallide, Q7, then the  converters unlimited must be installed well, again Magnaflow, Emitec will do, but it is better to install HJS, Vibrant, Fabspeed. The price depends entirely on what kind of engine you have and what kind of car you have.

The converters unlimited must always be installed in accordance with the engine. If you have an engine up to 3.0 liters, then Bosal, Magnaflow, Emitec, Walker, AWG, Mg-race are perfect. If your engines are more powerful, then you need to install have to be durable and with higher throughput, such as HJS, Vibrant, Fabspeed.

Let us talk more about the cost of used converters unlimited and for what reason it differs. Cost depends on the amount of precious metals in various converters unlimited types.

The cost of a used item is determined by the marking on housing. It also depends on indicators such as region of production, type of converter.

Depending on value of precious metals on cost may fluctuate. Usually recycling companies accept all types of converters unlimited, from any car brands, all types of industrial converters unlimited !

Articles about catalytic converter in Egypt — Photo № 2 | AutoCatalyst MarketThe average pricing for

ensive, which of course affects the demand for this product.

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